The Blood Legacy (The Divine Elements Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: The Blood Legacy (The Divine Elements Book 1)
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Chapter 30 – Changes 


As soon as his new Master spoke those words, Fatty felt a foreign sensation bubbling inside his body.


The blood seeped into his eyes and even entered through the pores on his skin. An intense heat started to radiate from his body as he felt the new blood merging with his own.


As he closed his eyes in utter agony, Fatty doubled up on the ground and groaned in pain. He felt as if his body was being broken apart as his muscles stretched and expanded, while the sounds of his bones cracking echoed throughout the empty forest.


Elias calmly stood there watching the boy as he underwent his transformation. All the Inheritors of the Blood Legacy were subject to the same torturous pain. It was a rebirth of the body, as the new legacy’s blood would start to flow inside Roran.


If he could endure the agony, then his mental strength would be further amplified in the future. Without an ironclad will or fortitude, no Inheritor would ever be able to control the Blood Legacy!


Elias had seen various paths of the other Legacies, but his family’s Blood Legacy was completely different than all of the others. To walk in the path of continuous bloodshed and savagery, this legacy seemed more demonic than human in nature. He had always wondered how his first ancestor had received the Blood Legacy, but there were no records written in his family’s history.




Hearing Fatty’s screech of pain, Elias gazed slightly worried at the chubby boy. It appeared as if things were not going as smoothly as he had hoped, as he could see Fatty’s body convulsing on the ground without control.




Hearing Fatty’s cry of agony, Calron stopped in the middle of his punch and turned back to gaze towards where his Master and Fatty were located.


Fatty seemed to be in more pain than when Calron had gone through his transformation. Calron’s hands shook as he kept hearing the gut-wrenching cries of Fatty, but he knew he could not interfere in this process.


It all depended on whether or not Fatty could inherit the will of the legacy.




Meanwhile, inside Fatty’s mind, his conscious was on the verge of collapsing as he struggled to maintain his sanity under that immense pain. Raging torrents of new blood rushed into his muscles and bones, as they started to merge and mutated his body.


New cells took the place of old ones and the process was repeated countless times. Under the blazing heat released by the legacy, even the fat cells in Fatty’s body started to slowly evaporate.


A faint crimson mist started to form around Fatty, as the new blood started to force the old blood out of his body. His muscles and bones started to rapidly heal and slowly fitted back into place.


Fatty’s current body was rippling with muscle, as the intense heat of the legacy’s transformation had already burned off the fat on him. He appeared to be even more muscular than Calron, and slightly taller as well!


Just then, images started to flicker inside Fatty’s head.


A giant of a man stood alone in a desolate plain with uncountable corpses surrounding him. The giant emitted a vicious bloody aura and his body glowed with a deep scarlet hue. Just as the giant turned his head towards him, Fatty felt the images shatter!


Suddenly, he spewed out a mouthful of dark blood filled with his body’s impurities.


Seeing the boy cough out the vile substance, Elias secretly let out a sigh of relief. With the impurities expelled from his body, it will be easier for Roran to absorb the new blood.


Elias had been previously worried, as unlike normal cultivators undergoing a legacy’s transformation, Fatty will have no assistance from his core to endure the pain or the torment.


The essence from any element will have a supplementary effect of strengthening the body, so even without cultivating, any elementalist will have a tougher body than one who did not possess a core. This was why Element-Less were considered to be trash and even lower than Lightning cultivators!


After a few more coughs, Fatty sat down on the grass and panted as he inhaled large amounts of air. A puddle of dark vicious blood spread around him as Fatty gazed up towards his Master and asked with a pale face.


“Master, why did it hurt so much?”

Noticing that the boy still had not realized the change in his appearance, Elias looked amused.


“Your body has just gone through a process of complete renewal. The pain was likely greater in your case as you did not have the assistance of your element. Brace yourself, Roran, the Blood Legacy’s source pool will soon emerge within your body now.”


Just as Elias finished speaking, Fatty’s conscious suddenly quivered as a foreign entity invaded his mind.


A pool of dark crimson blood coalesced within Fatty’s conscious and expanded continuously until it turned into a violent ocean of blood!


The sight filled Fatty with an awe that was indescribable in simple words. This was the same feeling that Calron had felt when he first saw the source pool!


It appeared as if the ocean of thick scarlet blood was surrounded by a deep darkness. The blood waves crashed against each other and the tyranny of these waves could be seen just from the intense aura it emitted.


At the edge of the crimson ocean, Fatty could see two distinct bridges connected to it. One appeared to be withered and dull, while the other was bursting with an intense azure glow. That bridge was also much thicker and sturdier than the one opposite to it.


Feeling curious, Fatty sent his conscious into the two bridges. Instinctively, he knew that the withered bridge was his Master and he faintly sensed his presence as well. Moving onto the other bridge, Fatty detected a profound aura surrounding it and he was unable to enter the foreign conscious, until a mental gate abruptly opened and let him in.


Fatty felt a range of emotions from this foreign presence. Initially there was caution, but after a moment it changed into relief and finally there was elation.


