The Bossman (6 page)

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Authors: Renee Rose

BOOK: The Bossman
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He kissed her shiny hair, savoring that his hard-to-get girl was snuggled in so tightly. “What do you mean?”

She pulled out of his arms to look at his face, nibbling on her lower lip. “I mean, were you really serious when you spanked me, or was it just know, fetish.”

He chuckled. “I was serious at first, but then when I saw it turned you on, I got turned on, too.”

“You were serious? So...does that mean you spank your girlfriends? I mean, you would spank me if, um…” she trailed off, looking both flustered and angry.

“Soph,” he said cautiously, “I would never hit a woman anywhere but on her ass. You know that, right? Were you scared?”

She considered him, then shook her head. “Not really. I was more pissed off than anything.”

He touched her nose. “Pissed off and turned on,” he said with a grin.

She jerked her head away, but smiled slightly. “So, you’ve spanked other women?”

“Yeah,” he said simply.

“For real punishment or for sex?”

“Real punishment.”

“You spanked your ex-fiancé? Alessia?”

He nodded, uncomfortable with dragging Alessia into this conversation.

“What for?”

He drew a breath. “I don’t think she’d want me talking about it with my new girlfriend, know what I mean?”

“I’m not your girlfriend,” she said, chewing on her lip. “But if I were, you would do that again?”

“If you needed it,” he said, then modified his answer. “It’s up for discussion, Sophie. I won’t walk out if you tell me no, okay?”

She relaxed and he nodded, to show he meant it.

“I can tell you no?”

He shrugged and quirked a smile. “You can try. All I can promise is that it’s open for discussion.”

She smiled ruefully and shook her head. “Neanderthal,” she muttered, but her cheeks were flushed with excitement. She climbed to her feet, finding her panties where she’d kicked them off and stepping back into them. “Are you still up for dinner?”


He opened a bottle of wine and poured it, but she shooed him to the table, serving him the way his mother used to serve his father, glowing when he praised the savory meal of chicken, fresh vegetables and wild rice she’d made. Seeing her this way--all soft and open--made him even more determined to win her over. Sophie Palazzo was a prize no man deserved, himself included.

She served chocolate ice cream in little sundae dishes for dessert. He watched the way she sucked on her spoon, remembering the feel of those full lips teasing his cock just an hour earlier.

“So, spanking women isn’t a fetish for you?”

He almost laughed, but something in her expression looked so vulnerable he swallowed it in time. The last thing he wanted to do was mock her sexual kinks. “Well,” he said slowly, “I’m certainly turned on by the sight of a woman’s bare ass. So maybe the first few spanks excite me. But once she starts hurting, the arousal goes away and it’s just about discipline. So I guess I’m not a real sadist.”

She looked excited, like he’d given the right answer. “I guess I’m not a masochist, either, because I didn’t like the pain.”

“But you liked something about it?” he probed.

Her face flushed, making her pale green eyes stand out against the pink. She scraped the bottom of her sundae dish scrupulously, then shrugged. “I don’t know. No.”

He stood from his chair and took the sundae dish out of her hand as he pulled her to stand. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he held her close, lowering his face toward hers, so they stood nose to nose. “Did you forget,” he asked softly, “there are consequences for lying to me?”

The pink returned to her cheeks and her lips parted, but no sound escaped. He bent his head to brush them lightly. “Tell me what you liked,” he coaxed.

She stared up at him, frozen for a long moment. “I liked the idea of it, maybe,” she admitted at last. “Or...maybe just the dominance. But that doesn’t mean I want a dominant man,” she said quickly.

This time he did laugh. “You don’t want to give me any footing, here. I get it. I know dominating you would be a privilege I’d have to earn.”

She looked up with a mixture of surprise and gratitude on her face.

He cupped her chin and kissed her lips, exploring their softness with his own. “I do intend to earn it,” he said in a low voice.

She Googled “sexual spanking” the next day while she ought to be cleaning her apartment and spent two hours poring over spanking sites, discovering an entire world of spankers that included the more serious “domestic discipline” practitioners to the strictly erotic spanksters. By the time she finished reading, she was grinding over the seat of her chair, more turned on than she’d ever become without anyone touching her.

