The Blackwell Companion to Sociology (137 page)

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Internet 22, 27, 161

instrumental action, and affect 407, 417±19

interorganizational networks see networks,

instrumental rationality 32, 45


instrumentality 277

interpersonal interaction

and identity 446

and collective action 278

integration, and conflict 448

fictionalization of 29

intellectual history 236, 242, 245±6

and media 28±9

intellectual life, social basis of 237, 239

interpretative studies 235, 456

intellectual production, theory of 245

interstate system 227

intellectual property, and digital media

intersubjectivity 17


interviews, in-depth 425

intellectuals 237

intimacy 64, 114±27

as an objective social category 241±2

and equality 116

Bourdieu on 243

gendered conversational strategies to

debate on ``two cultures'' 227±9

create 123±4

revolutionary 443

home as metaphor for 11

Shils's definition 241

interactionist paradigm 118

as social critics 229±30

in marriage 119±24

struggles for position 245, 248±9

parent±child 114

and symbolic capital 459±60, 462

psychoanalytic paradigm 117

intentions, and behaviors 47

social exchange paradigm 117±18

interbreeding 224

Iran 100

interdependence 68, 69, 95

Islam 111, 112

economic global 63, 161

isolation, and choice 18

emotional and domestic 122, 127

see also codependence

job placement services 369

interest groups 50, 286, 335

joblessness 447


joint ventures 338±9

organization of private 77, 78

judiciary, independence of the 96

particular and universal 74

just society 145±8

representation 269

justice 63, 74, 441

shared 63, 69

economic and social 68, 69

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

environmental 56

(IPPC) 43, 57

and self-interest 149±51



kinship ties, voluntary 126

liberal democracies 261


role of civil society in 76, 78

disciplinary organization of 231±2, 234

liberal ideology, and resistance to civil and

empirical-analytic approach to 40

political rights as human rights 94

and globalization 62±4

liberalism 229, 230, 441

media monopolies of 28

liberation theology movement, Latin

science and ideas 211±49

American 101, 108

scientization of 228±9, 230

life chances 297

sociology of 236, 238, 241±2

life course theory 376

structures of 227±35

Life Events and Difficulties Schedule 355

knowledge production, social organization

life expectancy

of 242±3

gender and race differences in USA 379±80

Kuznets curve 54, 152±3

and income inequality in developing

countries 353

labor, emotional 416, 420

and religiosity 105

labor market

and social class 348

black participation in USA 166

Life Experiences Survey 355

male participation rates in USA 187±8

life politics 263

and schooling 368±73

lifestyles 22, 267, 459

segments 62

lifeworld, and system 20±1

stratified 368±9

linearity 9, 228, 233

labor market discrimination, racial 181±2,

``linguistic turn'' 257

185±6, 189±90

linguistics 41

labor movement

literacy 62±3

foundational myth 453

literary criticism 232

the myth of the US 450±63

locales 64, 68

symbolic character 454±7

localism, defined 247

USA reform of 462±3

localness 13

labor rights, convention (1930) 89

log-linear modeling 309

Labour Party 259, 260

longitudinal surveys, in religion 109

laissez-faire 230


land reforms, and growth 155, 159

expectations of 115±16

land use change 54

Western view of romantic 116

landscapes, of power 11, 13

Lutheranism 109


Luxembourg Income Study 353

games 34

gendered differences 123

McCarran±Walter Act, US (1952) 396

and race 67

macro-sociology 31

Latin America

Malaysia 179

civil society 79

management schools 341

liberation theology movement 101, 108

manufacturing, eco-efficiency improvements

Protestantism 111

in 55


market 36, 38

effects of genetic technologies on forensics

mythology of the 59, 462

and 225±6


mythic status of the 452±3

communication in 123±4

laws, science and universal 228, 233

concept of à`good'' 115, 119

leadership 29, 456±7

decline in US 124±5, 165±6

left, Western 78, 233, 460

dual-earner and intimacy 119±21

legislation 80

equality in 116, 121±3


`ìncest taboo'' in friendly 122

civil society as basis for democratic 85

and intimacy 119±24

and labor movements 455±6

later 126

negotiation of 64

longevity and conflict styles 124

of protest rooted in the sacred 108±9, 453,

male breadwinner model 119


peer and intimacy 121±3

of social movements 286±8

Western vision of 116±17

and sociology 247, 248

Marx, Karl 4, 8, 16, 47, 62, 68, 153, 237, 238

Leninism 439

Marxism 7, 32, 78, 237±8, 239, 242, 443

lesbians 122, 124

masculinity, and the domestic sphere 119±21

level of analysis, organizational 328±9

mass communication 19, 306



mass media 17, 20, 116

and stratification in occupations 297±313

mastery, and autonomy 38±9, 40±1, 42


materialism 59

ideological compared with societal


movements 443±4

constructed 68, 277, 281

repertoires of 264±5

lack of 449

social psychology of 285

and participation in social movements 277,

mobilization model, of participation in social


movements 277

relationships and 71±139

``modern society'' 31, 32, 35, 42

in social interaction 413±17

modernities, multiple 40

meaning systems, religious and stress 105


measurement error 305

