The Blackguard (Book 2) (13 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Matthynssens

BOOK: The Blackguard (Book 2)
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“He is a bully, with rank and power to back him up. He is not some little mudslinging farm boy with a bout of envy. If you do not learn to live in this environment, you will not make it a month in the blackguard. I promise you, life is going to get a lot harder before it gets better.” Henrick’s vicious promise cut deeply.

“Then why did you bring me here? Surely there is somewhere I could go where he could not find me,” Alador pointed out, completely forgetting the silent servant that led them.

“Doubtful Alador, very doubtful. I brought you because…I was ordered to.” Henrick nodded to the unassuming man before them.

Alador got the point and nodded, but he was frustrated. He had so many questions, but they would have to wait; his father was warning him this was not the time or place. He fell silent until they reached the room he was to spend the night in.

The servant opened the door as if he served the High Minister himself at that moment. “Your room, Master Alador. If you need anything, pull the bell cord by the fireplace.”

Alador stepped into the room. It was as large as the one provided to him by his father.  There was a bath steaming before the fireplace. Unlike his room at Henrick’s house, this one was done in shades of dark blue. There was a thick rug on the floor on which the large bed sat though this bed didn’t have curtains. Food was laid out on a sideboard nearby. As usual, his father made a beeline for the food table.

“How do you not gain weight?” Alador asked after nodding to the servant and closing the door.

“I told you, magic uses a great deal of energy,” Henrick answered with his mouth full already.

“You haven’t cast any spells all night,” Alador responded, crossing his arms.

“That you have seen.” Henrick grinned at him mischievously.

Alador couldn’t argue with that. His father’s ease with magic made his own efforts look like a small one who was still crawling, against an adult who could run. “I have a few questions before you go.” Alador stated moving to pick at some cheese on the table.

“I figured this out when you asked to speak privately.” Henrick seemed to have relaxed now that they were alone.

“Luthian does not seem as horrid as you make him sound,” Alador pointed out nibbling on the cheese.

“A man can wear many masks that create an illusion of who he is. Never take such masks at face value. I assure you, Luthian is as deadly as I have warned you.” Henrick eyed his son. “I beg you not to be taken in by his charming manner. He does nothing without some gain for himself.”

Alador nodded. He wasn’t going to tell Henrick that he didn’t like his uncle, but he had wanted to hear his father’s thoughts. “If I don’t go home, can the scroll case still find me?” Truly, that was the largest matter on his mind. Yes, he had enemies again. Yes, he lived in the middle of the cruelest society he could imagine. But if Mesiande still loved him, he could handle that with more
ease. He would handle whatever he had to so that he could return to her side one day.

Henrick threw a berry at him. “You are standing in the viper’s den and you still think about that little skirt of yours. You had better get your head out of the clouds before it gets removed from your shoulders.” Henrick looked at him with frustration. “All those beautiful women fawning over you tonight and you are worried about one far away. Just when I think you will do me proud, you make some such statement. The damn scroll case will find you wherever you sleep. I am going home,” Henrick growled this out as he crammed his pockets with sweetmeats. Once finished, he turned to storm out of the room.

Alador could only grin at him.  “I love you too, Father,” he called after him.

“Fat lot of good that will do when you are dead,” Henrick called back without looking at him. He slammed the door as he left.

Alador looked at that hot bath. He was tired. He was sore. But he was too tense to sleep.  He pulled off the robe first. He didn’t understand why men felt the need to dress up to show off their wealth and power. Why did grown men parade around in dresses? He didn’t understand the importance of these robes. They seemed hardly fitting for real work, even though they only fell to about mid-calf and didn’t interfere with his feet. Alador stripped down the rest of the way and slipped into the tub with a weary sigh. It was not long before he dozed off; the water was a perfect temperature and the fire generated its own warmth on that side of the tub.

“Would my lord like me to wash his back?” A soft, feminine voice struck through his half-dozing consciousness.