He knew within the depths of his soul, that this was Calron!




Suddenly, the ocean of blood surged in its intensity as the waves madly crashed against each other. Soon, another bridge was slowly being constructed at the edge of the ocean. Feeling the trace of familiarity with it, Fatty rushed out of the azure bridge and entered the new path that was being formed.




Meanwhile, Calron had stopped his training and appeared next to Elias as looked at the once-chubby kid lying on the grass.


Calron felt his mouth drop at the change in Fatty. Calling him ‘Fatty’ right now seemed like a joke, as the youngster in front of him was just as lean as him, and appeared to have even more muscle mass!


Calron guessed that if Fatty stood up right now, then he would probably be several inches taller as well. He did not understand why there was such a monumental change in Fatty’s appearance, but he decided to ponder on that later.


Suddenly, he felt an intruder within his conscious!


After delving into his mind, he realized that it was just Fatty exploring the newborn source pool within his body and so in a brief moment, he opened his mind’s gate for his new blood brother.




As Fatty entered the new path being formed, he suddenly felt his soul tremble!


The source energy from the pool rushed into his body, it drowned him with an euphoric feeling. As his heart raced uncontrollably, Fatty started to feel torrents of the source energy flooding into his muscles and the fractured veins.


Everywhere the source energy touched, the cells would become stronger and the muscles tougher as their density greatly increased. The fractured veins inside Fatty’s body started to regrow like the sprout of a plant and by every approaching second, it reached closer and closer to his core.


As the veins were being nourished by the source energy, the meridians within Fatty’s body also started to slowly open with every circulation of the new energy.


From the outside, Elias and Calron could see a crimson glow emit from Fatty’s skin and they both knew that Fatty was currently drawing in the source energy!


Just as the first tendril of the spiritual veins was about to connect with his core, Fatty felt his conscious tremble with an uncontrollable power!


His core abruptly shook as the final vein connected to it, and in the next moment, a colossal amount of essence was gathering above him.


When Calron and Elias saw the huge mass of essence above Fatty’s head, they felt as if their tongues had dried up!


Chapter 31 – The First Spar


*Shua*   *Shua*


The massive sphere of essence above Fatty slowly started to orbit around him.


“Hm, that sphere is made of water essence. Looks like this kid will awaken to the water element.”


Elias softly muttered next to Calron.


At the side, Calron intently observed Fatty’s awakening. His own awakening was unusual and bizarre, so he was curious as to how a normal awakening occurred.


“Master, how long does a normal awakening take?”

Raising a curious eyebrow at his student’s question, Elias simply answered.


“It should be over in a few minutes. As soon as he absorbs that essence, his core should be stabilized.”

Calron gave a noncommittal nod and focused his attention back on Fatty.


It seemed as if his awakening really was different from everyone else’s. Fatty did not seem to be going through any pain right now, but Calron clearly remembered the agony he had went through when he awakened to the lightning element.


Meanwhile, the water essence above Fatty slowly started being consumed into his body like a vacuum. Faint tendrils of cyan colored essence spread around Fatty until finally the whole ball of essence above him was completely devoured.


In a flash, Fatty opened his eyes and started laughing wildly.


“Haha, so this is how an essence feels like? Truly amazing!”

Looking at the silly boy’s antics on the ground, both Elias and Calron let out a wide smile.


“How do you feel, Roran?”

Elias questioned.


“Master, I feel incredible! Huh?”

Just as Fatty was stood up and was replying to Elias, he realized that his body had completely changed!


Fatty could actually see muscles on him!


With a gaping mouth, Fatty touched around his skin and by every second, his face grew brighter and brighter.


“This…what happened to my body?”


“Once you inherit the Blood Legacy, it will change the very constitution of your body and since your original physique was much worse than Calron, there were some obvious changes to you.”

Elias replied as he folded his hands behind him.


“Hehe, so that means I’m stronger than big brother, right?”

Fatty gloated as he glanced at Calron.


Seeing the look on his new disciple’s face, Elias felt highly amused. This will be good practice for Calron, as he will finally understand what it means to be the Prime Inheritor of the Legacy. Furthermore, in future, Calron will be the one to discipline the Inheritors.


“Oh? I agree, Roran. Why don’t you try sparring with Calron here then?”

Elias asked Fatty, while giving Calron a secret wink to the side.


Seeing the amused look on his Master’s face, Calron knew what Elias wanted from him.


Although he did not want to put down Fatty’s spirits, he could not remain silent anymore and pretend to be weak. It was one thing to hide the Blood Legacy from outsiders, but now as Fatty was a part of it as well, there was no need to hide his true Martial strength!


Elias knew that Calron had been disgruntled with hiding his strength while taking abuse from others, so this spar with a fellow disciple would finally remove all those constraints.


Since Fatty was just a normal Inheritor of the Blood Legacy, his body was not put under as much stress as Calron, so he should be in his prime condition even after the vigorous transformation.


Giving a wide smile to Fatty in front of him, Calron cracked his knuckles as he slowly walked towards him.

“Yo, Fatty! Why don’t you show me your new awesome strength?”


