The Black Onyx Pact (24 page)

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Authors: Morgana D. Baroque

BOOK: The Black Onyx Pact
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«We are going to the Palace.» decides to reveals Saphir. «It's an old renewed villa where one can take daily activities concerning eroticism. I'm not talking about orgies or rendezvous only, but everything related to sexuality. There are dozens of rooms, a large park with a labyrinth, many bungalows, vast gardens. It's like a playroom for adults. You'll see by yourself. Do you have any questions?»

«I had no doubts.» grumbles Saphir.
«Why aren't we on first name basis yet?»

«I've never been on first name basis with the members,
Améthyste, and since you are not different from the others I prefer to keep a professional relationship with you too.»

«Oh, come on, don't be like that! I have the impression to talk with a bank employee! And those don't call you by name not even after having sex!»
Saphir doesn't reply and they remain silent for a while again, then Sibylle looks intensely at the woman before to say:

Damnant quod non intelligun

Saphir stares at her.

«Who are you referring to?» she asks, understanding those words.

Sibylle sighs.

«The name of the Club. Does the D stands for the first letter of this sentence in Latin:
damnant quod non intelligun

they condemn what they do not understand
?» Sibylle takes a sheet of paper from her pink and white bag. «I Googled all the words and phrases in Latin which start with a D. I have found some, now I'm going to read them to you and you'll tell me which one of these is the correct one.»

Saphir takes the sheet and glance at it, then gives it back to her.

«I'm sorry, is not in here.»

Sibylle puts away the sheet with a gabble of disappointment, under the amused gaze of Saphir.

Améthyste, you are an intelligent person, think about it, I'm sure you can guess without any help. It's less difficult than you think, believe me.»

When they arrive at the grand entrance of the villa, Sibylle remains fascinated by the luxury of the place. There is a huge wrought iron gate, a beautiful private road with trees on both sides, a square in front of the villa and a big fountain at the center of it. A man in a red uniform opens the car door and Sibylle gets off first, watching in astonishment that wonderful villa with many huge white columns and some terraces adorned with lovely colorful plants. That view looks like a painting.
Saphir guides Sibylle inside where the interiors of that amazing villa are even more beautiful and luxurious. There are big crystal chandeliers, original paintings, fine fabrics, lavish pieces of furniture. They walk down the long hallway on a soft white carpet, and shortly after they meet a man coming from the opposite direction.

«Saphir! Is my surprise ready?» he asks without even stopping.

«Yes, it is, Quasimodo. All is ready.» answers Saphir.

When the man is far, Saphir looks at Sibylle.

«He is one of the oldest members of the Club. Next month he and his wife will celebrate
years of marriage and he wants to realize her fantasy.»
Saphir sighs with a hint of sadness in her eyes. Sibylle understands her gloominess but says nothing. They arrive at the center of the hall, where all four corridors intersect: the one from where they came (which also continues straight) with the white carpet, one on the left with the blue carpet, one on the right with the red carpet. There is a large hexagonal table in the center and many blue sofas placed in circle. And there is a beautiful and huge glass vase with eleven splendid red roses in it. Saphir takes the card attached to the roses, reads it, sighs and puts it back.

«A secret admirer», she confides to Sibylle, «every week

since years

he sends me eleven red roses.»

«Aww, how romantic. Why eleven?»

«It's his name, or at least, that's how he signs himself in the notes: with the number


«Bah, I'm too old to be interested in courtship, he is just wasting hundreds of poor roses every year. Back to us,
Améthyste, now I have to go to meet someone so you have to wait for me here, comfortably seated on that couch, okay? Please, don't», and points the index at her in admonishment, «go around, please. Just stay here.»

«Why? What's happening in all these closed rooms? Are there people having sex?»

«No, this floor of the building is reserved for sexual education and entertainment only. In many of these rooms there are workshops, classes, conferences, conventions on eroticism. There are also recreation rooms, listening groups, consultants or medical experts. In fact, it may happen that members of the Club D use their membership for the educational or medical services only.»

«Oh, interesting. And what about the upper floors?»

Saphir raises her eyes up. She and Sibylle look like a patient mother and her nagging daughter.

Améthyste, please. The upper floor is strictly reserved, I suggest you not to go there.»

«I cannot even take an innocent look around?»

«You can try, but outside every room occupied by guests there are two security men that, without a written invitation and a password, won't let you enter anywhere.»
«Not even if I were a member of the Black Onyx Pact?»
«A member of the
can enter wherever he wants, unless it's an event of the Black Onyx itself which request a special invitation and

Why the hell am I telling you all this? You cannot enter,
Améthyste, that's all.»
«Could you enter to a
special event without invitation?»
«Yes, I am one of the founder, I'm allowed everywhere.»
«So is Drakkar too?»
Saphir smiles.
«He is even more welcomed than me. Not only he brings prestige when he joins an event, but he brings awe too. People feel uneasy before him, it seems like everyone tries to behave when he is around. Although no one in the Club knows his face everyone recognizes him and

Damn, I'm doing it again!
Améthyste, how you do that? How can you make me open in this way? I never talk so much with others. Anyway, stay here now, please. As I told you it would be useless to go around.»

