The Billionaires Love Curves 2 - a BBW BWWM Billionaire Romance (6 page)

Read The Billionaires Love Curves 2 - a BBW BWWM Billionaire Romance Online

Authors: Cj Howard

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Women's Fiction, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages)

BOOK: The Billionaires Love Curves 2 - a BBW BWWM Billionaire Romance
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“I've known you almost a year now and I can tell when you have a secret.”


“What secret could I possibly have?” she asked Elaine.


Since Cole's declaration of love, Lacey had not uttered a word to Elaine. There were reasons why. Firstly, she knew that straight away, what Elaine would do is ask if she'd said it back. Elaine would quiz her again about whether or not she loved Cole, but Lacey was still not sure of the answer.


“So, are you going to tell me or am I going to have to prise the truth out of you with a cocktail stick umbrella,” Elaine said playfully as she pretended to sword fence with Lacey, using a straw.


“Careful,” Lacey said, “I think you're attracting unwanted attention.”


“Who from?” Elaine looked around.

“Don't be so obvious,” Lacey said. “We don't want those creeps coming over here.”

“Why not?” Elaine turned and smiled at two well-dressed men at the end of the bar. “I could do with some fun in my life.”

“You've got a boyfriend,” Lacey reminded her. “And I'm practically a married woman.”

Before Lacey could finish the sentence, Elaine caught hold of the wrist of her left hand.

your secret,” Elaine exclaimed. “You and Cole are getting married. So where's the ring?”

“I'm not engaged,” Lacey laughed.

“But you said practically married. Has he said something?”

Lacey teased Elaine by picking up her cocktail glass and taking a long sip, looking around to avoid Elaine's gaze but inadvertently smiling at the two men who were looking more and more interested in the girls by the second.


“Don't leave me hanging here, Lacey. Am I going to be a maid of honor or aren't I?”


“Wait a minute, don't get too excited.” Lacey smiled. “I haven't had a proposal but Cole did say he loved me.”


Elaine shrieked with delight, causing everyone around them to turn around. Lacey put a finger on her lips.


“Ssh, keep it down.”

“So he's said it, does that mean you've said it back?” Elaine said.

“Not yet.”

“Not yet, but...”

Before Elaine could finish what she was saying the two men who had been trying to attract their attention were standing beside them.


“Evening, ladies,” one of them said. He was the taller, and possibly better looking, of the two and he could not take his eyes off Elaine. “My friend and I here wondered if we could get you a drink.”


“We're fine, thanks,” Lacey said but Elaine had already sat to attention and arched her back.


Flashing a wide smile, she waved her cocktail in front of the first guy's face.


“Well, I'm almost finished with my mojito, I wouldn't mind another.”


The tall guy signaled to the bartender. “Two more of these, please.”


“Not for me,” Lacey said.

“Why not?” the second of the two men asked. “You're not leaving already are you?”

“No, but this is a private conversation.” Lacey looked back at her unfinished cocktail.


“Oh really?” he said, “your friend might not agree.” He nodded in the direction of Elaine. His friend was all over Elaine with his back to both him and Lacey.  Elaine was laughing loudly and tossing back her hair, picking up the fresh cocktail which had just arrived, as if Lacey wasn't there anymore.


“Maybe I should leave,” Lacey said.


“Oh please don't,” the guy said. “I won't bite.

“Well, I might.” Lacey jumped off her stool and slipped. At the same time the guy caught her by the arms and slightly pulled her to him.


Just at that moment, Lacey looked up and saw that her ex-assistant, Maria, had walked in and was staring at her from the entrance. Lacey felt uncomfortable and tried to pull away from this man who was reluctant to let go of one of her arms.


“Please,” Lacey said to him, looking at where his hand gripped her wrist. He released her. “Elaine,” Lacey tried to come between Elaine and her new admirer. “I should go. I have to be in early tomorrow. You coming?”


“You sure?” Elaine said.


“Absolutely,” Lacey said looking over her shoulder at where Maria stood. She was still looking daggers at Lacey.


“I'm not ready to leave. I'll see you at home. You okay?” Elaine said and continued laughing at whatever this stranger had whispered into her ear.


Lacey turned to leave and didn't realize until she was in the foyer that the second guy had followed her.


“I can take it from here,” she told him.


“It's all right,” he said, “I'm leaving any way. Looks like our friends know how to have a good time.”


The following day Cole came into her office.


“Did you have a good evening with Elaine last night?” he asked her.


“Oh, you know, one bar is pretty much like the rest.” She fiddled with some papers and then put on her computer.


“Yeah,” Cole continued. “But this was a new place you were trying with Elaine, right?”

