The Billionaire's Marriage Proposal (Billionaire Bachelors Series - Book 4) (12 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Marriage Proposal (Billionaire Bachelors Series - Book 4)
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He led her out of the room to another beautiful restaurant, where he once again ordered their meal. Her only request was to try something new from what she’d already had. She wanted to try as many of the local favorites as possible before they had to leave and she had yet to find anything she didn’t love immediately.

The highlight of her evening was when he took her to a concert featuring Mozart and Strauss. The first set was compositions of Mozart, exclusively, and was so beautiful her eyes filled with tears and spilled over. Trenton was there to hand her a Kleenex, but she was so enthralled with the music she couldn’t turn away even long enough to say thank you, so she just took it and dabbed her eyes and nose.

There was also a soloist who performed, alongside the musicians and ballet dancers, adding to the magic. A lovely opera singer performed with so much power in her voice the room echoed with her words. Intermission came too soon and she turned to Trenton with anxious eyes.

“I can’t believe how quickly that went. I hope the second half’s longer.”

“It’s certainly a great show, but there are a number of shows in the states with equal quality,” he told her.

“I’ve never been to a show like this before. I’ve heard of them, of course, but never pictured I’d be the type of person who’d attend. I thought they were for the rich and famous, and more about being seen, than there actually being such sheer beauty,” she told him.

He sat back, a bit uncomfortable. He’d attended many of the shows as nothing more than another business meeting. It was a good place to see and be seen and he’d closed many business deals afterward. Her pure enjoyment of the music and beauty around her was humbling.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself,” he finally said, and by the look in her eye she knew he was one of those people she’d just been talking about. He shouldn’t let her criticism affect him in any way but it surprisingly did.

He went and got them each drinks and a snack and then sat back, visiting with some of the other people in the exclusive box, while waiting for the second half to begin. As Jennifer didn’t speak German, she listened, but to his surprise, she didn’t seem uncomfortable at being excluded from the conversation.

The lights flickered and she turned forward, once again completely tuning him and the other people out, focusing on the rising curtain before her.

The music of Strauss filled the room and Jennifer was once again mesmerized. His music sent her to a whole other dimension.

The music had the power to take her away to a new world and when it ended and she was thrown back into reality. She was surprised by the tears streaking down her cheeks and the quiet sobs escaping her lips. The entire event had been so beautiful she hadn’t been able to control her emotions. She didn’t see the look of wonder on Trenton’s face, as she was trying to get herself together.

“Would you like to go backstage?” he asked. Her eyes rounded in pleasure. She never thought she’d ever get to meet the people who made such beautiful music. She couldn’t even speak, so she simply nodded her head.

He led her down a hallway and quickly got them backstage, where she was surrounded with people, who were laughing and visiting, everyone seeming to be on a high after such a fabulous performance.

One of the Opera singers, a very gorgeous male, was showing her a lot of attention, which she didn’t even really notice, until Trenton put his arm around her and sent the man a glare, letting him know she was most certainly taken. A bit later in the evening, as she was sipping on a glass of champagne, and found herself alone, the man once again approached her.

“If you want to run away from that brute of a man, I can sneak you out the backdoor,” he suggested, which made her face turn pink, and a giggle escape her lips. She was flattered such a talented man would find her appealing enough to want to run away with her. She was tempted, if only to show Trenton he in no way owned her. She gave him a dazzling smile, when she was suddenly gripped from behind.

“The woman is taken,” Trenton’s voice said from behind, as his arms snaked around her waist and pulled her tightly to him. She was shocked by his behavior, as she’d never before seen him act so possessively. It wasn’t like they were on a real date, anyway. She was his employee and he was simply showing her the town on a business trip.

He didn’t give her time to say anything else, he just steered her toward a door, where his guards were, and led her outside to his waiting car. She slid in, feeling slightly buzzed and completely euphoric because of the wonderful night. Even his bad temper did nothing to her great mood.

“That was amazing. I’m certainly going to have to go to shows in the states. I know I won’t get nearly as good of seats, but I don’t think it will matter whether you’re in the luxurious boxes or the back row. The music is so powerful it will carry to the furthest reaches of the theatre,” she said to him. He noticed her hand once again stroked the jewelry, as it had all evening.

He could care less about the expensive pieces and found himself even more frustrated she was still worried about it. He pulled her across the car and locked his lips onto hers, taking both of their breaths away. The driver pulled up to their hotel and he reluctantly released her, neither of them saying a word on the long elevator ride to the top floor.

They entered the room and she shrugged out of her jacket, leaving her before him in the dress that had bothered him all evening. He poured them each a drink and handed hers over. She greedily sipped from the cup. He swallowed his in one shot, his nerves fried.

“Thank you for another wonderful day, Mr. Anderson,” she said and turned toward her room. He stared at her in shock. She almost got away he was so stunned by her words. He finally got his footing just as she stepped through her doorway, and barged in after her, before she had a chance to shut the door and lock him out. Hell, he’d have broken the door down anyway, with the mood he was in.

“How the hell can you call me
Mr. Anderson
after the last few days we’ve had?” he shouted. She looked at him a bit stunned and took a step back. He slowly followed her, not letting his prey out of his sight.

“Y…you are my boss,” she stuttered, seeming to realize the anger she’d caused in him and quickly making a retreat.

He followed her until her knees hit the bed and she had nowhere else to go. They were both breathing heavily as he stood with only inches separating them.

“I think we’re far past the formality, Jennifer, and you know it. It’s just your way of trying to create distance and I’m done with that,” he growled and didn’t give her a chance to respond. He took her in his arms and smashed his lips down on hers, all his days of frustration pent up in the long kiss.

She stood in his arms for a moment, shocked, and then her body erupted greater than any volcano could have. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and she kissed him back just as passionately as he was possessing her. She couldn’t get enough of him and found there were too many clothes in the way.