and communication 16

mechanics 243

continuity or rupture 35±7

mediàèxtended'' or ``restricted'' liberal 37, 39

as agents of social integration 20

hierarchies of 68

analogue compared with digital 28

``late'' 37

changes in distribution ownership and

one or many 30±42

financing 28

`òrganized'' 35, 39

and communications 16±29

paths to 255

cultural accessibility and the 25±6, 27, 28

as a probleÂmatique 38, 40±2

discourse 29, 278±9

the project of 39, 41±2

do-it-yourself 26

selective resistance to 107

global 64, 84

use of term 32, 42

moral economy of 23±5

modernization 31, 32, 35±6

national frame for 20±2

Durkheim's thesis of 4

uses of term 17±18

and media 26

media audiences, sociology of 19±20

see also ecological modernization

media corporations 24, 26

molecular biology, revolution in 213±26

media flows

molecular genetics, and new conflation of race

and national culture 25±6

and forensics 233±6

regionalization of 25

money economy 5

media sociology 18±19

monoculture, fear of global 19±20

``median voter theorem'' 156

moral identity 102

mediated messages, power of 19

moral judgement, cross-cultural 98

Medicaid 381±2, 383

``moral majority'' 100

Medicare 380±1, 383

moral values, and personal Subject 440

memory, space transforms time to create



and income inequality 352±5

Merton, Robert K. 19, 29, 68, 237, 239, 241

social patterning of 346±55

meta-narrative 34

movement, networks of 14±15

metabolism, industrial 47, 54

movement organizations 273±4

Methodenstreit 230±1

alliance system 274

Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs), growth

conflict system 274

study 188

legitimacy of 286±7

Mexican Americans 201±2

multiculturalism 67, 404, 405

microelectronic revolution 213

multilevel models

middle, law of the excluded 234

``degrees-of-freedom problem'' 311

middle class 255

for stratification 311±12

and new social movements 263±4

multiorganizational fields 273±4

vested interests 448


voting 259±61, 266

of place 11±12

migration 64, 65

and the US labor movement 450±63

and new religious movements (NRMs) 111

return 209

nation, and welfare state 39

staggered 132

nation-state 3, 255

mind±body relations 345±6

displaced by group allegiances 65

minorities, ``disparaged'' 135

formation and whiteness 67

minority rights 443

and household 20±1

missionaries 112, 113

and inequality 257


national culture, and media flows 20±2,

forms of 6




national income, and environmental values 48

non-metropolitan see rural America

national law, and incorporation of international

norms 91±2, 254

treaties 90

novelas 433±4

National Longitudinal Mortality Studies, US

novels 114


nucleotides 216±17

National Longitudinal Survey of Youth

(NLSY) 190

objectivism 41

national social movements 291

objectivity 232±3

national sovereignty, and human rights

occupational attainment, and stratification

88±91, 94

research 368±73

National Woman's Party, US 291

occupational classes 301±4

nationalism 231

EGP scheme 301±2

Native Americans 179, 201±2, 225

occupational status, measurement of

natural laws 45, 228, 234


natural philosophy 227, 228


naturalization 394, 396

intergenerational mobility 299


International Socioeconomic Index

and the irreversibility of time 234

(ISEI) 301

respect for 48, 50

International Standard Classification of

and secularization 227

Occupations (ILO) 302

Naturwissenschaften 231

prestige scales 299±300

Nazism 222, 443

Socioeconomic Index (SEI) 300±1


stratification and mobility 297±313

hierarchy of 48, 50

Omnibus Crime Control Act, US (1994), and

urgency of human 146

DNA databanks 226

neo-communitarianism 443

`òne-dimensional society'' 32

neo-corporatism 275

ontological security, loss of 36

neo-Freudianism 246

ontology, critique of 34

neo-liberalism 40, 65, 442

openness of modernity 41, 42, 306, 335

neo-Marxism 45, 49, 255±6

opportunity structures 82, 199

``neo-modernization'' theories 36


neo-Weberianism 45

or anarchy 230±1

network, centrality 330, 336, 340

embedded 234

network analysis 314±26, 334±5

organicism 230

and organization studies 328

organization studies, and network

network organizations 337±40

analysis 328

network size, and social status 322

organizational ecology models 288

networked (N-form) organizations 330±3,

organizational networks 327±41


organizational population 328

networking, gender gap in competitive

organizational society 328


organizational sociology 283

networks 77, 295±341

organizational state theory 333

actor-centered 316, 320±6


core concepts 328±30

government 333

interorganizational and economic

networked (N-form) 330±3, 337±40

behavior 330±3

and networks 327±41

interorganizational and political action

peripheral 331


organs, grown from genetically engineered

interorganizational and social capital

animals 213±14


original position (Rawls) 150

and organizations 327±41

outsourcing 337

New Deal 257

``New History'' 246

paid domestic work

new religious movements (NRMs) 111

by immigrant women 423±36:

new social movements 49, 50, 74, 263±4

subcontracting 429, 434±5

newspapers 21

Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) 191,

Nicaragua 108


non-conversion 280±1

``parasocial interaction'' 29

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