The Billionaire's Secret Kink Box Set: Knox: Secret Alpha Billionaire Romance Bundle (Rosesson Brothers Book 1) (50 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Secret Kink Box Set: Knox: Secret Alpha Billionaire Romance Bundle (Rosesson Brothers Book 1)
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Reece leaned forward, "Perhaps after our dinner I can take you by the hospital and show you my department like I promised you. I received word yesterday that I will be declared the new Outpatient Surgery Medical Director, so it is truly my department now."

"Wow, Reece, that is amazing! Congratulations!"

"Thank you. I take great pride in my medical career. Your partner was right about one thing. I will be the youngest medical director Westwood General has ever seen."


They were interrupted by the waiter. He placed drinks on their table and held his pen over his pad.

"I ordered you a red wine earlier. Why don't I just order you my favorite?" Reece asked.

Emma thought that was a little presumptuous, but heck, who knew if she was going to like anything here anyway. She sipped her wine and nodded her assent.

"2 Crabes mous frits," Reece said to the waiter, and then dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

That was a little weird.
Emma thought.
I didn't know people did that in real life.

Reece started in talking about his department and how many doctors would be working under him and the fact that he wouldn't have to ever do patient care again and about what his plans were for adding more staff as soon as possible.

Emma nodded in the right places and listened a little listlessly. She wanted to be interested, she really did, but she just wasn't. Reece didn't seem to notice.

The food came and Emma tried it. It was seafood of some sort. It wasn't bad. She didn't really like red wine so she drank more of her water than anything.

Reece had his napkin in his lap and finished off his third bourbon while he was talking. His hands were animated, but seemed off to her. She was almost mesmerized by them. They didn't match the inflections in his voice. They seemed to be telling her something totally different than what his words were saying. If only she could figure out what it was ... her attention waned.


"So shall we go?"

Emma jerked alert at the sound of his question. Reece's steady drone of facts and opinions about everything he did every day and all the people he worked with had put her into a kind of trance and she didn't even realize it. What a bore she was being! What was wrong with her? Here she was out with this handsome, successful man and she couldn't even keep her mind on what he was saying!

"Um, yes, certainly." She stood up, noticing that the check was already at the table.

Reece put his arm around her and walked her to the door. Once outside, he steered her towards his sleek, black Audi at the curb. He opened the passenger door and motioned for her to get inside. Hesitantly she stepped in. She didn't know where they were going.

Reece ran around the front and climbed inside the driver's door. He ran his hand over the dashboard lovingly. "This baby cost me $340,000."

A little bolt of disbelief rippled through Emma's chest. An involuntary gasp escaped her lips. He spent $340,000 on a
? Emma wasn't hurting for money, but if she had $340,000 she certainly wouldn't spend it on a
. She would buy a home with it. Or donate some of it to poor kids at Christmas. Or set up a soup kitchen for all the homeless she saw every day. Or give it to families with no money for even
who were trying to feed babies. She knew people spent that kind of money on cars all the time - or even sillier purchases, but it wasn't part of her everyday reality. She couldn't understand it.

Reece must have taken her gasp as a compliment. He chuckled. "Yes, but she was worth every penny." He started the car and pulled out into traffic.

Emma gasped again, internally this time, at his aggressive style of driving. "She" was a sports car, no doubt about it. Emma grabbed her seatbelt and put it on. She noticed Reece wasn't wearing his. She thought to herself how he seemed to really put away the bourbon at dinner. She didn't notice how many he drank, but she thought she remembered at least four of them disappearing down his throat.
What have you gotten yourself into Em? When did you become stupid?
Internally, she weighed her options.

Thankfully, the hospital was close. He pulled into the parking garage. "I get my own parking spot," He remarked proudly, not noticing the relief on her face.

They parked in his spot and headed for the door. He always walked about a half step ahead of her. Emma thought maybe that was her fault. She wasn't used to wearing heels. She followed him down the long hallway towards an elevator. They got inside and he pressed number 4.

Leaning towards her he winked and said, "Now you get to see where the magic happens."

He smelled good. So far Emma wasn't sure how she felt about this date, but he was definitely attractive. She hadn't felt any fireworks yet, but that didn't mean anything. He certainly didn't turn her stomach.

The elevator doors opened onto a nurses station. There were three nurses sitting at the station, all intent upon their work. One looked up, and quickly looked back down again when she saw them.

Reece strode to the station and addressed the closest nurse. "You there, who is the attending right now?"

You there?
thought Emma.
Isn't this his department? Doesn't he know these nurses?

The nurse looked up, and Emma almost took a step back at the obvious animosity in her eyes. She looked like she was trying to burn a hole through Reece's forehead. "Dr. Fadley," she said, her voice strangely neutral, empty of any emotion whatsoever.

Emma looked at Reece, wondering what he would think of the nurse's heated look, but he wasn't looking at the nurse's face. As he talked to her, he looked slightly over her left shoulder.
How strange.

Reece gave the nurse some instructions and then took Emma's hand, pulling her down the hallway. True to his word, he gave Emma a full tour. She saw his brand new office - huge, with a view of the city - and he took her through the entire post-op ward. Emma noted that every time he passed a nurse he did not say hi or acknowledge her presence.
she thought again. She was starting to feel a headache coming on. She almost never got headaches, but when she did she was very careful about them because she had migraines as a teenager and she never wanted to experience those again. She thanked Reece for the tour and asked if he could drive her back to her car so she could head home and get some rest.


Back home, in a warm bath she carefully unpacked her impressions of the evening. She so wanted to like Reece - so wanted to believe he was the one, but the evening left her unsure of anything.

