The Breed (12 page)

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Authors: EL Anders

Tags: #erotica, #incest, #breeding, #paranormal erotica, #evangeline anderson, #sci fi erotica, #impregnation, #brothersister, #erotica adult, #brothersister incest, #psuedoincest, #lactation erotica, #impregnation erotica, #incest erotica with a plot, #brothersister breeding

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“No,” he murmured, putting out a hand to me.
“Leave them on. We’re going to take it slow this time,

“Okay…” My heart was bumping noisily against
my ribs as I climbed back into the bed with him and straddled his

“That’s good,” Lukas murmured, rubbing his
big, warm hands over my bare arms and sides. “God, you’re
beautiful, Lexie. I want you so much, it hurts.”

“I…I want you too,” I admitted softly. “But
Lukas, I can’t help it. This…what we’re doing… still feels a little
to me.”

“I know,” he said gently. “We were raised as
siblings. Believe me, part of me still thinks of you as my sweet
little sister—the one I have to protect and cherish and care for.
The idea of hurting you…touching you the wrong way…molesting you…”
He shook his head. “That’s damn hard to put aside.”

It made me feel better to hear that he had
some of the same reservations I did. “So…this feels strange to you,
too?” I asked hesitantly as I settled into his lap.

We both moaned as my pussy lips came in
contact with the thick ridge of his cock and I was very aware that
only the lace of my panties and the thin fabric of his sleep pants
divided us now. I could feel his heat against me and my body cried
out for his, wanting to feel him inside me as well.

“It only feels strange mentally,” Lukas
assured me, gently cupping my breasts. “Physically, it feels
perfect. Perfectly right.”

“I know what you mean,” I murmured, pressing
against him. “It
feel good. Maybe if we both close our

“No.” Lukas frowned at me. “If we do this,
Lexie, it’s for life. Didn’t your friend tell you that?”

I remembered Synthia’s words about how there
was no separation or divorce on Breedlow. “Yes,” I said, nodding.
“She did.”

“We can’t live our whole lives pretending
we’re something we’re not,” Lukas told me. “We have to accept our
relationship—embrace it. Did you know that on Breedlow the term for
brother and lover is the same word—
And for little
sister and lover it’s the feminine form—

I let the word roll off
my tongue, tasting it, trying it out. “I like it but it’s kind of a
mouthful,” I told Lukas.

“Because neither of us is a native speaker of
the language.” For a moment he looked sad and I knew he was
thinking of the life we would have had if we hadn’t been stolen
away. The relationship that would have grown between us, untainted
by Earth taboos or our mother’s disgust.

“What should I call you, then?” I asked,
since the slippery Breedlow word seemed to be out.

“How about just big brother, like you did
when we were little?” he suggested. “And I’ll call you little

“Even…” I cleared my throat. “Even when we’re
having, uh, having sex? Breeding?” I could feel my cheeks heat as I
spoke but I made myself say the words anyway. If this was what we
were going to do, I needed to at least be able to talk about

“Especially then,” Lukas said softly. “I told
you, Lexie, we need to embrace what we are to each other. Accept
that we love each other as siblings as well as lovers.” He cupped
my cheek. “I love you, little sister,” he murmured, looking into my
eyes. “And I want to make love to you. Will you let me?”

“Oh, Lukas,” I whispered. “Yes, big brother.
I…I want that. I want you to…to breed me.”

Lukas’ black eyes were suddenly half-lidded
with lust. “There’s nothing I’d like better,” he murmured. “Come
here, little sister. Let me touch your pussy.”

Biting my lip, I inched closer, spreading my
legs even wider for him. It felt wrong and right at the same time
to let him push aside the lacy crotch of my blank panties and cup
my bare pussy. I tried to concentrate on the right part—the good
feeling it gave me to let my big brother spread my pussy lips open
and touch me and not the guilt that wanted to rise as we broke what
I knew was just a useless Earth taboo.

“It’s all right, Lexie,” Lukas murmured, his
long fingers stroking gently inside my inner folds. “It’s all right
to open yourself to me. All right to let your big brother slip his
fingers into your soft little cunt and fingerfuck you.”

“God, Lukas!” I moaned. Unable to help
myself, I shifted my hips, rubbing myself against his hand, riding
his fingers as he thrust gently but deeply into me.

