The Black Planet (25 page)

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Authors: J. W. Murison

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Adventure

BOOK: The Black Planet
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Chapter 54

The jocks were laughing at the antics of the two men.  The two were quite infamous in the battalion.  They had been together since they were boy soldiers and best friends.  It had been a gruelling day.  It was now forty eight hours since the great battle of Saturn.  Humanity had won a resounding victory and the Albany battle fleet had been smashed.  The humans had only shown a small part of their fleet.  The Albany had indeed tried to outflank them, but they had been ready.  The moment the enemy had sprung their trap the humans had sprung theirs.  The human fleet had starburst on the appearance of the flanking units and seconds later their main fleet smashed into the rear of the enemy cube.  When the flanking force tried to engage, the reformed unit reappeared and smashed into the rear of them.  It was then that the humans’ unleashed freighters full of tanks and artillery units.

Sown like black seed amongst the stars two hundred thousand guns joined the battle.  In groups of thousands they engaged the enemy fleet.  Lightly protected the enemy guns took a heavy toll of these units, yet the enemy ships quickly fell to the power of thousands of guns being brought to bear on them in an instant.  They forced the Albany ships into a tight square and slaughtered them.  A single battle group now pursued a half dozen ships that had managed to escape.

The men were all suited up and armed, yet their mission was to rescue as many Albany as they could.  Their whole battalion was engaged on this duty.  Thousands of lifeboats had been launched during the battle and it was their task to rescue them.  The only problem was the Albany had proved hostile to being rescued when they realised who was doing the rescuing.  As soon as they recognised who their rescuers were the bawling and lowing would start.  They would become agitated then violent.  A few had even been armed and it had led to loss of life.

Everyman was sick of it.  The inclination to blast the life pods apart had been too much of a temptation for some.  These men however had slowly developed a technique for handling them.  The moment they showed signs of distress they simply used their rifles to stun the Albany.  A man would take a limb apiece and throw him to the ground while another two would hold the plastic ties to bind them.  Despite having down to a fine art it was no guarantee of not getting hurt or struck by a thrashing captive.

It had been almost two hours since they had found a pod and they were due to return soon.  ‘I have a weak signal amongst some wreckage, stand by.’  There was a communal groan at the announcement from the pilot. 

‘You’re up Charlie.’

‘Piss off Eddie.’

The sergeant swung a fist that connected with Charlie’s shoulder.  ‘Stop pissing around private.’

That brought a gale of laughter from the troops.  Charlie had been busted a few weeks before saving Eddies hide from an English military policeman who had been intent on bashing Eddie’s skull in with a night stick.  The fight had started when some English Paras had started on a group of jocks in the communal mess.  Charlie sensing something wrong, had arrived in time to see Eddie getting a beating.  He had punched out the English MP and dragged Eddie away to safety.  It was unfortunate that Charlie had been identified and Eddie hadn’t.  Now Eddie had his job and Charlie had been busted back to private.

Charlie scowled at Eddie, ‘you know I’m going to beat you half to death very shortly don’t you.’

Eddie stood up, ‘let’s just get the job done arse wipe.’  With a sigh Charlie got to his feet.

‘You’re going to need cutting gear for this one,’ the pilot announced. 

Always a team the two men grabbed the equipment.  When the doors opened they couldn’t see the pod.  The navigator directed them to it through the wreckage.  Lines of strong white thread wound out behind them.  Charlie saw it first.  ‘There it is Eddie.  It looks pretty bashed up.’

Eddie saw the pod, ‘what do you think Charlie, is the thing wasted?’

Charlie struggled through the debris and knocked on the pod.  A few seconds later there was an answering knock.  ‘Nope, whatever is in there is alive.’

Eddie groaned.

It took them an hour to cut the pod free and manoeuvre it through the wreckage to the waiting landing craft.  ‘Stand by.’  Eddie ordered his jocks.  They tensed.  The pod door only half opened and a couple of jocks helped it.  The Albany inside stepped out.  Eddie groaned, ‘look at the size of this bugger.  Get ready.’  Then the Albany did the strangest thing, he bowed.  It caught everyone off guard.  What he did next shocked them to their core.

