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Authors: Rochelle Alers

The Blackstone Legacy (12 page)

BOOK: The Blackstone Legacy
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The muscles in Ryan's neck strained; he struggled not to pour out his passions into her hot body. Waves of ecstasy throbbed through him like blood rushing through veins, carrying precious oxygen to the heart. He tried holding back but the rush of desire seized him and sent him hurtling into a dimension where he experienced free-fall for the first time in his life.

They lay together, still joined, and waited until their respiration slowed enough for them to breathe without gasping. Their coming together was special; the night was special.

Kelly moved, shifting until her legs were sandwiched between Ryan's. The odor of their
lovemaking blended with the perfume and cologne on their bodies. Resting her check on his breastbone, she sighed softly, knowing she would never forget a single detail of this joining.

Ryan ran his fingers through her short hair. “When do you want to marry, darling?”

Raising her head, she met his gaze. “How about a month from now?”

“You want to wait that long?”

“That's not long, Ryan.”

“For me it is.”

“Aren't you forgetting about Sean?”

Ryan's forehead furrowed. “What about him?”

“He needs time to get used to me sharing his father with him.”

“Sean is crazy about you.”

“That may be true, but we'll still need a period of adjustment. Right now he sees me as his teacher, not his mother.”

“What do you want him to call you?”

“That will be up to him.”

Holding hands, they planned their upcoming nuptials. Kelly told Ryan she wanted to be married at Blackstone Farms. She expressed a desire have her sister as her matron of honor, while Ryan said he would ask Sheldon to stand in as his best man.

“I have someone I want you to meet,” he said cryptically.


“My brother.”

Kelly sat up. “He's here now?”

Ryan nodded. “He's leaving tomorrow night.”

She wanted to meet the other Blackstone son—the one who had partnered Ryan during their adolescent mishaps. “Is it possible to meet him now, because I've made plans to take the children into town for a puppet show tomorrow.”

Sitting up, Ryan swung his legs over the side of the bed. “Sure.”

Kelly moved off the bed, smiling. “Race you to the shower.” She hadn't taken more than two steps when Ryan caught her around her waist, swept her off her feet and carried her over his shoulder into the bathroom.


Kelly felt a shiver of apprehension as she walked up the porch steps to Sheldon's home. It was only the second time she had entered the spacious structure. The first time had been for her interview.

What had caught her attention during that visit was a quartet of curio cabinets filled with trophies, mementoes and faded photographs of black jockeys dating back to the mid-nineteenth century. Sheldon had proudly revealed that of the fifteen jockeys at the first Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs in Louisiana in 1875, fourteen were black. Oliver
Lewis, riding Aristides, became the first black to win the Derby. However, it was Isaac Murphy who was considered to be one of the greatest jockeys in U.S. racing history.

She followed Ryan through a formal dining room into a smaller room where she had sat while Sheldon had questioned her about her credentials and experience.

Her gaze met and fused with a pair of gray eyes that reminded her of Sheldon and Ryan's. Whereas Ryan's eyes reminded her of lightning, Jeremy's made her think of a cloaking fog. He stood up, his gaze narrowing. Seconds later, Sheldon also stood up.

Ryan curved an arm around Kelly's waist, the action communicating protection and possession. The gesture was not lost on Sheldon.

“Ah, Miss Kelly.”

She nodded. “Good evening, Sheldon.”

A mysterious smile curved Ryan's mouth. “Jeremy, this is Miss Kelly Andrews, my fiancée.” He ignored his father's gasp. “Kelly, my brother and former partner in crime, Jeremy.”

“When…when did you two decide this?” Sheldon sputtered.

Jeremy leaned over and kissed Kelly's cheek. “Welcome to the family. Don't say I didn't warn
you, but you're about to have the ride of your life,” he added, whispering in her ear.

She smiled at Jeremy, deciding she liked him. There was no doubt he and Ryan were brothers because they looked so much alike. But that's where the similarity ended. There was something about Jeremy that was overtly dangerous. A sixth sense told her he was a magnet for trouble.

Sheldon pursed his lips, whistling loudly. Everyone went completely still. Three pairs of eyes were fixed on him. “Will someone please tell me if there's going to be a wedding?”

Ryan smiled. “Yes, Pop, there's going to be a wedding. Kelly and I plan to marry sometime next month.”

Sheldon crossed his arms over his chest in a gesture Kelly had seen Ryan affect so many times. “I'll say it again. When did you decide this?”

“Tonight,” Kelly said in a quiet voice.

Sheldon's expression was impassive. “Are you sure you want to marry my son and spend the rest of your life on a horse farm?”

“Pop!” Ryan's voice bounced off the walls.

Kelly caught his arm, feeling tension tightening the muscles. “It's all right, darling.” Jeremy and Sheldon exchanged glances at the endearment. Giving Sheldon a direct stare, she said, “The answer is yes to both questions. I will marry Ryan, and I plan to
spend the rest of my life living on a horse farm raising our children to love this land and honor the heritage left them by their ancestors.”

“Boo-yaw!” Sheldon yelled, pumping his fist in the air.

