The Blood Legacy (The Divine Elements Book 1) (30 page)

BOOK: The Blood Legacy (The Divine Elements Book 1)
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Chapter 54 – Yearning a Family’s Love




*splash*    *splash*



The whole world seemed to be frozen in place.


A lone girl stood within the audience as tears streaked down her pale cheeks.


“Rory… “

Her heart was crushed as she saw the mutilated state of her little brother. A feeling of desperation suffocated her mind, as she felt her heart numbing to all emotions.


She wanted to feel angry, but besides the soul-crushing pain in her heart, she could not muster up the will to feel any anger.


Her heartbeat slowed down as she continued to gaze at the broken figure of her little brother.


Fatty’s right arm was twisted, as fragments of his bone stood out against the dark crimson blood covering his body.


Multiple cuts and wounds were scattered across his body, and even his clothes were completely shred apart, with his split skin clearly visible.


Blood seeped out from the corner of his mouth and nose, as it slowly dripped onto the stage.




Her knees starting quivering as she continued to see the sight of her brother in that state. Felice recalled their childhood memories, and the countless times that Fatty had tried to gain the attention of her parents, but only to be rejected and ignored, time after time.


However, his eyes never lost their luster, as her little brother continued to hope that one day, he would have a family that accepted him.


As each drop of blood dripped from Fatty’s body, Felice felt the life of her little brother slowly drain away…




“Big sister! Look at these pebbles! I collected them all for you!”

A cute chubby boy with dark black hair excitedly shouted, as he ran towards a little girl with equally dark hair.


The little girl stood just a little bit taller than the chubby boy, as her ice-blue eyes twinkled in happiness when she saw the boy running towards her.


“Rory, quiet down! The guards might hear you and then they will tell my mother! She was already quite furious when she saw me giving you candy yesterday!”

Felice quickly shushed down the chubby boy as he arrived in front of her.


However, the joy in her face and eyes remained unperturbed.


“Hehe, it’s alright! Big sister, look, this is the prettiest stone I found! It’s blue, just like your eyes!”

The chubby cheerfully said as his arctic blue eyes shined with life.


“You are so cuuute!”

Felice suddenly exclaimed as she grabbed the chubby boy and tightly hugged him, while pinching his cheeks with her other arm.


“Keke, aren’t I so handsome?”

The chubby boy proudly boasted as the little girl continued to hug him.


“Of course! Rory will always be the one I love the most!”

The little girl softly stated, as she petted the boy’s hair.


“I love big sister as well!”

The small chubby boy cheerfully responded as he rubbed his head against his sister’s belly.


“Hahaha, Rory, stop! That is tickling me! Hahaha”

The merry sound of two children laughing and giggling filled the empty garden as the gentle breeze embraced them.


“Big sis… why does step-mother hate me so much?”

The chubby boy suddenly asked as he sat down on the grass.


A sad and lonely expression flickered across his face, as he gazed into his sister’s eyes.


The little girl felt her heart twist with pain, as she saw the forlorn look in her brother’s face.


“I don’t know, Rory… I’ve asked her many times, but she refuses to answer.”

Felice gently replied as she looked into her brother’s eyes.


“I… I just want to have a family. Can you tell her that I promise to be good? And I will also not play pranks or eat her food… I just don’t want to live alone in that hut anymore! It’s so lonely… ”

The chubby boy tearfully asked the little girl, as he sobbed between his sentences.


“Oh, Rory…”

Felice felt her eyes moisten as she sensed the pain and anguish contained within her little brother. He had spent his whole life alone without the love of a mother or a father.


The little boy only wanted to have a family, and he did not understand why other people hated him so much.


He had cried outside the doors of the Axier mansion many nights, but no one ever opened the door for him.


This heart-wrenching pain would crush the soul of any child, but the little boy continued to hope that one day, his family would accept him.


“Rory, I will always be your family.”

A soft whisper echoed within the gentle breeze.




Chax was holding Fatty by the neck as his legs dangled above the ground. A sinister smile was spread across Chax’s face as he cruelly gazed into his opponent’s eyes.


Fatty desperately struggled to break free, but his strength was slowly being depleted as his breath was constricted by Chax’s chokehold.


“B-big brother…  I tried… cough cough… I’m just not… as cool as you… “

Fatty rasped with a slight smile, as he felt his consciousness start to slowly fade away.


Calron and Felice were the only family he ever had, and what Fatty regretted the most, was that he was unable to even slightly deter Chax.


Fatty recalled the first time he had met Calron, and in a way, it was because of him that his big brother got involved with Chax.


I hope big brother will not be mad at me…


And then, Fatty’s consciousness faded away.




Seeing the mangled body of his opponent desperately struggling to escape from his grip, Chax felt a sick sense of pleasure as he saw the helplessness in Fatty’s eyes.