“That's right,” Lacey said, feeling a little uncomfortable as she noticed that Cole had not sat down or smiled at her once.


“Elaine knows how to enjoy herself,” Cole said.

“She does, but I had to leave her there and go.”

“On your own?”

“Well, sure, on my own. I do know how to hail a taxi.” Lacey looked up at Cole and smiled, hoping he would too.


“So you took a taxi – back to your place?”

“Where else? Cole what is this? Why do I get the feeling there's something you want to say to me but won't?”


“How do you mean?”


“You tell me,” Lacey's face was just as serious as Cole's now. “Is this anything to do with Maria by any chance?”


“I don't want to play games, Lacey. Yes, it was Maria, she saw you with some guy and she saw you leaving with him.”


“No, what she saw was me being bothered by some creep who decided to go home when he saw his friend got lucky with Elaine and I didn't want to know.”


“And that was it?”


“Of course that was it. Wait up, Cole. When did you see Maria?”


“I didn't, she called my office this morning.”


“So you two are still on friendly terms? I thought you got rid of her and I thought you two stopped seeing each other a long time ago.”


“That's all true. But she was concerned for me. Worried you might be playing me along.”


“That's ridiculous, Cole. She just wants to start trouble.”


“Well I've got no reassurances have I?” Cole was softening.


“Meaning?” Lacey stood up and walked over to Cole.


“Meaning, I told you I loved you, Lacey. And I meant it.”


“I know.”




Lacey put her arms around Cole's neck and kissed him. “And I love you, too, Cole. I really do.”


Cole's face broke into a wide smile. He raised Lacey off the ground and spun her around.


“You have no idea how that makes me feel,” he said, letting her feet gently rest on the floor.


He bent to kiss her, her body slightly bent backwards, melting into his strong frame and almost losing her balance.


When they broke away she smiled. She'd said the words and they had not felt wrong, in fact she was swept away with a warm feeling that just being in Cole's arms had generated. She was unaware that slowly he was peeling off the layers of her clothes and letting them fall to the floor.


He walked her to the desk and sat at her chair. He took her hands as she stood in front of him and pulled her closer still. Burying his face between her breasts he lowered her silky panties to the floor. She stood astride him and watched as he unfastened his own clothes, pulling his pants under his thighs to expose his naked lower body. She lowered her body onto his, knowing that this time there would be no interruptions and no better way to seal their love.


They dressed quickly afterwards. Lacey giggled as she slipped her skirt back on.

“What is it?” Cole said.

“We finally christened the office,” she laughed out loud. “No interruptions this time.”

“And,” Cole said as he fastened his clothes, “I've got an idea for another celebration.”

“Cole, we have to get back to work or we definitely will get caught out.”

“I don't mean that.”

“Well what do you mean?”

“You just told me you love me and that calls for a celebration.”

“It does?”

“Of course. It's your birthday coming up, pretty soon, right?”


“Well I wanted to do something wonderful for you so – how about a party?”

“A party? I haven't had one of those since... actually I don't ever remember having a party, not for my birthday.”


“Not even when you were little?” he said walking towards her.


“Cole, you know what my family was like.” Lacey looked down.


“Well, I'm going to show you it doesn't have to be like that, Lacey. Not when it comes to family. I'll invite mine. You invite everyone you want to come, all your friends.”


“But where are throwing this party, Cole?”


“I'll get back to you on that, I need to think it through.”


“We only have a week,” she said.


“That's more than enough time for me to pull something off.”


“So this is how I get you to throw me a party, is it? Have sex with you in the office?”


He laughed and then reached into the inside pocket of his jacket.


“Here, take my credit card. I want you to buy the best dress that money can buy. Go crazy, book a hair appointment, nails, whatever you want.”


“Cole, no, this is too much. A meal for the two of us was all I wanted.”


“Let me treat you, Lacey. You know it makes me happy.”

Lacey bit her bottom lip.

“Well, I've never had a birthday party before...”

Cole, pressed his credit card into her hand.

“This will be the best birthday party, ever,” she said. “Thank you.”


Lacey had asked Elaine to come with her on her shopping trip to buy a dress for her birthday party.


She finally found the ideal dress. It was a floor length, gold dress with a halter neck style. It shimmered as she walked, caressing the sexy curves of her hips as she moved. The bodice was close fitting and the cut of the neckline deep and low. She wore dangling gold earrings that sent dazzling flashes of gold to her cheeks and neck every time the light caught them.


Her makeup was dramatic, deep red lipstick and smoky eye makeup with extended velvet black lashes. She looked and felt like an actress on a red carpet when Cole's driver came to collect her and Elaine on that Saturday night before the party, which was one day before her birthday.


