The Billionaire's Second-Chance Bride (The Romero Brothers, #1) (14 page)

Read The Billionaire's Second-Chance Bride (The Romero Brothers, #1) Online

Authors: Shadonna Richards

Tags: #the bride series, #billionaire romance, #billionaire bad boy, #family saga, #contemporary romance

BOOK: The Billionaire's Second-Chance Bride (The Romero Brothers, #1)
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Lucy spread her legs apart to give Antonio better access, groaning in delight. He French kissed her sex with a hungry passion. This caught Lucy by pleasant surprise. She’d never been fulfilled there before. She didn’t know what to expect. His soft tongue slid in between her wet swollen folds, twirling and circling until she came with a sweet orgasmic tremble, arching her back and moaning in satisfaction.

“Oh, God!” Lucy moaned in pleasure, breathless. After another jolt of sweet release she cried out his name. Antonio was hot! The man rocked her world in ways she could never have imagined! Where did he learn to be such a skilled, erotic lover?

She was still buzzing from the sensual experience of feeling his tongue between her legs. Her body was trembling.

Antonio then shifted position and got up, breathing hard. She could see the tented erection through his pants. He gazed lovingly into her eyes and a warm smile touched his lips. He seductively swept his eyes over her nakedness and her body tingled everywhere. He seemed to be admiring her curvaceous form.

Oh, God! I’m naked. He can see my naked body fully exposed. He is enjoying this.

The thought fueled a sexually powerful urge within her. It was highly empowering, more than she ever would have thought watching him admiring her body and her defined curves. She had always been self-conscious about having a little extra weight and not being a super-model size but Antonio made her feel as if she were a precious treasure. She could feel the soulful appreciation in his dark, deliciously sexy gaze.

He wants me. Me!

Still, she was grateful that the low lighting of the room created a warm, romantic ambiance. The beautiful ballad “On the Wings of Love” by Jeffrey Osborne played on the iPod. She was memorizing the gorgeous physique of Antonio's hot body as he removed his attire.

Her body was highly aroused as she trembled with desire. God, he really knew how to turn on a woman and keep her fire stoked.

He reached into the pocket of his dinner jacket that was tossed on the bedside and pulled out a shiny, silver-foiled package.

A condom.

Oh, thank God!
She hadn’t thought of carrying one in her purse because it wasn’t as if she’d ever planned to get some any time soon.

For a fleeting second, Lucy respected that he was in control and sensible enough to never take chances. They really were going all the way. And there would be nothing to stop them. Nothing.

By the time he unzipped his pants and exposed his tented silk boxers, Lucy was heated to the boiling point. Ready to explode if he wasn’t inside her soon.

Oh. My. God.

Antonio really did have a well-sculpted body beneath his clothes, as she had imagined. Lucy gasped as she surveyed his herculean physique.
This man takes care of himself.

Antonio was drop-dead gorgeous in every way. Her heart turned over in response to seeing him almost naked. His dark toned muscular build and well-defined body was impressive to say the least. There wasn’t an inch of fat anywhere. He obviously worked out a lot at the gym.

Her eyes devoured his broad shoulders and defined biceps and his impressive six-pack.

Oh, my!
He had a real six-pack. She’d only seen stuff like that in sports magazines with certain athletes or body builders. Not the large type but the medium-to-lean built athletes who made it a point to sculpt their physique. Lucy felt a little intimidated by this sex god in front of her but that melted away when she saw his smile of approval and that look had warmed her heart.

Antonio was devilishly handsome. He had the smoothest skin she’d ever seen and a radiant glow about him.

As the heat of expectancy filled her, Antonio moved closer to her and pressed his lips to hers again as he devoured her on the bed. She dug her fingers into his naked flesh. He then shifted his position and stripped off his boxers. Lucy’s eyes widened. “Oh, God!”

“Something wrong?” he teased her in a hoarse voice, a wicked grin on his lips.

“No. Everything’s...right,” she whispered sheepishly, feeling the scorching heat rise to her cheeks and to her nether region. Lucy secretly wondered if she could really accommodate Antonio’s huge manhood. He certainly was blessed with porn-star proportions. Nature had been good to him, she observed with delight.