She discovered many women requesting advice on how to get their husbands to act more dominant, or to spank them. She snorted at the thought of coaching Joey. The man was a born dominant, taking her in hand without even knowing there was such a thing. And while part of her still rebelled because he had no right to impose his will on her ass, there was no denying what it did to her. The thought of him giving her a real punishment, the memory of the way he’d spun her around and delivered his form of justice, made her fingers seek her aching sex, her eyes rolling back in her head.

She ended up ordering some implements, following the recommendations and reviews of other kinksters, including a wooden paddle, stainless steel butt plug, and aloe vera gel for afterward.

He called that night before she was heading to bed. He’d called a few times over the past week and every time her traitorous heart picked up speed.

“Hey, baby. How was your day?”

She felt suddenly breathless, instantly turned on again remembering where her thoughts had been. “It was great. I, uh, ordered some toys.”

“Oh yeah?”

Her heart beat like the wings of a little bird. “Yeah. For you to spank me with.” Her voice had grown small.

“Mmm. I will look forward to that.”



“Who else have you spanked?”

He was quiet long enough that she thought he wasn’t going to answer.

“I mean, I’m just curious.” She was more than curious. She hungered for every last dirty detail. “Will you tell me about one?” she coaxed. “Maybe your first?”

A low laugh told her Joey had caught on. Of all the men she’d ever dated, he was certainly the quickest on the uptake. Or maybe he just got her.

“It was at the club.”

The club. She knew he ran a strip club, but hadn’t wanted to know about it and had studiously avoided asking when he’d mentioned work. The thought disgusted her. Now she was intrigued. She sprawled back on her bed, letting her fingers wander between her legs.

“What happened?”

“It was years ago--I was pretty young. One of the girls was caught stealing from some of the other girls’ purses. Sammy hauled her into my office.”

She listened, breath quickened, thighs squeezing together over her hand.

“Sammy asked me what he ought to do with her. We both were sort of stymied. If she were a guy, he would’ve broken a few fingers without even asking me what I thought. But she was a girl, and you don’t do that.”

“‘Should I bust the windows in her car?’ Sammy asks. That didn’t seem like such a great idea, considering she was probably stealing because she needed the money, and it would just make her more desperate. She wasn’t a bad employee, you know. But we couldn’t let it go unpunished. So then I had this idea. ‘Bend over my desk and pull up your skirt,’ I told her. She was already crying because she thought Sammy was going to rip her fingernails off, so she did what she was told. Sammy catches on and takes off his belt. I give him a nod and he starts spanking her. He’s not very good at it. Not that I’d ever had any practice, but even sitting behind the desk, I can tell he’s just hitting the same side over and over again and ignoring the other cheek.”

She held the phone away from her face so he couldn’t hear her breath, which had turn to panting as she neared orgasm. Her fingers worked her clit, rubbing and undulating as she imagined the scene.

“So I’m coaching him--‘hit both sides, no, now the other side.’ I have this sense it should go slower--I don’t know why--to give her time to really feel her predicament, I guess. So I tell him to slow down. I watch her face. Sammy is giving me looks, waiting for me to say enough. I hold up my finger. There’s a point when someone breaks. Same as beating a guy on the street, just different, because it’s a girl and they cry sooner. You wait till they stop looking stubborn, till they stop holding back. You wait till--” he broke off and she tried to swallow her gasps. “Did you just come?”

“Yeah,” she admitted, out of breath. She gave a short bark of laughter. “Is that weird?”

“No,” he said, his voice rough. “I just wish I were with you.”

She pulled her hand out of her panties and pinched her own nipples through her T-shirt. “You could come over...”

“Be right there.”

Jesus. Something was seriously wrong with her. She should
be getting off hearing about some stripper’s punishment. Except it was seriously hot. She imagined Joey letting her watch him spank one of the girls, or being one of the girls getting spanked by Sammy with Joey watching.

By the time Joey arrived, she was two strokes away from another orgasm. He strode into the room, looking every inch the badass he was. “I thought I told you to keep that front door locked,” he growled.

She sat up in the bed, alert to the possibility he was serious. “Sorry, sir.”

