The Boss's Orders: Alpha Male Billionaire Office Romance (9 page)

BOOK: The Boss's Orders: Alpha Male Billionaire Office Romance
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hile Claire is
out running some errands, I take advantage of the quiet to actually get some work done. She’s been keeping me very distracted lately — or maybe I should say we’ve been keeping each other very distracted. My mind drifts back to the other day on the couch … yesterday on the floor … this morning in my chair.

My dick starts to throb at the mere thought of her.

Think unsexy thoughts, I tell myself. This company isn’t going to run itself.

I start going through the massive pile of folders of things that need my signature. Claire’s been nagging me all week to sign them and I can already picture the satisfaction on her face when I hand her the completed pile.

God, this is really fucking pathetic. I’m prioritizing my to-do list based on what’ll get me a smile from secretary.

Ah, fuck it.

She’s more than just a secretary. I find myself wanting to make her smile as much as I can.

Well, smile and do other things. Like moan. And gasp. And writhe.

Fuck, seriously, Godrich. Unsexy thoughts. Cockroaches. World War II. Grandma in an apron. Grandma in nothing
an apron.

Okay, that’s better. Actually, that last one worked a little too good. I might not get another erection for awhile.

I finally turn to my folders and am just starting to get down into them when my phone rings. Not too many people have my direct line — most of my calls get routed through Claire, and I know she’s not back yet — so I pick up.

It’s James, my lawyer.

“Hey,” I say, happy to hear from him. “I’ve been meaning to call you. Racquetball on Saturday?”

“Sure, that sounds great. But I actually had another reason for calling you.”

“Oh?” I can hear a note of trepidation in his voice, which sets me a little on edge.

“Look, it’s nothing official. Just someone gave me a heads up about something last night at O’Malleys.”

O’Malleys was an Irish bar in town that was known as the hot spot for lawyers to drink. It was also known as the best place to get any kind of legal gossip.

“Look, I can’t say who, but a friend told me that Kurtz, Marsden and Park is sniffing around about the merger.”

I actually laugh. “Those ambulance chasers? What the fuck interest do they have in corporate law all of a sudden?”

“Not the merger itself. All those employees you let go. The ones from Prescott & Bailey.”


“Yeah. Like I said, nothing official. But I can make some time tomorrow to talk to your head of HR. Just to make sure we can get out ahead of this.
it turns into anything.”

“Yeah, that sounds good.” I force my voice to be calm but inside I’m seething with rage. Nobody comes at me unless they really want to go. I make sure of that.

“Look, I really can’t stress enough that this could all turn out to be nothing. I’ve been over the merger paperwork a hundred times, and it’s tight as a bride’s asshole. I got my guys going over it again now just to be safe, but I wanted to give you the heads up anyway.”

“Yeah, thanks James. I appreciate it.”

“Will, one more thing. If this goes ahead, they aren’t going to have much of a legal leg to stand on. So they’re going to try to play on emotion and paint you as a prick. They’re going to come at you with everything they have. Any personal stuff they can dig up. Lila.”

He doesn’t have to say anything other than her name.

“I got it.”

“I’m just saying, make sure you’re keeping your nose clean.”

“I got it, James. Thanks.”

I hang up the phone in a blind rage.

“Fuck!” I say to no one.

I burst out of my office hoping to see Claire but she isn’t back yet.

“Fuck!” I say again. I slam my hand down on her desk. I just want to see her. I know seeing her will calm me down.

And then that pisses me off even more. Since when did I get so attached to her? Fuck this.

I go back to my office to call Tom Jacobs, our head of HR, but there’s no answer. Do people not pick up the phone for the CEO anymore?

I decide to march down there myself. I want a list of names of everyone we let go from Prescott & Bailey. And maybe seeing me in the flesh will strike some fear into them and they’ll pick up the damn phone when I call.

I stalk down the hallway to the office, but just as I come around the corner, I freeze.


Coming out of Tom’s office. She doesn’t see me, but I see her. Her blond hair hangs in her face, and she looks around quickly before she darts down the hallway in the opposite direction from where I’m standing.

Now that’s weird. What the fuck is she doing in HR?

I don’t like this. First James’s call about the lawsuit and now my secretary’s coming out of HR looking all furtive?

Hell no.

Memories of Lila and her betrayal are floating upwards from the depths where I keep them buried.

Claire’s not Lila, I remind myself. Give her the benefit of the doubt.

But the ruthless businessman in me doesn’t believe in giving anyone the benefit of the doubt.

I go back to my office without stopping in to HR. I need to think about this some more.

I need to find out what the fuck’s going on.


he days pass
and there’s no word from Kelly. I start to relax a little. Maybe nothing will come of this stupid suit and it will all blow over.

I know I should tell William about it, but I just can’t bring myself to do it. Especially not if it’s all going to turn out to be nothing.