Since he was a kid, no one had ever dared to oppose him on account of who his father was, but here was a nobody who had defiantly stood against him.


“Now, only that lightning trash is left!”

Chax gleefully whispered as he looked into the audience to locate Calron.


Just as his eyes were scanning the crowd, he suddenly felt a dense killing intent directed at him from the corner of the stadium!


This was unlike anything Chax had ever felt before!


Even with a large distance between him and the audience, Chax started to feel suffocated as his nerves went wild with panic!


With his hands trembling, his grip on Fatty’s neck loosened up a bit, as Fatty’s broken and injured body abruptly collapsed onto the stage with a deafening thud.


Fatty’s body lay completely still.


Suddenly, the suffocating pressure on Chax intensified by several degrees, and he felt as if a predator had just started its hunt!




Meanwhile, the nearby crowd slowly started to back away from the stranger who was currently emanating such a dangerous killing intent! They felt their hearts tremble with fear when they realized just how young the boy really was!


The nearby Felice abruptly snapped out of her daze, as she also felt the intense bloodlust near her.


“Y-you… “

Felice’s heart started to rapidly pound against her chest, as she saw the twisted expression on the boy’s face.


He was no longer the calm and collected boy that she had previously seen!


Thick bulging veins popped all across his body, as a dark crimson mist floated around him.


The scent of fresh blood polluted the air, and the nearby crowd felt their minds quivering under the savage aura released by the boy!


No one knew what that crimson mist was, but from the pungent smell that filled the entire vicinity, it seemed as if it was actually real human blood!


Before they could even contemplate this any further, the boy suddenly bellowed out with a mighty roar!


“TI…..TAN’S….. FURY!”

Chapter 55 – Retribution




As Fatty’s blood slowly dripped onto the stage, a surge of pain suddenly shot through Calron!


Calron had never felt such a bond with anyone else in his life. Watching his brother bleed before his eyes awakened a primordial rage inside of him!


Him and Fatty were kindred souls. They had shared the same torment of not having a place where they belonged, and although Fatty constantly goofed around and annoyed Calron, deep within the depths of his heart, Calron liked having Fatty pester him.


Fatty was the only one that Calron had ever felt such closeness with, and he had not realized until this moment just how much effect that boy’s presence had in his life!


Seeing his brother’s current mangled body and the broken arm with pale white bone showing, Calron felt an intense hatred and wrath welling up within his body!


He slowly observed all the countless cuts and wounds spread across Fatty’s body.


The blood continued to drip on the stage, as Fatty desperately tried to break free of Chax’s hold.

Just as Calron was about to rush to the stage, Fatty suddenly stopped moving.


Time stopped.


Calron started to breathe heavily, as his heart violently thumped against his chest.

A colossal amount of blood surged through his veins, as an intense killing intent emanated from Calron.


A guttural growl sounded out from his throat, as he felt the concrete beneath him starting to crack apart.

A fiery heat circulated inside his body, as Calron’s skin suddenly took on a complete crimson color!


He no longer looked like a human while exuding that savage aura which was akin to that of a wild beast, as his skin shimmered with a blood-colored glow!


The crimson mist orbited around Calron, as the domain of the Blood Arts was activated for the first time ever!


Completely unaware of the changes happening to his body, Calron growled through his clenched teeth.







High above the Arena, and on top of a cliff, an old man stood with an enraged expression on his face!




A huge boulder next to him disintegrated into dust, as his fist stuck the large rock!


A vicious aura suddenly radiated from his body, as his long white hair wildly fluttered in the wind.



Elias furiously bellowed, as his opaque grey eyes burst with an unnatural light!


Seeing his own disciple beaten on the stage, Elias felt an uncontainable fury welling up inside him. This scene was very similar to when his nephew was slaughtered back then, and Elias did not have the heart to watch another disciple of his being killed in front of him.


However, just as he was about to leap towards the stage, the source pool inside the Blood Legacy started to tremble vigorously!

“No…No… NO! This can’t be happening! CALRON!”




Deep within Calron’s consciousness, a series of images started to flash across his vision.


A crimson giant with bulging arms stood alone on a deserted plain, as countless corpses surrounded him. It was not clear whether or not the giant actually had crimson skin, or if it was just the blood of the corpses.


Calron could only see the back of the giant and no matter how hard he tried he was unable to gaze at the giant’s face!


Patterns of symbols were wholly etched across the giant’s skin and they faintly glowed with a pale light.


The symbols were surprisingly identical to the one Calron had on his palm!


“Boy, do not regret this… ”

A hoarse whisper sounded out from the giant, as in the next moment, all the images shattered within Calron’s mind.


