The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window (23 page)

Read The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window Online

Authors: Kirsty Moseley

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #kiss, #bestfriend, #brothers best friend

BOOK: The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window
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I shrugged
and grinned at him
. “Am I not allowed to
be friendly to you, Liam? I mean, you
my brother’s best friend
after all. You’re always hanging out at my house so I just thought
I’d be civil.”

” he replied, smirking at

I shot him a
wink and got up to
go to my friends. As I
walked past Jessica and the cheerleaders I bent down to whisper in
her ear. “Beat that,” I teased, laughing my ass off.

I grabbed
Kate’s hand
, making her walk a little in
front of Sarah and Sean who were chatting about some art gallery
that Sarah wanted to go to at the weekend. Sarah was a bit of an
art freak. “Kate, I think I need to go on the pill. Do they still
do the drop in family planning clinic on Rose Street after school?”
I asked. She nodded in confirmation. I knew she would know, she had
a little accident about a month back with a broken condom and went
there for the morning after pill.

Yeah, from
four until eight,” she replied, glancing over her shoulder to make
sure no one could hear us. “So, you’re going to take the plunge,
huh? I think it’s great. You should definitely go on the pill. You
want me to come with you?” she asked casually. I knew she meant it;
she was the best friend a girl could ask for.

I’m not
ready yet, but I don’t want to get caught short or anything, I
, it must take a while to get in your
system or something. You don’t mind coming with me though? I’d
really appreciate it,” I admitted, looking at her gratefully. I was
a little nervous about going on my own, and I didn’t feel right
asking Liam to come. It wasn’t exactly a guy thing to

Of course
not! You’ve been there with me loads of times.” She linked her arm
through mine. “I have my car today
so we don’t even need to walk.”

I grinned.
, Kate.” I sighed happily and we
made our way to our lockers. I grabbed all the books that we needed
for the afternoon, shoving them into my bag. “I just need to tell
Jake that I’ll meet him at home. I’ll see you in class,” I
explained, turning in the direction of Jake’s locker. I spotted
Jake and Liam chatting to some of their other friends from the
team. “Hey, guys,” I chirped as I got up to them. They all looked
at me, I knew that some of the guys on the team liked me; it was
obvious in the way that they stared at me. No one ever made a move
though - that was probably Jake’s doing.

Hi, Amber.
How are you?” Casey asked, looking me over slowly.

hanks, you?” I asked

All the
better for seeing you,
” he replied,
smirking at me.

Jake punched
him in the arm
, making me laugh. “Dude,
little sister!” he cried angrily.

Jake, I just
wanted to tell you that I won’t be coming home with you tonight.
Kate needs me to go do
something with her
after school. I’ll just see you at home later,” I said, smiling. I
could see Liam frowning looking slightly disappointed.

, I’m working tonight, so it
would have been Liam taking you home anyway,” Jake replied,
shrugging casually.

I glanced at
Liam and smiled. “Right, yeah, I forgot. Well I’m sorry I’ll miss
that.” He smiled back and my heart almost stopped because he was so
handsome. I turned to walk off before stopping again, an idea
forming in my head. I turned back to him and looked at him,
teasingly. “Oh, and by the way, Liam, the pot stands at over four
thousand bucks now. That’s over two hundred girls.”

His eyes went
. “No shit?” he asked, looking
shocked, and quite frankly, a little scared. Jake was laughing his
ass off, and the other boys were looking around like us three had
gone crazy.

No shit,” I
confirmed, winking at Liam and walking away
, giggling at his disgusted face.


After school, Kate drove us to the family planning
clinic. I took a number and because I hadn’t been there before, I
had to fill out a ton of forms about my personal details, current
sex life and my medical history. After about an hour of waiting, I
was called through to a white sterile room where a lady was waiting
there for me.

Hi, Amber.
ome on in,” she said, smiled and pointed
to a chair.

Hi,” I
croaked nervously, sitting down opposite her

You don’t
have to be nervous. I’m not going to bite!” she chuckled. I smiled
nervously. “So, what can I do for you today?” she asked, flipping
through the forms that I’d filled in.

Well, my
boyfriend and I are getting pretty serious and are talking about
having sex
, so I wanted to go on the
pill. Is that something I can do here, or do I need to go to my own
doctor?” I asked, playing with my hands, blushing.

She smiled
kindly. “You can certainly do that here. It says here that you’re a
virgin,” she said, flipping through my forms again.

Er, yeah I
am.” I blushed harder, wishing the ground would open up and swallow

You don’t
need to be embarrassed, Amber. I th
it’s great that you’re here. I see so many young girls who don’t
think about going on the pill until it’s too late. It’s refreshing
to have a young girl being so responsible,” she stated, patting my
hand. I breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. I thought I was going
to get a lecture as to why I shouldn’t be having sex at my age and
how I should be waiting. “OK, I just need to get some information,
like blood pressure and weight and such. Then we can talk about
which one will suit you best, alright?”

After I had
done my blood pressure and weight and worked out my BMI we were
sat back down near her desk. “Right,
well I recommend that you go for the combination pill. You take it
every day, at the same time each day for three weeks, then you
don’t take it for a week which will be when you have your period.
It’s very effective and it’s what most young girls go for,” she
explained, smiling.

I nodded and
because everything seemed to be
falling into place. “That sounds good.”

She grabbed
her pad and scribbled a prescription. “You can get this filled
right next door. I’ve given you a three month supply so I can check
how you get on. Next time, if all’s OK, then we’ll go for six
months,” she explained.

