The Boiling Point: A collection of erotic stories that will make your blood burn (3 page)

BOOK: The Boiling Point: A collection of erotic stories that will make your blood burn
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Sherry and Blake had just got out of the lake, with Sherry drying off naked and and Blake drying off with his shorts on. Blake had his back turned to Sherry like a gentleman. “I can’t believe you, Blake,” Sherry said with an attitude. “What?” he asked her. “You didn’t even try anything,” Sherry exclaimed with anger. “What did you expect?” he asked her. “Seemed like every time I got remotely close to touching something, you turned into a prude and swam away from me,” Blake said.”Maybe that’s because I like the thrill of the hunt, and wanted you to come get it dumb ass,” she fired back. “Whatever,” Blake replied. “I’m not one to beg and play games, nor do I chase dick-teasers,” Blake said as he dried his face and hair. When he took the towel from over his face, he found Sherry standing right in front of him, looking pissed off but sexy with her wet red hair. Sherry suddenly slapped him in the face, then started kissing him. Blake unfastened his shorts, then pulled them down to his ankles. Sherry took his towel and laid it down on the ground, then took hers and spread it out beside his. Sherry then got on her knees and started sucking his dick while he remained standing, pumping his dick in and out of her mouth. Roebert’s head coked back in pleasure before he took his dick out and slapped her lips with it a few times. “How’s that feel, huh?” he asked her. “Like being teased?” he further asked. “Don’t tease me Blake, please don’t tease me,” she begged of him. Blake smacked her lips hard a few times with his solid dick, then fucked her mouth so hard she nearly gagged a few times. Not long after, he came in her mouth, then on her tongue as she stuck her tongue out to catch the cum like raindrops. “Where do you want me now?” Sherry asked him submissively. “Get your ass down there,” he told her, “all fours.” Sherry got down on all fours, then Blake got down in front of her and put his dick back in her mouth. Sherry started sucking his dick again, then Blake reached out and started finger-fucking her ass. This excited Sherry so much that she came, then got onto her back with both her legs raised high in the air. Blake took her legs and put them close together, then eased his cock into her neatly shaved pussy.


With both her legs rested on one of his shoulders, Blake fucked her so hard she moaned and screamed “ oh fuck, I can feel it in my stomach.” “Teach you to tease me,” Blake told her before turning her over onto her hands and knees. Blake took his hard dick and popped her ass a few times with it before licking his fingers and adding moisture to her pussy. Next, he slid his dick into her, took both hands and pressed down into the small of her back, and fucked her from behind. Sherry’s big tits slapped back and forth while he fucked her, then she licked two of her own fingers and started rubbing her own clit, faster and faster until she came. After fucking her from behind, Blake picked her up and walked over to a  tree with her legs wrapped around his waist. At first, he fucked her standing up with her legs wrapped around his waist. Next, he let her down and she stood bent over while gripping a tree, Blake standing behind her. For several minutes he fucked her fast and hard, smacking her ass and pulling her hair. Suddenly, both their legs started shaking as they both screamed “I’m jizzing!” Blake and Sherry clinched and grabbed at each other as both their legs buckled and they lowered to the ground. However, Sherry wasn’t done as she made Blake lay on his back while she rode him. Blake’s dick wasn’t as solid since he came, but it was good enough for Sherry to slide her pussy up and down on. The more she did that, the harder his dick got and she was back in business. Sherry went from sliding up and down on his dick, to pouncing up and down on his dick like a crazed nymph until the both came again. After she was done, she collapsed down onto his chest and tongue kissed him. “Damn, that was incredible,” she told him. “Yeah, but I feel bad now,” Blake confessed. “Fuck that!” Sherry shouted. “Don’t think for one wet minute that those two didn’t get lost deep in the woods for nothing,” Sherry concluded. Blake thought about it for a moment, then said “I guess you’re right.” “After all, this was obviously meant to be,” he said. “Otherwise, we wouldn’t be here, and they wouldn’t be...where ever,” Blake concluded.




“Finders - Keepers”

      Ten years had passed and the time had come for Hampton’s High most notable playboys. Rodger, the star basketball player who was the last one cut from the Chicago Bulls, still a handsome black guy and businessman. Larry, the computer wiz kid and “Baywatch” type hunk who no matter how many classes he ditched, still graduated with honors. Pete, the preppy white dude who always threw the best parties and no matter how rude he was, always got the hot chicks. Between the three of them, neither one had ever been married but each one had a kid, at least one each that they knew about. The Hampton High ten year reunion rolled around for the Class of 1990, to be held at the Beverly Mont Hotel located in the mountains of New York. Amid the snowfall with chances of freezing rain, the attendance was promising based on all the hotel reservations and confirmations. Each guy booked their own room, just in case, as they were hoping it would be a night they’d never forget.