She sighed and slipped deeper in the relaxing water. Well, she guessed she would still be seeing Craig on Sunday afternoon. Her spirits picked up a bit just at the thought of Craig. He had asked her what kind of stuff she liked to do on dates and she had said, "oh, something fun, like biking or hiking". He had smiled then and told her he had "just the thing" and said to dress as if she were going hiking.

She wondered what he had planned. It sounded like fun already, whatever it was.

She sighed, and sunk down deeper into the bubbles, till only her nose and the top of her head were above the water.



Chapter 9





Norman Foster eased open the front door and slipped into the living room of the drug house. No one even looked up, which was how he wanted it. On his way through the main room he grabbed Lydia out of her chair. She was floating for sure, head lolling and eyes mostly closed. When he grabbed her hand she came out of the chair in a fluid motion, like he had really grabbed a balloon on a string.

He pulled her through the hallway to the room in the back of the house. He unlocked the room with a key on his keyring and pushed her in before him. She went straight to the bed, knowing that's where he wanted her.

This room was the heart of the house. This is where "cops-in-the-know" came to relax. Norman coined that phrase. It described any cop he liked, who was willing to do what Norman wanted. No women cops were allowed to be "in the know" though. They were too shifty. You couldn't rely on them not to break down and squeal the first time some fed came sniffing around. The only women he wanted to deal with were the women he fucked in this room. And when the fucking was done, he was done with them.

The room was larger than the living room - big enough for a king size bed off to one side, plus a desk and a couch. Jeffries was already here, sitting on the couch, smoking what was probably an A-bomb, heroin and marijuana mixed in a cigarette, and watching TV.

Norman grunted in his direction. Jeffries waggled his fingers in greeting.

Norman walked to the desk and pulled out the RF detector. He swept the room for bugs, paying particular attention to the TV and the computer. Clean. Good.

"Strip," he told Lydia.

She lifted her shirt over her head and he felt himself stiffen. She was young, probably under twenty, and was still a chipper - not quite an addict - although he didn't give her more than a month or two. She still looked good and took care of her hair and body and didn't have any scars or marks. Her breasts were perky and perfect. He walked over and grabbed one. It felt hefty in his hand. He slid his fingers to the nipple and pinched. "Pants off."

In a cat-like motion she laid back on the bed, pulling her nipple out of his reach, and lifted her legs to one side, sliding her pants down and dropping them on the ground. She didn't have to be told to roll over. Norman didn't have sex facing women. He only looked at the back of their head. Well, at least not since Emma.

Norman unbuckled his pants and pulled out his dick, rolling a condom on it quickly and then sliding into her in one motion. He grabbed a big handful of her hair with one hand and worked single-mindedly towards climax.

"She's dating again," Jeffries said.

Norman only grunted. If 'she' was who he thought it was he wanted to finish this before he heard any more of the conversation.

Norman worked harder, staring at Lydia's ass, and putting all his focus on the sensation of sex. He was in a hurry now. Yes. He stiffened with his release and ground his teeth together. He pulled out and headed to the bathroom to clean up.

Norman unlocked his personal cabinet and pulled out a clean wash cloth. He soaped it up and washed down every part of his body that had touched Lydia. She didn't look dirty to most people, but he knew she was. Every woman he had ever met, except for Emma, was dirty. He could see it, seemingly just under their skin, like a waxy layer of dead cells.

He checked his dark hair in the mirror. Perfect, as usual. He knew he looked good. Women seemed to fall all over themselves to talk to him when they first met him. Emma once said he looked like a scary Hugh Jackman. He wasn't one to judge if other men looked good or not, but he took it as a compliment. He swiped his thumb over each eyebrow, smoothing it down, and dried off.

When he came out, he saw Lydia was waiting to see if he wanted anything else. Good girl.

"Who is dating again?" he asked Jeffries.

"Emma, she is dating some doctor at Westwood General."

That fucking cunt. Who does she think she is? Hasn't she learned her fucking lesson yet?
Norman balled his hands into fists and paced the room. Now that he was a Captain it was harder for him to go out roughing people up himself. What was he going to do this time? When he made Assistant Chief, and was done with all this bullshit, she was going to marry him again and legitimize him. She just didn't know it yet. He knew she would come around if he just put a little time and sweet talk into it. But she couldn't go ruining that by finding some guy before then.

"Who is Emma?" Lydia asked from the bed, slowly and haltingly.

In two big steps Norman was on her. He slapped her across the face. "Shut up bitch! This isn't your business. Get your clothes and get out of here."

Lydia shrank back but he saw the truth in her eyes. Some bitches needed to be slapped or they thought you didn't like them anymore. She was one of them. Daddy must have slapped her a lot. She grabbed her clothes and ran to the door.

"Oh Lydia," he called, liltingly.

She turned back, a hand holding her cheek. He tossed her a tin full of powder. It hit her on the shoulder and bounced to the floor. She scrabbled over to it and grabbed it, holding it to her chest with her hands. She glanced at him once more and opened the door, rushing out into the hallway.

He locked it behind her and started making plans. Emma needed another lesson. One that would finally sink in.


Chapter 10


Sunday morning Emma slept in, trying to recover from her long shifts of the week. Just yesterday she had worked sixteen hours and had two cardiac arrest patients. Those were difficult if the ride to the hospital was long, because CPR took a lot out of everybody.

When she finally got moving she walked to her favorite cafe and ordered breakfast. A leisurely breakfast with no one talking to her was a treat she did not get to enjoy often.

Her mind kept turning her towards her date. Her excitement put a spring in her step and happiness in her heart.

BOOK: The Billionaire's Secret Kink Box Set: Knox: Secret Alpha Billionaire Romance Bundle (Rosesson Brothers Book 1)
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