Read The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set Online

Authors: MJ Nightingale

Tags: #Romance, #box set, #Anthology, #Fiction

The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set (79 page)

BOOK: The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set
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Lisa watched Gio under partially closed lids. He looked like a hunter about to attack its prey. She felt the tension the whole way home, and somehow knew this was going to happen as soon as they were out of the public eye. She was shocked by his actions in the parking lot in the rear of the restaurant, but she couldn’t have stopped him if she tried, and she hadn’t wanted too. She didn’t want to stop him now either. Whatever he was willing to give, she was willing to take. His blue eyes were on fire with desire for her. “You are still so fucking beautiful, Lisa.” His words were harsh, but meant to soothe her as she saw his eyes flick briefly to the burn marks on her arms. Her ribcage, and breasts were scarless. Albert had only scarred her arms, and upper legs, places she could hide easily. Her back, chest, and torso, she knew were still unmarked by him.

“So, beautiful,” he murmured again, as he slowly turned her around, and unclasped her bra. He pressed a kiss to the back of her neck, after moving her hair out of the way.

Lisa let out a soft sigh, and pressed her back into him. She had not expected this at all. This tenderness, this gentleness from Gio. God, how her heart wrenched at every touch, every kiss, every tiny bit of attention he was willing to give her. She knew she didn’t deserve it, but her heart yearned for it all.

She felt him slip her bra from off her shoulders, and felt the wisp of air as it fell to the floor. Her body quivered in anticipation, as he cupped her breasts, and tested their familiar weight. She felt the tightening begin to build in her core, her body reacting to each minute detail. The wetness started as he turned her back towards him, and as she had hoped took one nipple in to his mouth. It hardened into a tight little bud sending a bolt of electricity through every nerve ending in her body.

Lisa burned and yearned for what only Gio could provide. No one else.

Gio reached for her then, and picked her up under her arms until her legs instinctively wrapped themselves around him. He felt the heat of her pussy through the thin material of her pants engulf him while he carried her to the sofa, still suckling on her breast, first toying with one nipple and then the other. He needed her like he needed air. He always had.

Gently Gio dropped her onto the sofa, and then made quick work of her pants. She watched him while he stripped throwing his clothes behind him. Kneeling beside her, he separated her legs and positioned her taking her all in while he did so.

Only once did she see flicker of distaste at the scars he saw there, but it was quickly replaced by lust, as he stroked her legs. Instinct made her want to close them, but she kept them open for him as he watched her eyes intently. “Don’t move,” he commanded, and it took all of Lisa’s will power not to squirm under his direct gaze as his hand slowly inched up her body to her core. She could see his throbbing member between them, and she wanted nothing more than to hold him, to suck him, to feel him moving inside of her once more. But she also knew it had to be his way, in his time. His erection was massive, and she could tell he was still holding back. Still unsure, but she couldn’t force this, couldn’t beg even though this was all she had ever wanted.

Gio then surprised her. She thought he would come in for a kiss, but instead he knelt on the carpet in front of her, and made her sit up. Her heart sank in disappointment, but then he startled her again, as his hand snaked up her leg once more, and then he was sliding his hands along her hip, and then under her ass, cupping her cheeks. Gio’s eyes locked on Lisa’s and seeing the question there, he finally found the voice to speak, to let her know what he wanted. “I need to taste you, Lisa. I need your flavor.”

Lisa’s eyes widened. She knew Gio loved to suck her pussy. To bring her to a frenzy before taking her. She felt his fingers underneath her began to knead her, and she nodded her assent and spread her legs wider to make room for his broad shoulders. He gave her his mischievous smile and then he took one of her legs and draped it over his shoulder. Only then did he dip down. The moment his tongue touched Lisa’s hot center, her head flew back at the intensity of his tongue stroking her. She felt every lick, every lap of his tongue as he sucked and teased and tormented into her own release. Lisa gripped his hair, holding on for dear life as spasms and waves crashed over her. He sucked and lapped at her juices, and rubbed his face inside of her relishing in every tremor. His grip on her tightened as her hips pushed against his face, and she gyrated in time to the pleasure he evoked from her. “Gio!” she screamed, his name torn from her lips as yet another intense orgasm rode out of her. “Yes, fuck yes! Oh fuck me!” Her hands held onto his hair, and the intensity had her thrashing about wildly. He continued to suck her clit, pulling it into his mouth until she rode out the storm and collapsed. When he felt her relax, only then did he stop. He smiled up at her and spoke softly.

