The Blood Legacy (The Divine Elements Book 1) (8 page)

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Elias calmly conveyed to Calron, while throwing away his wooden stick to the side, and walking with a confident gait.


His Master emanated the same powerful aura that Calron had witnessed yesterday!


This was his Master’s true identity!


Since there was no one around, Elias hardly saw the need to pretend to be a cripple and started walking towards the lake, while Calron quickly followed behind him.


Calron continued to stare at the marvel of the forest while walking, and he was sure that he saw the silhouette of a magical beast, but he was not certain. Calron burst into a sprint as he realized that his Master was way ahead of him.


After a while, a small shape of a hut could be seen in the distance. The hut was small in shape but looked extremely well taken care of. It was surrounded by a lush garden with a small behind the hut.


“Calron, come sit here. It is time to finally begin your very first lesson.”

Elias stated as he gestured Calron to sit on the grass in front of him.





Chapter 11 – The Axier Family


Sitting in a relaxed posture, Calron eagerly waited for Elias to continue speaking.


“Before we start your Martial Arts training, you need to learn something about the so-called Legacies.”

Elias stated in a serious tone.


Calron immediately straightened up, as he knew how mysterious the legacies were, and the power they held in the martial world. Although he did not know the whole details on the different legacies, it was clear that only the most powerful people possessed them!


Every single legacy was unique, as each one followed a different path of martial training like the path of fist, sword, spear, etc.


Although many elementalists might practice Martial Arts, only the most talented and the direct disciples of their Master could inherit a legacy!


In a fight between a Martial Artist and a legacy Inheritor, the one with the legacy would always win regardless of how weak his or her legacy was. This was the might of inheriting a legacy!


“Child, you might’ve heard various things about legacies before, but do you know the real reason why legacy Inheritors are so much stronger than their peers?”

Calron shook his head in response to the question.


“It is because a Legacy cultivates your battle spirit and killing intent.”


Calron was completely stunned, as he stared at his Master.

He knew exactly what this meant. In order to cultivate your fighting spirit or killing intent, one would have to experience life-threatening battles on a daily basis and kill without mercy.


For an eight year old, it was a horrific thought that he would have to soon start killing mindlessly!


Just then, Calron realized why a wild and violent atmosphere occasionally surrounded his Master, as it was because even without releasing his killing intent, his Master had already reached a stage where his mere presence released the unrestrained bloodlust in him.


Seeing the blood drain from his disciple’s face, Elias could guess the direction of Calron’s thoughts, but he made no motion to comfort him. Calron had to overcome his fear of killing others right now; otherwise, in future he would hesitate in killing an enemy, and that would be certain death for him!


Although he felt pity looking at his disciple, this was the path of his legacy and Elias was even younger than Calron when his father had first started to train him.


Even the Voice inside Calron’s mind stayed silent through this. He naturally understood the boy’s dilemma, but he knew that in Calron’s future there would be countless massacres and powerful people after him, so he could only hope that Calron would be prepared by then.


Meanwhile, Calron’s thoughts were running wild and his horror at seeing the assassins killed yesterday surged through his mind once again. Although he was sometimes cold and indifferent to others, he was still just an eight year old boy.

Could he really kill people? Could he really stare into the lifeless eyes of the ones he had killed?


No, he couldn’t. Absolutely not.

While these thoughts wildly ran through Calron’s mind, Elias patiently waited for his student.


Father… Mother… What should I do?


Suddenly, a bolt of blue lightning surged through Calron’s mind, as it shattered all his hesitant thoughts. His mind immediately regained its composure, as his thoughts abruptly cleared up.


He had long ago vowed to seek revenge against the ones who harmed his family, and he had already decided to embark on the path of bloodshed long ago, so why was he hesitating now?


Would his enemies give him a chance at life? Did they stop themselves from exploiting his father?




In this world, how many would look down upon Calron and his Lightning element? Would they show him mercy, a person born to be a servant?




There was no place for mercy in this cruel world.


The strong made the rules and the weak followed them. If this was the path that he would have to take to get his revenge, then he would gladly throw away his humanity: the humanity that deserted him and his family, and the same humanity that was never once shown to them.


Slowly, a determined expression formed on Calron’s face and Elias smiled at this sight, as he knew that the one who would inherit his legacy was finally here.


Kneeling on the grass in front of the boy, Elias slowly placed his right hand on top of Calron’s head and fiercely gazed into his disciple’s pitch-black eyes. Seeing unmistakable resolve there, he stated in a somber tone.


“From today onwards, you will walk in the path of blood. Destruction and Carnage will be your sworn brothers, and follow wherever you go. May the God of War bless and look favorably upon you and give rise to your valor. I, Elias Salazar Xuria, hereby acknowledge you as my Inheritor and pass on my will and legacy to you. Do you accept?”


“I do, Master.”


Elias then cut the palm of his hand with a small knife and placed his palm on Calron’s forehead, with the blood dripping onto his eyes.


“The first blood has been shed, and from this day forth, you will walk the path of my family’s legacy; the Legacy of Blood. Let’s begin.”




Meanwhile at the Axier Household, a commotion could be heard from inside the family Head’s room.




“What do you mean they just simply disappeared?”

An ice-chilling voice whispered to the man kneeling on the floor.


The kneeling man was dressed in very similar clothes to the assassins that had tried to kill Calron!


The seated man on the throne had a head full of silver-grey hair and a trimmed beard. His face was cut like a stone sculpture, full of sharp edges and no softness. Although the man could not be labeled as handsome, there was a certain dignified nobility in his stature and aura. However, at this moment, only a chilling anger could be seen on his face!


Trembling under the pressure that the grey haired man exuded, the assassin could only gulp down his saliva and pray to any of the gods listening for one more day of life.


