The Blinding Knife (77 page)

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Authors: Brent Weeks

Tags: #Epic Fantasy

BOOK: The Blinding Knife
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,” Kip said. “You’re not smart enough to figure this out. Who did it? How much did they pay you to do this?”

A flash of fury came over Aram’s face, quickly smoothed away.

,” Kip said. “What did you think, that you’re some modern-day Ayrad? Ayrad didn’t take money for what he did. He didn’t use a team. You’re
compared to him. You’re going to skip me.
The one you were hired to block. You think you’re the best in the class, you think you’re better than Cruxer, but you’re afraid to take me on.”

“I’ve got a lot of fights to win today, Kip. I don’t need to tire myself on unnecessary—”

“So fighting me will tire you out? Thought you were amazing. Didn’t Ayrad fight everyone in the class on his way up? And you won’t even fight one fatty at fourteenth place. You’re a legend all right, Aram. Aram the Unready, we’ll call you. Aram the A-rammed.” Kip had no idea what the latter meant, he just made it up. “Aram the—”

Aram slammed down his token in front of Kip. “I’m going to kill you,” he said. He strode off into the middle of the circle.

Cruxer was at Kip’s side an instant later. “Brilliant, now, Kip, after the back kick, Aram likes to throw a roundhouse punch, either stomach or face. He gets a lot of power into that thing, but if you can sidestep and come in, he’ll be wide open.”

“I’ve seen it,” Kip said. “I’m just not fast enough to take advantage of it.”

“Time!” Trainer Fisk announced. “Come forward.”

“Anything else?” Kip asked Cruxer. “Please.”

“He’s a fast drafter, too,” Cruxer said weakly. “Watch out for that… You’re lucky, though, right, Breaker?”


“Breaker, forward or out!” the trainer shouted.

“That’s something then,” Cruxer said.

“I didn’t say it was good luck.”

Kip turned to walk into the center of the circle. Then he saw the worst thing in the world. A ripple of recognition passed through the assembled Blackguards and trainees as someone came to the front rows to watch. Gavin. Gavin was here. Prism Gavin Guile himself had come to see his son test.

And Kip was about to fail.

Of course he’d come now. Of course he couldn’t have come early enough to see Kip win the earlier fights. To see Kip do clever things. No, he came
, when Kip was out of ideas and out of luck. Just in time for Kip to shame him.

“Are you ill, Breaker?” Trainer Fisk asked.

Oh, and of course the Prism sat next to Commander Ironfist. Might as well let everyone down at once. Beautiful.

“I’m envisioning a great victory,” Kip said.

“You arrogant little shit,” Aram said, sneering.

“I didn’t say it was mine,” Kip said.


“Not my… victory. Look, jokes don’t work when you have to explain the—Forget it.”

“Are you calling me stupid?” Aram asked.

Um, no, but shoe fits.

“I am going to punish you,
.” Aram said it in such a way that he
clearly intended using Kip’s birth name to be offensive. Which it wasn’t.

“I think we really don’t understand each other at all,” Kip said.

“Enough!” Trainer Fisk said. “Colors?”

“Green and yellow,” Aram said.

“All colors,” Kip said. No reason to hold back now.

“You’re claiming to be a full-spectrum polychrome, Breaker?” Trainer Fisk asked.

There was a right answer here. “Um. Yes?” Kip asked.

“Bad time to announce that,” Trainer Fisk said.

“What?” Kip asked. He’d thought it was the perfect time to announce it.

“Full-spectrum polychromes have such advantages over normal drafters that the Blackguards long ago established that to test their actual ability to be a Blackguard, they must be limited to share whatever colors their opponent chooses, plus one.”

“What?” Kip said. “So by my saying I could draft more colors, you give me


“Well that’s bull—” Kip stopped, barely.

Trainer Fisk arched an eyebrow.

Kip scowled. “That’s very hard to take,” he said. He cleared his throat. “And I don’t think it’s fair.”

“I don’t think it’s fair, the Prism’s bastard says. You little bitch,” Aram said. “You shouldn’t even be here.”

