The Bloody White Baron (48 page)

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Authors: James Palmer

BOOK: The Bloody White Baron
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Samsonov, General Alexandr
Satunin, Captain
Scheuber-Richter, Max von
Second Russo-Japanese War (1939)
Second World War
Semenov, Captain Grigori Michaelovich ; appearance;
(chief) of the Transbaikal; attacks on railways; First World War service ; hanged (1946); Pan-Mongolia scheme; personality ; plans evacuation to Manchuria; post-war career; recruits for a Mongol-Buriat Regiment; relationship with Ungern ; schism with the White movement; tolerance of Jews ; tool of a foreign power; in Urga
Shambhala legend
Shchetinkin, P. E.
Siberian Expeditionary Force
Sipailov, Colonel
Sons of Israel regiment
Soviet Union: fall of; imperialism of; Sino-Soviet split; Ungern attempts to invade
Sovnoska Garden Theatre, Novonikolaevsk
Special Manchurian Division
Spengler, Oswald:
The Decline of the West
Stalin, Joseph
Stepanov, Captain
Strasser, Rudolf
Suharev (Cossack leader)
Suhbaatar, Damdin
Sun Yat-Sen, Dr
Sunderland, Willard
Sundui Gun, Prince
Suuremõisa, Hiiumaa, Estonia
Tanna Tuva
Tannenberg, battle of (1914)
Tartars, Tatars
Tasuki, Hideo
Thubten Choekyi Nyima
Thule Society
Tibet: British expedition (1904); cavalry; Chinese invasion (1950) ; Japanese involvement ; treaty with Mongolia (1913); Ungern fascinated by; Ungern proposes retreating to
Togtokh, Prince
Tolstoy, Count Leo
Trans-Siberian Railway
tripartite conference (1914)
Trotskii, Leon
Tsam, Captain Herzl Yankl
Uighur of Xinjiang (Turkestan)
Ungern-Sternberg, Freiherr Roman Nikolai Maximilian von: appearance ; attacks on Urga; attempts to invade Russia; becomes the Baron; birth (Graz, 1885); and Buddhism; captured by the Reds; childhood ; commander of Dauria; concept of divine monarchy; conspiracy to murder him; Cross of St George ; death (15 September, 1921); a delusional psychopath; education and military training; family background; First World War service; funding; and Genghis reincarnation; as a god ; hatred of the Bolsheviks; hatred of Jews
see under
Jews; influences on; invades Mongolia; joins a Cossack regiment; leaves regiments because of duels; legend of his treasure; in literature ; made a
; marriage ; in military prison (1916-17); movements in Mongolia (map); opium smoking; Order of Military Buddhists; and Ossendowski; personality ; rages ; raises an army with Semenov ; reasons for his actions; relationship with the Bogd; relationship with Semenov,
112, 113, 115, 116; riding skills; Russo-Japanese war; sadism ; state affairs; trial
Ungern-Sternberg, Friedrich (cousin)
Ungern-Sternberg, Otto von
Ungern-Sternberg, Sophie Charlotte von (née von Wimpffen; mother)
Ungern-Sternberg, Theodor Leonhard Rudolf von (father)
Ungern-Sternberg family
Union of the Russian People
Urga (Ulan Bator), Mongolia; Bogd Khan invites Ungern; Chinese traders; Chinese troops in; a city of religion; defences; described; fall of; festivals; firepower; Jews purged in; law and order; murders by the Bureau; Russian consulate; Russian garrisons; soldiers defending; taken by Ungern; topography; Ungern's attacks on; Ungern's building projects
Urianhai, Mongolia
Ussuri Host
Verkhne-Udinsk (Ulan-Ude)
Veselovskii, Captain
Vinberg, Fyodor
Vlasov, Andrei
pan-German movements
Vrangel, General Petr Nikolaeivich
War Participation Office
Western Front
Whites, the: the term
Wilhelm, Kaiser
Wimpfen, Baroness (maternal grandmother) 41
Winter Palace, St Petersburg
Witte, Baron
Xu Shicheng
Xu Shuzheng (Xiao Xu (‘Little Xu'))
Yama, Colonel Hiro
Yamato dynasty
Yellow Hat sect
‘Yellow Peril'
Yonghe Gong Temple, Peking
Younghusband, Sir Francis
Yuan dynasty
Yuan Shikai, General
Zabaikal (Transbaikal) Cossack Host
Zam Kuren, Mongolia
Zazubrin, Vladimir
Zhang Zuolin
Zhukov, General
Zilovo station
‘Zunder Document'
Zunzhar kingdom, Mongolia
Copyright © 2009 James Palmer
Maps © 2008 András Bereznay
Published in 2009 in the United States by Basic Books,
A Member of the Perseus Books Group
Published in 2008 in England by Faber and Faber Limited
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A CIP catalog record for this book is available from
the Library of Congress.
LCCN: 2008937254
eISBN : 978-0-786-74428-2

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