The Boss's Pet: Their Submissive Switch (5 page)

BOOK: The Boss's Pet: Their Submissive Switch
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Tipping her head back, Sondra moaned as Nick rolled her nipple. “You’re not helping matters, Sir. There’ll be a puddle on my sheets if you keep that up.”

“It’ll be on your side. We’re not done discussing things yet; I have more questions so reach over and grab one of your towels.” She leaned over, grabbed one from her drawer and slipped it beneath her bottom.

“Lay back and close your seems to be easier for you to answer that way, but you may want to set your drink down.”

As Nick kept her nipple between his fingers, Sondra leaned over to set down her glass and leaned back against the pillows. Letting go, he exposed her other breast, cupping the weight before teasing her nipple to pebble hardness. “I want you to tell me what else you’d allow a woman to do to you or make you do. Would you suck her nipples?” Watching her face as the sensual arousal took over intoxicated Nick more than his drink and she kept her eyes closed.


“Would you kiss her with your tongue?”

“Oh, that’s a hard one...I suppose I would.”

Now he pinched harder. “Suppose she said the pain would increase if you didn’t lick her pussy, would you take more pain or lick her pussy?”

Without hesitation, she answered. “Take more pain.”

“Interesting.” He gently but firmly dug his nails into her nipple. “Would you lick her pussy now? And you’re not allowed to scream out. If you do, you get the flogger.”

She winced but sat there and took his punishment. “I’m sure I would lick after a while.”

“Lick what? You don’t like talking like this do you?” He enjoyed making her do things she didn’t like. It was a simple way of making her obey.

“It’s uncomfortable, I suppose.”

“Then you will tell me word for word what you would do.” Nick sat up beside her, leaned closer and pinched both nipples, holding each one tight.

Sondra moaned.

“Cup your breasts for me. Hold them up higher.”

She obeyed and he admired the firm curves of each mound.

“I’m waiting. Word for word. It’s for your own need to practice this.”

“I would slip my tongue between her lips, in and out.”

“What lips would you do that to?”

She whined. “Her
lips...why is this so hard?”

Nick’s cock hardened even more as he envisioned Sondra tied and made to lick another woman’s pussy. “Push back your covers and open your, pet. Good, now I’m going to let go but you keep your eyes closed. Spread your knees.”

With her knees spread wide, she was open to his view and he almost knelt to lick her but it wasn’t time yet. Nick sat cross legged in front of her. “Let your knees drop to the side. Gawd you smell good.” He sniffed the air to tease her then caressed her breasts, loving the feel of them in his hands as his thumbs teased each hard pebble. Once again he took both her nipples between his fingers. “Tell me what you would do with this woman if your hands were free and her pussy was above your face.”


He pressed his nails in hard and got a reaction.

“I would hold her pussy lips in my fingers and open her wide so I could get my tongue on her clit.”

“Was that so bad?” He sniffed. “I think it’s working. I want you to reach down and slip two fingers into your pussy. I want to hear you make noises for me in your own juices, juices caused by thinking of another woman’s pussy...licking her, making her cum.”

Nick watched as Sondra’s fingers got wet, slipped in and out, patted her opening and made noises in her slippery honey. He almost lost his own seed just watching her fingers slide over her engorged clit and swollen lips. “I want to taste your fingers now.”

“I can’t do that.”

Rolling her nipples harder, it surprised him how accustomed to pain they were getting. “I think you disobey in order to receive more pain, slut. I want to taste your”

Immediately she held them up to him as he took three into his mouth and his tongue removed the honey from each finger. “Now cup your breasts together again. I love looking you like that. Keep your eyes closed.”

Reaching for the cream, he opened it, rubbed his finger over the cream and spread some on each of her nipples.

“What are you doing? Hey, that smells edible!”

t peek or say a word.” Her thighs were still spread for him. He gathered a finger full, then spread the light-green minty cream over her clit and a bit on her lips. Screwing the lid back on, he placed it back in his draw and leaned across her thigh to admire his handy work. He reached up to spread the cream evenly over each nipple then tended to her clit, making sure the cream got warm to begin its work. Sondra moaned as his finger teased her lips, spreading the cream along her shaven lips.

“Can you feel it work?” Nick wanted to taste it but knew it was too early yet.

“It’s tingling. What have you done to me?”

“I’ve only increased your sensitivity. My tongue will make you even more crazy tonight.”

His cock ached more and he couldn’t stand it any longer. He leaned closer and sucked one of Sondra’s nipples, licking at the minty cream to get all traces and did the same to the other one.

“Wow, what
that stuff? I’m thinking it’ll work well on a few of

“My special little jar. I might let you use a bit.” Not able to wait any longer, he pressed her thighs wider and his mouth covered her clit, flicking his tongue over the hard minty nub.

Sondra’s fingers laced through his hair and her nails dug into his scalp. He licked lower and sucked her honey, taking away as much as he could, then moving up to lick her clit, suck her lips, licking and biting as he pushed two fingers inside against her g-spot. The flood gates opened and she came right there, grasping at the sheets as she screamed his name.

Nick leaned up, grabbed her thighs to pull her onto his shaft and he buried it deep as he leaned over her body, taking a nipple into his mouth while squeezing the other, twisting it to give her pain with her pleasure. Her fingers found his own nipples and she squeezed hard, twisting his the same way, causing his seed to fill her completely. Nick rose up to give her more access to his nipples as he pumped her to another orgasm.

She rubbed her own breasts as the orgasm took her higher; pinching her own nipples, twisting them for Nick and he loved watching this woman who had come to mean so much to him. At that moment, he knew he loved her, loved making her cum, loved giving so much more to her.

