The Bovine Connection (39 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Thomas

BOOK: The Bovine Connection
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Inside, Angelica went through the lobby and rushed past the reception desk, never saying a word. Angelica always greeted Hannah, the young intern, but today she had no time for small talk. She wanted to see Carl immediately.

After what felt like an eternity, the elevator door opened and there stood Andrew in the elevator. “Shit,” she thought aloud as she stepped in and turned to face the doors as they closed. Angelica stared up at the number display, eagerly waiting for the door to open.

“Are you not going to acknowledge me? All I get is a ‘shit’… wow!” Andrew whispered. His eyes appeared surprised.

Angelica took a deep breath. “Yes, I’m sorry. I just don’t have time to argue with you,” she whispered. Her pulse sped up.

“I’m not arguing,” he said softly.

“Yes. I see that. How are you today, Andrew?” Angelica was still looking at the number display panel as it blinked to the number two. Angelica let out another deep breath, dropping her shoulders, relieved as the door started to open.

“I’m doing well. I would appreciate a moment of your time, if you could spare one… Just a moment,” he said while trying to look at her face. 

Angelica clenched her jaw, still facing forward. “I really have to take care of a few things before my flight. I need to meet with Carl.” She turned and looked at him sincerely. “Can it not wait?”

“Just a moment,” he pled. Angelica raised her hands to her temples and shook her head as she sighed, “Okay,” she conceded.

Angelica stepped around the corner and Andrew followed. There was a small dark hallway with a supply closet to the left of the elevators. Angelica pointed at the door. “Let’s go in there.” Andrew stepped ahead and opened the door. Angelica stepped in and cracked the door behind them. Andrew took Angelica’s hands. Angelica started to pull them back, but relented. “Andrew, please. What is this about? I told you… I am seeing someone. I think I’m in love with him,” she stated softly as she held eye contact, hoping he’d let go of her hands.

“Angelica, yes, exactly, you think you are… you are infatuated with him because he is a cowboy - It’s not real! You and I… we’re real!”

“What?” Angelica pulled her hands away. “Andrew you and I were having sex, and having a good time, that’s all! Look, I don’t have time for this! You have no idea what…”

Andrew’s face reddened as he interrupted her, “Another fucking slinging dick to deal with, fuck!” he shouted as he jerked his head.

Angelica quickly turned around and pushed the door shut. “Someone is going to hear us! This conversation is over!” Angelica swung around and grabbed the door knob to walk out.

“Wait! I’m sorry.” Andrew leaned in and looked her deep in the eyes, hoping to reignite a connection.

Angelica sarcastically chuckled, “I swear, men like you; you only want what you can’t have! Grow up!” Angelica started to open the door.

“That’s not true, Angelica. Listen, please don’t turn from me, just hear me out. I know that’s what you think, but I’ve always had deep feelings for you. I just wasn’t sure that was what you wanted. At times, you acted as if it were a game.”

“Game?” Angelica blurted out in almost a yell, “Really?” Angelica cocked her head sideways. “You have to be kidding? Are we in high school?” Angelica was looking intensely into Andrew’s eyes, “No, you’re not kidding.” She let out a laugh. “Wow!”

Andrew grabbed Angelica’s wrist. “Not game, game was the wrong word. Just wait, please wait! I thought maybe over time you’d fall for me and see who I really was.”

Angelica’s eyes softened. “
Well instead of assuming… you should have asked what I wanted.”

“What did you want?” Andrew leaned in close and held eye contact as she tried to look away.

“I don’t know, Andrew; I guess at one time I may have wanted more… but looking back now… just the way it was.”

Angelica stood tall with her shoulders back. “It doesn’t matter…” Angelica’s voice got firmer as she began to use her hands to speak. She didn’t believe Andrew, and she was certain she was falling in love with Michael. “Besides, nice try, but if you wanted more from me, hum, let’s just say, a relationship, then why didn’t you just ask for it?”

Andrew knew Angelica was speaking out of anger, maybe even trying to punish him, he thought. “Angelica, I know what you want, the kind of man you need.” Andrew tilted his head and gazed into her eyes.” I can be that man if you’ll give me another chance.”