Alador flipped over to his side in a panic, hugging the wall of the tub, and looked up into those beautiful emerald eyes he’d seen at supper. “What are you doing here?” He asked in alarm. His eyes roved over her, though, despite his anxiety, as she was barely wearing any clothes. Her gown was almost see-through, and he could see almost every pleasing inch of her. His eyes widened, and he moved as tight to the tub wall as he could to hide his reaction.

“The High Minister bid me to warm your bed for the night. He did not want for you to be cold or alone.” She smiled at him. “I promise, I will do as you wish. It is an honor for the High Minister to choose me for his nephew.” She held up a square of linen and a round of soap. “I can wash your back if you want.”

“I…umm…I like a cold bed. You can go now.” Alador watched her closely. His heart was racing, and he didn’t know what he was supposed to say to a woman when he was naked in a tub.

She immediately put her pretty lips into a pout, and her eyes filled with tears. “Have I disappointed you? I am sorry. Would you prefer I wait in the bed?” There was an edge of panic in the girl’s voice.

“I don’t need your…services…tonight. I’m flattered but…you can go to wherever it is you sleep,” he encouraged. What would Mesiande say if she saw this woman in his room dressed in
…? He didn’t even know what to call the diaphanous gown the woman wore.

“I do not please you?” she asked in a true panic now. “I can do whatever you wish, Milord. Please, do not send me away.” She dropped to her knees beside Alador.

“I do not need you to do anything but leave me to my bath.” He looked at her in confusion; that was fear on her beautiful face. Alador’s features softened in response. “What will happen if I send you away?” he asked softly.

“They will return me to the trench. The Trench Lord, knowing I have been in the High Minister’s service, will send me to the brothel.” The girl’s eyes were filled with tears as she kneeled before him at the side of the tub.

“What is a brothel?” Alador rolled the word over his tongue. He’d never heard the term before.

“A brothel? How do you not know what that is?” She looked at him in surprise, though her emerald eyes were still tearful.

“I am not from here,” he reminded her softly, shifting uncomfortably. Women were not allowed in the bath house when men bathed. Yet here he was, talking to one while he was naked.

“It is a place where men pay to do the things they wish to a woman,” the girl answered. “Sometimes horrible things, and usually disgusting pigs of men.” She shuddered. “Please, my lord, do not send me away.”

Alador sighed softly. One more reason to hate this place. However, the idea of keeping this woman out of the Trench Lord’s hands appealed to him, and he did not want to be the one responsible for whatever it was she was describing. Sex was not exactly frowned upon by his people, as long as a man and woman had both become adults. Though mating was done in the circle, pleasure could be sought from any willing partner. The concept of someone paying for it seemed unfathomable, but everything about this place was twisted. “All right. You can stay, but you have to do as I say,” Alador finally offered.

“Oh, thank you, my lord.” She moved forward to kiss Alador and met his wet hand.

“First rule, no touching. I love another and she would not approve.” Alador was quick to set the rules. “What’s your name?”

“Keelee.” Her face filled with confusion and, and she looked at Alador like he’d lost his mind.

“Well met, Keelee. My name is Alador. I’d prefer you call me that. I’m going to get out of the bath now so if you would turn around…” He moved his hand as if to scoot her back and turn her.

She gave him a funny look but rose to her feet and turned her back to him. Alador had thought her turning would help his ability to stop looking at her body, but it didn’t. She was shapely, with curves that he couldn’t help but stare at even after she turned. Her bottom showed through the thin material, round and firm. He’d caught quick glimpses as a middlin of Daezun women, but nothing had prepared him for this Lerdenian beauty standing before him. Keelee was taller and more gently defined than Daezun woman. Alador coughed realizing he was staring, and ducked himself under the water to wet his hair. He came up and grabbed a nearby towel to wrap around his middle, hoping to hide his interest, then looked around for his pants.