“Aram, I don’t know who bought you off, but I’m going to crush your face,” Kip said. “You’re going to beat me today. No doubt. But I’ll be back.”

“I’m going to hurt you, Kip. I’m going to make you blubber like the fat little piggy you are.”

“Fuck you,” Kip said.

“Breaker,” Trainer Fisk said, “you are right on the line. Say one more word and you lose your extra color.”

“Word,” Kip said.

“Orholam damn you!” Trainer Fisk shouted. He grabbed Kip by his collar, and Kip heard the crowd gasp. “That’s it! You lose your extra color. You know, boy, you have a choice: are you going to be Kip the Lip, the loser who always has the last word, or are you going to be
Breaker? I think you’ve made your choice for today. Maybe when you come back in six months you’ll be grown up enough to choose differently.” Trainer Fisk was seething. He turned to the crowd. Why was he so angry? Why was he so hostile suddenly?

Kip the Lip. He’d said Kip the Lip. Where—

Andross Guile. That would also explain why Trainer Fisk was so angry. He wasn’t angry at Kip; he was angry about Kip. Andross Guile was forcing Trainer Fisk to make it as hard as possible for Kip to pass—forcing Trainer Fisk to betray his oaths. It didn’t matter how. What mattered was that Kip was making what Andross Guile had asked Trainer Fisk to do all too easy. The trainer didn’t even look at Kip now, as he announced, “Kip Guile has claimed to be a full-spectrum polychrome. There hasn’t been one of those in the Blackguard for seventy years. There are rules. We’ve consulted them. Because of their innate advantages, full-spectrum polychromes get to choose only one color in addition to what their opponent chooses. For foul language, Breaker loses that choice. The colors for this bout will be green and yellow.”

Ironfist’s gaze was like a millstone. Kip looked away, and found his father’s. Gavin Guile looked disappointed already.

Damn me. Damn me. Kip the Lip. I played right into his hands. Kip Almost.

That’s who I am. Almost. I almost beat the Threshing, but I gave up. I was almost a hero, but I chose cowardice instead. I almost saved my village. I almost saved Isa. I almost saved Sanson. But I didn’t even
save my mother. Hell,
is generous. I haven’t almost avenged her. I swore I would. I took some little steps, telling myself I had to make it to the Blackguard to get access to the records in the library, but really, I’ve been happy to forget her. Some son. Some loyalty.

They might have conspired to keep me out of the top fourteen, but could I have really made it on my own? Probably not. Would I have made the top seven? Definitely not. The only good things in my life are the things that have been given to me. No wonder they hate me. I haven’t earned anything.

“Why little Kip the Lip, are you crying?” Aram said.

“I’m going to kill you, you motherfucker,” Kip said.

A backhand cracked across Kip’s jaw, staggering him. Trainer Fisk said, “Kip, one more word, and I’ll spare you the beating you’re about to get and revoke your chance to try again in six months.”

This time, Kip said nothing. He didn’t even spit out the blood in his mouth, lest Trainer Fisk misinterpret it.

“Trainer,” Aram said. “I’d like to withdraw one of my colors. I only need green.”

The trainer nodded and gave the order. Then he said, “Hands.”

Each boy in turn let his finger be pressed firmly on the hellstone and then took their places, illuminated only in white light.

Then the lights were shuttered.

“And…” Trainer Fisk said. Kip started running forward. He thought he had the timing just about perfect—“Go!”

Kip was already airborne as the lights came blazing on. Flying side kick. And miraculously, Aram was still standing right in line.

The boy’s eyes went wide and Kip’s foot slammed into his shoulder and chest. It launched Aram backward.

Kip fell, but popped back up to his feet in a moment. Aram had been shot all the way out of the circle. He rolled over, coughed, and for one moment Kip thought he’d knocked the wind out of his opponent. If Aram wasn’t able to breathe for five seconds, Kip would win, just like that.

“One!” Trainer Fisk shouted, starting the count.

Aram jumped back to his feet and rushed back into the circle. Kip met him at the edge, determined to keep him out.


Back kick. It was fast. So fast Kip was lucky to jump backward out of its reach, which also meant he was safe from the follow-up punch, which also meant Aram got into the circle with no problem.