Angelica held up her hand and continued, “You think you have me all figured out, Andrew… you don’t. You don’t have any idea what I want. I’m sorry, but I’m just going to be blunt… I’ve found what I want, and I am happy. No games! No bullshit! Uncomplicated! Please respect that.” Angelica pulled away, opened the door.

Andrew ran his hand through the front of his copper tinted straight brown hair in frustration. “That’s fine! Hey, I know how you think!” Andrew lifted his shoulders and postured forward. “You know, you doubt my depth sometimes – you always have. I understand you, Angelica, yep, understand you quite well. You wanted me to become vulnerable, expose myself. I was just a challenge for you to conquer. Well, he doesn’t understand you like I do and I feel sorry for him. Once you’re done with him – God help him!”

Angelica broke eye contact and looked down at the floor. “Are you done?” she asked before she turned and walked off, praying none of her employees overheard them.

“You’ll get bored with the cowboy!” he announced, unconcerned if anyone heard him. Angelica never turned around, although she heard every word.

Andrew leaned onto the doorframe hoping she’d turn and walk back with a change of heart, but Angelica was already to the other end of the hall.

Shea looked up. “Ms. Bradley, hi, I didn’t see you there. Carl is gone for the day.”

“Oh, okay. Have you seen Gail? I just walked by her office and she wasn’t at her desk.”

“Nope, I haven’t seen her since she left for lunch. She is usually back by now. Shea looked at her watch. “It’s after three o’clock. Yes, three thirty-three to be exact. She may have left early today.”

“I suppose she has,” Angelica said. “I going to leave a note on Carl’s desk?”

“Absolutely, Ms. Bradley, go right in. There should be a pad and pen in there somewhere… under that mess.” Shea giggled.

“Thanks, Shea, you’re a dear.” Angelica managed a sincere smile although she was weary.

Angelica went in and looked around for a manila envelope. After a moment of useless searching, she called out to Shea, “Do you have an envelope? Small manila one will do.”

“Yes, here, will this work?” Shea stepped in with a small manila envelope in her hand.

“Perfect, thanks,” Angelica said and then waited for Shea to leave and tucked the device still wrapped in ‘The Brown Palace’ cocktail napkin into the envelope. Then she took a black sharpie from Carl’s drawer and wrote, “Please keep safe for me! Angelica.” She impulsively looked out of the window up to the sky before sealing it with her tongue.

Angelica stepped out and pulled the door shut. “Thanks Shea!” Shea shot Angelica a curious look as she rushed by and headed straight for her office, hoping to avoid Andrew while passing her employees working at their desks and managing a slight smile to everyone who looked up at her. The suspicious glares didn’t go unnoticed. Angelica was working an unusual story and she couldn’t hide the stress it was causing her - a story that had turned personal.

Inside, she shut her door and called Carl’s cellphone, getting his voicemail as she walked over to the large window and surveyed the parking lot and then the sky. “Hi Carl, this is Angelica. I left a package on your desk. Please put it away and keep it safe. I’ll explain later. I’m at the office getting ready to fly out to Nevada tonight. I’ll fill you in soon.” Angelica hung up.

She turned on her desk lamp, then sat down at her desk, leaned back and stared blankly at the white-painted brick wall. Nestled in a corner on the second floor, hidden by a maze of cubicles, her office had become the only place she felt safe.

Angelica knew investigative journalism could be a dangerous career. She was well aware of that fact from the beginning. Journalists could be sent overseas to report in war zones or find themselves sitting in a secret meeting with a dangerous source in a seedy area of town… it was just another day on the job. Therefore, it wasn’t uncommon for her to find herself in harm’s way. However, blowing the cover on a government cover-up involving ETs was never in the job description and completely new territory.

Angelica scooted up in her chair and grabbed her cell phone. She needed to hear Michael’s voice. Hesitating, she put the phone back on her desk fearing he might be in a meeting and she didn’t want to come across as a needy girlfriend and possibly scare him away. But Angelica needed desperately to hear his voice so she relented, picked up her cell phone and dialed his number. After three rings Michael answered. “Well, hello, beautiful… sexy lady! What a nice surprise!” Michael sounded excited.