“Now, it’s my turn,” Gio murmured as he wiped Lisa’s juices off his face with his t-shirt. He crawled up between her legs and took her lips with his. Gio bit her lip softly, and then licking the seam he sought entrance there as he climbed on top of her on the sofa ready to enter glistening sex.

Lisa felt his hands all over her body, and she reveled in it. She knew what she was feeling could only be felt with him. He kissed her deeply, and his hands played her body like an instrument, and she began to feel him too. Her hands roamed, and she felt the rippling of steel beneath the smooth surface of his chiseled back. Gio was the same man she had loved although his body was different with his new work out regime. But it was still Gio. Her Gio.

Gio stroked her legs, her abdomen, her breasts, reacquainting himself with this woman, whom he’d only dreamed about for nearly decade. He wanted nothing more than to ram his cock into her to the hilt, feel her clench around him and take him deeper, but yet somehow found the ability to restrain himself and please her first. He rubbed his palm on the already excited flesh of her nipples, and they tightened and hardened even more for him. Lisa was panting again. His balls got tighter, and his cock ached to fuck her, to feel her heat surround him, clasp at him, and hold him, and quiver all around him. He couldn’t wait much longer. Grasping his cock in his own hand, he could feel the heat off of it, and brought it to her slick exposed entrance. Her pussy glistened for him. He rubbed the head of his cock on her swollen clit, and she cried out once more. He couldn’t hold back any longer. Waiting no more, he charged penetrating her to her very core.

As Gio rammed into her, he groaned his pleasure, but then stilled inside her wanting to feel her stretch around him.

For Lisa it was exquisite pleasure as she felt her body shifting inside to accommodate his size. They fit together so perfectly. His eyes glowed in the dim light as he began to move and she met him thrust for thrust. At first he took his time, pushing in and then pulling out, watching her eyes as he took her. Then he watched her perfect breasts bounce with each thrust as he filled her again and again. Then it was back to her eyes as he watched her pupils dilate as he built their passions once more.

Lisa was in awe. Gio was her lover. He was perfect. The only one. She couldn’t believe the patience of the man. He’d always been this way with her, taking his time, ensuring she reached her peak each and every time, sometimes more than once before he found his own release, and Lisa felt overcome with emotion as her fingers dug into his back. When his tempo increased, he crushed his lips to hers as he pummeled her pussy hard. Each time he came down he was sure to add friction and the constant assault on her clitoris as he rubbed himself against her had her heart hammering in her chest, and her blood roaring in her veins. “Oh, God, Lisa,” she heard him choke out, and felt his cock begin to quiver inside her.

She too, felt the quaking within her begin and he urged her along by picking up his pace. “Wait for me!” he demanded. He plunged again, sliding along her body to bring her to her peak, her wetness adding even more heat to her arousal as he dove in once more. Lisa could feel herself beginning to come, she was so hot, slick, and wet as she bit back her cry of release, her juices began to slide down her bottom.

Gio knew he was lost when the explosion came. “Oh, Fuck!” Then more softly. “Lisa,” he whispered her name, although it came out garbled, strangled and then he collapsed on top of her. Lisa took his weight, and it felt good to be crushed to this man, his chest heaving, hearing him breathe raggedly in her ear. But all too soon, he was rolling away from her.

“Not yet!” she begged as she felt him slip out of her, but it was already too late. She had wanted to feel connected to him just a moment longer. To make it last because she knew it may be fleeting. His very next words added to her fears.

“Let’s go upstairs.” Then more quietly, “God, I know this is a mistake, but I need to do that again.” He offered her his hand.

Lisa took his hand and naked followed him up the stairs. They left their clothes, and the pillows where they fell, and climbed the stairs to finish what they started. Lisa tried to ignore his last words, but promised not to expect too much. Whatever he was willing to give her, she would take. That’s all she could hope for.

Gio averted his eyes from her own hungry ones as he allowed her to pass before him into his parent’s bedroom. He knew this was a mistake. But God he had never stopped wanting her, and he knew that this time he might just lose his soul to this woman again. He didn’t know what he would do if she lied to him, or kept anything else from him. But he did know that she had destroyed him once before. The road between them was littered with mistakes, and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to go down this road with her again, but he couldn’t resist her. He couldn’t think of anything else in that moment, but claiming what was always his. Her.

Here I go Again!
He hoped he wouldn’t regret it.

