The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window (40 page)

Read The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window Online

Authors: Kirsty Moseley

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #kiss, #bestfriend, #brothers best friend

BOOK: The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window
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You don’t
want to see?” the doctor asked
, looking a
little confused.

I shook my
. “No. I want an abortion,” I said

Liam moved.
Oh thank God, finally!

An abortion?
What? Why?” he cried
, shocked.

I looked at
him; he was looking at me
, horrified, as
if I’d just suggested clubbing a seal or something. “Because it
needs to be done,” I said, looking away from his intense stare. I
turned to the doctor. “Can I get it done today? What do I need to
do?” I asked, nervously.

, there’s two ways; a medical
abortion, which is a pill today and tomorrow, which would basically
bring on a period. Or there’s a surgical one which would need to be
done under general anaesthetic and we would basically remove
everything,” he explained in his business like tone.

I hated the sound of both of
those, but I needed to do this. I couldn’t think of it as a baby, a
tiny little Liam, because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to get rid
of it.

ou give us a minute?” Liam requested.
The doctor nodded and walked out quickly. “Angel, what the hell are
you doing?” Liam asked once we were alone. He took my hands,
looking at me like I had lost my mind or something.

e can’t have a baby! I’m sixteen. You’re
going to college. We can’t,” I explained, shaking my

He shook his
head. “Angel, think about this
, please? I
love you, you love me. I want us to have kids one day. I mean,
shit, this is A LOT sooner than I thought.” He blew out a big
breath, running a hand through his hair, nervously.

, we can’t. You’re going to
college in Boston for goodness sake; I can’t raise a baby on my
own. Don’t be ridiculous!” I cried, shaking my head. He wasn’t
thinking this though properly.

He climbed
to the bed, laying next to me. “Angel,
just hear me out, OK?” he pleaded. I nodded and looked at him,
unable to see what he could say to make this right. There was
nothing he could suggest, there
no other way. “I love you
more than anything in the world. Before this happened I was going
to reject my scholarship and go to a college here instead,” he
started. I opened my mouth to tell him he was being stupid, but he
covered my mouth, looking at me pleadingly. “I wanted to ask you to
come with me to Boston. But I can’t ask you to move away from your
home and Jake and your friends, so I decided to stay here with you
instead,” he said, shrugging.

, he is so damn adorable and
sweet and thoughtful. But how the hell does any of this relate to
us having a baby, meaning that he probably wouldn’t get to go to
college anyway as he’d have to drop out and get a job? I’d have to
drop out of school without even graduating.

He smiled as
he continued to try and convince me.
could make this work; I know my mom would help out. I’ll go to
college and get a job in the evenings and weekends to earn some
money. You’d have to either finish school by correspondence, or we
could get a childminder so you could go to school. Or maybe even my
mom would do it,” he suggested, looking at me hopefully. “That’s
our first baby in there, Angel. That’s a baby that we made
together. Can you just think about it, please? It’ll be hard for a
little while, but once I get signed by a team, I’ll be able to give
you anything you want. Both of you,” he cooed, rubbing his hand
over my stomach lightly.

, I don’t want to ruin your
future,” I whispered.

He smiled and
kissed me lightly. “Angel,
my future,” he countered,
slipping his hand under my top, and placing his hand on my

I looked at
his gorgeous face; his blue eyes
sparkling with love as he stroked his hand across my stomach. “I
didn’t do this to trap you,” I said nervously.

He laughed
and rolled his eyes. “You trappe
d me when
you were four years old. You were wearing a dark blue dress with a
bow on the back, and little white socks. The first time I saw you I
was trapped. This,” he drew a little pattern on my stomach with one
finger, "this is a bonus. Sure, I wasn’t expecting it for about
five or six years, but still…. it’s a bonus,” he said,

Could we
really do that? He would stay here with me? “Would you really stay
with me here and give up your scholarship?” I asked a little
shocked. He worked so damn hard for that scholarship, it was such
an awesome opportunity
, and he would give
it up for me and a baby?

. “Angel, if you want to get rid of
the baby because you don’t want it, then I could understand, but
don’t do this for me. I
to stay here with you. If
you weren’t pregnant I’d still be turning down the offer,” he
vowed, scooting closer to me on the bed, wrapping his arms around

I buried my
face into his ch
est and closed my eyes; I
wanted to have kids with him one day too. I could see myself
holding a little baby that had Liam’s blue eyes and messy hair.
Granted, when I pictured it I was a lot older than I am now, but I
could still see it, and I liked it. Maybe we could make this work.
The baby wouldn’t be short on love, and once people got over the
shock of it, they’d understand. I had no doubt in my mind that
Liam’s mom would help out too. And Jake, once he got over the
initial anger of everything, he’d be a great Uncle.

Liam pulled
away from me slightly. “I swear I’d be the best d
ad in the world,” he promised.

I smiled; I
didn’t doubt that for a second. I kissed his lips
, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. I
loved him so much, more than anything. I knew we could make it
work, a little family. He pulled out of the kiss to look at me with
a hopeful expression on his face.

” I agreed.

He grinned
and kissed me again
, moving so he was
half on top of me. I noticed he put none of his weight on my
stomach, he was being super gentle. He kissed down my neck, getting
lower and lower. He hitched my top and kissed all over my stomach
before pulling up to smile at me.

I love
,” he whispered.

I pulled him
to me. “I love you too, baby
daddy,” I teased, making him laugh.

He wrapped
his arms around me
, laying close to my
side. I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heart beat
flying as I slipped one hand down my body, resting it on my tummy,
rubbing my fingertips over it lightly.

