Read The Blackmail Baby Online

Authors: Natalie Rivers

The Blackmail Baby (6 page)

BOOK: The Blackmail Baby
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‘I agree,’ Lorenzo said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a little foil-wrapped package. ‘Making babies can wait. This, however, cannot,’ he finished huskily, hauling her towards him and covering her mouth with his.


burning heat of arousal erupted through Lorenzo’s body, and he dragged Chloe closer still, lifting her onto her tiptoes and bending her back to kiss her. The taste of her mouth was intoxicating, and the feel of her slender body in his arms threatened to send him over the edge.

He was holding her so close that he could feel every tremble and quake that shook her. He could tell how much she wanted him and that knowledge was setting his own senses on fire.

It was too long since he’d made love to Chloe. Too long since he’d held her naked body in his arms and brought her pleasure in every way he knew, before eventually giving in to his own explosive climax.

Now he was consumed by a sexual need so strong that he suddenly realised that he had to find somewhere private. In the past he would not have hesitated to take her right there on the bench beside
the water, but he knew that this time one quick release of passion would not be enough. It would take much longer to slake the barrage of desire that stormed his body and he intended to take every ounce of satisfaction that he could.

He pulled back from his kiss and swept her up in his arms. He would take her to the pool house—they would be undisturbed there for as long as it took.

Chloe lay breathlessly in his arms, gazing up at his gorgeous face. He’d literally swept her off her feet and her heart was racing with anticipation of what was to come. Just knowing that he was carrying her away to make love to her sent a thrill of excitement skittering through her.

She had no idea where he was taking her, and she didn’t care. She was only aware of the rhythmic movements of his body vibrating through her as he strode along the path away from the house. He carried her effortlessly, as if she were as light as a feather, and she revelled in his strength, remembering that he had the power to send her to unimaginable heights of ecstasy.

She hardly noticed when they reached their destination. It was only when the door clicked shut behind them that she dragged her eyes from Lorenzo’s face and looked around her.

‘A swimming pool,’ she murmured, not really meaning to say the words out loud.

‘Later.’ Lorenzo’s voice was thick with arousal. ‘We’ll swim later—now I need you naked.’

Sudden heat flared between Chloe’s legs and her whole body started to quiver. She was burning up inside and she needed Lorenzo as much as he needed her.

‘Put me down,’ she said, wriggling in his arms. She was too restricted in his grip—she wanted to touch him, to move against him, to rip his clothes off him.

‘Wait,’ he commanded, striding past the pool to a lounge area beside a bar. Then finally he set her down on top of the bar, her feet swinging high off the floor.

He stood back for a moment, looking deep into her eyes, and Chloe could see that he was breathing raggedly—and she knew it had nothing to do with the effort of carrying her into the pool house. Her own heart was racing and she was trembling from head to foot.

Suddenly he stepped forward, pressing himself between her thighs, and cupped her face with his large hands. For once their mouths were the same height, and he drew closer and began to kiss her.

His tongue slid sensuously between her lips, in an erotic exploration that quickly left her breathless again. At the same time she felt him grip the hem of her T-shirt and she sat up taller, arching towards him as he peeled it off her. Her bra followed quickly, then his hands closed over her breasts, caressing and coaxing her nipples into diamond-hard points.

‘Oh!’ A moan of pleasure sighed out of her and her head fell backwards. Her hands rested flat on the surface of the bar just behind her, and her arms were locked straight, stabilising her body as she thrust her breasts towards him.

His tongue flicked over one erect nipple and she trembled in response, willing him to continue. Then he sucked the whole aching peak of her breast into his mouth and worked it with his tongue. The impact was immediate and she suddenly found herself rocking her pelvis, startled by the wildfire he had ignited in an entirely different part of her body.

A low, almost feral growl rumbled out of Lorenzo, as if he was completely in tune with what she was experiencing. His hands went straight to her jeans and undid the button, then moved quickly on to the zip. He struggled for a moment, cursing her jeans as he failed to unfasten them.

‘Lie back!’ he commanded, and Chloe found herself obeying. A moment later Lorenzo tugged the offending garment off, removing her underwear at the same time. She was about to sit up, but then he reached out and pushed her firmly back down.

Chloe drew in a shaky breath, realising that she was lying completely naked on the bar, with Lorenzo poised intimately between her legs. His breath was hot on her exposed centre and a rush of excitement surged through her, making her start to tremble uncontrollably.

