The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet: Activate Your Body's Natural Ability to Burn Fat and Lose Weight Fast (17 page)

Read The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet: Activate Your Body's Natural Ability to Burn Fat and Lose Weight Fast Online

Authors: Mark Hyman

Tags: #Health & Fitness / Diet & Nutrition / Diets, #Health & Fitness / Body Cleansing & Detoxification

BOOK: The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet: Activate Your Body's Natural Ability to Burn Fat and Lose Weight Fast
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Optional Testing Tools

If your budget allows, I highly recommend obtaining the following testing tools to really get the most out of your 10-Day Detox transformation (see

A glucose monitor

A FitBit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale or Withings scale, which uploads your weight, BMI, and body composition directly into your smartphone

A blood pressure monitor, which similarly uploads your blood pressure privately into your smartphone for ease of tracking

A personal movement tracker to track your daily activity and sleep, such as the FitBit, UP by Jawbone, Withings Pulse, or Nike FuelBand

Exercise Apparel

I run nearly every day, or as often as I can. I always keep a pair of running shoes and whatever other weather-appropriate clothing I need together in the same place, so that whenever I’m ready to go, so are my supplies. Think about it the same way you think about cooking: Isn’t it much easier to line up all the ingredients and utensils you need than to have to run to the store each and every time you want to whip up something? Remember, our goal here is to set you up for maximum success, and human nature dictates that we are more likely to exercise if we’ve made it easy for ourselves.

Get your sneakers out of the closet, or go buy a pair. Choose whatever clothing you’ll be most comfortable in for walking, and make sure it’s clean and accessible. Let’s get the obstacle of preparation out of the way so that when Day 1 starts, you’re ready to lace up and go.

Water Filter and Bottle

The easiest option to ensure that you are drinking clean, pure water is to filter your own with a simple carbon filter (like Brita) and then carry it with you in a stainless steel or glass bottle. You can find these items at most home goods stores, or even at the supermarket.


The two-day Prep Phase is the official beginning of what I call your drug holiday—those drugs being caffeine, alcohol, and sugar. These may temporarily make you feel energized and alert, but they wear off fast, leaving you needing more or sparking the vicious cycle of crash-and-crave. A few days off that crazy roller coaster and you’ll realize just how much these substances were sabotaging your energy, health, and weight loss efforts.

I would suggest tapering off caffeine in stages. Drink half your normal dose the first prep day, half of that reduced dose on the second day,
then quit on the first day of the detox. If you’re tired, take a nap. Gentle exercise, lots of water, a hot bath, and extra vitamin C (1,000 milligrams twice a day) can help reduce withdrawal headaches. If it’s really bad, try 400 milligrams of ibuprofen. (I know, it is a drug, but I am not a big believer in unnecessary suffering, and one dose is relatively harmless.)

I did not think I could give up coffee and dairy, but feeling better is a good trade-off. I was extremely tired the first few days, but the fog lifted and I began to experience more energy, a clearer head, better concentration, better mood… and of course the added bonus of weight loss.


On Day 2 of the 10-Day Detox, our focus will be dealing with detox symptoms. Feel free to jump ahead and read the material
for a little extra support if you need it during the tapering-off phase.

I would also take this time to go off alcohol cold turkey. And stop drinking any sugar-sweetened or artificially sweetened beverages. Now is the time to stop all processed foods, too. Don’t taper, just stop. It’s like pulling off a bandage; doing it slowly hurts way more. On Day 1, you will stop all sugar and anything that turns to sugar. But start with the liquid death first!


A revolution in the body starts in the mind. In the past, your weight loss efforts may have faltered not just because of wrong eating habits, but because of wrong thinking, too. We’re going to set that right.

During the Prep Phase, your Detox Journal is your lifeline to rooting out the mental obstacles, beliefs, and attitudes that can sabotage your success. The goal here is to bring awareness to what stands in your way and consciously shift your focus to what you want and know you can accomplish.

Set aside some time during these two prep days when you can fully focus, and write what comes to mind in response to the questions below (the key word here is “write”; just mentally noting the answers doesn’t hold you accountable or have the same effect). If other thoughts and feelings emerge, write those, too. The simple act of writing down your unedited inner world is transformative.

Why am I doing this detox? What is my dream for my body and my life that this detox will make possible?

What are three specific goals I have for these ten days?

What are the top three things that hold me back from losing weight? (For example, emotional eating, sugar addiction, choosing poor-quality foods, busy life, food pushers who encourage bad habits, fear of failure, fear of success.)

What beliefs do I have that might be holding me back? (“I’ve tried before and failed” or “Losing weight is too hard” or “I don’t deserve to give myself this much time and attention.”)

What is my relationship with food, and how would I like to nourish myself?

How does being overweight or sick diminish or detract from my happiness and from my ability to fulfill my life’s purpose?

How do I see my life changing by my learning to properly nourish and take care of myself?

What positive experiences have I had in the past that resulted from eating well and practicing self-care and nurturing?

The more you can bring to light the obstacles and opportunities that may be hidden in your subconscious mind, the better chance you have of navigating around them. And perhaps even more important, connecting deeply to your purpose and intention will give you an internal boost of motivation that may surprise you.

Really, why are you doing this program? Who is it for? How might your life be different if you created vibrant health?

I have a type 1 diabetic eight-year-old daughter who is also hypothyroid and gluten-free. So I’m well aware of blood sugar. But I never thought I had an issue with it! It just so happened that I got back blood test results the day I started the program that showed my fasting blood sugar was 91—too high for optimal health. I lost four pounds during the detox and three inches from my waist and hips, my BMI went from overweight to a normal 24.7, and my bloating subsided. But what really surprised me was that my fasting blood sugar went from an average of 90 to 78. I realized I had an issue with all my “healthy” gluten-free snacks!

I am doing the 10-Day Detox Diet to heal for my daughter. I want her to have a great and healthy relationship with food and nourishment. For her, it’s life or death—and now I realize it is for me, too. I’m an older mom and if I want to be around for a long time with a quality life, I need to commit to this level of self-care. I’m doing this for longevity, vitality, and my children.


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