“My Lord, they were all guarding the little lady but the three never reported back the next morning. The others stationed at the school also did not know where they went. But… ”

Under the glare of the giant man, the assassin hurriedly spoke.


“But there was a commotion regarding Lady Felice, where a boy humiliated her in front of her friends. Although, the little lady was safe, it was after that incident that the three who were guarding her suddenly disappeared! Since we can’t detect them, I’m afraid that they probably died a while ago. I suspect an enemy knew of the Shadow Corps stationed there, and took action.”




Finally, the man spoke:

“Investigate the ones responsible for this and bring them to me. Use as many men as you need. As for the boy, leave him alone. Felice needs to learn how to be on her own, and I cannot always indulge her whims. Now, leave!”


Under the intensity of the blazing arctic-blue eyes of the man, the assassin shakingly bowed once, and then immediately disappeared into the night.


If Calron were here, then he would have definitely recognized those ice-cold eyes, as they were almost exactly the same as the pretty girl he had humiliated the night before.





Chapter 12 – The Legacy of Blood




Calron abruptly opened his eyes, and saw the smiling familiar face of his Master. His vision was still tinged with red from the blood, but it started to slowly return back to normal.


Calron sensed that the foreign blood was seeping deep into his body, as it began to merge with his muscle tissues and into the bone marrow. His cells multiplied at an alarming rate and jolts of pain flared through his body as the transformation commenced!


Although Calron could not see this phenomenon, his internal muscles and bones were currently emitting a faint crimson glow!


Consumed with an unbearable agony, Calron doubled over on the grass, as prayed for the pain to leave him.


His heart was furiously pounding against his chest, while his muscles continuously stretched and contracted, as they became denser by the very second! Although the size of his muscles stayed the same, at Calron’s current muscle density, he would be able to lift a large rock twice his height, without even the aid of his essence!


Calron’s transformation continued for a full two hours until finally, the pain started to subside slowly as it left a completely sweat-soaked boy in the middle of the garden.


Throughout the boy’s transformation, Elias had patiently waited at the side, as observed the changes happening in Calron.

After losing his ability to cultivate essence, Elias’s main worry had been that his family’s legacy would die out, and that he would be its last Inheritor.


Although every legacy inheritor went through the same initial transformation, the extent of one’s transformation would vary according to how compatible one was with the legacy itself!


The Legacy of Blood resonated with violence and carnage, and since it had taken so long to transform the boy, it seemed as if within the depths of his soul, Calron subconsciously sought for a life of violence.


Elias had been the same when he was young, and this was the reason the Legacy of Blood had chosen him as its Prime Inheritor!


Although multiple practitioners could inherit the same legacy, its power dwindled as the number of Inheritors increased, due to the sharing of the legacy’s source pool. The only exception to this rule was the Prime Inheritor!

Generally in a family that possessed a legacy, the head of the family would be the Prime Inheritor, and he would then pass this onto his eldest son. If the legacy did not deign his son as a Prime Inheritor, then the head of the family could only try for his next son or daughter, as the will of the legacy could never be forced!


When Elias’s family had been exterminated on that fateful night, he felt the death of all his family’s Inheritors, especially his father and brother. Since they all shared the same source pool, their consciousness was linked together, and they could faintly detect each other’s location and life force.


Once all the previous Inheritors of his family’s legacy had died, Elias had felt an immense power flooding through his veins, as waves of source energy crashed into his body! This was one of the reasons why Elias had been able to survive the onslaught of the silver-robed woman.


The source energy had constantly replenished his lost blood and regenerated his muscles and bones back to normal! Elias was able to maintain his consciousness until the Red Boar School’s Head coincidentally encountered him.


It wasn’t till the next morning, when Elias realized that yesterday’s sudden surge of source energy was due to the death of his family members!


There were other family members who were not legacy Inheritors and could have possibly survived. However, how could Elias even hope for such a thing, as who would be able to protect the other members, when the strongest of his family were all killed?


At this moment within Elias’s consciousness, he felt another bridge forming in the legacy’s source pool. This new bridge was much thicker and stronger that his own! Elias felt an immeasurable joy seeing this scene unfold; as it meant that a new Prime Inheritor was finally being born!




At the same time within Calron’s consciousness, a similar scene was occurring, and this was his first time seeing the mental manifestation of the Legacy of Blood!


It was truly breathtaking.


It was an ocean of thick red blood surrounded by an endless darkness. The crimson waves violently crashed against each other, as Calron felt the raw energy contained within them.


Just at the corner of the blood ocean, Calron noticed decaying bridge connected to the blood ocean!


Sending his consciousness into the worn-out mental bridge, Calron suddenly entered the foreign entity. Delving deeper into the core of the bridge, Calron discovered another consciousness within that bridge!

It was his Master!


Suddenly, a tremor ran through Calron’s mind!



Another bridge was slowly materializing in the opposite direction of the decaying bridge! The new bridge was much thicker and stronger than the other one, and it seemed to burst with a limitless vitality!


Calron felt a mysterious connection with that new bridge, and curiously sent his consciousness into it.


A ball of essence shot from Calron’s core and rushed into the bridge, as bright blue light illuminated the entire bridge! Soon, the light dimmed down as it revealed a faintly glowing azure-blue bridge.


The other decaying bridge seemed to lack this glow, and there were no further doubts in Calron’s mind that the worn-out bridge belonged to Elias, his Master.


“It is quite a sight, is it not?”

Hearing Elias’s calm and gentle voice, Calron jolted awake from his inner consciousness and abruptly opened his eyes.


Seeing the bewildered look on the boy’s face, Elias guessed that the bridge to Calron’s Legacy of Blood was finally awakened!





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