Ryan and Jeremy howled, slapping each other's back while shouting, “Boo-yaw!”

“This calls for a celebratory drink,” Sheldon said as he made his way over to a liquor cabinet. He took out a bottle of aged bourbon. “I've been saving this for a long time. The last time this old girl and I danced together was the day I became a grandfather.” He gave Kelly a level stare. “You are able to imbibe, aren't you?”

At first she did not understand his question, but realization dawned. He probably thought the reason she and Ryan had planned to marry so quickly was because she was pregnant.

“Yes, I am.”

“Daddy? Are you having a party?”

Everyone turned to find Sean standing in the doorway, rubbing his eyes. He was dressed in a pair of lightweight cotton pajamas. It was apparent the loud voices had awakened him.

Ryan smiled at Sean. “Yes. Come in.” Sean padded barefoot into the den, and found himself cradled in his father's arms. “We're celebrating because Miss Kelly and I are going to be married.”

Sean's eyes widened with this disclosure. “She…she's going to be my mama?”

Pressing a kiss to his son's forehead, Ryan said, “Yes, she is.”

His eyes sparkled. “She's going to be my mama and my teacher?”

Ryan nodded. “Yes.”

Pumping his fist like he'd seen his grandfather do, he crowed, “Boo-yaw!”

Kelly doubled over in laughter, unable to stop until tears rolled down her cheeks. Jeremy was right. She was in for a wild ride—one she looked forward to taking over and over again.

Chapter Twelve

heldon and Jeremy raised snifters filled with an ounce of premium bourbon and toasted Ryan and Kelly. Sean, standing between his grandfather and uncle, lifted his glass of apple juice.

“To Daddy and my new Mama,” he said, giggling.

Kelly felt her eyes fill. Blinking, she smiled through her tears. “Thank you, Sean.” She touched her glass to Sean's, Ryan's, Jeremy's and finally Sheldon's. She took a sip, holding the liquor in her mouth for several seconds before letting it slide down the back of her throat. It detonated on impact.

“Whoa!” she gasped.

Sheldon nodded his approval. “See why this old girl only comes to the dance every few years?”

Jeremy also gasped, holding his throat. “Booahhh!” he whispered.

“Ditto,” Ryan added after swallowing. He placed his glass on a sideboard. “That's enough of that.”

Reaching for the bottle, Jeremy studied the label. “I've never heard of this brand. Pop, are you certain this stuff isn't moonshine?”

Sheldon shook his head. “I never thought my boys would grow up to be such sissies.” He drained his glass, reached for Sean, and swung him up in his arms. Cradling his grandson's head to his shoulder, he whispered loudly, “It's time for the men of the house to turn in for the night.” He blew a kiss at Kelly as he strode out of the room.

Jeremy walked over to Kelly and hugged her. “Congratulations again. I'm with Pop and Sean. I'm going to bed.” He patted Ryan's shoulder. “All the best, brother.”

Waiting until they were alone, Ryan curved his arms around Kelly's waist. “I want you to come back to my place with me. I'd like to show you something.”


He flashed a mysterious smile. “You'll see.”

Kelly found herself in the middle of the living room of a house that was soon to become her home. The two-story, three-bedroom structure was the equivalent of one city block away from the ones occupied by Sheldon and Jeremy. Ryan had informed her that his father had first taken up residence in
the house after he'd returned from a tour of duty in Vietnam.

The furnishings were formal and elegant. Every chair, table and lamp was meticulously positioned as if for a magazine layout. It was perfect, a little too perfect. A slight frown appeared between her eyes. There was something wrong with the room. Suddenly it hit her! It didn't look lived in. Staring at a sofa and matching love seat, Kelly mentally catalogued what she would rearrange. Firstly she would take down the drapes and replace them with a lighter weight fabric to let in the natural light.

Walking over to the fireplace, she studied the framed photographs lining the mantel. Smiling, she recognized a younger Sheldon in a United States Army uniform with his young smiling bride. Peering closely at the picture, she noted Julia Blackstone's natural beauty. Ryan had inherited her smile.

There were photographs of Ryan and Jeremy as children, and more of Sean at different ages. Nowhere was there a photograph of Sean's mother. It was if she'd been completely erased from his life. She heard footfalls, and turned around. Ryan had returned, holding a small wooden box.

He cupped her elbow, leading her over to sit on the sofa. He placed the box on her lap. “Open it.”

She sprang a latch, the lid opening. Staring back at her on a bed of black velvet was a solitaire ring with a large square-cut blue-white diamond; along with the ring was a pair of drop South Sea pearl earrings
dangling from a diamond cluster, and a bangle of diamond baguettes.

“They are beautiful, Ryan.”

“They belonged to my great-grandmother. My mother gave them to me a month before she died. She wanted me to give them to my wife.”

She gave him an incredulous look. “Why didn't you give them to Sean's mother?”

His expression was impassive. “I'd offered them to her, but she said she didn't want someone else's hand-me-downs. The pieces in that box were purchased from Cartier between 1917 and 1919.”

She picked up the bangle. “It's heavy.”