The black granite bar was cold beneath the skin, but she was burning up with sexual anticipation. Then, when his mouth made contact with her pulsing flesh, she felt as if she’d gone up in flames.

The intensity of the sensation buzzing through her quivering body made her cry out. She could see the sky above her through the glass roof of the pool house, and it felt as if she had taken flight, spiralling up through the fluffy white clouds into the blue heavens.

She pressed her hands against the granite, trying instinctively to anchor herself, but his mouth continued to work its magic, sending her up and up, further and further out of her body. Time ceased to exist and there was nothing she could do but surrender to the incredible waves of pleasure rolling through her. Then just when she didn’t know if she could bear the intensity any longer, the moment exploded into a starburst of euphoric bliss.

She lay panting on the bar, unable to move a muscle, feeling completely and utterly satisfied. Then the next thing she knew she was back in Lorenzo’s arms. He carried her to the lounge area and laid her down on one of the couches.

She gazed up at him languidly, limp with the after-effects of her intense orgasm. But then, as he moved over her, a reawakened blast of sexual excitement tore through her body.

She’d never known it was possible to fly back to
such incredible heights so quickly, but as his hard, masculine length slid deep inside she cried out in pleasure.

Her whole being was suffused with glorious, undulating waves of rapture, and she closed her eyes, clinging to Lorenzo. His powerful body was hot and hard, and as he moved within her she sensed him begin to tremble and quake. Then, as he continued to thrust, driving them both on and on, they suddenly took flight together.

She felt him give one last mighty shudder as he reached his powerful climax, and at the same instant her own soul soared back into the heavens, as another explosion of ecstasy burst through her.

She cried out his name again and again, unaware that she was suddenly sobbing without restraint.


It was later that evening when Chloe drifted back to wakefulness. She was lying on the couch in the pool house, wearing a large, fluffy white robe that Lorenzo had wrapped around her after they had made love in the shower. Her body felt utterly relaxed, and was glowing with sensual fulfilment.

Her gaze settled on the dark windows and she realised with a jolt how late it was. She shot bolt upright, and saw Lorenzo coming towards her carrying a tray of food.

‘Emma!’ she gasped. ‘What time is it?’

‘She’s safe with Mrs Guest,’ Lorenzo said reas
suringly as he put the tray on a low table and sat opposite her. ‘She seems to have developed a soft spot for her. And also I believe she’s already put her down for the night.’

‘Oh,’ Chloe said, sinking back on the couch. ‘I can’t believe it’s so late. I must have slept a long time.’

Her hands moved instinctively to draw the robe tighter around her body. Then suddenly an unsettling wave of uncertainty washed over her as she remembered how completely she had surrendered herself to Lorenzo’s lovemaking. How she had wept uncontrollably in his arms.

The whole experience had been absolutely mind-blowing—the most incredible hours of her life. Somehow she realised that everything was changed forever—that
was changed forever.

She was lost to Lorenzo, and she knew there was nothing she could do about it now.

‘Mrs Guest sent some food over,’ he said, his deep voice drawing her out of her thoughts. ‘Apparently you’ve hardly touched your meals for the last twenty-four hours, and she wanted me to ensure that you ate something.’

Chloe gazed at him, struggling to focus on the commonplace content of his comment. Somehow it didn’t seem right that they should be talking about eating after making such a life-altering decision, and sharing such an extraordinary level of intimacy.

‘Are you hungry?’ Lorenzo asked, leaning forward to remove the covers that were keeping the food fresh.

‘I don’t know,’ Chloe said, gazing at the food without really seeing it.

She glanced up at him and saw that he was looking at her with a strangely intense expression on his face. Suddenly she got the impression that he knew how uncertain she was feeling. That he understood what a monumental step they had taken in their newly defined relationship.

Except he did not know how much Chloe still loved him. That was something that he couldn’t—or wouldn’t—understand. And something that, for the sake of her own protection, she did not want him to know.

‘Start with something light,’ Lorenzo said. ‘Maybe some fruit.’

He leant forward to pass her a plate, then couldn’t take his eyes off her as she reached out to take it.

The fluffy white sleeve of the robe fell back to reveal her slender wrist and a shot of sensual appreciation went through him.

God, he wanted her! Even after spending all afternoon revelling in her naked body—making love to her and sharing the most intimate secrets of her sexuality—just a glimpse of her wrist had him burning with desire once again.

