The Blank Canvas (Apartment #2) (21 page)

BOOK: The Blank Canvas (Apartment #2)
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“I’m sorry, where are my manners?” Ethan cut in. “Lily, this is Joan. She owns this lovely gallery and is the sole reason that I was able to put this together for you so quickly. And Joan,” he smiled proudly, pulling Lily to his side. “This is my Lily.”

“Her name is really Lily?” Joan gasped.

“Of course. That’s how I thought of the title for the show,” Ethan chuckled. He leaned over and whispered into Lily’s ear. “I wanted to work your name into it without it being obvious to those who don’t know you.”

“Well Lily, may I just say that you are every bit as lovely as his paintings led me to believe,” Joan smiled, finally shaking her hand. “Some artist’s renderings glorify and glamorize the subject so much that I can barely see the real person anymore, but not so with Ethan. There is so much truth and love in these images, I had no trouble seeing it, and these aren’t even full portraits of you!”

“Thank you,” she smiled. “Your gallery is truly lovely. I haven’t really been to anything other than museums, but I like how cozy and warm it feels here.”

“I told you so, darling!” an extremely tall, regal looking woman said excitedly as she came up behind Joan and draped her arm around her shoulder, leaning over to plant a quick kiss on her cheek. “Didn’t I tell you the very same thing?” She looked at Lily and smiled brightly. “This place feels comfortable, not like those cold galleries down the street.”

It was Joan’s turn to blush at the loving praise. “Ethan, Lily, I’d like you to meet my wife, Andrea.”

“A pleasure, Andrea,” Ethan said as he shook her hand.

“No, the pleasure is all mine, believe me. We have been such fans of your work for years. There is so much raw emotion in some of your pieces. I can’t tell you how overwhelming it feels to stand in front of so many of them at once.”

“Thank you. That’s a lovely compliment.” He absentmindedly pulled Lily a little closer to his side, as if simply being near her would give him the strength to face the long night of questions and opinions ahead of him.

“Have you two had the chance to look around yet?”

“Not exactly,” Lily laughed lightly. “We were sort of… distracted at first. But I can’t wait to see everything.”

“Well, don’t let me interrupt you any longer. I simply wanted to tell Joan that we have reached capacity.”

?” Joan gasped.

“Calm down, love. I just thought you might want to go over some more details with Doug before the line gets any longer outside.”

“I’m so sorry,” Joan apologized. “Ethan, Lily? Would you please excuse us?”

“Of course,” Ethan nodded. “I’ve been dying to give this one a proper tour, anyway.” Lily could feel his fingertips squeezing her hip possessively as he spoke.

“By all means, show the poor girl around. Let her see all of these amazing paintings she inspired!” Joan reached out and hugged them both quickly. “Ethan, I’ll find you later if there are any questions or problems. Be sure to stop by the refreshment table for wine and cheese later. If they haven’t eaten it all by then, of course,” she frowned.

Lily smiled after them as both women scurried away to speak with the doorman. “Wow, they seem… elegantly frazzled.”

“Yeah, I don’t think they were expecting such a big turnout so early.” He paused for a moment to look down at her, his eyes lingering over her strategically accentuated curves as they roved over her body openly. When his gaze finally landed on her eyes it was full of heat. “I can’t get over how amazing you look tonight.” He exhaled loudly, shoving his hand through his hair. “How about we have that tour?”

“I’d like that.” Lily was up for anything that kept her from jumping him in public.

They slowly made the rounds, sipping on champagne as they walked, Lily refusing to skip over one single piece. There were so many touching images she lost count of how many times she began to tear up. Many were like the two she’d already seen, small pieces of her that he had come to memorize, while others were more symbolic. She saw a few with a large sleigh bed in the background, mixed in with other reminders of days gone by, like the candle and chocolates from their Valentine’s Day picnic.

Ethan was quiet as she looked, watching for her reactions. He was always right behind her if she wanted to ask him something about one of the pieces or if she simply needed him to hold her and reassure her of his presence. None of the images were graphic or overly revealing, but there were more than a few times that she buried her face in his chest to hide her blush, overcome by the sensuality of the memory he’d captured.