One by one, they exited their hotel rooms on the seventh floor and met out in the hallway. “Alright fella’s, let’s do this,” Rodger said with enthusiasm as he gave Larry and Pete high-fives. “I’m ready, bro, bring it,” Larry confirmed. Pete was the “cool” one of the three, always calm about things, yet somehow always go the girls. “Just remember guys,” Pete said, “if I leave with a chick before you do, don’t come knockin’on my door.” Larry and Rodger both laughed. “You hear this guy Rodger?” Larry asked in disbelief. “Tell ya’ what,” Larry challenged, “put your money where your mouth is. A hundred bucks says I get laid first.” Larry pulled out his hundred dollar bill, Pete pulled out his five twenties, and Rodger put in his hundred dollar bill. “Who’s gonna’ hold the money?” Rodger asked. “Tell ya’ what,” Larry decided. “We’ll keep it behind the front desk in an envelope locked in the hotel safe.” “Alright, but how’s the clerk going to know who won and who to give it to?” Pete asked. “I got it,” Rodger said. “The winner has to go get the money, with the other two guy’s room keys. So that means, we all have to leave our room keys under our doors, just enough for the winner to slide his hand under and get it,” Rodger concluded. The other two guys thought for a moment, then agreed. “Sounds good to me,” said Larry. “Me too,” agreed Pete.


All three guys went back down the hallway to their rooms, looked around to make sure no one else was looking, coming, or going, then slid their room keys just under the bottom of their doors. Afterwards, they made their way to the elevator and got on. When they got on, the elevator was nearly crammed with girls they didn’t know or recognize, but the girls looked pretty decent in their dresses. One girl had her breasts pushed up a little bit, and that was Rodger’s weakness. Without staring too hard, he looked over and down at the girl’s breast, ready. Within an instant, Rodger’s mind flashed to her squeezing her tits close together while he titty fucked her and shot off in her face. Larry caught a glimpse of one of the other girls in the elevator, a sexy-sized slit in her dress that was nearly cut too high up. A few inches more and Larry would have seen her panties, thong, or nothing at all. The dress was tight, too, and Larry liked that as he quickly imagined being alone with the girl in the elevator. He imagined having her pinned up against an elevator wall, then squatting down onto his knees before slipping his head into the slit of her dress- tongue first. The girl then threw a leg over his shoulder while he tasted her, the slit in her dress revealing that she had neither a thong or panties on. The sound of Larry sucking her clit made it clear why she started jizzing and fucking his face. Then there was Pete, checking out two chicks that whispered to each other the whole way down. Pete imagined being outside with them both in the snow. He imagined fucking one that rode him, while the other one slid her slippery cunt across his face. The girls both faced the same direction with one looking at the other’s back, like two snow-bunnies breaking in a new sled. At last, the elevator stopped on the ground floor, and the doors opened to loud music- party time. Rodger, Larry and Pete all strolled into the ballroom with the music pumping, people dancing, and familiar faces greeting them as they walked around. The three of them sort of split up with every familiar face that greeted them, especially  the women. Pete made his way over to the bar where a couple of girls he nailed back in high school stood piercing him with “eat shit and die” looks. Rodger made his way over to the bar with a black chick who was on the cheer-leading squad. Then there was Larry, approaching the bar with a crying woman who just found out her husband had been cheating on her. Naturally, Larry’s first move was getting her some napkins off the bar so she could wipe her tears. Next, he tried to comfort her by saying “I’m sorry to hear that, it’s his loss and he’s the one who’s going to miss a beautiful thing,” Larry told her. “Fucking Larry,” she told him, “some things never change.” Larry took a quick and hard look at the woman, then her dark black hair. “Brenda?” he guessed with confidence. “Yes, it’s me,” she confirmed. “I can’t believe you didn’t recognize me asshole,” Brenda told him as she slapped him on the arm. “No way, Brenda Wells,” Larry said with excitement. Brenda leaned into Larry and whispered, “and if you ever tell anybody what happened that night, I’ll cut your dick off and drill you in the ass with it.” Larry simply covered his crotch with one hand, then made like he zipped his lips shut with his other hand. “Good boy,” Brenda told him. Larry flagged down the bartender, noticing Rodger was getting a little close with the cheerleader, and Pete had just scored some points by doing a popular shot with a hot chic. Larry called out to Pete and asked, “what were those you just had?” “Buttery Nipples!” Pete shouted, as two more of the same shots hit the bar behind him. Pete picked up the shots, handed one to the girl he was hanging with, then they guzzled the shots down. The shots were smooth, made with Baileys Irish Cream Liquor and Butterscotch Schnapps. Larry looked at Brenda as if to ask her what she wanted to drink, but Brenda beat him to it saying “order me a blowjob.” “A what?” Larry asked. “A-blow-job,” she repeated much slower with sarcasm. “Bartender, two blow-jobs,” Larry ordered. Brenda burst out into laughter, as the bartender made the shots, topped them off with whipped cream, then sat them down in front of Larry. Brenda fought off any further laughter, put both hands behind her back, then bent her head down over her shot. Within a few seconds, she had her lips wrapped firmly around the shot glass, whipped cream and all, then tilted her head back and swallowed the shot hands free. “Oh shit,” Larry said, realizing. “Your turn to do a blow-job!” Brenda shouted. That got Rodger and Pete’s attention, as well as the women that were shaping up to be their “dates” for the night. They gathered around Larry at the bar, then shouted “Blow! Blow! Blow! Blow!....” “Fine!” Larry shouted, before putting both hands behind his back, barely getting his lips around the shot glass and whipped cream, then throwing his head back. However, he wasn’t as successful as Brenda was, because part of his face had whipped cream on it, and part of his shirt had alcohol on it. People clapped and laughed, but Brenda gently took a finger, wiped the whipped cream off his face, then licked it off her finger with seduction. Then, without warning, the music stopped and the lights went out. Blackout.