As Fatty saw Calron walking towards him, he immediately started drawing source energy from the legacy’s pool.

“Hehe, big brother, I will be more than happy to!”


Fatty was completely oblivious to the previous sarcasm in Calron’s voice and continued to be arrogant.


Feeling all the physical changes in his body and the surge of power that his newly awakened core provided, Fatty felt truly invincible! However, if he had noticed the mischievous glint in Calron’s eyes, things might have gone a bit differently.


Sensing the powerful energy fluctuations around Fatty, Calron was momentarily surprised as Fatty was definitely a lot stronger than an average First rank elementalist, but in the end, that level of power was still nothing against him.


Calron had been diligently cultivating everyday since he broke through the Third rank, and he had long ago solidified his base at that rank, and was now closer to breaking into the next rank!


This kind of cultivation speed, along with his extremely pure liquid essence was already a terrifying existence within his age group!


Seeing that Fatty continued to look down on him, Calron gave a soft sigh.


This Fatty… he already loves poking fun at others, and after his awakening, he will probably get into more trouble if I don’t teach him a lesson. Besides, this will be good practice for my Formless Fist as well! No matter how much I practice, I just can’t seem to control the source energy like Master.


With these thoughts, Calron activated his source energy.



Within Calron’s conscious, the source pool was surging like a violent ocean!


The blood waves unceasingly crashed against each other and even the blood seemed to be slightly thicker than before as well. The pressure Calron felt from the source pool was much more intense than he had ever felt since he inherited it, and it seemed to be a lot more uncontrollable as well.


Could this have something to do with the addition of a new Inheritor? I’ll just ask Master later. I need to focus on this Fatty first!


After pondering these thoughts, Calron put the strangeness of the source pool aside, and willed the source energy to come to him.




A dense bloodthirsty aura emanated from Calron as he drew from the source pool. His eyes turned slightly crimson along with the rest of his body!


This was the first time that Calron had unleashed the complete power of the Blood Legacy and even he did not know his true potential yet!


Feeling the raw power coursing through his muscles, Calron felt slightly stunned, as it seemed that the power of the source energy had suddenly increased by leaps!


While Fatty and his Master were previously talking, Calron was at a distance away and training his Formless Fist, so it had only been a few minutes since he last used his source energy and now it had suddenly gotten more powerful!


Calron was sure that this had something to do with Fatty becoming the second Inheritor.


Seeing the violent aura around Calron, Fatty felt his heart being slowly crushed under its pressure. This was it! This was the exact same aura he had felt around Calron when he first saw him!


However, after finding out that Calron was a lightning cultivator, Fatty put it to the back of his mind. Only now did he realize how frightening his big brother really was!


Suddenly, Calron moved.


Gathering the source energy within his palms, Calron rushed towards Fatty. The most striking scene was that his palms were actually emitting a blazing crimson mist! And even the bloodthirsty aura around Calron appeared to have intensified as well!


Realizing that there was no choice but to face the monster he stirred, Fatty inwardly shed some tears and prepared to block the attack.




A disheveled figure was forced back as a crisp cracking of the bone could be heard while the figure groaned in pain.


This figure was none other than Fatty!


As the smoke dispersed, the silhouette of Calron slowly emerged out and started walking towards the miserable looking Fatty in front of him. In the first strike, Calron had gone easy and just wanted to test the toughness of Fatty’s body.


“Eh? Big brother, I was only joking! How could this junior ever compare himself to you? Why don’t we sit down and chat for a while? Remember when I gave you that extra piece of chicken…”

While Fatty continued to splutter and babble excuses as he gingerly held his broken hand, Calron just turned his grin even wider.


“Haha, Fatty, don’t worry, this big brother of yours will definitely go easy on you! Come, we’re just exchanging some pointers!”


Noticing Fatty back away from the fight, Calron gave a low chuckle. This kid really was too mischievous, as he was the one who first provoked Calron, and now wanted to sit down and talk after the very first strike.


Seeing how Fatty even made up an excuse of giving him an extra piece of chicken, Calron did not know whether to laugh or cry at Fatty’s shamelessness.


Meanwhile at the side, Elias felt his heart trembling. Were his eyes playing tricks on him? Just now, when Calron attacked, he saw the crimson mist surrounding his palms! Calron should definitely not be able to evoke the Blood Legacy’s crimson mist so soon! Could it be that this kid…


Without finishing his thought, Elias abruptly stepped forward.


“Calron, end the fight now. It’s clear who the winner is, and Roran, you must never underestimate your opponent, especially when that someone is a genius like Calron.”


Hearing Elias’s words, Fatty felt his mind go numb.


“Big brother is a genius?”

Just as Fatty was stunned by the news, Calron groaned at his Master.


“But Master! I wanted to play around with Fatty a bit more!”

Unknowingly Fatty shuddered as he heard those words.


“No need, you will have a new sparring partner from now on.”

Elias calmly stated to the pouting skinny kid in front of him.


“Eh? Who?”


Just as Calron asked his question, he felt a thick viscous aura oppressing him, as Elias answered with a smile.





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