Chapter 11

A Dream Deferred

io woke with
a start. A car horn tooted, and then he heard the slamming of a car door.

“Shit. Get up. It’s Mary,” he stated, glancing out the window.

“Oh, Crap.” Lisa was suddenly awake. Alert. She began to hastily get dressed. Gio already had his pants on, and was putting on his t-shirt. With his back to her, he glanced out the window once more. Without even speaking he headed towards the hall, and she heard his footsteps as he stomped down the stairs. They had fallen asleep after he claimed her once more; her body and mind had been exhausted. She’d wished they had time to talk, but it was clear it was not what he had wanted to do when they had finished making love. He held her loosely and faded off to sleep. She ached to tell him her feelings, but knew it was too soon, and there was still much to do before she burdened him with that. She didn’t deserve him, but she was hopeful nonetheless.

She got up, and began to dress hoping Gio was hiding the mess they had made downstairs. She donned the other outfit Gio had purchased for her, as her clothes from earlier were still on the living room floor. She hoped Mary had remembered to bring her some more casual items to wear. They were about the same size, and Mary had promised to bring her a few things until she found the time to either go to her apartment in Jersey, or shop a bit. As she slipped on her clothes, she heard Gio moving about below and she began to hurry.

Mary was dropping her kids off and then taking Gio to see Johnny.

She ran a brush through her hair, but could hear voices rising up the stairs. The kids were already calling for her.

She heard Gio next.

“Hey Mary! It’s nice to see you. I think she took a nap, or dozed off. Introduce me to these two?” he asked, stalling and giving her time to make herself presentable.

Mary smiled somberly and sadly at the bear of a man Gio had become. He was different, but his eyes were the same. And she saw that brief look of betrayal pass through his eyes when he greeted her. She’d betrayed him, and had kept Lisa’s secrets too. Gio had been nothing but a brother to her growing up, chasing off her boyfriends, and threatening to beat up anyone who’d hurt her or their youngest sister, Bridget. Despite the look and him backing away to look at her children, she stepped into his arms not waiting for an invitation. “Gio, I’ve missed you.”

“You too, Mare,” he choked up. Clearing his throat, he pushed past the emotion. “Now who you got here? Who is who?” he asked deflecting any questions, explanations or apologies she may have felt the need to make.

“Kayla is my oldest. She is three and half, going on ten, and Mark is two, and watch out because he is a biter.” Mary laughed nervously looking up the stairs wondering what was taking her sister so long.

“Ah, Irish twins,” Gio teased. “A biter too?” He laughed at his own joke.

Mary gave him a questioning look, but then laughed with him. That was the Gio she remembered. Always teasing. Always trying to get a rise out of her. “Shut up, Gio. You really haven’t changed, and I love it.” She threw herself at him again. She’d missed having him in her life. Lisa especially.

Gio embraced Mary giving her a loose hug. He had missed teasing the two Raphael girls. They had always, like their sister, given it back to him. It hadn’t been only Lisa he had lost when she left him. He had to admit he was a bit disappointed that Mary hadn’t called him when she had found out that Johnny was his. So again, he pulled back. Yes, she too had let him down and he tried to hide the disappointment from his eyes.

Sensing the withdrawal, and the reason for it, Mary sighed, and gave the man his space. He had a right to feel this pain, but it saddened her that she had not done right by this man who had loved her like a brother. She understood even though it still hurt. She hoped he would help her sister, help Lisa put her life back together, and although she had made poor choices, she had done so because of her love for her family. She hoped she could make Gio see that. She wanted to rectify some of that on the drive to Brownsville Academy to meet his son.

Lisa was just coming down the stairs to squeals from her sister’s children, and Mary glanced up the stairs at her, a question in her eyes. Mary noticed her sister’s eyes, and sad smile. It gave her pause, and she quickly glanced to Gio as he, too, watched Lisa’s descent. Her heart beat faster as she now took in the room, the pillows on the floor, and the cushions on the sofa. She saw a tell-tale pink blouse peeking out from underneath a cushion. Her eyes flying back to her sister’s, Lisa told her without words to say nothing, and Mary understood, but she couldn’t help feeling happy for her sister, who had been without love for too long. Just maybe, she had a chance still, if only she could prove her innocence. Albert was a demon, and bent on destroying her sister, who had given up her life for those she loved. Please, she prayed, help her now, she silently repeated the words.

BOOK: The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set
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