“Your cycle is still at its peak,” Lukas
murmured, still stroking into my pussy. “You’re going to have pain
again soon if you don’t let me come inside you.” He looked at me,
his expression both tender and serious. “Can you do that, Lexie?
Can you let your big brother fuck you and fill your sweet pussy
with his cum?”

“Yes,” I whispered, barely able to get the
words out. “Yes, I…I think so. If we take it slowly.”

“Of course we can take it slow. I was too
rough with you last time.” Lukas’s black eyes filled with regret.
“I’m so sorry, Lexie. I was just so angry and I wanted you so

“Well this time I want you back,” I murmured,
bending to brush his lips lightly with my own. “So why don’t we try
it again—pretend it’s the first time?”

Lukas gave me a slow smile. “I like that
idea. Like it a lot.” Slowly, he withdrew his fingers and pushed
down the black silk sleep pants, letting his cock spring free.
“Come here, little sister. Come here and let me breed you.”

I got closer until I was straddling him, my
open pussy right above his thick shaft. I remembered how Lukas had
made me take it in my hand and put it in the night before. This
time I needed no prompting from him.

Carefully, I took his heated shaft in my
hand. It felt like a bar of hot iron encased in silk and for a
moment I marveled at its heft and weight. Then I went to put him in
me…and found my hand was shaking too much. God, was I really going
to do this? Was I really going to put my big brother’s cock in my
pussy of my own volition, without being forced? I wanted to—and my
body needed me to—but still my past and my years of conditioning to
believe that what we were doing was wrong rose up to stop me.

Lukas seemed to sense my inner conflict.
“It’s all right, Lexie,” he murmured, stroking my arms. “I’ll put
it in this time—if you want.”

I let out a breath I hadn’t known I’d been
holding. “I…I guess maybe that would be a good idea.”

“Slowly, then,” he murmured, brushing my
trembling fingers aside and taking himself in hand. “You have to
help me a little bit, though, little sister. Spread your pussy lips
wide for me—help guide me in.”

Reaching between my legs, I did as he said,
opening my swollen pussy lips with shaking fingers, giving him a
clear view of my inner cunt.

“Beautiful,” Lukas murmured as he stroked
just the tip of his cock over my slippery folds. “You have the
sweetest little pussy, Sis. God, I can’t wait to be inside

“You…you promised you’d take it slow,” I
reminded him breathlessly, unable to take my eyes away from the
place where we were almost joined.

“And I will,” Lukas promised. He moved his
shaft down, sliding the broad head over my clit and making me gasp.
He circled me there for awhile, teasing me until he finally started
sliding down again.

At last he came to rest, lodged just at the
entrance of my cunt. I tensed myself to take him, ready to feel
that thick shaft stretching my inner walls once more, but he didn’t

“Lukas?” I asked at last, looking at him
uncertainly. “Aren’t you going to…going to breed me?”

“Yes, I am, Lexie,” he murmured. “I just want
to be very clear before we start though—if I put myself inside
you…if I breed you even one more time, there’s no going back. We’ll
be bonded for life, do you understand?”

“Yes,” I said but he must have heard some
hesitation in my voice because he frowned.

“I’m not sure you do. Look down, Lexie—look
between your legs.”

I did so obediently, uncertain of where he
was going with this.

“That’s your big brother’s cock,” Lukas
murmured to me, nudging me gently so that the wide head just barely
breached my entrance. “Your big brother’s cock which is about to
slide deep in your tight little pussy, Lexie. To fuck you. To come
in you. And quite possibly to make you pregnant. Because that’s
what breeding is all about—giving you a big belly.”

“It…it is?” I whispered.

Slowly, Lukas nodded. “Continuing the species
is very important. That’s why you ache to have me in you and I ache
to be there. It’s why only my cum deep inside you can sooth your
pain. You need me, little sister. Need me as much as I need you. To
fuck you, to fill your little cunt over and over with my seed. To
breed you.”

“Oh,” I murmured, feeling my cheeks heat at
his frank words.

Lukas cupped my cheek with his free hand and
looked at me intently. “Here on Earth they call that incest,” he
said softly. “And if we decide to stay here, we’ll have to deal
with that taboo all our lives. Of course we’ll keep what we’re
doing a secret but in the back of your mind there will always be
the thought that the man you spread your pussy for, the man whose
cock fills you every night, whose cum seeds your womb, is your own
big brother. So I need to know, can you handle that?”