She knew she may regret her decision in the morning, but she didn’t care anymore. She was tired of the aching and she was done lying to herself. She wanted him.

He unzipped her dress and it fell in a puddle on the floor, leaving her standing before him in nothing more than a wisp of fabric covering her womanhood, and a very sexy garter belt and heels. His hands raced up and down her slender body, stopping at her rounded curves, to mold and shape them with his hands.

Her own hands pushed his jacked off and was ripping his tie away. Neither of them had the patience to deal with his buttons, and his own hands came up and ripped the shirt open so her hands could rub over his powerful chest, so smooth and hard beneath her touch.

He groaned into her mouth, when her fingers encircled his nipples and squeezed them, learning there shape. She wanted to taste him and moved her head down his neck, his skin tasting as good as it smelled. She bent further and circled his hardened nipple, gently nipping it, causing him to groan. He pulled her head back up, bringing their lips together again in another scorching kiss.

She reached down and unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down his hips, along with his boxer shorts. Her small hand gripped his throbbing erection, which jumped at her smooth touch. She rubbed her thumb over his slick head and he groaned into her mouth again. He pulled away from her, knowing he’d cum in her hand if she didn’t stop. He needed to sink into her hot folds, and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer if she continued to stroke him.

He tossed her on the bed, quickly following her, and ran his tongue down the smooth column of her throat. She tasted of strawberries and something else he couldn’t describe. It didn’t take him long to reach the lush mounds of her breasts and he quickly sucked her hardened nipple into his mouth, causing her back to arch off the bed, pushing herself harder into his face.

He cupped her breasts, massaging them with his mouth and hands, making her cry out in pleasure. Then, he trailed his mouth down her flat stomach, circling the tiny dent at her naval, loving the feel of her body. Finally, he made his way to her most sacred place, gripping her hips in his hands, as he sunk his face into her moist heat.

The first taste of her made his own erection jump painfully. Her moans of pleasure almost sent him over the edge. He swiped his tongue along her pink folds, then sucked her hardened nob into his mouth, tasting her and pleasuring her in a way he’d never enjoyed pleasuring any other woman.

“Please, Trenton,” she begged, dragging her fingers through his hair. He knew what she needed, because he needed it just as badly. He slipped his fingers inside of her, gritting his teeth at her wetness. She was more than ready for him.

He slowly made his way up her body, trailing his lips along her curves once more, until his mouth took hers again with so much hunger it took both their breaths away. He gripped her thighs, pulling her wide open for his easy access.

She didn’t need any more prodding, her legs circled around his back and her head rolled back in ecstasy as he sank fully into her in one quick thrust. She was so close to the edge, when he pulled out and sunk into her again she jerked off the bed and cried out as the explosion ripped through her sensitive body.

He stared at her in shock as her orgasm continued to rip through her, gripping his body over and over again with the force of her pleasure. Instead of it sending him over the edge, her pleasure seemed to calm him. He slowed his movements, helping to draw her pleasure out. He slid in and out of her body, enjoying the way her heat gripped him tightly. When her shaking stopped, and her eyes opened, he quickened his movements. Her mouth quivered, as he slowly started stroking her body’s flames, once more.

He pushed up on his arms, wanting to watch the sway of her breasts as he thrust in and out of her body, loving the tremors that continuously racked her body. She was flushed and panting, and he felt powerful, and masculine as she took him deep inside her.

She reached her hand forward, brushing his damp hair away from his eyes, trailing her fingertips down the side of his face. It was so intimate, he felt emotion welling inside him. He slowly bent forward, needing to kiss her. He ran his tongue along her swollen lips, tasting her, before slowly opening her mouth, as her body was already opened to him. She sighed into his mouth, before sucking his tongue deep inside, and tangling her tongue with his.

He lost all thoughts as their tongues tangled together, and the last of his control snapped. He started thrusting quickly in and out of her body plunging deeply inside her. He felt the heat building, and his body tensing. Her body tightened, as she cried out with her second orgasm. He suddenly shot his own release deep inside her, and cried out in pleasure that was so intense he thought his heart might stop.

She gripped him with her body, pulling every last seed from him as her legs remained tightly wrapped around his back. Her nails were dug into his shoulders and his mouth lay against her smooth neck as they both shook for many moments. It seemed to never stop but finally her body relaxed and she released her grip on him, seeming to instantly grow weak.

She tried to pull away from him but he wouldn’t allow it. He wouldn’t allow her to pull away from him, anymore, not until he was done with her. He didn’t believe in forever, but he knew what they had was special and he refused to let her retreat.

“You will not pull away from me, again,” he said, tipping her chin up so she had no choice but to look at him. Her eyes rounded as he bent his head and took her lips with his in a gentle kiss, his eyes staring into hers the entire time.

She shut her own eyes, feeling the moment was too intimate, she was too exposed. She didn’t want him to see the love she had for him. It was her secret to hold and she couldn’t share it with him.

He smacked her hip, causing her eyes to open again, and he stared at her with satisfaction. She wiggled to break free from him, not liking how much power he held over her.

“I told you, you won’t pull away from me again, and I meant it, so quit trying to fight me,” he said with a satisfied smile.

“I’m done, and would like for you to get off me,” she said back in as haughty a voice as she could manage, considering he was still lying on top of her with them still connected in the most intimate way they could be. She wasn’t happy with how husky her voice sounded.

“Now you’re lying to me, because I most certainly am not done, and I can feel every inch of your body. Your nipples are still hard and pressed up tightly against my chest. Your heat is still wet and surrounding me tightly, and your pulse is beating quickly beneath your smooth skin, right here,” he said as he nipped her neck, causing her pulse to skip.

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