I kissed
Liam’s chest. H
ow the hell could such an
adorable, gorgeous, sweet, kind, funny, talented and responsible
boy, want me? How could he love me as much as I can see he does? I
couldn’t help but smile. Laying in Liam’s arms, I actually felt
like the luckiest girl in the world. I got to have a baby with the
man I love.


After a couple of hours I was discharged. Apparently,
Liam was to wake me up every hour to make sure I didn’t have
concussion or anything. We’d agreed not to tell anyone about the
baby yet. It was so early and we were only just getting our heads
around it - we didn’t need any interference from anyone else.

Shall we
call a cab or something?” I asked as Liam walked me out of the
, holding me tightly to his

He grinned.
He’d been doing that a lot for the last couple of hours; I actually
think he was really excited about being a dad which
I had never seen on an eighteen year old

No. Jake
left us his car. H
e went home with Johnny
and gave me his keys,” he explained, guiding me to the parking lot.
He helped me into the car, even putting on my seatbelt for me. His
hand lingered over my stomach as he pulled it away.

My head was
pounding; the painkillers they gave me were starting to wear off. I
rested my head back against the headrest and closed my
eyes. It was going to be hard lying to Jake. I
hated lying and was actually really terrible at it, but it needed
to be done for a few weeks. We just needed to let the whole abusive
father thing settle down first, that would give us a chance to sort
out everything in our own heads. I still had the money from the
bet, I hadn’t spent any of it yet so that would help with all of
the things we needed to buy for having a baby.

When we
pulled up
at my house, I didn’t even get
out of the car before Jake attacked me into a hug. “Shit, you
scared the hell out of everyone, Amber!” he scolded.

I smiled and
hugged him back. “Sorry, Jake.
I didn’t
exactly plan to pass out in front of everyone and bang my head, did
I?” I replied sarcastically as I rolled my eyes. Why the hell is he
mad at me for getting sick?

He sighed and
pulled back.
“So, what did they say? Why
did you pass out in the first place?” he asked, looking

, what do I say?

apparently. That,
and she hadn’t eaten
all day,” Liam interjected, coming round to my side. I silently
thanked God that Liam was better liar than I was.

Jake looked
at me
, clearly annoyed again. “Why the
hell didn’t you eat all day?” he asked accusingly.

I smiled and
et Liam lead me in to the house. “Let’s
just get her in and let her sit down, Jake, then you can shout at
her all you like,” Liam suggested, shaking his head with a small

Jake followed
us in and sat next to me on the sofa, Johnny and Ruby came and sat
too. Everyone was looking at me
worriedly. “Stop worrying, guys. It was lack of food, apparently.
Sugar low or something. I’m fine now, honestly,” I assured them,
nodding, trying not to look too guilty. I just hoped that Jake
didn’t go too crazy when he found out, and that he didn’t beat the
crap out of Liam or something. Maybe I would tell him on my own,
calm him down a little before he saw Liam.

The bang to
her head needed stitches. I need to wake her up
every hour to make sure she’s OK, so I’ll be staying over
tonight,” Liam stated, more for Ruby’s benefit than anyone else’s,
Jake already knew he’d be there anyway.

I yawned.
t was almost nine now and I just wanted
to go to bed, it had been a long stressful day. “I’m going to bed,
guys. Oh, and Ruby, it really is nice to meet you again. I’m sorry
I didn’t get a chance to talk to you properly earlier,” I said,
smiling apologetically.

She chuckled
slightly. “We’ll talk tomorrow, honey
don’t worry. If you need anything in the night then let me know.
Jake said I could sleep in your mom’s room, just so you know where
I am, alright?” she asked kindly.

, she really is

OK. G’night,
guys. A
nd you, lover boy, go get your
stuff if you’re staying here,” I instructed, smiling at

He stood up
quickly. “OK.
I’ll be back in a bit
then.” He kissed my forehead gently before heading for the front
door to tell his parents he was ‘officially’ staying

I went to my
bedroom and
looked at myself in the
mirror. My hair was a mess, I had a plaster thing stuck behind my
ear over the stitches, I looked tired but I couldn’t help but
smile. I didn’t bother with pyjamas as I slipped into the bed; I
wanted to feel Liam’s skin against mine. After about fifteen
minutes he came in, looking so handsome that it made me want to
cry. I rubbed my hand over my stomach lightly under the sheets. I
hoped I had a little boy in there, and he would be just like his

stripped down to his boxers and climbed in the
bed with me. He gasped suddenly and pulled back to look at me. “Are
you naked?” he asked, a little shocked.

. “Yep. I thought you should make
the most of me before I get all fat and ugly,” I teased.

He grinned
and rolled on top of me
, hovering above
me, barely touching me. “Angel, you will never be ugly,” he
whispered, looking at me adoringly. “And the bigger you get, just
means I have more of you to love,” he added, slipping his hand down
to my stomach. I smiled as I pulled his mouth down to


Having Johnny, Matt and Ruby stay with us was
actually awesome. Ruby made pancakes on Saturday morning, and I
spent the day chatting to her and playing with my gorgeous little
brother. She was planning on staying in town because Johnny didn’t
want to change schools again.

Kate came
over in the afternoon
, and Johnny
asked her to be exclusive - which she obviously jumped at.
They were so sweet, being all cuddly and flirty. Kate would say
stuff that would make Johnny blush. He was just too innocent - but
knowing Kate he wouldn’t be that way for too long if she had her
way. Liam kept shooting me little knowing smiles and would touch my
belly at every single opportunity.

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