Read The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set Online

Authors: MJ Nightingale

Tags: #Romance, #box set, #Anthology, #Fiction

The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set (62 page)

BOOK: The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set
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“Did you get everything you needed?” she asked.

“And then some,” he winked as he closed her door.

Once seated and behind the wheel, he told her he bought much more than they needed. He was going to cook for her again.

“You like to cook, don’t you?”

“Absolutely. Italian families and food. It just goes together. Every Sunday, we all go to either Andreas’ or my Aunt Mary’s and we all chip in. There are always five cooks in the kitchen. You’ll see,” he joked.

“Wow, sounds like quite an event. Every Sunday?”

“Yes, ma’am. We don’t mess around in the kitchen.”

The drive to the hotel wasn’t far, and Blaze had her wait in the vehicle when he went in to register. He paid for three nights, just in case they stayed longer. He knew his brothers would arrive the next day, but they may decide to stay another night while they worked up the plan to lure the hit men into a trap. That part of the plan was still in the works.

Andreas had texted him while he was shopping, saying to call him tonight. He was working out the details with Nikko and when Gio got into Tampa, they would be taking a late flight after they filled him in.

He’d replied with a K. and left it at that.

*     *     *

The cabin was
a quarter mile away from the check in building. They passed four large five story buildings containing the majority of the condos, and then up a road into the woods brought them past several singular cabins each further and further apart. He rented the last one, a simple A-frame. It boasted a bedroom, a bathroom with a hot tub, a large living area and kitchen/dining area on the main floor, and above was a loft. It slept four the receptionist had told him, and was often used by families and the open loft used by kids. They would stick to the main floor and the bedroom which had a king sized bed.

Opening the door to the cabin, which appeared rustic on the outside, was a surprise. Inside, it was spectacular. Fully, and artistically furnished, it was breathtaking. It even had a fireplace under the large flat screen TV. A paisley sofa of rust, tan and brown faced it. The bank of windows to the right provided a breathtaking view. The cabin sat on the edge of a cliff, and looking down you could see the Little Tennessee River while above were the Smokies. Even now at noon, little wisps of smoke curled up into the sky, giving these mountains their name. Warm springs let out steam into the cool air of the higher altitudes and it looked like smoke. It was spectacular.

“This is gorgeous,” Bella breathed huskily gazing out the window at the scene above and below her.

“Your gorgeous, Bella,” Blaze said coming up behind her. She turned in his arms, and he pulled her close. “I’ll never get tired of looking at you. You amaze me.”

“Blaze, I . . .” she couldn’t find words. He was so good at complimenting her, and she never had that before. Yes, she knew she was attractive, but it wasn’t something she was used to hearing.

Blaze was holding her, and it felt so good to have Bella tucked comfortably in his arms. He didn’t want to let her go, but reluctantly did. He had groceries to put away.

“Go rest, or take a shower. I’ll get the bags from the car, and you take it easy. You hungry? Want me to fix something?” he offered.

“I’d love a shower. I’d like to dress in something else too,” she tugged uncomfortably on her oversized t-shirt, and looked down distastefully at the jean shorts she had been wearing for two days straight.

“Oh, that reminds me. I got you some soap, body wash, shampoo, and cream rinse at the grocery store. I wasn’t sure on what brands, but they smelled good. I’ll get them first. Then I’ll whip us up something while you take your shower. I’ll leave everything on the counter.”

“I can help you first.”

“No, go. I got this,” he winked, giving her a peck on the forehead, and then spun her around in the direction of the bedroom and bathroom. He gave her a gentle slap on the rear as she began to walk away from him.

“Okay,” she laughed at his funny inflection. He’d made it sound like that funny Spanish comedian, George Lopez. He’d even tapped his chest like the actor and comedian did frequently in his shows and stand-up comedy routines.

Bella walked into the bedroom. They hadn’t inspected this room yet. It was just as tastefully decorated as the rest of the cabin. The bed was a gorgeous walnut sleigh bed, and faced yet another bank of windows opening up onto a small balcony with another amazing vista of the Smokies.

The bathroom was large and had both a hot tub, and a massive glass enclosed shower as well as the commode and double sinks. This wasn’t a just a cabin; it was luxury. She’d never been in a place this nice in her life. She had a full day, and then some to enjoy it with Blaze, and she intended to, before his brother’s arrived and then she had to face reality.

She began to undress in the bathroom as she thought of what she might face and what she had to lose, but she really didn’t want to think of that now. She got into the shower, and turned the water on, adjusted the temperature and then got under the spray. Two shower heads felt fabulous as they cleansed her and massaged her at the same time. The water pressure was amazing.

“Knock, knock. Bath products on the counter, and bags of clothes are on the bed. Take your time.”

“Thank you,” she called, peering around the corner just in time to see his head disappear from sight. He winked at her lasciviously as he shut the door. Bella opened the glass door laughing, and reached across the expanse to grab the three bottles he left for her. She also noticed deodorant, a tooth brush and tooth paste, and a lady’s razor. The man was a dream come true. He thought of everything. Meticulous. And he was the most handsome, thoughtful man she had ever met. Maybe it was because he was a few years older than she, but he was just so, so . . . perfect. There was not a better word to describe him.

She quickly got back into the shower with the products she needed. The bath wash was vanilla scented, and the hair products too. It was heaven, and she luxuriated in it. She shaved her legs quickly; Blaze was preparing for lunch, and she didn’t want to keep him waiting.