I bit my lip but didn’t pull away from him.
The words he was using were painting a very graphic picture—he was
giving me every chance to get away, I realized. Emphasizing the
Earth taboo we’d been raised with, testing me to be sure I was
willing to go through with this, to take him all the way in and let
him try to make me pregnant.

Am I?
I wondered, looking down again
to where the head of his cock was poised to slip inside me.
I really do this? Really live like this the rest of my

And then I thought of the alternative.
Letting Lukas die. Going back to my cold, sterile, emotionless
existence. Trying to pretend I was something I wasn’t every day of
my life until I died too. That was no life—no way to live,

I did the only thing I could do. Brushing my
big brother’s hand out of the way, I grasped his shaft again and
pressed it up into me, accepting him in the most graphic and
intimate way I could—showing him that I would stay by his side
forever, no matter what.

“Oh, Lexie…” Lukas groaned softly as I spread
my thighs and settled myself down, letting his thick cock sink deep
into my pussy. “God, that feels so damn

“Feels good to me too…big brother,” I
whispered, finding the words a little easier to say this time.

We both moaned when he touched bottom inside
me and I couldn’t help thinking of the first time I’d let him
in—back when we were trying to determine how ready I was to be
bred. I hadn’t known then what I knew now, had been trying to
pretend that I didn’t think of Lukas as my brother. But this time I
closed my eyes and opened myself, accepting our relationship for
what it was.

Lukas was motionless within me, watching me
when I finally opened my eyes. “What are you thinking?” he
murmured, pulling out just an inch and thrusting gently back into
me. “Tell me, Lexie—I want to know.”

I bit my lip but decided to answer him
honestly. After all, there were no more physical barriers between
us, the emotional ones needed to come down too.

“I…I’m thinking that I’m sitting here with my
own big brother’s cock buried deep in my unprotected pussy,” I told
him, moaning softly when he thrust up into me again. There’s
nothing between us—no protection and I…I don’t want there to be

“That’s good,” Lukas murmured. “Because it
has to be bareback—there’s no other option, Lexie. Not when it
comes to breeding.”

“I know,” I whispered. “That’s why I…I’m
going to let you fuck me, big brother. Bareback fuck me and…and
fill me with your cum—over and over again as often as you need to.
As often as
need you to.” I bit my lip, almost unable to

“Go on,” Lukas urged, his hips rolling as he
fucked me a little harder, a little deeper. “Finish, Lexie. Say
what you need to say.”

“You’ll probably make me pregnant, big
brother,” I told him, even as my own hips began to shift, catching
his rhythm. “You’re fucking my unprotected pussy at the time I’m
most fertile and I’m wide open for you. But that’s all right—it’s
what I need. What we both need
So I’m willing to take that
chance. Willing to spread my legs for you and let you fuck me
anytime. Anytime at all.”

“God, Lexie, it’s so sexy to hear you say
that,” Lukas groaned, his hips moving faster. “I love to hear you
talk like that while I’m inside you.” His rhythm was getting
faster, his thrusts into my pussy deeper and harder. “You feel so
right around me, little sister,” he murmured, looking into my eyes.
“So good—you’re a perfect fit.”

“That’s because we were made for each other…”
I moaned as he grabbed my hips and pulled me down onto him hard.
“Literally,” I finished with a little gasp.

“That’s right.” Leaning forward, Lukas kissed
me. “Are you close? I think I’m going to come.”

“I’m right behind you,” I gasped, digging my
fingers into his broad shoulders. “Fuck me big brother, breed me

Lukas was more than willing to oblige. With a
low groan, he redoubled his efforts, the broad head of his cock
pressing hard against the mouth of my womb with every thrust. “God,
Lexie,” he groaned. “I’m so damn

“Come in me,” I begged him. I could feel his
shaft swelling and I was certain the feeling of his hot seed
spurting inside me would bring on my own orgasm. “Please, big
brother—fill me up with your cum.”

With a gasp that sounded like my name, Lukas
pulled me close and thrust up as hard as he could. We both moaned
as he swelled inside me and then spurt after hot spurt of cum shot
deep into my pussy, bathing my womb with his seed. Making me
his—marking me as his mate forever.

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