The Black Madonna (The Mystique Trilogy)

BOOK: The Black Madonna (The Mystique Trilogy)
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To Chez,
Thanks for providing a sanctuary
for my well-being and creativity.
I could never have completed this trilogy
without you.

Table of Contents

Cover Page


List of Characters

A Note from the Author, Mia Devere

Part 1 The Absent Prince


Chapter 1 Triogenes—Montségur

Chapter 2 Kali’s Mission

Chapter 3 Soul Trade

Chapter 4 The Time Lord

Chapter 5 Compromised

Chapter 6 Thoth—Giza

Chapter 7 Strange Aura

Chapter 8 Inter-Dimensional Terrorism

Chapter 9 Arlis-Cochizel—Land’s End

Chapter 10 Blindsided

Chapter 11 Crafty Women

Chapter 12 Two Princes

Chapter 13 Ill Will


Part 2 Timewalkers


Chapter 14 Sophia-Hokhmat—Nova Scotia

Chapter 15 The Dreamkeeper—Australia

Chapter 16 Descent Into the Underworld

Chapter 17 Hathor—Mount Shasta

Chapter 18 Deceiving Appearances

Chapter 19 Irkalla

Chapter 20 Montauk—Long Island

Chapter 21 Points of Interface

Chapter 22 The Recruit

Chapter 23 Enoch—New Mexico

Chapter 24 Hell Of Eternal Sleep And Darkness

Chapter 25 Xerthaneus—Antarctica

Chapter 26 Taming The Shrew


Part 3 Quantum Warfare


Chapter 27 Sphere Of The Blue Flame

Chapter 28 Psychosis

Chapter 29 The Peace Project

Chapter 30 Covert Operations

Chapter 31 Rainbow Round Table

Chapter 32 Defeating Fate

Chapter 33 The Descending Spiral—2976 AD

Chapter 34 Sleeping Beauty

Chapter 35 Ice Breaking

Chapter 36 Meltdown

Chapter 37 The Ascending Spiral—2017 AD

Chapter 38 Star-Crossed Lover?

Chapter 39 The Draconesses

Chapter 40 Passive Force

Chapter 41 Unity

Chapter 42 Micro-Death

Chapter 43 Macro-Life

Chapter 44 End of the Rift





Internet References


About the Author

Books by Traci Harding


About the Publisher


The Staff of Amenti

DEXTER aka Taylor

VESPERA aka Ajalae Koriche

ARCTURUS aka Albray Devere

MERIDAN aka Mia Devere (Montrose)

POLARIS aka Captain Sinclair; Earnest Devere

SOLARIAN aka Ashlee Granville-Devere

LEVI aka Levi Granville-Devere

THANA aka Lillet du Lac

CASTOR aka King Arthur; James Devere

TALORI aka Susan Devere

ZALMAN aka Akbar

DENERA aka Lillith; Lady Charlotte Cavandish

KALI aka Tamar Devere

MATHU aka Thoth; Hermes

The Nefilim

ILL aka Enlil—Lord of the Nefilim

ERRAGAL aka Jeb Savage—Lord of the Underworld

NAMTAR aka Morell Labontè—Viceroy of the Underworld

ERESHKIGAL aka Co-co Yamamoto—Queen of the Underworld

ISHTAR aka Sabine Labontè—Goddess of Desire

ISHKUR aka ‘Wildcat’ Steve Marx—Storm God

The Smiter

The Anu

Lugh Lamhfada

Ki aka En Ki, the Sanat Kumara

Sud aka Ninlil

The Dracon








Site Crew—Montségur

André Pierre, site chief

Dr Colin Rich, project anthropologist

Emmett Rich, Dr Rich’s son

Killian Labontè, project benefactor

The Guardians of the Seven Gates of Hell




Unfinished Business




Additional Character

Sharon, Killian’s assistant


Time has no meaning for me any more. I have been backwards and forwards through history so often that past and future have melded into an all-consuming now.

The time lines of the physical world are precarious and liable to change at the slightest provocation. We, the staff of Amenti—designers of Earth’s evolutionary scheme—knew this before we agreed to take part in the Amenti Project. What we did not anticipate was this: that our antagonists here on Earth would devise their own means to move through time and alter history.

Hence, the staff of Amenti have become humanity’s mercenaries in the resulting inter-time war. Ancient time zones, and those in the distant future, are no longer accessible to us or to our adversaries, as time is collapsing from both the alpha and omega ends of its flimsy existence.

A crisis point will be reached at midnight on 21 December of this year, 2017—the moment of judgement that psychics and prophets have been predicting for aeons. For the majority of people living on this planet, it will pass unnoticed. It will not be marked by fire and brimstone falling from the sky, or plagues, or the hand of God crushing us all from on high—all that will come, but later.

That crisis point moment is humanity’s last chance to open the
gateway home to the multi-dimensional universe from whence we originally came and were so unfairly torn. The fate of all rests upon the vibrational frequency of humanity’s combined consciousness at this time and, despite our ignorance, we will be judged.

Our Earth is dying. It is being murdered by the hidden enemies of humanity who hope to enslave us. All they have to do is keep us preoccupied, greedy and self-obsessed until the current Stellar Activation Cycle ends. This Stellar Activation Cycle (SAC), which began on 21 December 2012—the end of the Mayan calendar—is when Earth aligns with its higher planetary bodies in the harmonic universes and the stargates to these universes open. It is an ascension event that only happens for five years in every twenty-five thousand. If we do not succeed in opening the Halls of Amenti then, our last chance to escape this dying planet will be lost. All life on Earth—including those of us who volunteered to be guardians of this project—shall perish.