Right then, Lucy wanted him inside her. She wanted to pleasure him with the moistness between her lips the same way he pleasured her moments ago. She lowered her head to his impressive manhood and wrapped her fingers around his long, hard shaft before taking him into her mouth. He tasted sweet, she thought with delight as she motioned her tongue around his hardness while moving her hand up and down his length simultaneously. She enjoyed the low groans of delight as he reacted to her soft tongue over his flesh. She could tell that she was close to bringing him to release but then he stopped her. His voice was hoarse when he told her he wanted to be inside her.

Yes. Make love to me, Antonio.

After she pleasured his body to the brink of orgasm, Antonio ripped open the condom packet and rolled it over his long erection. He was ready to take her to ecstasy.

Antonio was on top of her now and Lucy moaned uncontrollably as he slid deep inside her between her thighs, thrusting his manhood firmly and powerfully as she tightened around him. Her hands tightened around his back as he moved inside back and forth, over and over sending sexual currents through her. Lucy couldn’t believe how good Antonio felt. She cried out for more as he gratified her sexually. This was the craziest, mind-blowing sex she’d ever experienced in her entire life. Not that she had much experience to begin with. What had she been missing out on?

Her heart pumped fast and hard as she came. Soon after, Antonio came before collapsing on top of her, breathing heavily. She relished in the drowsy warmth of his embrace, savoring the moment.

She was feeling deeply satisfied and richly desired while Luther Vandross’s hauntingly beautiful ballad “So Amazing” played through the speakers. Yes, Lucy concurred with “truly it’s’s so amazing to be loved...”

Now the only feeling drifting through Lucy as she lay on top of Antonio’s muscular chest listening to his strong heart beating rhythmically was that Antonio was amazing. He made
feel amazing. And she didn’t want it to end. Ever.



ntonio was incredible, Lucy thought to herself waking up a short time after they’d made hot, passionate love. She turned her head to glance his way and saw that he looked like he was dreaming in his sleep, a sexy grin curled his lips. She admired the beauty of his dark long lashes as he lay with his eyes closed.

He’s stunning!

She wondered what time it was. Her eyes caught the display of the digital clock on the bedside table. It was five o’clock in the morning.

Mon Dieu!

Why was she thinking in French all of a sudden? Was it because it was the language of romance? She quickly got up off the bed and gathered her clothes from the floor. Her long, satin ball gown.

What had she done?

She was supposed to have attended the charity ball then leave that evening, not the next morning from Antonio Romero’s bed.

But it was what she’d dreamed about for so long.

Antonio Romero.

He looked as if he was in a deep sleep and she didn’t want to wake him. Not just yet, anyway.

The naughty thoughts of last night’s remarkable sexual adventure was more than overwhelming. Lucy was grinning from ear to ear. The memory of his silky touch on her skin left her feeling on top of the world.


Just as Lucy headed to the en suite bathroom, she stopped dead in her tracks.


She thought she heard the sound of feet shuffling outside the door. It must have been her imagination. She carefully walked closer to the door and her heart flipped in her chest. She spotted a shadow underneath the door but that shadow vanished.

The corridor lights were on outside so it was obvious to her she wasn't imagining things. Her stomach churned with anxiety.

Was somebody spying on us?



ater that day, Lucy sat at her desk in her office at Dream Weddings, Inc. sipping on her French vanilla latte. She had a mound of paperwork to go through but oddly enough, her mood wasn’t as dark as it had been during the week.

She ran over the events of the morning in her mind and a smile warmed her heart. She couldn’t help but feeling mellow inside. She was feeling dizzy with excitement. She felt so on top of the world. Love did that to a girl.

Antonio Romero
. Had she fallen, God forbid, in love with Antonio? She couldn’t have. But she cared so deeply for him. Her mind was dominated with thoughts of him with her, inside her, around her. What were these feelings she had for him nestled in the cushion of her heart?


She was like a school girl again. Or more realistically, she was more like a girl who had fallen head over shoes in love since she hadn’t actually fallen in love in school. She had never had feelings like this for Jeff or anyone else for that matter. Lucy gave Antonio her whole heart. Would he give her his? She knew Antonio cared deeply for her. He told her so many times when they’d made love last night and the way he looked at her and treated her with such high regard and respect.

He took her home early that morning and made sure that she was okay before tending to a business meeting at his office.