Elaine was dressed in an emerald green evening gown and matching shoes. The two tottered out of the apartment in heels exaggerated in height and had to link arms so they wouldn't trip and twist an ankle. They had both giggled helplessly as they got ready, champagne flowing and dance music blaring in the living room.


Lacey could still not get over the venue that Cole had hired. Her party was to be held at the Statue of Liberty.


“Lacey you are so lucky to have a billionaire for a boyfriend,” Elaine said as they sat in the back of the limousine, just minutes away from the Statue of Liberty. “Robert took me out for pizza on my birthday.”


Elaine had chatted non-stop on their way to the party but was left stunned as she and Lacey finally walked into the venue.


Cole had hired a band, they were playing low, subtle background music. The tables were covered in plush, white cloths and decorated with hibiscus flower center pieces – Lacey's favorite flower. The tables were all positioned around the edges of the room, leaving the middle of the floor for dancing.


The waiting staff walked around with trays of champagne, as guests, most of whom Lacey didn't know, mingled and chatted in the center of the room.


“Here she is!” Cole came rushing over to Lacey the moment he saw her arrive. He held her hands out wide and then spun her under his arm. “Lacey, you look absolutely amazing. That dress! Come on, I want you to meet my parents. Excuse us, Elaine.”


“Oh, don't mind me, I've got an appointment with a glass of champagne. You kids run along.”


Cole placed his hand in the small of Lacey's back and guided her across the vast room.


“I'm nervous about meeting your parents,” Lacey whispered out of the side of her mouth. “We should have done that before tonight.”


“Don't worry so much, Lacey. My parents are going to love you.”


He was walking Lacey towards a couple who were chatting to a group of people quite close to the bar.


“Mum, Dad,” Cole said very loudly, “I'd like you to meet the birthday girl.”


A tall gray haired man in a suit and a woman dressed in a coral pink, silk dress turned and smiled at Lacey.


“Lacey,” his mother said, putting out her hand. “So lovely to finally meet you and many happy returns. I bought you a little something but I'm having it delivered. I hope that's okay.”


“Oh, you didn't have to do that,” Lacey said. “But thank you so much. I can't believe Cole has done all this for me.”


“And well you deserve it,” his mother said, still holding Lacey's hand. “He's told us what a wonderful person you are and I've been asking him to bring you around for ages.” She gave a knowing look to Cole.


“And this is my dad,” Cole said.


Cole looked a lot like his father and gripped Lacey's hand with a firm handshake.


“A pleasure to meet you Lacey, an absolute pleasure.” He gave her a broad smile that reminded her so much of Cole.


“They'll be serving dinner soon,” Cole said. “Should we take our seats? My sister is here with her husband, somewhere. They're at our table, I'll introduce you.”


Cole crooked his arm and Lacey linked hers with his, as Cole walked them to their table.

“It's a shame your mother couldn't make it,” Cole said. “But at least Lucas could make it. There he is, we're all at the same table.”


Lacey could not get over the sight of her kid brother in a suit and tie.


“Lucas!” she exclaimed as she rushed to hug him. “I would never have recognized you.”


“Oh this,” he said, looking down at his suit. “This is all courtesy of Cole. Pretty smart, huh?”


Lacey shook her head in disbelief.


Cole held out her chair so she could sit down. Into his ear, she whispered, “You bought my brother a suit? Cole, how much have you spent on this whole night?”


“Don't even think about it,” Cole whispered back and kissed her cheek. “You're worth it and this is only the start of it.”


“What?” Lacey said. But Cole started making more introductions. His sister had joined the table and she kissed Lacey, then took her seat at the table.


Straight away the starter dish was placed in front of her. Lacey watched the waiting staff gliding with ease between tables, serving the starters as people chatted. She waved over at Elaine, who was sitting at the next table. There must have been over one hundred guests. Lacey couldn't imagine being able to get round and speak to everyone. She became so overwhelmed with what Cole had done, she could barely eat all night.


Lacey danced most of the night. She was having fun meeting new people and getting together with friends that Cole had introduced her to and whom she now saw as her friends, too. She had a slow dance with Cole who whispered into her ear how beautiful she looked.


“Seriously, Lacey, if I wasn't in love with you already and I'd seen you walk into the room dressed like that, I would have fallen in love with you right then and there.”


“Cole, you really have made my night. I mean this is the first birthday party I've ever had, you pulled out all the stops. You've made it so special. And what you did for my brother, that was just, well, just thank you Cole. Thank you so much.”


Cole pulled her closer and bent to kiss her neck. She leaned her head against him, but out of the corner of her eye, Lacey saw Elaine looking like she might topple over at any moment. Since arriving Elaine had not failed to have a glass of champagne in her hand.