His gaze followed her movements as she took a
bite of peach, and a blast of desire shot through him as her lips closed around the fruit and the column of her throat moved as she swallowed.

But for the moment he would content himself with watching her eat. Despite the lack of inhibition in their lovemaking that afternoon, he didn’t think she was ready to play erotic games with food.

She had turned away slightly, as if she was uncomfortable under his scrutiny, and abruptly stopped eating, her hand poised halfway to her mouth.

‘What is it?’ he asked, unsettled by the appalled look on her face.

She turned to him, wide-eyed, all the colour abruptly drained from her face.

‘We’re in a glass-walled building,’ she said hoarsely. ‘This afternoon…oh, God…anyone could have seen.’

‘No one saw anything,’ Lorenzo reassured her. ‘It’s all privacy glass; you can’t see in from outside. Even now,’ he added, ‘even now at night time with the lights on inside. We can swim naked and no one will see.’

‘Really?’ she asked. ‘You’re not just saying that?’

‘Come outside with me, and see for yourself,’ he suggested. ‘But finish your meal first. You need to keep up your strength.’


want me to take you outside to try and look through the windows?’ Lorenzo asked, some time later. ‘Just to prove how private it is in here?’

‘No, that’s all right. I believe you.’ Chloe looked at him, feeling a flush of warmth on her cheeks.

‘You don’t sound entirely convinced,’ Lorenzo said. ‘Are you worried you might not like what you find?’

‘No,’ she said. ‘I like it in here, that’s all. I’m comfortable where I am.’

She was telling the truth, but in her heart she knew there was more to it than that. They’d just spent a surprisingly relaxed hour or so together, eating the delicious food Mrs Guest had provided and chatting about inconsequential topics. It had felt safe and thoroughly normal—things that had been completely lacking in her life recently. She was half-afraid if she left the pool house the spell would be broken.

‘In that case, how about taking a swim?’ Lorenzo asked. ‘No need to worry that you haven’t got your costume.’

‘I like it in my robe,’ she said, ignoring the fluttering that started inside her at the thought of swimming naked in front of Lorenzo. ‘I told you I was nice and comfy.’

She looked at him, letting her gaze run over his powerful body, and couldn’t help smiling. He had put back on the same shirt and trousers that he’d been wearing when he found her beside the pond, but they were uncommonly crumpled for a man who usually seemed to look perfect without any effort.

‘What are you smiling at?’ he asked. ‘I saw you giving me the once-over. Did you find something amusing?’

‘You look a mess.’ She laughed—then covered her mouth abruptly with her hand. It felt good to laugh, and she couldn’t remember the last time she had done it.

‘Hey!’ Lorenzo surged off his seat and bore down on her with an indignant expression on his face, which rapidly turned blatantly sexual as he leant over her. ‘At least I’m wearing my own clothes—perhaps I shouldn’t have let you have that robe. I think I want it back.’

Chloe drew in a shaky breath and stared up at him with her stomach doing somersaults of anticipation.
He reached for the edges of the robe, and started to pull it open. In a moment he would reveal her bare, defenceless body.

Suddenly a rush of bold, wanton confidence flooded through her.

‘You can have it back,’ she said, ducking beneath his arms and jumping to her feet. ‘I’m going for a swim after all.’

She walked quickly to the edge of the pool, glanced over her shoulder at his startled face and smiled mischievously. Then she tossed the robe away from her.

Lorenzo stared at her, his eyes gleaming with desire as his gaze ran up and down her naked back. But then his eyes narrowed with intent and he started moving towards her.

She laughed, enjoying the freedom of the sound as it echoed off the glass walls, and dived into the clear blue pool.

The water was deliciously cool against her naked body and she glided under the surface feeling as free as a dolphin. She came up for air halfway along the pool, then continued to swim as quickly as she could to the far end. There she rolled over onto her back, pushed off the wall and kicked languorously towards her starting point, where Lorenzo was standing.

She slowed right down, trying to catch her breath, and stared up at the ceiling. Suddenly she realised
that she was looking at herself reflected in the glass, so clearly that she could have been looking into an enormous overhead mirror.

It was a strange feeling gazing up at herself, her arms and legs moving slowly, her body undulating gently in the water. She could see her breasts breaking through the surface—her nipples dark, rose-coloured buds against milky-white skin.