‘Thank you.’  Orlath managed.  He could see the shock register through the visors of his captors and it pleased him.  His damaged pod had been able to supply him with heat but nothing else.  Orlath raised his hand to his mouth slowly, ‘do you have any wata please?’

Eddie nudged Charlie, ‘did that thing just thank us for saving its life and ask for a drink of water?’

Charlie ignored him, ‘please take a seat.’

Orlath looked round and sat on the nearest seat.  Charlie grabbed a full bottle of water and took the top off it.  He handed it to Orlath who took a sniff then downed the whole bottle.  ‘Thank you.’  He sighed.

‘It’s OK, my pleasure.’

Charlie pulled Eddie to the side, we need to get in touch with the CO.  ‘Go see the pilot.’

Charlie went through to the flight deck and spoke to the communications officer, ‘I need to get in touch with our CO.’   

It took about five minutes of threatening before the Commanding Officer came on, ‘this had better be good Murison or I’m going to come over there and boot your arse again.’

Charlie found himself grinning despite being demoted by the man a few short weeks before, ‘got something special for you sir.’

‘Fire away then.’

‘We just took in an emergency pod.  The Albany gets out, bows, thanks us for saving his life and then asks for a drink of water.’

There was a slight pause, ‘maybe he is an officer and better bred that those we have been finding.’

‘Aye yer no getting the right picture sir.  All our translators are bust, this guy not only understands English but is speaking it as well.’

There was a moment’s shocked silence, ‘return to base with him now and tell your operator to put me through to the pilot.’

Chapter 55

Major Joe Simmons had been an army helicopter pilot before he volunteered to join the Earths Defence Forces.  His navigator Derica Roth had been with the German armed forces.  Both stared out of the large windscreen before them.  They were surrounded by debris.  Small pieces were deflected by their shields and every now and then a frozen body would shatter against it.  Both had been violently sick a number of times the first day.  It was a horror the troops they carried in the back had been spared.  The whole flight crew was exhausted.

‘A large piece coming in from the right sir, a thousand meters.’

Joe engaged his thrusters and brought the troop carrier to a stop.  ‘Anything behind it?’

She sighed, ‘I can’t see yet, it’s too big and shielding anything behind it.  I recommend you stay here until it passes.’

It was hard to miss the approaching, tumbling mass.  It had caught some other debris and about a hundred tons of it slid past.  Derica watched her screens carefully, ‘OK that’s the most of it.  We will be out of the debris field in two minutes.’

Joe nodded, ‘I want you all to get some rest while you can.  I have to escort these jocks and their prisoner to the detention wing.’

‘Why?  They have been doing it on their own until now.’

Joe shrugged, ‘it’s what the CO wants, it seems a high ranking prisoner has to be captured and handed over by an officer.  At least handed over.  Universal protocol.’

Derica was too tired to laugh but she did manage a smile, ‘universal protocol.  I hear they are taking out a manual on universal protocol.’

‘I hear its over three thousand pages long.’

They both groaned.  Derica shook her head, ‘what do you want us to do?  We are still scheduled for another hour.’

Joe thought it over, ‘forget it. Get something to eat and your heads down while you can.  I will get lost for that extra hour.’

The whole flight crew smiled.

They broke free of the debris field and headed for their carrier.  They slid into their slot and Joe wound the troop carrier down.  He joined Eddie and Charlie along with their prisoner.  He noticed something straight away.’  Shouldn’t he be cuffed sergeant?’

‘Not this one sir.’

Joe just shook his head too tired to argue with these jocks.  He knew they would do it if he ordered it, but it took a long time to gain their trust and being heavy handed with these Scots was always a backward step.  ‘We have to take him to level twenty nine, room 63.’

