The Blue Devil (The Regency Matchmaker Series) (33 page)

BOOK: The Blue Devil (The Regency Matchmaker Series)
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“And the girls . . . ?”

The new tea-tray arrived He waited until the maid had withdrawn and then leaned forward. “Miss Grantham, I see no reason to stand on formality. On the contrary, considering our situation, you and I need to be rather . . . intimate. If we are to deceive everyone successfully, we have a great deal to learn about each other and a devilishly short time in which to learn it, so you will forgive my speaking bluntly.”

“I was not aware that either of us had thus far been anything but blunt. Do you ever express yourself in any other manner, my lord?”

He thought for a moment and then nodded. “When the situation calls for it, I can be quite . . . indirect, indeed.” He sighed. “But this is not one of those times.”

“Do go on.”

He sipped his tea thoughtfully. “The truth is that my late brother and his wife were enamoured of London and all its delights. When not there, they spent months at house parties. They were never seen in Trowbridge above three times a year, and then for as little time as they could manage. They thought it, in their words, ‘exceedingly dull.’ They saw little of me and even less of their own children. So you see, you must not pity my nieces or expect them to express any sorrow at their parents’ passing, Miss Grantham, for they cannot mourn what they never knew.”

“I do see,” she murmured. How perfectly horrible!

“And now . . . about us.”

“Us?” She swallowed reflexively.

“Where and when did we meet?”

“Why . . . yesterday, my lord. In the library.”

He laughed. “No . . . where did we meet? In London? At a ball or musicale, perhaps?”

“Ah.” She nodded, catching on. He was getting down to the business of constructing a false backstory.
backstory. “I believe we met in Hyde Park. I was strolling and lost my bonnet in a strong wind. You kindly retrieved it, galloping after it on your horse.”

“Indeed. And we met in the park every day after?”

She nodded. “I was staying at my good friend Mrs. Robertson’s home, which is near the park. It was April, and the weather was fine. Then in May you escorted me to Astley’s Amphitheater.”

He shook his head. “Do you not mean the opera? It is widely known I detest Astley’s.”

She nodded. “I shall remember.”

“When did we become engaged?”

“We have had an understanding since midsummer. Late June. Neither of us can recall the exact date. But there has been no official announcement. That will occur after my parents arrive.”

He rubbed his chin. “Mmm . . . no. I think we should send a notice to
The Morning Post
right away.”

“Why?” she asked.

His eyes flicked to the floor, and he pressed his full lips together before he looking up at her quite pointedly and smiling. Still, he did not speak, and Marianna couldn’t help feeling his manner a little guilty. “My lord?” she prompted him.

He tipped his head rakishly to the side then, and his flawed eyebrow rose suggestively as he said, “Well . . .” He rose and held out his hand to her.

Reflexively, Marianna placed her hand in his, for that is what a lady did when a gentleman held out his hand. That is what she had been taught, and that is what she did, for Marianna was a lady.

But True Sin was no gentleman.

Pulling her to her feet and close against him, he caressed the line of her jaw with one finger and murmured, “The sooner our betrothal is announced, the sooner I shall have leave to kiss you. Unless, of course, sleeping in your bed again is an option.”


“A story to read by the fire on a cold winter’s day,

featuring a quirky, kind-hearted cast of characters

who are sure to capture the reader’s fancy.”

--RT Book Review

“The characters are engaging, the plot entertaining,

and True Sin was to die for! I look forward to the next one!

--Award Winning Author Laurin Wittig


Miss Marianna Grantham’s oh-so-proper parents are coming to London to meet the wealthy, titled fiance she’s been writing to them about. Trouble is, Marianna doesn’t have a fiance. She wants to marry for love, not social position as her parents insist, and a sham engagement to a gentleman—arranged by Ophelia Robertson!—is just the thing to rescue Marianna from the bumblebroth. But she learns too late that Truesdale Sinclair, The Viscount Trowbridge, is no gentleman.

Truesdale Sinclair—True Sin, as he’s known to the
—is the latest in a long line of rakes and scoundrels, swooned over by ladies young and old, married and not. A pale, starched up bluestocking isn’t at all the sort of woman the viscount is attracted to, but the money Marianna Grantham offers him is irresistible. With his shipping company on the brink of ruin and three young wards—his late brother’s daughters—to look after, True is more than eager to accept the bluestocking’s unusual proposal. But, while True doesn’t want her, he determines from the outset that he isn’t going to let her go, either.



Melynda Beth Andrews,

originally in print from Kensington Books
under the author’s former name,

Melynda Beth Skinner

Now available in

ebookstores everywhere--buy it today!

Melynda Beth Andrews:

Delightfully Different Historical Romance.

About The Author

Besides writing seven published novels to date, Melynda Beth Andrews has owned a graphics and fine art company for several years and holds multiple teaching certificates in science, English, art, and other subjects. She’s extremely experiential, having tried everything from whitewater rafting to flying a plane, and she loves adventure travel and the outdoors.

The author’s first novel, The Blue Devil, was a finalist for the Romance Writers of America’s Golden Heart Award. Her work has been nominated for a Reviewers’ Choice Award from RT Book Club and often appears in reader lists of favorite humorous historical Romances.

After many years apart, she wed her first love in 2010. The pair live in Florida with two teenage daughters. Having had enough heat and humidity, they’re determined to move with all possible speed to the beautiful Pacific Northwest, where they are certain that a perfect white farmhouse with wide porches and a view of water and mountains beyond awaits them and their growing menagerie. She cordially invites you to keep up with their progress and help with their search on

BOOK: The Blue Devil (The Regency Matchmaker Series)
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