He’s been crazy stressed this week as it is. I don’t know what it is — I assume something to do with the business, but he won’t talk to me about it. He spends all his time brooding in his office with the door closed, arriving in the morning before I get here and leaving long after I’ve gone home. I’ve barely seen him all week.

And to be honest, I miss him. I miss the sound of his voice and his weird little jokes and yes, the way he knew how to fuck me senseless.

I knock lightly on his door. He makes a grunting noise from inside his office which I take to mean ‘come in’.

I step lightly into the room. I have his cappuccino and a muffin in a little bakery bag.

“Coffee, tea, or me?” I smile.

He barely looks up from his laptop. “Just the coffee’s fine, thanks.”

My face falls but he doesn’t even see it because he’s so focused on his work.

I set the cup and the bag down on his desk. I take my time doing it in the hopes that he’ll say something else or otherwise acknowledge my presence, but he doesn’t. Just stares at that monitor, occasionally pounding on the keyboard.

I slip back out of his office unnoticed.

At my desk I try to get back to work. I have about forty-two million spreadsheets to update but I can’t concentrate on any of them.

All I can think about is William. My boss.

What if everyone was right? What if sleeping with my boss was a terrible idea?

God. What am I thinking?
Of course
they were right. Was there ever a scenario in the world where fucking your boss led to anything but heartbreak? Sure, he could walk away unscathed. He was a man and he was the boss. He’d be able to replace me in a week. If the rumors were true, I was just one in a long line anyway.

I was the one who was fucked here. And not in the good way.

My mind is already running over the implications of this. I would have to find a new job. Without a pay check, I could lose my apartment. Especially since April and Vanessa had made it abundantly clear that they weren’t willing to cover for me anymore.

But to be honest, those things didn’t scare me as much as the idea of never seeing William again.

Oh no. What have I gone and done? I’ve broken the number one rule of sleeping with your boss.

I actually fell for him.

I need to get some air.

Even though I just got back from getting coffee, I head outside for a walk. It’s not like William will even notice I’m gone.

Once I’m outside I take in deep gulps of that smoggy downtown air. Salty tears prick my eyes, threatening to spill over onto my cheeks. I tilt my head back and blink furiously. I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe
this happen.

No. I’m not ready for this to be over yet. I know it might be — hell, it’s probably — for the best, but I can’t just let go. I need one more fix. One more fix and then maybe I’ll be able to purge him from my system.

I steel myself and then head back upstairs, and once I’m there I go into William’s office without knocking. This time he does look up, probably just due to the surprise of being intruded on.

“Yes?” He already sounds bored of me. I fight back tears.

“Take me.”

His eyes widen in surprise. I am already sliding off my blouse. It falls to the floor.

“Take me. Do whatever you want to me. Anything.” I reach around and unhook my bra, letting that fall to the floor as well. My nipples harden and reach for him.

I can’t believe the words coming out of my mouth, and the door I’m opening. Yet it seems to be working. William puts down his pen. His eyes flare. He pushes his chair back from his desk and stands up.

“That’s a very generous offer, Claire.”

“I mean it. Use me. Hurt me.” I slide my skirt down over my hips. I haven’t worn panties to work in ages — not since the incident with the scissors — and now I stand before him, completely naked.

His nostrils flare. He’s standing stock still in front of me and I can tell he’s holding himself back, that he wants to do exactly what I’m asking. Good.

He takes another step towards me, brings his hand to my chin, lifts my face.

“Don’t make offers you can’t follow through with.”

“I never do.”

William turns from me abruptly, and for a second I think he’s going to refuse me, but instead he strides towards his desk and throws everything on to the floor. All of it. Laptop, file folders, coffee cup. Everything crashes to the floor.

“Get over here.”

I cross the floor towards him and he grabs me roughly, turning me so that I’m pressed up against his big mahogany desk. He kisses me, forcing his tongue into my mouth, his hands into my hair. He doesn’t go gentle and I don’t want him to. I want to be consumed by him. I want him to devour me whole.

I kiss him back. Passion courses between us. I know it’s physical but I can’t help but feel that there’s more to it than that. I feel like we’re drowning and we’re both clinging to each other for safety — or maybe to pull each other down into the darkness.

William’s hands go to my breasts, manhandling them and pinching and twisting at my nipples. I moan into his mouth. The pain of it feels so good I can hardly breathe.

He lifts me up so that I’m actually sitting on the desk, then he roughly spreads my knees and steps in between them. He spears his finger roughly into me and I gasp at the sudden shock of his touch.

“You like that?” He moves his finger in and out. “You like it when I finger you?”

“Yes,” I breathe into his mouth.

His ferocity is sending raven sparks coursing through my entire body. Sparks aren’t everything but in this moment I want to believe that sparks are enough. I pull him closer to me, grinding my hips against his hand, forcing him deeper inside of me.

Wetness pools between my legs, soaking him to the wrist.

Without warning, he forces my naked body backwards onto the desk, so fast and hard that my head clunks against the wood. He doesn’t ask if I’m okay, just stands above me, unloosing his tie.