“Where are my clothes?” Alador asked with concern. His pants weren’t the only things missing, none of his clothes were anywhere to be found.

“I did not think you would have need of them in your bed and in my arms, so I sent them to be cleaned. Your other items are over on the bench by the dressing screen.” Keelee’s voice held panic again.

Alador gave a frustrated groan. He was in a room with a beautiful woman who was barely clothed. He was naked. He couldn’t send her away and have her have to go to this brothel. “Well, of all the…” He trailed off,
stepping out of the tub and drying himself. “Do not turn around,” he commanded, closing his eyes and concentrating on one of the few spells he’d learned to do. He felt the security of soft linen pants form around him, then he used the towel to finish drying.

“Okay, here is what we’ll do. It’s a big bed. You sleep on your side, I’ll sleep on mine, and if anyone asks, we had a wonderful night. Understood?” Alador was trying not to look at that shapely bottom.

Yes my lord,” she whispered, not turning as she had been told.

“Good then, off to the bed with you.” Alador turned away so she could get into the bed and also to hide the fact that he was still aroused. He felt a bit like he was betraying Mesiande…but then again, it was a natural response, and he knew that some things just couldn’t be avoided.

Keelee hurried over and got into the bed and sank down beneath the covers. Alador waited to turn around until he was sure she’d settled, then moved to the other side and slipped into the bed, himself. He looked about and realized he hadn’t lowered the lanterns. “I forgot to put out the lights.” He started to rise when she sat up.

“I can get them.” Keelee grinned at him. She held her hand up to her lips and blew softly. Every lantern in the room winked out.

“That’s something you’ll have to teach me,” Alador chuckled, settling back. The only light in the room now was the flicker of the fireplace.

“Then you will keep me?” K
eelee’s voice brightened.

“Keep you?” He looked over at her in confusion. The light still allowed him to see her beautiful eyes, framed by shimmering black hair.

“Yes. The High Minister has commanded that I am yours as long you desire. L...please keep me, my...Alador. I beg you. Take me from this house.” She scooted to him and took his hand.

“I’m going to live in some kind of training compound for guardsmen. What would I do with a woman?” Alador didn’t want to
abandon this lovely woman, but he didn’t want her to think it meant they were housemates.

“I can care for your room. Warm your bed. See to your needs. I promise I will do well. I am skilled in many arts.” She kissed his hand fervently.

“Keelee, I love another. I...I do not want any, but her in my bed,” Alador whispered, though his body was definitely telling him otherwise.

“I promise. I will behave. I will do as I am told. Please…Take me with you. You do not understand what it is like for me here and the only other place I have to go is back to the trench.” Keelee started to cry; Alador could feel her tears against the back of his hand.

“What’s it like for you here?” he asked with a bit of concern. “My uncle said you were free to return to wherever you came from.”

She stiffened and fell silent for a moment, not responding. Then she wept against Alador’s hand, her tears coming with greater sobs.

“It is my uncle, isn’t it?” Alador asked. “My uncle commands your body wherever he wishes, like now?”

Keelee remained quiet, merely nodding. Anger flooded through Alador, and he pulled the young woman against him protectively. “You can come with me,” he promised softly.

She cried against his shoulder for some time, and Alador didn’t stop her. He couldn’t imagine what she must have had to do, but based on her tears, it obviously hadn’t been pleasant. He had no idea what he was going to do with her, but the least he could do was offer her some protection.  

When at last she stopped crying, Keelee looked up at him. “I am s-sorry. I should not have cried. Thank you so much, my lord. I will be forever grateful.”

Alador just pushed her head back down to his shoulder. His response was tense, though not because of Keelee. “Alador! You will call me Alador.”

“Yes, Alador,” she whispered.

“Go to sleep Keelee,” he whispered back.  He felt her nod, and he laid back to think about the day. Alador had to learn fast and get out. Otherwise, he had a feeling he was going to want to protect a lot of people, and he was only one half-breed.

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