Lowering his body atop hers as her orgasm ebbed away, he took her face in his hands and kissed her deep, their tongues swirling together, her nails raking his back. He pumped a few more times, making her moan as he did so, then rolled so she now lay atop his body and he gazed up her. “Thank you for sharing.”

“That was embarrassing but look what it accomplished. I guess it worked.” Sondra laid her head on his chest, then wiggled over to lie beside him. He pulled the covers up over them as they lay side by side.

Nick stroked her arm she’d placed across his chest, her hand and arm soft from oils. He kissed her hair. “I love you, pet...”

Sondra immediately stilled in his arms.

Had he said the wrong thing?
He’d said what was in his heart; what he thought was in her heart. Each time they made love, it only got better.


* * * * *


Had she heard him right?
Sondra had wanted to say that to Nick for so long yet held back, not knowing what his feelings for her truly were. She dared to lean up, to look deep into those blue eyes but now they were more dark than blue. His pupils almost fully dilated from emotion. “You’re serious.”

Nick caressed the back of his fingers against her cheek. “Yes...I’m serious. My love grows more every day that I’m around you. I love watching you after our showers, I love watching each orgasm that crosses your face...”

Her heart beat way too fast right now. “I’ve wanted to say that, too, but wasn’t sure what you felt and I didn’t want to seem as though I were pushing you into something you weren’t ready for. I’ve loved you for a while now and held it in.”

“You held nothing in. I felt it each time you looked at me at the office, each time you looked at me in your restraints in the dungeon...each time you looked at me while on your knees with your collar on and your hands behind you...before you take me into your mouth. I saw your heart in your eyes.”

Heat flushed her cheeks and neck as she laid her head back on Nick’s chest, her fingers playing in the hairs there. She’d cry from happiness if she continued to look at him. He was right; she loved doing all those things for him and she loved how it made her feel when she knelt before him, waiting to obey his commands to please him.

Sondra bit her lip to avoid crying tears of happiness. Working with Nick at the office wasn’t a job anymore; she enjoyed being there and being a part of what he loved. His business was growing and she’d helped make that happen. Now his heart beat beneath her fingers and she smiled.

“You haven’t answered my question yet.”

She raised her head to look at him, wondering how she could have missed hearing him ask her something. “What question?”

He searched her eyes. “Are you ready to move in with me yet and put your home on the market? I understand if you’re not, but we could save more money doing that. You wouldn’t have the expense of keeping a house up.”

She thought about it and knew he was right. All the expenses at her home would stop and she could build her savings up. “You’re right. I am wasting money on the house payment, the property tax, utilities and maintenance. It’ll be a big step for me. I’ve always had my own place.”

is your own place.
is where you belong. Give it some serious thought this week.”

“I will. I just need to do it.” She put her head back on his chest, snuggled closer and listened to the beat of his heart and soon his slow breathing as he drifted off to sleep. Thoughts whirled in her head but she knew she could deal with them tomorrow. It felt good to be so happy...and loved on top of it all.


* * * * *


Sondra wiped her face with the towel from around her neck as she continued to step up on the elliptical machine that looked out onto Nick’s backyard. No,
backyard. Would she ever get used to that? Nick had started correcting her lately when she’d said things like that; he would tell her this was now her home, her things, her kitchen, and her patio. It felt so strange yet wonderful all at the same time.

Nick stepped off the treadmill. “I think it’s time for coffee on the patio. We can discuss the 10:00 clients and what they might need. We have half an hour to relax before getting ready to head to the office. I’ll pour the coffee.” He kissed her as she stepped before heading to the kitchen.

Happiness kept Sondra grounded. This new beginning would be an adventure and she couldn’t wait to see where it led. She climbed off the machine, feeling the burn in her thigh muscles and headed through the kitchen toward the patio to enjoy the morning sun before the office.


Nick stretched the knots from of his legs out on the chaise lounge as he watched Sondra pour her coffee, admiring how firm her thighs and ass were. “I emailed Omar that we’d be coming to stay for six days. Rico said we could stay with him and Katherine if we didn’t want to stay at Omar’s that long. I’ll let you decide once we get there.” He drank his coffee but kept eye contact. “It’ll be mid-August then and the temps will be about 115 everyday. The nights don’t cool off much so we can have a great time outside. You’re going to enjoy meeting them and seeing old friends again.”

Sondra pulled the cushioned foot rest close to her chair and sat down. “I’m just not sure I’ll be able to look some of them in the eye after what we’ve done with them.”

“I can’t say you’ll get over that but it’ll get easier. I also told Omar to put you down for the Submissive Training Class; not so much that you don’t know the basics, but to get you more used to taking orders from another Dom. Just keep in mind that not all Doms are male and not all submissives are female.” He saw her mind begin to mull over exactly what he’d meant. The way she tried to hide her feelings of shock or surprise amused Nick as realization set in of what he described to her.

Sondra didn’t enjoy being on the learning end of things, that much he knew. Her confidence sparkled at the office in areas of expertise that she had but with her new lifestyle, there was still a learning curve she didn’t appreciate. That was part of what Nicked enjoyed; he liked teaching her the lifestyle because she learned so quickly.

God help him once she gained enough knowledge to be able to move around in his world among his friends. He had no doubt her ability to manage and control would eventually spill over into being able to switch from submissive to Domme.

No doubt at all.

The other Masters couldn’t keep their eyes off her during their last trip and didn’t expect this one to be any different. On second thought, most of the women couldn’t keep their eyes off Sondra and her curves. It would definitely be exciting for all involved.

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