As he slips it off from around his neck, he reaches for my arms and pulls them up over his head. He uses his tie to bind them above my head, stretched high enough that they hang over the far edge of the desk.

He steps around and opens a drawer in his desk and pulls another cord of some kind. He moves to the foot of the desk and I can’t figure out what he’s doing.

Until I feel him wrap the cord around my ankle. He secures it to the leg of the desk. Then he comes around the side and does the same thing to my other leg. My knees are hooked over the side of the desk and I have only an inch or two of wiggle room. My pussy is spread, leaving me completely at his mercy.

“William,” I breathe.

“I’m going to fuck you, Claire. But first I’m going to make you beg.”

“Don’t you think I’ve begged enough?”

“There’s no such thing as enough.”

He undoes the buckle on his belt, the the top of his pants. He slides them down over rock hard thighs, and his dick springs towards me. Hard, red, yearning.

He steps between my legs and rubs the head of his dick across my pussy. His juices mingle with mine and I feel slick and ready for him. But he doesn’t do it yet. He holds his dick at my entrance and lets the head rest there.

“Do you like that?”

“Yes,” I whisper.

“Tell me what else you want.”

“I want you, William.”

“Tell me.”

“I want you to fuck me.”

“Is that so?”

“Please. Please fuck me.”

“Go on.” He’s nudging the head just inside of me now, and the pressure is exquisite, but I want nothing more than for him to ram his dick all the way inside of me and fuck me hard and strong, like the dominant man that he is.

“Oh God. Please, William. Please fuck my pussy.”

He slides in a little further, until the head is inside me, but it’s still not enough. I take in his bulging muscles, all flexed as he holds himself back, his steely grey eyes burning a hole into my soul.

“Please, William. Please fuck me, sir.”

With a groan, he slams his dick all the way inside of me. I scream out at the intensity of it. Then he slides back out slowly.

“Say it again.”

“Please fuck me, sir.”

He plows into me one more time, then again slowly withdraws. I can feel every single sensation as his dick slides through the length of me. Then the hollowness as he withdraws.


“Fuck me, sir. Please.”

With another grunt he slams back in. This time he doesn’t withdraw. He grips my hips and pistons his cock in and out, pounding away at me like a jackhammer. I try to grip him with my knees before I remember my legs are tied. I settle for trying to scooch down lower on the desk so that I can keep him closer, tighter.

He puts a hand on my rib cage, pressing hard to keep me from moving, and he continues to pound his dick into my wet hot pussy. I can feel wetness leaking out of me, soaking both of us. I want to reach down and touch my clit, but with my hands tied, I can’t.

William slides his hands under my ass and lifts my hips a little, just enough that the angle changes and he can get in even deeper. He’s fucking me hard now, so hard that I feel like I might break.

I look up at his face, and realize he’s gazing at me with an intensity I’ve never seen before. I realize then that I belong to him, body and soul. There’s no walking away from this. There’s only falling.

I’ll do whatever I can to please this man.

I clench my pussy muscles tighter around him. He reaches down to stroke my clit with his thumb, circling it slowly the way he knows that I like. I feel the orgasm start to rip through me, violent as an earthquake, taking over my body. I want to grab onto his shoulders or wrap my legs around him and I strain against the ties. The sensation sends me even further over the cliff and I scream his name over and over and over as I come.

William smiles down at me and his smile is so deliciously wicked that I almost come again. He holds my thighs and forces himself deeper into me, thrusting without withdrawing, keeping himself buried deep in my warm folds.

I feel his dick spasm inside me and see the look of something I can’t name cross over his face. Then he’s filling me with white hot seed.

He collapses on top of me, breathing heavily. Now it’s my turn to smile. He looks up and kisses me. Not being able to use my hands to caress him is driving me crazy, but in a good way. The tightness of the cords is keeping me excited.

William glances down at the big silver watch on his wrist.

“Shit. I have a meeting to get to.”

“Huh. Don’t you have a secretary who’s supposed to remind you of these things?”

He grins. “Yes, I believe I do. She’s obviously not very good at her job though. I think I’m going to have to punish her.”

“I think so too. Maybe you should leave her tied up and spread naked on your desk while you’re at your meeting. Maybe that will teach her.”

William’s face changes immediately. Darkness covers his features, as strange and sudden as a solar eclipse. He has never exactly exuded warmth, but now he is downright glacial.

He moves around to the top of the desk and unties my hands without a word. I sit up and rub my wrists and watch in confusion as he unties the cords that bind my ankles to his desk.

“Did I do something wrong?” I finally ask.

William glares me. “No. But apparently I did.”

“What are you talking about?” My gut is churning. I feel like I’ve fucked something up and I don’t even know what it is.

“I think you should go,” he says quietly. His tone is scarier than if he were yelling. It’s ice cold and filled with barely repressed rage.

And I have no idea why.

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