A wave of sexual awareness washed over her, lapping at her with the movement of the water. She knew Lorenzo was looking at her—seeing the same sight that she could see in the ceiling. Her naked limbs and exposed body—her bare breasts thrusting through the water.

The intense jolt of desire that suddenly shot through her left her light-headed with its intensity. She rolled over abruptly and stared up at Lorenzo.

He had stripped off his clothes and was standing naked beside the pool.

She gazed at him breathlessly—unable to drag her eyes away from his magnificent body. It was muscled and athletic—and entirely aroused.

The room suddenly closed in around them and she felt her pulse rate jump up another notch. Her tongue flicked out to moisten her lips and she pushed her dripping hair off her face, which suddenly felt burning hot.

Lorenzo stepped to the edge and dived in, barely making a splash. She gasped and stared down into
the pool, struggling to see through the rippling surface, but almost at once he surged out of the water right in front of her. Her breath caught in her throat and a deluge of adrenaline buzzed through her veins. A millisecond later he had seized her in his arms and dragged her hard against his body.

Her feet didn’t reach the floor, so she wrapped her legs instinctively around his waist. She could feel his erection nudging at her and another rush of arousal took hold of her, igniting a fire between her thighs and setting her whole body shaking.

They’d made love three times that afternoon, and each time had been as explosive and incredible as the first. It was hard to comprehend how much she still needed him—how much she wanted to feel him thrusting inside her.

She welcomed the all-encompassing, mind-blowing intensity of it, and she had no wish to take things slowly. In a shamelessly provocative movement, she clung to his shoulders to support herself, and slid her body sinuously against his, lowering herself until she felt the tip of his erection press against the pulsing centre of her desire.

A deep, almost animal sound of raw sexual need burst out of Lorenzo. She could feel his hot explosion of breath on her neck where she had bowed her head against his shoulder.

Suddenly his mouth closed bruisingly over the sensitive skin beneath her ear. He kissed her hard,
working his way down the side of her neck, massaging with his tongue and nibbling with his teeth.

She closed her eyes and heard herself moaning with a build-up of raw sexual need. Her heart was racing, sending the blood pulsing through her veins, dilating her senses and making her almost unbearably aware of the silken steel of his arousal pressing against her own throbbing flesh.

She writhed against him, willing him to take her. She had to feel him inside her, filling her with hard, thrusting rapture once more. It was impossible for her to wait any longer, and she moved again, aligning herself with his erection, and pressed down onto him.

His wonderful, hard length slid deep inside her, and a moan of momentary satisfaction escaped her. But then his hands were on her waist and he was lifting her, disconnecting their bodies, pulling away and leaving her flesh empty and pulsating with unfulfilled need.

‘Not yet.’ The tortured sound of his voice raked across her senses, matching the level of frustration she was feeling. ‘Unless you’ve changed your mind—we need protection.’

Understanding flashed through her mind, but she was too turned on to feel any relief. Lorenzo was already moving towards the side of the pool, carrying her with him, she still clinging to him in the same intimate position.

He sat down on the wide steps and lowered her carefully, so that she was straddling him with her knees resting on either side of him. Then he turned and reached for a condom packet, which he had left ready beside the pool.

Chloe looked down at his marvellous physique. His powerful legs were hot beneath her thighs and the muscles on his chest and stomach rippled beneath his golden skin as he moved. But her eyes were drawn to his arousal, and just looking sent another surge of excitement through her own body.

Suddenly she found herself slipping off his lap and leaning forward to take him in her mouth. She closed her lips around his powerful shaft and she sensed his body kick with pleasure. He felt smooth and hot under her tongue, and her eyelids slid down as she gave herself over entirely to the experience of bringing him pleasure.

Lorenzo stared up at the glass ceiling, almost overwhelmed by the exquisite sensations Chloe was imparting with her mouth. He could see them both reflected above, and the sight of her slender body bowed over his, her head moving in synchrony with the jolts of pleasure rocketing through his body, was almost too much.

‘No more.’ His voice was hoarse and nearly unrecognisable as his hands went to her shoulders to lift her away.

She raised her head shakily and he could see in
her eyes that she was as turned on as he was. He reached for the foil packet with trembling hands and was glad when she took it and tore it open. Together they rolled the condom onto his erect flesh. Then, never breaking eye contact, she straddled him once more.