It took fifteen minutes going up elevators and navigating corridors to find the right place.  An American MP signed them in.  They were waiting in the room five minutes before two large and burly Americans appeared.  Muscles rippled under their tight shirts.  

Joe took out a notepad.  ‘If you guys would like to sign for the prisoner here.’

‘Yeah sure.’ Replied the big white guy, taking the pad and pen from Joe.  The big black man behind just smirked.  Before he could sign anything a black boot kicked it straight out of his hand.

‘What the fuck?’  Screamed the American.

Charlie had been shocked to the core by the appearance of the two men.  His mind had shot back fifteen years.  As the yank took the pad Charlie moved.  He kicked it right out of the yanks hand.  When the man went for a pistol Charlie knocked him cold with his rifle butt and covered the other.

‘What the hell do you think you’re doing boy?’

Charlie moved in close, ‘I’m not a boy any more fucker.  You don’t remember me do you?’

The dark eyes became guarded, ‘don’t know what you mean.’

‘Jamaican warehouses in Beirut.   You and your friend there shot a dozen prisoners after you tortured them to death.  A young Scottish soldier from the peace keeping force ran in to see what the shooting was about and you pair stuck a gun in my face, told me to mind my own business and keep my mouth shut or else.’  Charlie was fighting hard to keep control of the rage he felt course through him, ‘I wouldn’t hand a dog over to you pair of bastards.’

The man was silent contemplating Charlie, ‘you never did though did you.  Is that why you’re still a buck private?’

‘Yeah something like that.’  Charlie backed up. 

Eddie pushed Joe towards the door, ‘let’s go sir.’  Eddie was also covering the big American with his weapon.  Joe hesitated only long enough to grab up his notepad and pen.

The jocks bustled Orlath out.  He was confused but so far had been impressed by the kindness shown to him by these humans.  He decided to go with them peacefully.

Outside the room Joe recovered his senses.  ‘You had better have a fucking good reason for what you just did private.’

Eddie interrupted him, ‘you sure they are the same boys Charlie?’

‘Dee ye really think I could mistake that pair Eddie?’

‘No.’ he turned to Joe, ‘I’m sorry about that sir.  When we were young laddies new to the battalion we went on a peace keeping mission to Beirut.  Both factions had begun to settle down and peace was on the horizon.  12 men were tortured and executed, six from each faction.  The bodies were dumped where they could be found.  It started a bloody war.  Charlie thinks it was those two guys back there who perpetuated it.  We lost a dozen guys from the battalion in the next few weeks trying to keep the peace.  The whole incident was hushed up and we were all ordered by some generals to keep our mouths shut.  There’s no way we any of us would leave a prisoner with those animals.’

‘Great,’ Joe cursed.  ‘So where to sergeant, if you don’t mind me asking?’

‘Charlie, it’s your call.’

‘Let’s get him to the Bear.  He will know what to do next.’

Chapter 56

Lt Colonel De’ Beer of the first battalion the Gordon highlanders was a large South African with a Scottish mother.  He had followed in her grandfather’s footsteps.  His men respected his forthrightness and referred to him as the Bear.

He joined the RSM in the battalion’s operations room, ‘what the hell is going on?  My phone is going nuts.’

‘Sergeant Eddie has refused to hand over the prisoner to the yanks sir.’

The Bear thought it over for a few seconds, ‘Sergeant Eddie my arse, I’ll bet it’s that bastard Murison that’s put him up to it.  You know how he hates the yanks.’

The RSM regarded his CO coolly, ‘that’s unfair sir.  He doesn’t hate the yanks, just the sneaky bastards in their intelligence corps.’

The same thought flashed through both men’s minds at the same time, ‘surely to god no,’ the Bear breathed.

The RSM turned to the radio operator, ‘get a hold of Sargent Eddie’s unit and tell him to put Murison on.’

It only took a few second.  The RSM took the microphone, ‘talk to me Charlie and make it short.’

