The Boss's Daughter (9 page)

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Authors: Jasmine Haynes

BOOK: The Boss's Daughter
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That did it. Another man had made her come with such ferocity, and she wanted to take his come all over her. Ward was blind with jealousy. And fucking-amazingly hard.

He took two stomping steps fully into the room. Her eyes opened. Joe’s head turned. Cassandra smiled. Joe couldn’t do much more than gape.

Ward pointed a finger at his head. Joe jerked as if it was a gun.

“Don’t you
fucking call my wife a cunt.”

“I—it—ah—” Joe stammered, then stopped, stared. “Your wife?”

“Mine,” he enunciated harshly. “Now get your cock out of her before I cut it off.”

Joe was still staring. Ward took a threatening step, reaching into his jacket pocket at the same time. Joe finally reacted, pulling out, almost flying off the bed. Ward picked up the clothes strewn across the carpet and threw them at him. Joe caught his pants, but dropped the shirt. He began to struggle into them, hopping on one foot.

“Out.” Ward pointed. “Now. You can put your clothes on in the hall.”

“But—” Joe’s eyes were wide like a terrified rabbit. His dick, still dressed in the condom, hung flaccid.

Ward waggled his fingers in his pocket.

And Joe ran, naked, dick flapping. Yanking on the door handle, he darted through and let it slam loudly behind him. On the bed, Cassandra curled into a ball, her body shaking with her laughter.

“You think this is funny?” Ward snarled.


He tossed his glasses on the side table, then grabbed her by the arms, stretched her onto her back, and used his superior weight and strength to pin her to the bed.

“I don’t think you’ll find
so goddamn funny.” Holding her wrists in one hand, he levered far enough off her body to tug at his belt and zipper.

“What the hell are you doing?” She tried to kick him, but he held her down.

“What you’ve been driving me to.”

“Get off me.”

He didn’t need light to see the flush of her cheeks. With harsh breaths, he drew in the scent of her sex. As he fumbled at his pants, he felt the moisture of her pussy. She was wet and ready. He was too crazy hard to stop. And she didn’t want him to.

Without much effort, he shoved her legs apart and fell between them.

“Don’t you dare.” Her eyes crackled with fire.

His cock in his hand, he held still one long moment. “Tell me to stop.”

She glared at him, but she didn’t open her mouth.

“I’m not wearing a condom. Tell me not to do it.”

She clenched her teeth. Her nostrils flared.

“I’m clean, but that doesn’t matter. You should make me stop.”

She still didn’t say a word.

Ward penetrated her with one hard thrust. “Oh fuck,” he said on the last breath in his body.

She was all heat and mobile muscle. Clamping around him, taking him, owning him. He closed his eyes, relishing the feel of her.

“Fuck me, you little worm,” she whispered.

He almost laughed, but his brain wasn’t functioning properly, and all that came out was a grunt. Then his body began to move on its own, pulling out, pounding deep. Beneath him, Cassandra moaned. He took her again. She spread her legs wider, hooked her ankles at his waist, and clenched her fingers on his butt cheeks. He didn’t remember letting go of her wrists.

“Fuck me, you wimp.”

The names drew him deeper, forced him to a faster, harder, sweeter pace. He wanted to feel her flesh, but he hadn’t removed a single piece of clothing. He was still wearing his dress shoes.

She shoved her head back into the pillow, opened her mouth, and wailed her pleasure. He told himself it was just fucking, just bodies coming together, but he felt her inside him instead of the other way around. She possessed him. She dragged him deeper as if she were a sorceress with magical powers to enslave him.

The climax didn’t build. It was simply there, crashing over him, stealing his sanity. Then his soul. He filled her with everything he had, pumping long and achingly. It was so fucking good it almost hurt. Yet she wasn’t done with him. When he thought he had nothing left, her body milked him, forced another shudder, another deep gush of semen inside her.

When he thought he’d died, was nothing more than a hollow husk, she pushed at his shoulders, forced him out, down.

“Lick me,” she demanded. “Now. Right now.”