Yeah, thank
you.” I smiled
gratefully because she had
made this so much easier on me than I thought it would

So, I’ll
give you a leaflet to read, but the important things to note are:
you have to take it at the same time every day, and you have to
take it every day apart from your week off.” She smiled and handed
me the prescription. “Make sure you read the leaflet about what you
do if you miss one, or if you vomit after you take it, because that
can stop it working. I’ll give you some of these to keep you safe
until you are into the swing of your pill, OK.” She grabbed a
handful of condoms and put them in a brown bag for me.

Oh thanks,”
I mumbled,
taking them

, thanks for coming in,
Amber. I’ll see you in three months.” She stood up and held out her
hand to me, signalling the end of the appointment.

I shook
, smiling. “Thank you.” I walked out of
the door, grinning from ear to ear. Wow, that was easier than I

Hey, how’d
it go?” Kate asked,
getting up from her

Yeah great.
I need to go fill my prescription, then I’m all set.” I linked my
arm through hers, pulling her towards the door.

Wow, I can’t
believe you’re going to have sex with Liam James!” she
quealed, excitedly.

Not yet I’m
not. I need to know he can wait for me. I’m not ready for that
yet,” I said honestly.

He’ll wait
for you. He looks like he’s crazy about you.” Kate smiled happily
and I sighed. I really hoped that was true. I filled my
prescription and Kate dropped me home. Jake was still at work so I
made myself sandwich and sat at the table to do my homework. Once I
had finished, I glanced at the clock. It was only eight o’clock; I
had another hour until Jake came home.

I grinned and
grabbed my phone
, dialling Liam, barely
able to contain my excitement. “Hey, Angel,” he answered, sounding
ridiculously happy.

Hi. Want to
come over?” I asked, chewing on my lip in excitement.

Hell yeah.
I’ll be right there,” he answered and hung up. I ran to my room to
quickly check my hair. I laughed to myself when I realised that I
had turned into one of those girls that thought they had to look
perfect for him. I walked back to the lounge, just as he walked in
the front door.

Hi.” I

He swept me
up into his arms and kissed me passionately, making my heart race
and my stomach flutter. After a while he pulled
. “Hi,” he breathed, making me shiver
with happiness. “So, where were you? I missed you,” he murmured,
putting his face in my hair and breathing deeply.

I giggled and
pulled away. “Wow,
what are you some kind
of creepy hair smelling guy?” I joked, grabbing his hand and
pulling him to the couch and pushing him down.

He laughed
and gripped my waist, and pulled me onto his lap so I
s straddling him. “I missed you so much
today. I hated seeing you and not being able to touch you. Also,
what the hell was that at lunchtime? Do you enjoy teasing the crap
out of me?” he asked, frowning.

I ran my
hands through his silky brown hair and giggled guiltily. “I
to set the scene for my victory. I
can’t just rock up to Jessica and be all like
‘yeah, I won the bet’
can I?” I asked innocently.

He shook his
head, still frowning. “But that was over the top. I mean, do you
know how hard that was for me not to jump you?” he

I nodded and
bit my lip so I didn’t laugh
. “Oh yeah, I
could tell that was
for you,” I teased, raising
my eyebrows knowingly, making him chuckle.

, whatever. Where did you go
anyway? I was hoping to spend some time with you tonight.” He
pulled me closer to him and kissed down my neck, making me bite
into my lip as my skin broke out in goosebumps.

I pulled away
and stood up, walking over to my school bag to get the brown bag
from the clinic. I sat back on his lap and held the bag out for him
to take. He looked at me
, confused, and
then looked in the bag. His face turned from confusion, to
understanding, to happiness, to being annoyed. Wait, annoyed? Why
on earth would he be annoyed with me?

You went to
do this on your own?” he asked,
at me angrily.

I shook my
head, a little confused by his reaction. “I didn’t go on my own,
Kate came with me,
” I amended, wrapping
my arms around his neck again.

Why didn’t
you tell me? I would’ve come with you,” he said, pulling me closer
to him, the annoyed expression still on his face

Liam, I just
thought that
, you know….. it’s not really
a place where you take your boyfriend. I wanted to go on the pill;
Kate offered to come with me.” I shrugged; I didn’t really see why
he was so angry about it.

Angel, I
love you, I would’ve come with you. I wish you would’ve told me,”
he said
, looking at me sadly.

difference does it make? I didn’t think you’d want to
” I muttered, confused. Why the heck
is he being all hurt and annoyed? I just went on the pill so I
could have sex with him! Shouldn’t he be happy about that

You didn’t
think that I’d want to go? Angel, this is about me too, I want us
to do things together. We’re a couple, a team. I feel a little hurt
that you’d think I wouldn’t want to go,

he explained, kissing my forehead.

Liam, I’m
, honestly. I didn’t really think
about it like that. I just thought that most guys wouldn’t be
interested. I thought you’d be pleased that I took some
initiative,” I said, looking at him apologetically, begging him
with my eyes to understand that I didn’t mean to hurt

I am pleased
that you took the initiative, but I’m not most guys. I love
you. Most guys aren’t in love with their
girlfriends like I am. This was a big thing for you to do, and I
should have been there for you,” he explained, kissing me

I took in a
deep breath
feeling guilt settle in the
pit of my stomach. I didn’t think about it like that. “I’m sorry I
didn’t tell you or ask you to come with me. I have to go back in
three months for a check-up, want to come with me then?” I asked,
smiling and putting my forehead to his.

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