Chloe gazed dizzily into his eyes, gripped by a final rush of anticipation. Unable to wait another moment, she lowered herself down onto him, filling her aching body with him. Then suddenly her strength gave out and her thighs were shaking too much to hold her weight.

She closed her eyes again, revelling in the heat of him embedded deeply inside her, but desperate to feel him move. Then, as if he had read her mind, Lorenzo hauled them both out of the water as one and laid her down beside the pool. Her discarded towelling robe was beneath her, cushioning her from the hard floor, but it scarcely mattered, as all she was aware of was the glorious feel of Lorenzo thrusting inside her.

Her breath was coming in shallow gasps and the thrilling wildfire was building rapidly within her again. She could hear Lorenzo’s ragged breathing, and her last coherent thought was how amazing it was that they could bring each other such extraordinary pleasure.

But then the rhythm of his fluid thrusts increased and she arched up to meet him. Every movement he
made engulfed her with blazing sensation and carried her higher, up into a realm that was filled only with wave upon wave of unbelievable delight. Then when she reached a fever pitch of almost unbearable intensity, he pushed her further still, until suddenly she shot into orgasm with an unrestrained cry of rapture.

Her body convulsed with pleasure, tightening around him, driving him on to his own moment of release. Then they collapsed together, gasping for breath as they slowly drifted back down to earth.


The following morning Chloe woke up in the bedroom. At some point during the night Lorenzo must have carried her back into the house, but she had been so soundly asleep that she had not noticed.

For a moment she felt sad that the magical interlude in the pool house was over, but the next second she heard Emma stirring in her cot beside the bed. Suddenly she realised that she’d missed the baby—she’d been too distracted over the past day or so to really connect with her.

As wonderful as the hours she’d spent shut away from the world with Lorenzo had been, it was good to be back where she belonged—although as soon as that thought passed through her mind, she found herself feeling surprised at it. So much had happened in the last twenty-four hours.

‘Good morning.’ Lorenzo’s husky voice coming
from the doorway to the en suite took her by surprise. He was already showered and dressed informally in black trousers and a grey sweater.

‘Hello.’ She looked up at him and smiled shyly—appreciating the gorgeous sight of him in the form-fitting sweater, but suddenly embarrassed by the complete lack of restraint she had shown the night before.

‘I hope I didn’t wake you,’ Lorenzo said. ‘I was hoping you would sleep in. I’ve got some arrangements I must make now, but I’d like to see you later this morning.’

He strode across to the bed and bent down to kiss her on the lips. Then he was gone.

Chloe lifted her fingers and pressed them lightly to her lips. She couldn’t believe how much had changed so quickly.


Later that morning Chloe was outside with Emma. It was another fine day and the garden was lovely. As she looked around Chloe realised it was that special time of year when everything in nature was at its most verdant and fresh. The delicate new leaves had not long unfurled and the grass was a lush emerald swathe.

She felt so much better than she had the previous day. So much more hopeful for the future.

She had promised Liz that she would not batten down her heart, and she was glad that she had kept
her word. Things with Lorenzo seemed wonderful. He had been considerate and caring. And he’d understood her concerns about rushing into starting a family—he’d even been the one to make them pause long enough to use protection on the occasion when Chloe had let herself get carried away on the moment.

It was true that Lorenzo continued to insist that he didn’t believe in love, but Chloe found it increasingly hard to comprehend. His actions seemed loving. In fact, up until their wedding day, his actions had always seemed loving.

Chloe shook her head. She didn’t understand—and she didn’t want to think about it. She had promised Liz that she would think happy thoughts.

A movement caught her eye and she looked over her shoulder to see Lorenzo coming towards them across the lawn.

‘Come inside and pack your bags,’ he said. ‘I’ve arranged a holiday for us. Somewhere far away with no memories or associations, where you can truly relax and recuperate.’

‘Oh,’ Chloe gazed at him in surprise—although it wasn’t the first time he’d made a similar announcement. When they were together he was always whisking her away on exotic or romantic breaks. ‘Where are we going? Is it somewhere suitable for babies—not a wooden hut on a deserted island a thousand miles from the nearest doctor?’

‘Mauritius,’ he said. ‘Rest assured, it’s perfectly civilised. We’ll fly overnight and be at the hotel in time for breakfast. And, as it happens, Mrs Guest’s daughter, Lucy, is a qualified nursery nurse. She’ll be coming with us, to make sure you really do rest and relax.’

BOOK: The Blackmail Baby
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