Somehow he was between her legs, her pussy glistening, her clit plump and beckoning. Ward devoured her, licking, sucking, swirling the little nub. He buried his tongue in her channel and tasted his come, sucked it from her, drank it for her, licked her clean. From somewhere far away, he heard her cry out his name, a strangled, guttural sound, and he stabbed his tongue just below her clit. He wasn’t sure if he’d simply missed the mark or some universal knowledge overtook him, but he hit her just right, and she flew apart, clamping her legs tight around his ears, pulling his hair, bucking. Her every shudder and shake shimmied through his body, turned him hot and hard again. He shoved two hands beneath her butt and held her, sucked her, kept her riding the top of the wave.

She’d needed the vibrator to climax earlier. The second time, all she’d needed was him.


* * * * *


Cassandra flung her arm across her eyes. “Oh. My. God.” Then she couldn’t resist, she had to look down at him.

Ward lay between her legs, his head resting on her thigh, feet hanging off the bed. He was still the prefect businessman, white shirt, black tie, black suit. Except that his pants were open, his cock was hard again, and their combined come glistened on his mouth.

“Are you dead?” she whispered.


“That was good.” And
was a horrendous understatement. She couldn’t for the life of her remember a more powerful orgasm. And the one she’d had only minutes before—as Ward salivated over her with another man—had been pretty spectacular. But honestly,
had ever been like what he’d just done. It wasn’t the act itself. Plenty of men had made her come quite impressively with their tongue. It was the whole package, dinner while he watched her, the angry shade of red suffusing his face, the soft click of the key card in the door, his eyes glittering in the dark. His threats—
Don’t call her a cunt. Get out before I cut your dick off
—or something like that. And the way he’d pounced on her, forced her. Taken her bareback. She didn’t do men bareback. She was cautious that way. But she’d wanted him flesh to flesh. She’d trusted him. And she’d needed his come deep inside so he could lick it out of her.

She couldn’t quite explain it even to herself, but there was some weird sort of connection between them that she’d never felt with another man, some sort of synergy that elevated what they did together to something far beyond mere physical satisfaction. That’s what her sex life had been missing, synergy.

“Better than Joe?” he muttered.


“Joe Average. The guy I threw out on his ass.”

She laughed. Joe Average was a good name for him. She’d met with him a few times when she was up here visiting her father. He was actually a little better than average, but he had nothing on Ward.
No one
compared with how Ward made her feel. Amazing. Because Ward was actually pretty average himself. Until he let the tiger out.

“That was awful,” she scolded, laughter still edging her voice. “He was naked. What if some little kid was out in the hall? Traumatized for life.” She’d loved it, Ward’s high-handedness, his threats, the menace in his voice. And well, she kind of liked his defense of her, too.
Don’t call her a cunt
. She didn’t mind the word in that context. It was just dirty talk. But the fact that those were the first words out of his mouth warmed her.

“He probably thinks I’ve gotten married since the last time I saw him.”

Ward raised his head. “You


“I thought you picked him up.”

She tipped her chin down to look at him. “I did. But that was months ago.”

“How many men do you have?”

She started to count on her fingers.

He put his palm up. “No. Don’t. I don’t want to know.”

“I’m very slutty, you know.” She grinned at him.

“Why don’t those words bother you?”

“They’re just words. And I like who I am.” She loved sex. She loved men. She wouldn’t deny it. “And I love what you did tonight.”

“All of it?” He moved slightly against her thigh as if he were nuzzling her.

“Every single bit.”

She should have tried the whole role-playing thing long ago. Except that she wasn’t sure it would work with anyone else. Ward was different from her other men. He was intense, bristling with emotion. He would have stopped if she’d told him to. He would have put on a condom. But he’d
to force her. He’d
to punish her. He’d been pissed and jealous. It wasn’t an act. And that made it all the hotter.

“I especially loved it when you licked the come out of me. I’d told Joe to come on me, then I was going to make you lick it up. But instead you came in me and licked that up. It was so much better than what I’d planned.”

“I’m not licking some other man’s come off you.” His voice was hoarse, gruff.

“Why not?”

“It’s disgusting.”

She raised a brow. “I find it extremely hot.”

He grunted. She didn’t think it was agreement.