One painting in particular caused her to stop in her tracks, covering her mouth to hide her gasp. Ethan closed the distance between them and slowly wrapped his hands around her middle, pulling her back against his chest as he leaned down to whisper in her ear.

“Do you remember that night, Lily?” She felt his warm breath tickle her neck, and the sensation mixed with the seductive purr of his voice caused her flesh to tingle and her nipples to harden.

,” she breathed, almost no sound to her voice. The painting showed the silhouette of two lovers dancing, locked in a heated embrace as the male figure dipped the female over a bed. “Our dance.”

“I knew I loved you, even then,” he said against her skin as he softly kissed below her ear. “I wish I’d had the courage to just tell you.”

“I could say the exact same thing,” she said without taking her eyes off the canvas.

“Do you remember how our bodies moved together that night?” He continued to assault her senses, kissing and blowing along the length of her neck as he spoke. “I felt your soul. Being with you is like a religious experience.”

“Of course I remember,” she panted, nearly swooning from the effects of the champagne and his proximity. “I remember everything.”

“Good.” He kissed the top of her shoulder, sending ripples of pleasure down her body until moisture was pooling between her thighs. “I can’t wait to start making a lifetime of new memories with you.”

“Starting tonight?” she whispered, unable to hide the hopefulness in her voice. Ethan pulled her back into him more tightly, slowly thrusting his hips forward until she felt his hardness rubbing against her lower back.

“Starting tonight,” he growled.

Lily turned and looked up at him hungrily, the words
let’s get the hell out of here
on the tip of her tongue, when a familiar voice rang out behind them.

“There you are!”

Ethan winced, already knowing who the voice belonged to, and who exactly he would see if he were to turn around. He took a deep breath and counted to ten, willing his body to calm down. Mouthing the words
soon, I promise
to Lily, he planted a strained smile on his face and turned around to greet his entire family.

Emma had been the one to call out, and when Lily saw that she was surrounded by Ethan’s family, she finally lost her battle with her tears. As they streamed down her face, she ran forward and hugged both Emma and Maggie, scolding them for keeping her in the dark about such an important event.

“Hey, don’t blame us, we were sworn to secrecy!” Emma replied. “Our job was to get you ready for your date and keep you distracted. If we let it slip, Ethan wasn’t going to let us in.”

“Yeah, it was hard enough getting in as it was,” Brandon laughed over Emma’s shoulder. “Even having our name on the list and being related to the artist wasn’t enough to get through the front door any faster.”

“Sorry about that, guys.” Ethan rubbed the back of his neck in frustration. “I guess they’re at capacity, and Joan can only let in so many people as the others leave. I should have been watching for you, maybe there’s something I could have done.”

“Don’t be silly!” Barbara piped up, previously hidden behind Eric and Richard as they each glanced around at different paintings. She walked forward and put her hands on Ethan’s shoulders, staring up into his worried eyes. “I was happy to wait. I am so proud that my talented son has so many people excited to see his work,” she said. “And darling,” she sighed, “you’ve outdone yourself. These are breathtaking.”

“Really?” He had shown his work in galleries around the world, never once feeling awkward or seeking approval, but the moment his parents stood before him, Ethan felt like a six-year-old child holding up a doodle he hoped they might display on the refrigerator.

“Absolutely,” Richard nodded, joining his wife in congratulating him. “Son, you know that I have followed your progress through the years. I will gladly admit that I’m more than a bit biased, but these are simply amazing. It’s your best work yet.”

Ethan nodded sharply, swallowing past the painful lump in his throat. “Thank you,” he uttered with a wavering voice. “That really means a lot to me.”

“Just as finally being here for you really means a lot to us. Thank you for letting us share this with you.” Richard glanced between his wife and his son, leaning forward to speak more softly. “It’s obvious how much you love her, Ethan. I don’t know what I’m more proud of right now.”

Before Ethan could offer another choked-up reply, he was saved by his brother’s interruption. “Dude, these paintings are fucking
,” Eric laughed, clapping him on the back roughly.

“Eric! Language!” Barbara scolded. “I know you’re a grown man, but could you at least try to keep your voice down when you speak like that?”

“Sorry, Mom,” he chuckled, leaning over and kissing her on the cheek loudly. “Why don’t you two finish walking around? I know you haven’t looked at everything yet. Emma and Maggie just stole Lily to ask her embarrassing questions about these paintings; I’m sure you could catch up to them.”