A twitch of his lip gave him away. “Do you need me to help you remember?” he asked, slowly unbuckling his belt.

She scrambled backward on the bed. “No, sir.”

He smiled a slow, dangerous smile as he pulled the belt free of his belt loops and doubled it, smacking his palm with a resounding whap. He grinned when she jumped at the sound. “Come here, little girl,” he said, crooking a finger. “I’m going to teach you a lesson.”

She crawled slowly off the bed and approached, trying to figure out how she could call the whole thing off. As if there was an audience she didn’t want to hear, she whispered, “I didn’t really want, I mean--”

He put an arm around her waist and pulled her body up against his, smirking down at her and lifting his eyebrows. “You didn’t want a spanking?”

She gave a tiny shake of her head. “No?”

“I think you do,” he said, brushing his lips over her temple. “I think you want the spanking, but you’re just a little scared.” He nipped at her neck. “Am I right?”


Sophie’s nipples poked through the thin cotton of her worn t-shirt, which was the only thing she wore besides a pair of black boy-cut panties. She lifted her pale green eyes to his and gave a tiny nod. He felt a surge of protectiveness at her vulnerability. Giving her his warmest smile, he promised, “You can trust me, Soph.”

“Do I get a safe word or something?”

“Sure, if you want. But I’ll pay attention. Do you believe that?”

She smiled shyly and nodded.

“Bend over the bed, naughty girl.”

She cast him a pleading look, but obediently turned and folded her torso over the bed. He took his time peeling the little briefs down to her thighs, admiring the tight lean muscles of her ass and thighs. He swung the doubled belt lightly a few times, testing his aim, then picked up the intensity, enjoying the sound of her gasps and the way her hips danced about to assuage the pain. He kept the pace slow enough for her to stay in control, only using one quarter of his strength. When he felt her grow agitated, he stopped and rubbed her warm ass with his hand. She arched her low back and rocked her pelvis forward to present herself to him, sending any self-control he had up in flames. He fumbled for a condom with the fingers of one hand as the digits of the other slid into the sweet heat of her ready slit.

She moaned, making his cock strain wildly against his pants. He freed it and rolled the condom on in record time, pushing into Sophie’s welcoming sex while he reached his hand around the front to rub her clit. She orgasmed immediately, so he pressed deeply inside her until the clench of her muscles around his cock had spent and her body relaxed.

“Turn around, baby,” he said, pulling out. She made a protesting sound when his cock left her, but obediently turned around. He picked her legs up to bring her feet to his shoulders, tearing the briefs off her legs and biting her calf as his eager cock sought her entrance. Finding it, he slid in without assistance and began to pump slowly, relishing the feel of her tight channel.

“So hot,” he murmured as she pulled up her thin T-shirt and pinched her own nipples. She undulated her hips, giving his balls a delicious rub every time they flattened against her. “Oh, God, Sophie, yeah,” he groaned, gripping her thighs and hauling her closer. “You are so. Fucking. Hot right now.”

“Yes,” she moaned and he lost all control, coming all too soon, but wringing out every last bit of satisfaction so when he shot his load and was spent, he felt dizzy with completion.

“Whoa.” He toppled down beside her, lost in the sensation of pleasure and gratitude. “You are amazing.”

“Mmm,” she purred, her hands stroking over his chest.

“You have about 90 minutes to stop that,” he joked.

“Oh yeah?” She climbed over him, sliding her hands over his muscles with practiced expertise.

He melted into the bed, his eyes closed in ecstasy. “Was that what a masseuse does, then?” he teased, earning a nipple pinch before she soothed him into a deep slumber.




Chapter Five


She stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her torso, stepping into her bedroom to fish a pair of bra and panties out of the dresser.

Joey sat on her bed, pulling on his socks. “Al’s having a barbecue Sunday. I want you to go with me.”

“Are you asking me or telling me?” Her tone was bitchier than she’d intended and she could tell by the way Joey’s head snapped up she’d offended.

He finished dressing and stood up. “I’m asking. Are you picking a fight?” he asked, lifting his eyebrows. He walked around behind her and grabbed a fistful of hair. “Hmm?” he growled in her ear. Her pussy clenched and she couldn’t seem to answer.

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