‘Jamaica warehouse.’  Came the reply.

‘Shit.’  The RSM cursed.  He turned to the CO, ‘there’s no way he will turn the prisoner over to them sir and I will back him all the way.’

‘I was there RSM.  We lost a dozen men because of those bastards and more than twenty men wounded.  I lost five men altogether from my platoon, good men who didn’t need to die or spend the rest of their lives as cripples.  Double the sentries.  No one is to pass unless they have my permission to do so.  No one from outside the battalion that is.’

‘Aye OK sir but what the hell are we going to do with that prisoner?’

‘I have no bloody idea.’

By the time his men arrived with the prisoner he had made a dozen calls.  He punched Charlie in the chest.  It was a substantial blow that barely rocked the small but solid man.  ‘You will be the death of me yet Murison.  No bugger wants him and I have the bloody yanks screaming down my neck for him.’

‘Sorry about that sir.’

Joe saluted and reported to the CO who quickly dismissed him.  Joe almost ran from the situation.  The CO spoke to the room at large, ‘any ideas, anyone?’

‘What about Captain Gordon?’  A Jock suggested, ‘the yanks won’t mess with him.’

‘Aye like we can just phone him up dick head.’ One of his friends scorned.

The CO searched his pockets and pulled out his phone.  ‘Murray, I need you plug my phone into the system and call this number.  Put it on speaker?’

‘Yes sir.’  The signaller took the phone and plugged it in.  It rang for a while before it was answered by a cultured voice.

‘Is that you Bear old boy?’

De’ Beer grinned, ‘Tapper, how are you?’

‘Splendid old chap, I will presume this isn’t a social call.’

‘Where are you and your people right now Tapper?’

‘On the moon old chap, we got a few days off.’

‘I need to speak to Captain Gordon urgently.’

‘Give me a moment old boy.’

Quicker than expected Steven Gordon appeared on the overhead screen.  Even the radio operator looked surprised.  ‘Colonel De’ Beer, 1
Gordon’s right.’

The Bear grinned, ‘that’s right Captain Gordon.’

Steven was relaxing with his feet up drinking a coffee, ‘what can I do for you Colonel?’  The Bear quickly explained their dilemma.  Steven however seemed far from sympathetic.  ‘I’m not sure what you expect me to do colonel.  I mean what on earth would I do with him? I’m sorry, I’m not unsympathetic but I think you will have to hand him over.’

‘Bean is that you?’

Steven looked shocked, he sat forward, ‘who the hell said that?’

Charlie pushed his way in front of the monitor, ‘I did, is that you Bean?’

Steven felt raw emotion choke him up, ‘Charlie, is that you?’

Charlie looked as shocked, ‘your deed man, your uncle Zander said you were killed on a motor bike.’

The two men stared at one another, Steven eventually found his voice, ‘No, no I wasn’t killed Charlie, just hurt very badly. It’s a long story.’

‘When you stopped writing man, I thought it was true.  I never realised you were that Steven Gordon.’  Charlie shook it off.  ‘Look Stevie, I’m up to my arm pits in shit over this one.  Bottom line is they are going to torture this guy to death.  I pulled him out of there.  He isn’t military and this bugger can not only understand English he can actually speak it as well.  I would also say he was a civilian.  How, what, why, I don’t know man but I think this guy is something special Stevie.   These animals will torture him to death for military secrets he doesn’t have.’

‘Wait, you say he can speak English, without a translator?’

‘Aye he can.’

‘That is intriguing.’

‘Still with the fancy words Bean.’

Steven burst out laughing, ‘Jezz Charlie, you haven’t changed.  OK, give me about half an hour and I will come and pick him up.  I would like to speak to this one.  If he can speak English then he can probably tell us what happened to the people sent through the barrier.’

‘Fast as you can Stevie, I have a funny feeling the powers that be aren’t going to be pleased.’

‘On my way Charlie.’

The Bear turned to the RSM, ‘have you given the orders to keep everyone out?’