“Cole,” Lacey said. “Could you excuse me a moment, I need to have a quick word with Elaine.”


“Okay, but don't go too far. I'm going to need you to help me out with something very soon.”


Lacey made her way over to her friend.


“Everything all right?” Lacey asked Elaine, trying to free her of the drink she was clinging to as she danced around on her own.


“Yeah, I'm fine. Say, who's that cute guy standing by the ice sculpture? I think he's looking at me,” Elaine slurred.


“The black guy in the tux?”


“Yeah, he's cute, you think you can get me an introduction?”


“Elaine, don't you already have a boyfriend?”


“Yes, but I didn't bring him along because I wanted to have some fun.” Elaine was unsteady on her feet.


“Well you better forget the guy in the tux,” Lacey said.


“Why? Is he gay?”


“No, he's only seventeen and he's my brother.”


“Shame. We could have made a great couple.”

A waiter walked by with a tray filled with glasses of champagne and Elaine reached for one. Lacey waved the waiter on and grabbed Elaine's hand. She waved goodbye to the tray of glasses as the waiter moved on and out of her reach.


“Come on,” Lacey said. “Let's get you a long drink of water and some fresh air.”


“Kill joy!”


As Lacey took Elaine towards the door the music stopped suddenly and then the lights went down. Someone started to tap a glass with a spoon and a spotlight shone on the stage as the lights came up slowly in the rest of the room. People murmured and looked around. Lacey wondered if Cole had laid on a birthday cake. It was the only thing missing from her birthday party.


Cole was on the stage, standing in front of a microphone on a stand.


“Thank you, everyone, if I could have your attention for one minute, please.” Cole smiled as he looked out at the room from the stage. “First of all, thank you to everyone who came out tonight to celebrate Lacey's birthday. It was good to see so you all and I hope you're having a good time.”


There was a round of applause.


“I, well, I have a lot of people here who know me very well and know that I never do anything by halves.” A ripple of laughter went around the room.


“That's right. Well, when I first met Lacey, I was blown away by this very attractive woman. I wanted to go out with her, and Lacey can tell you how hard it was for me to get just one date out of her. But... I kept trying because I knew this girl was worth it. So, in the true tradition of me not doing things by halves, when I knew I had fallen in love with Lacey and once I knew she loved me back, I just had to do all this for her. I wanted tonight to be special for someone who has become very, very special to me.”


Just then a spotlight shone on Lacey. Lacey looked around, embarrassed by the attention.

“Many of you will know that Lacey is a great writer and I was very lucky to have her come work with me. She's been a great addition to the company. But she's been more than that. She's been the reason I wake up in the morning, the reason I go to bed with a smile. Lacey, you mean everything to me and tonight, on your special night, there's something I want to ask you.”


Cole jumped off the stage and tried to wade through the crowd to get to Lacey. The people parted and left a clear path and when Cole reached her, he got down on one knee.


“Cole! What are you...?” Lacey put a hand to her cheek and looked at Elaine. Elaine's mouth had dropped open.


“Lacey?” Cole said. “I want to ask if you would please, please, be my wife?” He reached into his inner breast pocket and pulled out a small black velvet  box. Lacey's hand was on her heart now, her chest heaving up and down.


She nodded her head without speaking, the crowd had started a small ripple of applause.


“Is that a 'yes'?” Cole asked, loudly, still on his knee.


“Yes,” said Lacey. “Yes, I'll marry you.”


Everyone cheered and clapped as Cole opened the box. He stood and showed Lacey the ring. The band was platinum and the stone was a diamond. A very large, shining diamond that caught the light and sparkled.


“Put it on her,” someone said.

Lacey held out her hand and Cole slipped the ring onto Lacey's finger.

“Cole, it's perfect.” Lacey reached up and hugged Cole around his neck, kissing him passionately to the loud applause of the crowd. The music began again as Cole danced Lacey around the floor. The people cleared a space for them, Lacey threw back her head and laughed.


Cole's parents came to congratulate them.


“Welcome to the family,” his father said, kissing Lacey on the cheek.


His mother hugged Lacey.  “I'm so happy for you both. Congratulations.”


Elaine stumbled over to Lacey.


“Let me see?” she said as Lacey held out her left hand. “Wow, that is some ring, Lacey. Congratulations you, guys.” She put her arms around Lacey and Cole and began dancing with them both.


Lacey's brother found his way over. He shook hands with Cole and then threw his arms around Lacey.


“That's some great news, sis. I'm really happy for you. Really happy.”


“Thank you, Lucas.”


“Come on, kid brother,” Elaine said, putting her arm through his. “Let this old lady teach you how to dance.”

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