“No, no. Let them have their privacy. Come on, darling,” she sighed, grabbing onto Richard’s arm. “Let’s finish appreciating our son’s gift.”

Eric waited until they had walked far enough away to be out of earshot before speaking again. “So? Spill it. Did your grand gesture work?”

“Apparently so,” Ethan whispered. “She hasn’t slapped me yet, and she seems to be moved by many of the pieces.”

“I told you she would love it.”

“Yes, I know. I was just worried that this might be too much to take in at once, you know? Not everyone would be able to handle seeing so many intimate details of their private life displayed all over like this.”

“True, but these are really tasteful. I’m just glad you took my advice and pulled those other two.”

“Eric, I never intended on showing those; they were just for me. You would have never seen them either if you hadn’t knocked me unconscious and gone snooping that day.”

“I wasn’t snooping, they were sitting out.” He watched as his brother arched an eyebrow at him in disbelief. “Dude, whatever. I’m just happy that her nips aren’t up here for any old perv to stare at. That might have been too much for her, and then I would’ve had to kick your ass again.”

“You really do care about her, don’t you?”

“I told you before, she’s like a sister to me now. Not just me—all of us.”

“I’m really glad. She’s never had siblings before, and I know how much you all mean to her.”

“Well, it’s definitely mutual. So take good care of her.”

Chapter 15

Across the room, Lily was undergoing a similar line of questioning from Maggie and Emma.

“You sure you’re okay with all of this? I mean, it’s so romantic, but I’m sure it’s probably a bit overwhelming, too.”

“Emma, I’m good. No need to worry. Yes, it’s overwhelming, but mostly because I just want to be alone with him right now and I can’t be.”

“That’s my girl!” Maggie said proudly, squeezing her on the shoulder. “I knew you would be fine with all of this. And I must say, these paintings are so
! I never knew Mr. Stick-In-The-Mud had it in him.”

“So he’s got the Maggie Foster smut seal of approval?” Lily teased.

“Most definitely! Now, my dear… tell me more about this waltz painting,” Maggie grabbed her arm and led her back to where they had started. “I am
than intrigued.”

It took over an hour for Ethan to finally break free of the curious onlookers who set upon him after his conversation with Eric. Three different reporters spoke with him, taking his picture in front of some of the larger paintings. It had all been a giant blur to him, though, and his only concern was Lily and making sure that she was alright. No matter whom he was speaking with, he always managed to find her in the crowd. And as if she could feel his eyes on her, she would always look up and smile, letting him know that she would be there for him when he was done.

After their heated exchange in front of the painting earlier, he couldn’t be done fast enough.

He needed her with such intensity that it was becoming painful. Not only for his insistent erection that would resurface every time he thought of her, but for the ache in his chest that had been growing ever since she had walked away with his sisters.

Just knowing that they were finally going to consummate their official relationship had him feeling possessive and needy. Lily had been very patient, allowing him to show her in his own way how much he loved her. Now that they were finally ready to take things to the next level, he was extremely antsy.

When he spotted Lily speaking with Joan and Andrea again, he made his move. Coming up behind her and wrapping his hand tightly around her waist, he smiled at the two women before turning his attention to Lily. “Can I tempt you to leave?” he asked quietly.

“Ethan, you are walking temptation,” she whispered back, her sweet breath floating over his skin like a lover’s caress. “All you have to do is say the word and I’m all yours.”

“Ladies,” he said, holding his hand out to Joan and Andrea. “It was a pleasure, but I’m afraid we must be going.”

“Yes, I can see that,” Andrea giggled.

“Thank you for everything tonight, Joan. I look forward to working with you again in the future.”

“Likewise. I’ll contact Greg after the weekend with the final sales figures.”

With one last nod goodbye, Ethan steered Lily toward the exit. The moment they stepped outside his phone was in his hand and he was pressing a number on his speed dial. “Yes, this is Ethan Foster. I expect to arrive in less than twenty minutes.” He listened briefly as they walked back to the car. “Yes, that’s correct. All the arrangements have been made with the manager.” He hung up abruptly, clearly in demanding business mode, and Lily hated to admit to herself how much it turned her on.

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