Sibylle nods.

«I see, you are well organized.» she complains.

Saphir giggles.
«This is all Drakkar's fault, dear, it was him who decided to impose these strict rules. But our members appreciate this strictness. Now», she points at the blue sofa behind Sibylle, «please, sit down. It won't take me long.»

Sibylle sits comfortably and Saphir leaves, walking in one of the corridors. Every now and then she turns to look at her, making a sign with the index to remain where she is. Sibylle smiles and nods, but when Saphir enters the room she gets up and goes snooping around. She meets several people walking in the halls, including a middle-aged couple dressed elegantly and

a few steps behind them

a woman dressed in black vinyl thigh-high boots, a short black latex dress and a riding crop in her hand. At the sight of the woman, Sibylle cannot resist and asks jokingly:

«Oh, is there a riding school here around?»

The woman in black laughs heartily and winks.

«Yes, you want to join me for a ride?»

Both laugh, continuing to walk in the opposite directions. Sibylle meets two girls smiling and hugging, then two guys who are kissing softly leaning against the wall. From one of the rooms comes out a distinguished lady with a man on all fours kept on a leash. Sibylle stops and asks:

«What a beautiful dog, what breed is it?»

The lady with short black hair stops and smiles at her.

«The best existing breed.» informs calmly.

Sibylle looks at the man on all fours wearing only a pair of black underwear. He has a nice muscular body for the age that he seems to have. She can't tell because his face is low and she cannot see it.

«May I stroke it? Or does it bite?»
The lady chuckles.
«Please, touch it. Don't worry it won't bite, it's well trained.»

Sibylle bends down to caress his bare back and the man moves nicely his butt to express his contentment, panting like a real dog. Sibylle giggles and scratches him behind the ear, speaking in a funny way as if she really were talking to a real puppy. The lady seems very impressed by her naturalness.

«Are you a new member? I think I've never seen you before.»

Sibylle gets up and nods.

«Yes, I'm a new member of the Club.»

«Well, if you like this kind of role-playing you can join our themed evenings here at the Palace.»

«Actually I don't know what I like yet. I'm just beginning to discover many things about myself.»

«I understand, dear. Take your time and never ever force yourself to do something you don't feel inside. I wish you to find your happiness, dear.»

«Thank you.» says Sibylle sincerely touched by her words.

Then she crouches down in front of the man again, to caress him under the chin and when he raises his face, both wide open their eyes.

«Judge!» exclaims Sibylle recognizing the judge of her divorce case.

«Oh hello. How are you?» asks kindly the man.

She smiles, still ruffling his head.

«Well, I'm much better now. But I can see that you are well too, he he.»

«Indeed. I'm always been a person who likes to play. And moreover, life is a breath that touches you and then flies away, and I'm not going to die with regrets.»
«I couldn't agree more. Well, have a nice... day the.»

Sibylle gets up, greets them warmly and continues her tour. After a few minutes she comes across two men in a tuxedo and a black mask. They stop and greet her with a polite bow of the head. She curtsey. All three smile. The two men are tall and fascinating; both of them have dark hair and brown eyes. They notice her ring.

«May we have the pleasure to introduce ourselves to you,
of the Pearl?» says one, coming closer.

She nods and extends her hand which he gently takes in his before doing an exquisite hand-kiss. Sibylle notices his silver ring with a small ruby on it.

«I am Obelix,
.» says the young man.

The other one does the same thing and Sibylle notices he has the same ruby ring.

«And I am Asterix,

Hearing their names, Sibylle struggles to hold back a giggle.

«I'm delighted to make your acquaintance,
. My name is Améthyste.»

«Oh, lovely name.» observes Obelix.
«Will you come at tonight's dinner in the Hall of the Statues,
Améthyste?» asks Asterix.

«I'm afraid not, sorry.»

«Why not? It's a


dinner, it means that is open to all levels. Maybe you don't have a man to escort yet?» asks Obelix.

«You can have two, if you want.» adds Asterix winking.

«I thank you, but I have others plans for tonight. And don't worry, I have my personal playmate here in the Club.»

The one on the right, Obelix, smiles slyly.

, with all the due respect to your man, we are two members of the Ruby.»

The two men are waiting to see give a start, but she doesn't bat an eyelid.

«Thank you for your concern, but I prefer my usual playmate. Nothing personal, I just prefer him to any other man.»

«What a lucky b
— er, man
. What's the name of this gentleman who has won your heart,
?» asks Asterix.


Those startling are them now. They exchange glances and then look at her again.

«We feel like two idiots right now.» confesses Obelix.

Sibylle smiles.

«Oww, don't please.»

«But», begins to say Asterix doubtful, «everyone in the Club knows that Drakkar never meets the same woman twice. How can he be your


Sibylle opens her arms.

«I know, right? Even I was amazed when he decided to see me again.» she exclaims, genuinely surprised.

The two smile.

«Oh, then you must be a really special lady. We hope to see you again at the Palace, or maybe in some other events of the Club.» comments Obelix.

«I will participate to the next auction of the Ruby.» she informs.
The two men frown heavily.

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