She towel dried her hair, brushed her teeth, and looked longingly at the hair dryer. After she dressed, she’d peek out to see if lunch was ready, and if there was time, she’d take the extra ten minutes and blow out her hair. It would feel amazing to be able to do that. Wrapped in a white fluffy towel, she made her way into the bedroom, and chose the white capris, and the purple off the shoulder blouse. It would emphasize the greenness of her eyes. She patted herself down, and then pulled on the panties she had purchased to wear under these pants, and one of the bras. After removing the straps, she put on her clothes, and then peeked outside. She could see Blaze was still busy in the kitchen working, so she went to fix her hair. She blew it out, and using Blaze’s brush, which he had set on the bedroom dresser, she smoothed out her curls so her hair lay in longer wavy layers. It shone brilliantly.

She went back to the room when she was satisfied with her hair, and grabbed the bag from the outlet mall that contained the sandals and the makeup kit. She applied a bit of the pink eye makeup, the mascara to lengthen her lashes, and then shook the nail polish. Her toes soon sparkled up at her, and then she carefully slid on the white wedge sandals.

She was a different person in so many ways, she thought as she gazed in the mirror. Yes, she felt like her old self in these clothes, but she knew she wasn’t that girl anymore. She was someone who’d faced a tough road, but she was rebounding. She hoped. She was trusting her heart, but she was using her head. With one final nod of approval, she took a breath, and went to find Blaze.

*     *     *

He already knew
Bella was beautiful, but when he turned from the stove to get the pickles, he nearly dropped the jar onto the floor.

All of a sudden he wasn’t hungry. Well not for the Cuban sandwiches he was making. He stared in wonder at her. She looked like . . . like an angel.

Her hair was softer and looked longer as it swung with each step she took toward him. The blouse fitted her like a glove; the brilliant purple against her bronze skin revealed her shoulder and he had the urge to tear it off her like a barbarian so he could see more of the perfection he knew lie beneath. She was wearing skin tight white leggings that went to just below the knee. All of her slight curves were revealed. She was breathtaking.

“You like?” she asked and twirled before him just a foot away.

He was still speechless, and Bella looked at him a question in her eyes.

“You . . . You,” was all he managed to get out. “Yes.”

She laughed. She couldn’t help it. He was staring at her like a teenaged boy might look at a playboy magazine. His pants were tented.

“I think your butter is burning.” Her nose wrinkled as she looked past him into the kitchen.

“Shit,” he stammered turning on his heel to get the pan off the burner. He dropped the pan into the sink, then shut off the stove.

He turned and in three long strides he was before her again. A growl escaped his lips and her eyes went wide as he scooped her into his arms. “You look beautiful, Bella. You always have, but damn those clothes . . . they have to come off now.” His lips crushed hers, and he slipped his tongue inside when she gasped at his cave man antics.

His need was too great. He’d thought he might lose her, and he couldn’t stop himself. He had to have her. He pushed his way through the door to the bedroom, and tossed Bella gently onto the bed. He began to undress, pulling his shirt off and sliding down his pants before she even had a chance to move.

He wanted to bury himself inside this woman. His woman. Sitting beside her, he indicated to her to put up her arms, as he delicately stripped the blouse from her. He had to lick his lips when he saw the white Demi bra she wore. It was lace, and it made his cock ache painfully. He wanted her tits in his mouth, in his hands. Bella had already kicked off her sandals, and he slid the pants over her hips. The soft cotton came off easily. Her panties were next. Bella lay down on the white pillows and Blaze crawled between her legs, his cock pulsing. He had to be inside of her. It was his only thought as he planted a kiss on her abdomen, and his hand reached up to cup one breast. It fit perfectly in the palm of his hand. He easily slid up to her breast, and went straight for her nipple. It was already puckered and swollen. He rolled the tip between his teeth, and then sucked it into his mouth as his other hand sought out her core. He slipped his finger to the apex of her pussy, and used his thumb to stroke her clit. She squeezed her legs together at the first contact, but he encouraged her to relax. “Open for me,” he croaked out, leaving her breast and then capturing her mouth with his.

She tasted like mint and returned his kiss with equal ardor, her legs spreading wider for him as he continued to excite her, getting her ready for the assault that was going to begin soon. She reached for him, and wrapped her arms around his neck as he plundered her mouth with his tongue, the way he wanted his cock to thunder into her. He was so damn impatient, but he didn’t want to hurt her. He wanted to make sure she was ready. He checked and slid one finger inside her sheath. She was getting there. He could feel the juices as he pushed inside of her up to the knuckle and circled around her before withdrawing. Next he used two fingers and stroked her, stroked her until she was pushing into him begging for more.

“Please,” she begged, breaking the kiss.

It was all he needed. He got on his knees between her legs while she looked at him with half closed eyes, panting.

“Blaze, I need you,” and with no further words spoken he grasped her thighs and pulled her body towards his cock. When she was in position, he plunged into her. Grasping her thighs again, he pulled out and plunged in again, but he needed more. He took one leg and lifted it to crook it over her shoulder. Balancing with his hand, he began to fuck her. Fuck this woman as he watched her head toss from side to side while she rocked her hips meeting him thrust for thrust. Her hair splayed across the white pillows as she began to moan. He felt the blood rushing to his balls. He wanted to bring her with him to the edge and back, so he began to glide against her pussy as he rocked in and out, faster and faster. She grasped the sheets in her dainty fist encouraging him, urging him on as she pushed against him to get the most contact.

BOOK: The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set
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