She imagined a threesome with Ward. The other guy fucking her, then Ward lapping his come out of her. Her body flushed, and a little rush of moisture made her wet all over again. Oh God, yes. She had to have it. Most men wanted a threesome with two women, but as much as she loved sex, Cassandra didn’t like sharing. She didn’t like the competition. But two men on her? Oh yeah, she definitely wanted that. She’d just have to figure out how to get Ward to agree.

The problem was the whole condom issue. He’d said she needn’t worry about him, and she didn’t doubt him for a second. But a third party? They’d have to find someone they could trust. She went through her mental little black book. There were several possibilities. But Ward had been a tad touchy about the fact that she’d been with Joe before. Okay, his name wasn’t Joe, but he would forever be that to her from now on. Yes, Ward had seemed a little fussy about her men. It would probably be better to choose from his list of friends. She knew she could get him to love it once he’d tried a threesome.

Ward shifted on the bed, sat up, then stood and straightened his suit jacket. “Thanks for a good time.” His voice was a little too hard for her liking.

“You’re not leaving?” After all that body heat on her, she was cold without him.

“Of course I am. Didn’t you rent the room for just an hour?”

“Ouch,” she said. He was still angry. That had been perfect in the heat of the moment, but she didn’t want him to go away mad. She knee-walked to the edge of the bed and took hold of his tie knot, fixing it for him. “I’m staying the night. I thought Ruby and Holt might need some alone time.”

His brow furrowed. “Ruby and Holt?”

“Yeah. They’ve got all those wedding plans to make.” And they had
things they’d want to do in her absence.

“Wedding plans?”

She needed to order the dress material, too. “September isn’t that far away.” Then she got what he was saying. Or rather, what he
saying. “Don’t you even know?”

“You’re crazy.”

She smoothed her palms down his suit jacket. “No, I’m not. But I do believe I’ve let the cat out of the bag. Don’t tell Holt I said anything.” Why were they keeping it a secret? Duh. Because Ruby was Holt’s secretary. He was probably figuring out how to break it to his executive staff.

Ward put the heel of his hand to his forehead. “Un-fucking-believable.”

She fingered his lapels, then scrunched them in her fists to pull him closer. “Don’t go yet,” she whispered. She wasn’t done with him.


Chapter Ten



He woke to an expert mouth on his cock and a finger doing things to him no one had ever done. He couldn’t even find the breath to say any of the filthy expletives that came to mind.
Fuck. Shit. Holy damn hell.
What she did to him was too amazing for words anyway.

His body rocked and surged deep into her mouth. His butt cheeks clenched around her questing finger. And the pleasure rocketed him into outer space. She knew every trick ever invented.

When he exploded, she drained him to the last drop of come and beyond.

For long moments he lay paralyzed and stupefied. He didn’t even realize she’d left the bed until she climbed back in again.

“Was that good?” Her breath against his ear sent a shiver of need through him. Even after what she’d just done.

His breath was still puffing hard as he said, “Yeah. Good.”

She flopped down beside him on the pillow and pulled the covers to her waist. “I don’t usually let men spend the night.”

“Are you kicking me out?” She’d have to do it bodily because he sure as hell wasn’t moving on his own.

“Nonono.” She trailed a finger down his chest, then snuggled close, her breasts pressed to his arm. “I just didn’t want you to get used to this. But I’ve got plans for us in the morning.”

That washed over him like a cold winter stream. He was suddenly wide awake. “With you, I don’t get used to anything.” But he wanted to. Though God only knew why since they didn’t talk. All they did was screw. Or he watched her screwing. She didn’t know anything about him, what he wanted out of life, where he’d come from, not even where he lived. And he knew next to nothing about her. Except that she was the boss’s daughter. He heard the pathetic note in all that and managed not to say a word of it out loud.

“And what are we doing tomorrow?”

“I thought it would be fun if you looked at some of the places I have to see for my boutique.”

“Your boutique?” He realized he did that a lot, echoed her words. Just as he had with that whammy about Holt and Ruby. He should have had a clue regarding that. After all, he’d wondered why Ruby’s car was in Holt’s drive. Now he could only wonder how it would affect them all at the office.

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