“That's because all of the pieces are set in platinum.”

“What about Jeremy?”

“Don't worry, princess. Jeremy was given his share.”

Reaching around her, Ryan picked up the box with the jewelry. He took the ring and slipped it on the third finger of Kelly's left hand. It was a perfect fit.

She extended her hand. The light from a floor lamp caught the diamond, prisms of light catching and radiating from the flawless gem.

Ryan curved an arm around Kelly's shoulders when she rested her head on his shoulder. “We're going to have to choose a date.”

“What about the last weekend in August.”

“How about the first weekend?” he countered.

Easing back, she stared at him. “That's only three weeks away.”

“I know. We can go up to Saratoga Springs, New York before the summer racing season ends. I know it's not much of a honeymoon, but I'd like to take you away, even if it's only for a weekend. We can take a real honeymoon during the Christmas break.”

“How long is the racing season?”

“Six weeks.”

Kelly wondered if she could pull everything together in three weeks. She had to send out invitations, get a dress and select a ring for Ryan.

“Okay,” she agreed, kissing his cheek. “I'm going back to D.C. at the end of the week to get my sister to help me with invitations. And while I'm there I'll do some shopping.”

Ryan pulled her across his lap. “If you need help with anything, just let me know.”

She nuzzled his neck, breathing a kiss under his ear. “You need to take me back to my place.”

“Why?” he crooned.

“Because I have to go to sleep, Ryan. I'm going need all of my energy for my students tomorrow.”

“Sleep here tonight.”

“No. Not until we're married.”

Pulling back he stared at her. “Don't tell me I'm marrying an old-fashioned girl?”

“I'm more conservative than old-fashioned. That comes from working with young children. After all, they learn from example.”

Kelly had no way of knowing that when she answered an ad for a teaching position on a horse farm she would find a love that promised forever.


Kelly slept restlessly throughout the night, and when she left her bed at six she felt as if she had been up all night. She brewed a small carafe of coffee, drank several cups, then dialed the area code for D.C.

Pamela answered the phone with a cheery, “Good morning.”

“Pamela, this is Kelly.”

There came a pause. “What's with the Pamela?”

“I have good news to tell you.”

“When are you due?”

“I'm not pregnant!” she practically shouted. Well, she didn't think she was pregnant. When she and Ryan had made love the night before he hadn't used a condom. Squinting she calculated when she'd last had her period. Sighing, she realized she was safe.

“I'm getting married in three weeks here at the farm, and I'm going to need your help with addressing invitations and shopping for a dress.”

Pamela screamed at the top of her lungs, eliciting a frantic barking from Miss Porter. “I can't believe it,” she said over and over. A loud sniffle came through the earpiece. “Dang, Kel. I can't believe I'm crying and souping snot at the same time. Wait until I blow my nose.”

“Pamela?” Kelly said into the receiver when a full minute elapsed without her sister coming back to the phone.

“I'm back. I had to tell Leo the good news.”

“I'm coming in this weekend.”

“Is there anything you want me to do on this end in the meantime?

“Yes. I need you to use your artistic talents and design an invitation for me. I have to get Ryan's full name and the directions to Blackstone Farms. And you and I have to do some serious shopping in Chevy Chase.”

“Where are you going?”

“Ryan and I are going up to Saratoga Springs next month for a weekend.”

“Now, Miss Clotheshorse, you're singing my song.”

Kelly laughed. She and Pamela had gotten their love of shopping from their mother. For Camille it was hats, Pamela handbags and Kelly's weakness was shoes.

“I'm going to call Mama and give her the news as soon as I hang up with you.”


“Yes, Pam.”

“I'm so happy for you.”

“Thanks, big sis.”

She rang off and dialed her mother's number. The call lasted less than five minutes, and when she hung up it was Kelly's turn to shed tears of joy.


A portable stage had been set up under a tent large enough to accommodate the sixty invited guests and more than thirty of Blackstone Farms's extended family. It had rained steadily for two days, then the night before Ryan Blackstone was scheduled to exchange vows with Kelly Andrews, but after the rain had stopped, a strong wind swept the clouds across the sky to reveal an orange-yellow near-full moon.

Kelly stood beside Ryan, eyes closed, repeating her vows. She was afraid that if she looked at him she wouldn't be able to hold back her tears. Her hands were trembling as she slipped a platinum and yellow gold band on Ryan's finger.

She heard the judge telling Ryan he could kiss his bride, and her world stood still as she felt the pressure of his firm lips on hers, sealing their troth. It was over. She was now Mrs. Ryan Jackson Blackstone.

Ryan pulled Kelly closer, her soft curves melding with the hardness of his body. He'd run the race and won the ultimate prize.

“Didn't I warn you, Mrs. Blackstone?”

“About what?” she whispered against his warm mouth.

“That I play for keeps.”

Her smile was as dazzling as the sun warming the earth. “So do I, Mr. Blackstone.”

Turning, they faced all of the people who had come to witness another generation of Blackstones solidifying their place in Virginia's horse country's history.

BOOK: The Blackstone Legacy
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