The Body Sculpting Bible for Women (8 page)

Read The Body Sculpting Bible for Women Online

Authors: James Villepigue,Hugo Rivera

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Exercise, #General, #Women's Health

BOOK: The Body Sculpting Bible for Women
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“My mind is fully concentrating on my focal point and the harder I concentrate on this point the more my mind and body are relaxed.” (Note: Take as much time as necessary to feel the intended effect of total relaxation.)
“My eyes are getting more tired and my eyelids are getting heavier with every passing second.” (Focus on your heavy eyelids as you fall deeper into your desired state.)
“I want to close my eyes, and I close my eyes.”
“I feel totally calm and relaxed. My body is getting heavier and heavier, sinking into my bed (or seat). I can feel myself so, so relaxed. My eyes are now completely closed and I am so, so relaxed, yet focused on my body.” (Do not fall asleep; you are relaxed, not sleepy!) “I will now begin to consciously relax my body.” (Always begin with your feet, focusing first on your toes and moving body part by body part up towards your head. Proceed as outlined below with the following suggestions.)
“I am concentrating all of my attention on my feet, which are growing heavier and becoming so, so relaxed.” (You may start to feel a tingling sensation as if very slight pins and needles were in your feet and toes.)
“A very comfortable and warm feeling is vibrating throughout my entire body.”
“I will now focus on my legs, which are beginning to sink deeply into themselves.” (Concentrate on this feeling but do not force it. This should be fun, not work! When you practice regularly, you will automatically fall into the desired state quickly.)
“My stomach is now beginning to feel very heavy, sinking deeper and deeper into itself.” (Allow relaxed and easy breathing to occur. As you progress and move on to each body part, simply allow that part to lazily relax while you concentrate on the amazing feelings of relaxing your body. What you are doing right now may very well change your life forever!)
“My hands and fingers are growing heavier and heavier. They are totally relaxed.”
“My chest is now sinking deeper and deeper into itself. With each breath I fall deeper and deeper into relaxation. I feel so, so calm and relaxed; I feel a warm vibration throughout my whole body.”
“My neck is growing heavy and feels so relaxed as I allow it to sink deeply into itself. My head is relaxing more and more. I feel no pressure, only the heaviness allowing my head to sink deeply into itself. All of my thoughts are calming and relaxed. I feel as if I am in a dream floating.”
“In this mind state, every thought that I wish to focus on is so powerful, so very powerful that nothing can stop it from becoming reality, whatever the obstacles in my way.” (Repeat this last sentence mentally three times.)
Now form a mental image of exactly what it is that you want to achieve (a totally ripped or defined physique, more muscle, smaller dress size, entering and winning a competition, losing ten pounds of fat, gaining ten pounds of muscle), visualizing the object or goal towards which your message will be transmitted. The image must be as vivid and real as possible. Keep it in your mind’s eye for about ten to fifteen minutes, without going over fifteen minutes.
Think about your message strongly. Do this for ten to fifteen minutes depending on the state of relaxation you have achieved. If you start getting tired or tense, stop, rest and begin in a few minutes. Think about your message by concentrating all of your attention on it. The more you are absorbed by it, the stronger the effect, thereby creating better success. The more the message is present in your mind during the session, the greater your success. Act with conviction that your message will come true. Don’t forget that everything that you believe to be true will come true. This is the universal rule. Act with desire, discipline and faith to achieve. These actions cannot fail to produce the desired results.
What you have just read and experienced is a technique that really does work. We passionately believe in the power of the technique for attaining an abundance of success and achievement in your life. You can apply this powerful visualization technique to any and all aspects of your life. It is universal. Enjoy!
You may find relaxation and visualization foreign; you may not be comfortable with it. However, in order to change your life and make your desires reality, you must be willing to do what may initially be uncomfortable or different. The visualization technique can change your life, but only if you open your mind for change. Don’t be afraid of change. You have the power to open up and accept new challenges. Are you capable of letting go and willing to try new things? If you want to dramatically change your physique and create a more exciting life for yourself, then take some chances, move out of your comfort zone and open your mind and life to new possibilities. These mind powering techniques are not commonplace or commercialized. Most teachers, whether it be fitness or academics, are afraid to teach what is not ordinarily taught. They are scared to cross the threshold of beliefs in fear that they will be the first to teach a method and possibly fail. We are not afraid to teach you our methods because we are confident that what we teach works: it has worked for us and thousands of others as well. We are not trying to be different by any means, nor are we trying to put down other traditional methodologies. We are simply revealing what may be the single most powerful life-changing tool in existence. Open your mind and begin to make changes where you never thought possible.

Everything that you read in this book is the fruit of experience born of practice. If you apply the techniques and principles that we have discussed and you put action into the equation, you will meet your goals with astonishing success. To put action into use, we should reiterate something we discussed earlier, the premise of application and putting knowledge into practice. Many people wrongly believe that anything that doesn’t fit their way of thinking must be false. Unfortunately, these people limit themselves by thinking that they are always correct. They never question their own beliefs. Whatever you do, never allow yourself to become this type of person. Always question others and follow your own instincts; but most importantly,
act as often as possible!