With only eight months remaining, the staff of Amenti have several concerns, but none so pressing as the full reactivation of all twelve stations in the Earth’s Signet Grid. It is hoped that the combined energy and inspiration of the fully functional Signet Grid will be enough to raise the planetary consciousness of the Earth to a level where it might again host the Sphere of Amenti.

All but one of the fourteen soul minds of Amenti’s staff are now fully aware and have taken up their positions on the Amenti Project. Naturally the disappearance of one of our staff members, Mathu, is another grave concern. For without all fourteen members of our team there shall be no going home for any of us.

The thirteen souls with whom I share my destiny—Polaris and Solarian, Talori and Castor, Vespera and Dexter, Levi and Thana, Denera and Zalman, Kali and Mathu, and my partner, Arcturus—have been my dearest friends, my family, my lovers and children throughout every major incarnation I have endured in Earth’s evolutionary scheme.

It is no accident that I am the sixth and last of the Dragon Queens to have been born, or that it has fallen to me to compile and record
our secret history. For I am the key-holder to Signet Station Twelve, named Triogenes, which resonates with the frequency of ‘the storyteller’.

Due to the constant time-hopping activities of my fellow Amenti members and myself, it will be near impossible to form a straight time line of events. But I shall endeavour to do so with a little help from my daughter, Tamar, now better known to the staff of Amenti as Kali, and my sisters: Solarian, the once prolific Ashlee Granville-Devere; and Talori, who has also contributed to our family histories in her lifetime as Lady Susan Devere.

Since taking up my position on the staff of Amenti, I have been telepathically linked to the other six females on the staff, known in legend as the Dragon Queens. And so it is that my Dragon sisters can lend to me their perspective of events so that I may set pen to paper again to record this final chapter in the history of the Grail bloodline.


In cycles the legends come forth,
each with its own cast of characters,
incorporated into a work without beginning or end,
but forever perpetuating new stories.

In myth, they are the keys to the creation process,
to the great mysteries of creation and humanity.
Imagination flows from the Triogenes,
not bound by space or time,
to be entered as desired
by any soul mind with the patience to listen
to the flow of creation.

For in truth,
all is myth,
myth is all.

I was lost in contemplation out the window of the private aircraft that was carrying me towards my Signet station at Montségur.

It felt rather surreal to be embarking on my first official mission as an Amenti staff member, along with my husband, Albray—Amenti code name Arcturus—and our thirteen-year-old daughter, Tamar. Our task was to secure and open my Signet station, for an archaeological excavation had broken through to its outer labyrinth and, although there was no chance of anyone finding the station
hidden within, we did not wish to attract any attention to the area. It was our job to keep any discoveries made beneath Montségur under wraps.

As fate would have it, the head excavator at Montségur, André Pierre, was an old friend and admirer of my translation skills of ancient languages. So when the project leaders broke through to the labyrinth and discovered ancient text therein, their first call was to me, to assist with translation. The excavation project had found symbols associated with the Knights Templar, side by side with well-known emblems of the Cathars—much like those found nearby in the grottoes of Sabarthez. Hence my husband had also been invited to join the excavation project due to his expertise on the period that had seen the demise of the Cathars. Of course, the fact that Albray had actually been there to witness the burning fields of Montségur in the thirteenth century had a bit to do with his knowledge.

Dangerous circumstances lay ahead of us, hardly the kind of situation that most parents would choose to lead their teenage daughter into—but then Tamar was no ordinary teenager.

On Tamar’s thirteenth birthday, her biological clock triggered the integration of her consciousness with the advanced extraterrestrial soul mind of the Anunnaki Queen Kali, who had been lying dormant in our daughter’s non-coding DNA since her conception. In less than a week Tamar developed into a mature woman, more beautiful, more intelligent and infinitely more powerful than any other being on Earth.

This would have been truly horrifying for me to witness had a prophetess not given me prior warning of the event, and still I was finding the adjustment far more difficult than my daughter was. The part of me that was Mia Devere, Tamar’s human biological mother, was compelled to question, challenge and teach her. The part of me that was my higher self, Meridan, mistrusted the Anunnaki race, of which Kali was queen, for their offences against humanity both in this universal dimension and the next.

Few traces of my little girl were still apparent in the woman I now saw when I looked at Tamar. Her long, straight, near-black hair she had inherited from her father, but her once brown eyes had now
turned a deep shade of violet and her skin was darker, more akin to the Anunnaki. Her tall, slender form made her appear a little fragile, and her outer beauty stopped traffic, yet she had the psychic power and physical capability to destroy the most hardened and skilled warriors.

Our fellow staff members suspected that the Montségur project was being secretly backed by our foe, the Nefilim, or their Illuminati operatives, and Tamar’s purpose on this mission was to sniff out any Nefilim involvement. Albray and I had been given very strict instructions to give her a free rein; despite any parental instinct we might feel, we were not to question her methods.

I was a little perturbed about the black mini-dress and high heels Tamar had decided to wear today—André Pierre was a renowned womaniser, and the outfit made her look as if she’d just stepped off a catwalk in Milan. When I mentioned this, Tamar only grinned.

‘All the easier for me to siphon information from him. The majority of human males are easily manipulated by their desires, and this is doubly true of Nefilim males,’ she said.

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