‘Yes sir.’

‘Good, make sure no one gets through, back it up with force if necessary.’

‘Yes Sir.’

He turned back to Charlie, ‘how the hell do you know Steven Gordon?’

‘He lived next door to me when his parents stayed in Scotland.  His granny was like my second mum.  We grew up together until they left to go to the States.  Every year they would come home or send Stevie home for the holidays.’  Charlie shrugged, ‘we were best buds.  We wrote letters to each other all the time.  You know real ones with paper and all that shit.’

The Bear shook his head, ‘just when I think you can’t surprise me anymore Murison, you pull another one out of your hat.’

Charlie shook his head, ‘I really thought he was dead.’

‘You are so fucking thick,’ Eddie punched him on the shoulder.  ‘How couldn’t you know?’

‘I thought he was dead and it was another Steven Gordon.  I hadn’t seen him since he was a bloody teenager.’

Eddie laughed, ‘you must have seen pictures?’

‘Aye of course but I never took much notice.  He doesn’t exactly pander to the media does he?’

Eddie shook his head, ‘thick as fuck.’


Another solid blow to the chest which barely rocked Charlie brought his attention back to the Bear.  ‘Right now we have bigger fish to fry than who knows the biggest celebrity.  I already have the powers that be breathing down my neck.  You’re going to have to pay the piper again.’

‘Aye well at least this time I will be paying for my own actions.’  He glanced at Eddie who was grinning.

Bear sighed, ‘it could ruin your career.’

‘Oh really!  Again?’

The Bear laughed, ‘yeah well don’t worry, you won’t miss any of the fighting.’

Charlie sighed, ‘ah well, something to look forward to then.’

They all laughed.

Half an hour later two men appeared out of nowhere and took the prisoner away.  The CO made Eddie slip plasti-cuffs on Charlie’s wrists; which were just thick plastic ties.  It wasn’t long before the hounds arrived.  The two integrators surrounded by American MP’s.  Before anyone could stop him, the one Charlie had knocked out stepped forward and pistol whipped Charlie.  A full second later he slid across the floor unconscious for the second time that day.  The Bear had knocked him cold with a solid blow and now the MP’s and the large black man were surrounded by levelled weapons.

Danger flashed in the black man’s eyes, ‘Hand the prisoner and this asshole over to me.’

De’ Beer wasn’t fazed at all.  He stuck his face in the black man’s.  ‘Take yourself, these men and that piece of shit on the floor out of my battalion area or I will severely fuck you up.  The prisoner is now in the hands of Steven Gordon.  As for this prisoner, he belongs to me.  I have had him charged with disobeying a direct order and will deal with him myself.’

‘You people just don’t know who you are fucking with.’

‘I know exactly what I am dealing with.  I have wanted to meet you two for a very long time.  You see I was at the Jamaican warehouse too.  He was a young private and I was a young officer who wouldn’t listen.  Long story.  I lost my best friend two days later, not to mention men under my command.  I can’t wind the clock back but I can make you a promise.  If ever any of the pair of you walk into my battalion lines ever again, you will never leave alive.’  De’ Beer took a slip of paper from his pocket, ‘this is a receipt from Captain Gordon for the Albany prisoner.  Now get out.’

The man backed away and he had some of his men pick up his companion.  He backed away keeping his eyes on De’ Beer.  He glanced once at Charlie.

The Bear took a deep breath, ‘I remember those two now.  I saw them a few times in the officers’ mess.’  He took a knife from his pocket and cut the ties off Charlie.  ‘I’m going to keep you locked in the brig for a few days Murison.  After that I will stick a fine and detention on your record.  I don’t know how long we have until the next battle but I want your tapes back up by then.’  He lifted Charlie’s chin where a bruise was beginning to appear on his cheek bone, ‘you’re eye doesn’t look to bad.’

‘Saw it coming and was able to ride it a bit sir.  I loved the way you decked that tosser though.’  The two burst out laughing.

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