It was midday and she would be expecting Maxine to come in any moment. Maxine had a meeting with the vendor dealing with the upcoming mob-style wedding couple. So far everything was in place and safety measures were set. Yes, even fake mob weddings needed to have safety measures in place.

Not even
bothered Lucy.

Lucy also had a productive meeting with the legal team regarding that dreadful twelve-million dollar lawsuit the company was facing. On advise of her bookkeeper she decided not to get an ulcer over it and let the powers that be handle it. That legal mess had torn Lucy up when she had first heard about it but the matter was out of her hands now and dealing with her current clients and making sure the business ran as smoothly as possible was on the top of her list of priorities. Besides, the case could take forever in the court system which would give her enough time to gather the right documents together and help her company’s defense team. She had to make sure not to dishonor her aunt’s memory. Even though that disastrous wedding occurred while on her aunt’s watch.

Then another thought struck Lucy. She and Antonio had been so busy in each other’s love that they hadn’t even brought up the whole wedding fiasco with Toni’s dream Fun Bird wedding to his young bride. Had Antonio changed his mind? Would he call off his silly little ultimatum to shut her down if she didn’t find a way to cancel Toni’s dream wedding? She understood how much he loved his grandfather and wanted to ensure that he was not taken advantage of and that no harm would come to his health in any way by planning such a risky ceremony, but really, he needed to look at things from his grandfather’s perspective. His granddad was in love and Antonio needed to accept it. Why, surely now that Antonio and she were “seeing” each other he would understand and mellow his temperament towards Shelly, his soon-to-be step-grandmother.

“Well, look whose sitting pretty at her desk!” Maxine burst into Lucy’s office with a wide grin.

Lucy rolled her eyes and smiled. “Good afternoon, Maxine. How did it go at Robertson Hall?” She tried to dodge any insinuation.

“Oh, no, girlfriend,” Maxine persisted, pulling up a chair right in front of Lucy’s desk. “You are going to spill the goods.”

“What goods?”

“You know what I’m talking about. You. And Antonio.” Her eyes widened, excitement brimming over.

Lucy sighed deeply, her heart was fluttering about in her chest again. Thoughts of Antonio did that to her. “There’s nothing to tell, Maxine.”

“Oh, yeah, like heck. I saw you walk away with Mr. Hot and Sexy after that dirty dancing y’all did.”

“Dirty dancing?!”

“Yes. You were grinding and wining,” Maxine teased her as she swayed her hips in the chair. “Then, that assistant of his called out your name after the prize draw and you weren’t around. Where'd you sneak off to?”

“What?” This was the first time Lucy heard any of this. “W-what are you talking about?” Anxiety seized her throat and tightened its hold around her windpipe.

“The door-prize, Lucy! You won. Your name was drawn and when she, Miriam, I think, went to announce it, you...and Mr. Hot Guy weren’t around.” Maxine let out a cackle, clearly enjoying herself.

Lucy felt feverish all of a sudden. So everyone knew that she wasn’t at the ball very long. Oh, God! How mortifying.

Then another thought sent daggers to her heart. Did Mariam come looking for Lucy? Was she the one who was snooping outside the bedroom door after she and Antonio...? Oh, God!

“Lucy, are you okay, girlfriend? You don’t look too well.”

“I’m...I’m okay,” Lucy eked out. She swallowed hard and looked down at the file in front of her, scooping it up in her hand, as if to avoid talking any more about the possible fiasco. Her lips were pressed into a thin line. Her mood deflated in an instant.

Just then, their receptionist came bursting into her office. Why hadn’t she pinged on the intercom?

“Lucy, it’s Shelly on the phone.”


“Yes, Toni’s wife...I mean fiancée. She’s at the hospital. Toni had an MI.”

“An MI? What’s that?” Lucy asked as horror crept into her voice. That sure didn’t sound favorable, whatever it was.

“I’m sorry,” Darla shook her head. “I’m in nursing school part-time so I’m use medical terminology.”

“Darla, what is that? What happened?” Maxine chimed in, anxiously as she leaned forward in her chair gaping at Darla.

Why did Darla have to be so dramatic?

“Myocardial infarction,” Darla said as if they should know what that meant.
Didn't they ever watch TV?
Darla had the look of sorrow in her eyes. “He had a heart attack.”

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