Obviously, one of your goals is to get in great shape as quickly as possible, right? If you don’t know already, you will soon discover that the mind-to-muscle connection coupled with proper exercise technique and form are crucial if you want to stimulate the necessary muscle fibers needed to create a dynamite physique. While one may think this knowledge to be obvious and common sense, strangely enough, most people neglect the mental aspect behind exercise execution. It is not unusual to go to a gym and see people that are just “going through the motions;” in other words, moving a weight from point A to point B with little stimulation being directed towards the working muscles.

Isn’t this mind-training material really unscientific and “New Age”?
I can understand how things like meditation and visualization can get a bad rap but this material is based on science. The act of taking time to really go within yourself to think and focus your goals will have a profound effect. It is one thing to read about meditation and visualization; it’s another thing to take the time to really let go and focus on your target. It’s not easy to lie back and focus for any length of time on one vision, and it’s very easy to be distracted. Wouldn’t it be fair to say that if things were easy to achieve, everybody would be doing them? Your goals are not going to be simple to accomplish, but if you put your due diligence into practicing these methods on a consistent basis, you will inevitably be successful.
Make sure you know the difference between being attracted and being distracted. When you are attracted, your focus can be redirected and you will be drawn to outside influences. In other words, if you find yourself being easily attracted to socializing, perusing the environment and all its beauty or towards the things you need to get done outside of working out, distract yourself from the clutter and regain focus immediately!

In this section you will soon learn yet another very powerful technique that will immediately provide astonishing performance and enhanced results to your physique by teaching you how to enhance your mind-to-muscle connection!

We have decided to name this very unique concept the “Zone-Tone” technique. It is the art of mentally zoning in and pre-isolating specific muscles just before an exercise is to be executed while at the same time maintaining that zone throughout the execution of the movement. This wonderful technique is very easy to grasp and will deliver enormous benefits to your fitness program. Combining proper form and technique (covered in the upcoming sections) with the Zone-Tone method will help you reach all of your fitness program. Combining proper form and technique (covered in the upcoming sections) with the Zone-Tone method will help you reach all of your fitness goals much faster than conventional practices. The level of isolation and stimulation you will get every time you perform an exercise using this method will increase tenfold.

There are several reasons why people fail to create a successful mind-to-muscle connection:

• Lack of knowledge about anatomy combined with lack of information available on how to successfully create a mind-to-muscle connection.
• Misinformation on the part of our teachers or books regarding exercise execution.
• Humans have a difficult time with change since they get accustomed to doing the same old thing and feel more comfortable and less at risk by doing so. As a result, they refuse to change the way in which they conduct their exercises.
• Lifting gargantuan weights without any concern for proper exercise form in order to satisfy our ego.

Of all of these possibilities, perhaps the biggest reason is the lack of information available on how to successfully create a mind-to-muscle connection coupled with a lack of knowledge on basic anatomy. If I asked you where your biceps were, would you be able to point to their exact location on your body? Are you aware that there are actually two biceps muscles, hence the prefix “bi”? Now, the next question is, if I asked you to flex your biceps muscle, could you do it effectively? How about your hamstring muscles located behind your thigh. Could you make that muscle contract really hard? Let’s talk triceps; those three relatively small muscles located on the back of the upper arms. If I asked you to squeeze those muscles hard so that they tensed up intensely, could you do so immediately? The answers to these simple questions will soon lead to perhaps the most profound, beneficial, and eye opening mental exercise technique the fitness industry has ever experienced. (
Please do not feel bad if you do not know where these muscles are located. Our job is to teach you where they are and how to use them. As a matter of fact, in
Appendix I
, you will see a simple anatomical chart that contains the location of each muscle group.)

Now, when you’re getting ready to do an exercise, do you ever stop to think about exactly what muscles you are about to train? Some of you will say yes and mean it. Some of you will say yes and not tell the whole truth. Most of you will say NO! This is the amazing reality that we are dealing with. I must admit to you though, that we truly love this fact too. We love it, of course, because we are the ones who will teach the world how to correctly and effectively transform their physiques ten times quicker. We love it even more because of the fact that neglecting the mind-to-muscle connection while performing an exercise means that you all have a tremendous window of opportunity for major improvements to be made in your physique!

Commandment #1: Believe in Yourself!
If not, you won’t be able to achieve your desired results!
Commandment #2: Write down your goals
. How can you get somewhere if you don’t know where you are heading?
Commandment #3: Set new goals every six weeks
. After six weeks, compare your results against your original goals.
Commandment #4: Place a calendar on your fridge
. Mark a back slash on the days that you followed your diet without cheating. Make a forward slash on the days that you trained. If you trained and followed a good diet on a given day, you should have an × marked on that day.
Commandment #5: Place a picture of how you currently look somewhere that you will be able to see on a daily basis
. This picture should provide you with additional motivation to follow this program.
Commandment #6: Take pictures of yourself every 4 weeks and place them on the refrigerator next to your “before” picture
. That way, whenever you have a craving and go to the refrigerator you will remember the reason that you are doing this and also get motivated by seeing what you’re achieving.
Commandment #7: Write down the reasons why you are following this program and put them on your refrigerator
. Same benefit as item 6.
Commandment #8: Keep your house free from any foods that are not good for your program
. Only on Sundays can you bring these foods in the house.
Commandment #9: Remember to prepare all your meals the day before
, so that when you are at work, you already have all of the food that you will need for the day with you. That way you limit the amount of times you’ll be tempted.

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