Angelica swallowed the lump in her throat and her chest fluttered as she heard his voice again. “Hello, Michael! I hope I didn’t interrupt you while you were working.” Her blood heated.

Michael responded softly, “You could never interrupt me. I miss your pretty voice.”

Angelica blushed. She wanted to feel his strong arms around her making her feel safe. She imagined his lush full lips as he spoke on the other end of the phone.

Angelica pictured him sitting at his desk in a fine dark custom tailored suit with his black wavy hair tamed down by grooming gel, like a Brioni suit model in a Robb Report magazine. She felt an exhilarating shiver. “I just wanted to say hi,” Angelica said softly and then was quiet. She rolled her eyes and leaned back conscious of the shy little girl emerging again. Angelica immediately shook her head -- feeling embarrassed -- and wondered why he had such an effect on her. This was definitely a first, she thought. Her heart was wide open. She felt vulnerable. Angelica took a deep breath. Michael was obviously amused and she heard a slight chuckle on the other end.

“You are an interesting woman, Angelica.” His tone was sensual. “I’ve been thinking a lot about you… Your sweet smile is always my first thought, and then…” he chuckled. “I want you here with me. I should get on a plane, grab you up and bring you here.” He laughed, but she sensed he was half-serious.

She let out a breath, feeling unusually pouty. “I so want to be there with you. I leave for Nevada this evening. I need to spend a couple days there to wrap up the story.” Angelica rubbed her forehead, feeling the tension move through her.

“Nevada, huh? … What’s going on in Nevada?” Michael’s tone changed; he sounded shocked.

“Oh… just following a lead. I don’t want to bother you with it. All we talk about is the story.”

Michael interrupted, “I want to hear about it. You haven’t shared much with me, and out of respect, I’ve refrained from asking. I figured as we grew to know each other better, you’d start to trust me. I worry about you, Angelica. We both know this isn’t just about covering a story for you – it’s become personal. I haven’t forgotten Matthew or what happened to my father.” Michael’s voice changed again… his tone was even lower and stern. “I know what you’re going to say, but hear me out… I think you should walk away… Don’t go to Nevada… I have a bad feeling. Like I’ve said, I just found you, Angelica, and I can’t lose you. Please consider giving it up. Think about the device you cut from your arm. This is only going to go from bad to worse, baby,” he finished in a whisper.

Angelica closed her eyes, wanting to change the subject. However she knew he was right. Down somewhere deep inside of her, she was very much afraid. Unfortunately, she was already too far in to turn back. After the discovery of the military tracking device, she couldn’t see how it would be possible to walk away. She didn’t want Michael to know the details of the meeting with Dr. Goolrick and Dr. Howell. He’d be on a plane to get her, no doubt about it, she thought.

“It’s hard to picture you without a cowboy hat.” Angelica giggled.

“I see -- we’re changing the subject. You are a stubborn woman.”

“Look, Michael, I understand, and I’ve thought about it. I’ve been a journalist long enough to know when I’m in danger. I also know if they wanted me dead, they would have already done it. The guy in the SUV was meant to scare me, but I think the military needs me for some reason. I don’t know why yet, but I just have this feeling.”

“You think the military is watching you?” Michael asked quietly.

Angelica frowned and bit down on her bottom lip. “Well, some form of military group or covert agency. I’m still putting the pieces together – I am getting closer though. I can’t quit, Michael, you know it and I know it. This is my job. This is who I am.” Angelica didn’t mean to mention the military.
she thought.

“Angelica…” Angelica heard Michael sigh. “I, well, I’m falling in love with you. I’ll say it. I’m falling in love with you. You had my heart from that first day at my ranch.” Michael’s disembodied voice echoed in Angelica’s head. Her eyes grew wide.
“Did he just say he was falling in love with me? Oh my,”
she thought.

“I’m trying to be sensitive to your feelings… your career… you, Angelica. I don’t want to lose you. Please consider walking away from this damn story. If you’re looking for proof of ETs, haven’t you found it by now? After what I’ve told you about my father… Jack Keller, Paul, Matthew… Matthew! Angelica isn’t what happened to Matthew enough to wake you up? Forgive me… but I’m going to say it again… You are one stubborn woman!”

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