The manager of the hotel came in and announced that “a fallen tree had knocked loose a power line, but power should be restored within the hour. Please use the stairs and move about with caution. The generators should be up and running within a few minutes,” he finished. Shortly after the manager’s announcement, hotel staff entered with lit tea candles, placing them about on the tables and bar. Larry, Rodger, and Pete all remained at the bar with their “dates,” all six of them feeling a good buzz. “So,” Pete spoke out, “hows about a lil’ Finders-Keepers girls?” he asked running it all together. “Somewhat?” the black lady with Rodger asked. “It’s like hide and seek, only you get to do a little somethin’ somethin’ with the one you find,” Rodger explained. Brenda laughed out loud, chiming in by saying “I remember that fucking game...Larry!” The girl with Pete suddenly remembered, too, saying “oh yeah, after school hours, dark, under the bleachers.” Everyone looked at the black girl, until she said “yeah, I think I remember, but I didn’t play it Hampton High,” she concluded. “Is that right?” Rodger asked. “Show Ya’ right,” the black girl confirmed as she looked down at Rodger’s crotch. “Well now,” said Pete, “sounds like we got ourselves a little game here.” “I’m in,” Larry said as he looked at Brenda. “Count me in, too,” Brenda replied. “You know I’m in,” Pete said as he smacked his date’s ass. Rodger, the black girl, and Pete’s date all finished with “I’m in.” “Guys seek, girls go get it,” Brenda proposed. “Hell no,” Pete said, “guys are always the ones that go get it.” “Guys hide and girls go get it, or the guys don’t get shit,” Brenda demanded with a slur. That silenced the debate with a victory in the girls favor as Larry said “alright, you girls win.” “Boundaries,” said Rodger. “No hiding in the rooms, or outside,” Larry concluded. Everyone agreed. “We’ll be on our way as soon as you ladies start counting to a hundred,” Pete said. “Fifty,” Brenda decided, before she started counting. “One, two, three, four, five,” and the other two girls joined in the count as the three guys hurried out of the dance hall. Once they reached the hall, they split up and went their separate ways. The girls remained counting, at “seventeen” until Brenda stopped the count. “Time out,” she said. “What happens if we find somebody Else's man?” Brenda asked. The one with Pete, named Chelsey, said “the way I see it, they’re not our men.” The black girl, named Dina, agreed by saying “she’s got a point.” “And besides,” Dina continued, “I’m not above a little jungle fever, if you know what I mean.” “Damn straight, sister!” Brenda blurted out. “I’m all about some “swirl action baby.” “Alright then, it’s settled,” Chelsey confirmed. “Fifty!” the three ladies shouted out at once. “Three more blo-jobs bartender, just in case,” Brenda ordered. The ladies did their blow-job shots, then left in a swaggering hurry.

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