Suddenly, an intense surge of source energy rushed into him as he felt his muscles and bones being completely imbued with a crimson glow!


A profound strength seemed to enter Calron, as he sensed his body grow stronger and stronger by the moment. Even the experts at the peak of the Spiritual stage would hardly be a challenge for the current Calron!


Every fiber of his being was emanating the source energy of the Blood Legacy.


However, after a single second, Calron felt a sudden jolt of pain shoot through his body!


His blood was starting to be consumed by the legacy!



A gut-wrenching scream erupted from Calron’s mouth, and suddenly, a faint illusion of a massive crimson giant coalesced behind him!


It stood around twenty feet tall, with plates of armor covering its chest, wrists and ankles. Besides a loincloth covering its private parts, the giant had no other clothing on it.


The giant suddenly raised its head and mightily roared towards the heavens!


The nearby crowd all stared in shock as they saw the changes in the boy, and their hearts trembled with fright when the illusion of a crimson giant appeared behind Calron.


None of them knew what that creature was, but they could feel the intense pressure it exuded!


Meanwhile, Felice’s mind was completely numb with shock as she saw the current Calron. With his red skin and savage aura, the boy no longer appeared to be human, and instead seemed like the very incarnation of a devil from the depths of hell!


Before she could regain her composure, Calron suddenly vanished from his spot!


Only a faint cloud of crimson mist remained where he had previously stood.




Chax felt his whole body trembling uncontrollably as he closed his eyes in an effort to steady his nerves.


Right at that moment, he heard an ear-splitting roar of a savage beast!


Before he could even open his eyes, a scorching palm with a frightening strength, suddenly gripped his neck!


Chax abruptly opened his eyes and stared into the distorted face of Calron!


“W-who are y-you?”

Chax asked in a shaky voice.


“This is my retribution!”

A cold and frosty voice whispered into Chax’s ear, as he suddenly felt his body being lifted into the air.


Holding Chax’s body by the neck, Calron viciously smashed his head into the ground!




Pressing Chax’s neck into the ground, Calron bent down as he whispered into his ear.

“This is for justice!”


Grabbing Chax’s right arm, Calron maliciously twisted it until it popped out of its socket.


Chax let out a blood-curdling screech as a burst of pain exploded within his mind!


Tightly gripping the dislocated arm, Calron exerted his pressure until sounds of the bone cracking could be clearly heard in the surroundings, along with Chax’s miserable cries of pain.


A spray of blood burst forth, as the entire arm from the elbow to the wrists, was completely crushed into a mesh of fractured bones and flesh!


Under the domain of the Blood Legacy, Calron’s physical strength was immeasurably amplified and with just his bare hands, he could crush the bones of an eighth rank cultivator!


The illusion of the crimson giant had disappeared a while ago, but Calron did not even realize it, as he was utterly immersed in torturing Chax.


Gazing at the still figure of Fatty, unbidden tears started to form within Calron’s eyes as he firmly clenched his fists, and turned to glare at Chax.


With the crushed arm still within his grip, Calron let out a loud roar as he suddenly ripped apart the arm from the elbow down!



A soul-crushing cry of pain erupted from Chax’s mouth as he felt the torturous agony of his limb being torn out!


“This is for vengeance!”

Calron coldly whispered as he stared into Chax’s eyes.




In the booths above the stadium, a chaotic scene was unfolding.


“What is that thing behind that little bastard?”

Regis loudly exclaimed as he abruptly rose out of his chair.


Even from here, he could detect that the aura around that thing was extraordinary, and he had never heard of a technique that could bring out such a realistic illusion with its own signature aura!


“Stop this tournament and bring that runt to me! NOW!”

Regis bellowed as he turned towards his two guards.


He could see that the lightning boy was not so simple, and he wanted to seize him before anyone else made a move.


After this day, it was clear that the boy would not remain in the Red Boar School as the various officials present today would definitely try to capture the boy for their own purposes.


A young lightning cultivator that could turn his skin to an astonishing crimson color, and bring out such violent and bloodthirsty aura, would be the fascination of every influential power in the city!


Turning his head to gaze at the stadium, Regis was pleased with the performance of his son and loudly applauded as he beamed with pride.


There was no one in the younger generations that could contend against Chax!


His son was a rare genius!


Just as these thoughts were racing within his mind, Regis got up to exit the booth to congratulate his son, when a blood-curdling scream echoed in the entire Arena.




Swiftly turning around, Regis rushed to the edge of the balcony as he saw the soul-crushing scene below him.


His son was being tortured by the red-skinned boy!


Before Regis could even comprehend the situation, another gut-wrenching scream echoed on stage, as Chax’s limb was savagely ripped apart from his body!



The roar of the city Lord reverberated into the sky, as the entire crowd below felt their hearts shake with terror!




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