And there goes my chance.

Aram was still in pain, though, Kip could tell. Unless he was faking it to lure Kip into some kind of trap. On the other hand, why would he need to lure Kip into a trap? He had his color, speed, strength, and a lot more training.

As Kip moved in closer, Aram lashed out. A lightning-fast pop to Kip’s nose. Too fast to stop. It wasn’t hard, but it stunned Kip. Then Aram was on top of him. Kip didn’t see the move that cut his feet out from under him, but he fell on his side, hard.

Kip had gotten halfway up when Aram hit him with a green luxin baton across the back.

“Come on, Breaker!” someone shouted.

Kip struggled up to his knees again. And grunted as another baton cracked across his back. But he didn’t go down.

He saw the thought cross Aram’s mind: he could crack that baton across Kip’s head and put him out. But a shot to the head might leave Kip an idiot, and that would get Aram barred from the Blackguard forever.

For once, the rules were helping Kip.

Not knowing what else to do, Aram slammed the baton into Kip’s back again. Harder.

Kip looked up at him and grinned. Don’t you know what I am?

I’m the fucking turtle-bear.

With a roar, Kip came to his feet as Aram was winding up for another swing. He caught Aram’s hand in his own and pushed against him. Aram kneed Kip hard in the gut, but that only meant the older boy was off balance as Kip locked a foot behind his.

Kip landed on top of the boy, but lost him almost immediately. Aram slid around and got under one of Kip’s arms and started battering his kidney with his fists. Kip tried to push off the ground, but somehow he couldn’t get any leverage anywhere. Green luxin imprisoned his hands.

“I’ve got you, Kip. You feel that freedom?” Aram whispered harshly in his ear. “I’m giving you just enough so they don’t call the fight. Just enough so I can punish you.”

Pain stabbed through him, making it hard to think, impossible to plan. Aram let him slip a little out of the grip and then corralled him again, grinning fiercely.

Hands manacled behind his back as he rolled onto his side, Kip used the pain like hammer blows hardening his will. He stared up at the crystals above them, bathing them in green light—and fired tiny pebbles as hard as he could at them.

A fist crashed across his jaw and he rolled heavily onto his back. Then something cracked and the green crystal overhead shattered, plunging them into darkness and showering them with crystal rain. Kip had not only shattered the green filter, but also the mirror behind it that turned the light toward the practice field. Cries of alarm went up from the crowd.

Kip was ready for the darkness—and Aram wasn’t. He lost his grip on the open green luxin he’d been using as Kip’s manacles. The manacles broke open and Kip slipped out of Aram’s grip and swung an elbow toward the boy’s head that struck a glancing blow.

Then Kip was on his feet. He relaxed his eyes into sub-red, and he could see. Aram was on his feet, staring this way and that.

Kip slugged him in the stomach and stepped back quickly. Aram turned, recovered, grunting. Kip slid to the left and punched the boy’s kidney.

Then, too soon, someone in the crowd cracked open a mag torch. No! Someone threw up a yellow flare. Kip tightened his eyes back to normal vision, and thought, Yellow, I can draft that if I’m—

But Aram’s first thought was martial rather than magical. He hit Kip in the nuts and tripped him.

Kip’s face bounced off the dirt, and then he was crushed by Aram’s weight as the boy jumped on top of him.

Aram pummeled both of Kip’s legs, hard punches right in the sweet spot in the middle of the thigh, rendering them useless.

Pain is nothing, pain is nothing, pain is nothing.

It didn’t matter what Kip told himself. This wasn’t pain; this was his body’s simple refusal to obey orders.

Think, Kip, think! One shot can end a fight.

One lucky shot. Orholam, please! Give me one lucky shot!

He flopped over onto his stomach. Even with the few grappling classes Kip had attended, he knew it was a stupid move. Your hands and legs—your weapons—go forward, not backward. Not well, anyway. He presented one elbow as what he hoped was a tempting target, and then convulsed his whole body, jerking his head backward as hard as he could, hoping to smash Aram’s face.

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