The Billionaire's Fiancee: A Billionaire Contemporary Romance (3 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Fiancee: A Billionaire Contemporary Romance
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Chapter 5


Once out in fresh air, Philip and Eva walked in comfortable silence towards the parking lot. When he stopped beside a flashy new SUV, Eva raised her eyebrows in question.

“I wanted to drive you back myself,” he stated, his voice sounding husky to his own ears.
Like a true gentleman, he came over to her side and held the door open for her. He could smell the faint fragrance of her perfume as she got into the car.

Philip didn’t want this evening to end. Not just yet. Not without getting a taste of those luscious lips that had been haunting him the entire day. He was astonished at the ferocity of desire coursing through his veins at their close proximity. He just needed to bend his head a little and his lips would be on hers, tasting the nectar that they had to offer.

Eva was everything he’d ever dreamed of in a woman… she was so innocent, so pure that he feared that he might malign her if he so much as touched her. She was gorgeous, intelligent, kind and compassionate. He absolutely loved the way she blushed whenever he held her gaze for too long.

He knew that they just had to
to be in love but God knew how much he was looking forward to that pretense. He was almost certain that his family would take an instant liking to her and the thought of seeing Eva laughing and chatting with his mom and grandmother made his heart swell with happiness. He liked the thought just a tad too much and didn’t even realize that he’d been smiling.

“Will you please care to tell me what it is that you are finding so amusing?” Eva’s voice brought him back to his senses.

“I am just thinking that you and my grandma will get along like a house on fire.”

“Oh! Do you really think she’ll like me?” she asked apprehensively.

“She’ll love you!”

“If that is the case, I am looking forward to meet her.”

Eva smiled then and that simple smile tugged at his heartstrings in such a manner that he forgot to breathe. She was just too beautiful and he wondered why some handsome Englishman hadn’t already fallen for her enigmatic charm.

“So, what do you say, should we begin the practice of pretending to be a couple madly in love?” Philip asked her with a naughty glint in his eye. “After all, I wouldn’t want my folks to think that we are not perfectly compatible with each other.”

He watched as a deep blush that crept up her creamy cheeks. Unable to restrain himself any further, Philip bent his head and kissed her.

As soon as his lips collided with her own, Eva came to know what pure bliss was. Every thought in her head vanished as he kissed her thoroughly, as if he had been starving since ages and couldn’t get enough of his favorite dish. She never knew that a kiss could be so sensual, so intimate. She felt nerves tingle in parts of her body she hadn’t even known existed.

After a few delicious moments, Philip eased back and broke their kiss. Eva knew it wasn’t right, but she felt strangely disappointed. She’d wanted this kiss to go on forever….to forget all her worries and just be safe in the arms of this wonderful man who was looking at her as if she were the only woman in the whole wide world.

‘Get a grip on yourself, Eva!’ her mind shouted. ‘He is merely preparing you for the role of his fiancée. Don’t ever make the mistake of thinking that he is genuinely interested in you. People like him date Hollywood starlets, high profile models and stunning heiresses….not a plain Jane like you!’

That voice at the back of her head was a like a bucket of ice cold water on her face. She had to school herself to be immune to his touch and caresses. She couldn’t afford to get emotionally involved with Philip because it would yield nothing but heart break in the long run.

“Wow! That was good!” Philip smiled.

She forced herself to smile back.

“So, what do you think?” he added huskily. “Is it still going to be difficult for you to pretend to be in love with me?”

“I am sure you know the answer to that after the way I kissed you back just seconds ago,” Eva replied truthfully.

This time, he treated her to his full fledged grin and she felt her heart skip a beat.

Later that night, Eva tossed and turned in her bed trying to forget the taste of him on her lips, trying to forget how good she felt in his arms. She had to undergo the torture of being too close to him for days on end without letting her heart get too involved. She wasn’t sure if she was strong enough to pull off such a feat!

Eva somehow knew in her heart that she’d come back from US a changed woman. For better or for worse, only time would tell!


Exactly fifteen days after their dinner date, Eva found herself traveling to the city she’d only seen in movies on a private plane alongside Philip. He remained immersed in his work for a major part of the flight and occasionally when he did look up from his laptop, the heat that she saw in his gaze made her squirm in anticipation.

They’d met just once after that night and that too in the presence of her father. But they’d made it a point to talk to each other over the phone for hours when they both retired after long days at work. Sometimes, they’d talk about mundane things in life and sometimes, Philip would deliberately steer the conversation towards the physical aspect of their intended relationship, making her blush profusely and making it difficult for her to get a good night’s sleep later on as scandalous images of her naked body entwined with his kept flooding her imagination.

When Philip finally shut down his laptop and seated himself comfortably by her side, she caught a whiff of his now familiar scent. It made her want to lean into him to see if he felt as good as he smelled but she fought hard to keep her emotions in control.

“Philip, have you talked to your mom and grandmother about me?”

“Yes. And as I’d expected, they were ecstatic to learn that I am finally thinking of settling down,” he informed her with an easy smile.

“I am nervous about meeting them. What if they don’t like me?”

“I assure you sweetheart, they’ll love you. Besides, it’s not as if you are actually their daughter-in-law, you are just playing the part, remember?”

Though he’d said that casually, his words came like a crushing blow to Eva’s feelings. She knew she had no business feeling as hurt as she was! He was just stating a plain fact, for Heaven’s sake! How could she have forgotten even for a single second that she was just a means to an end for Philip Richardson?

“I know that I am just playing the part, but they don’t know that, do they?” That came out more bitterly than she had intended.

Philip looked a little taken aback at her little outburst but wisely chose to ignore it.

“You don’t have to worry about my family at all. I know for a fact that they’ll accept you with open arms.”

“There’s another thing that I want to discuss with you. I know that in front of people we have to act as if we can’t get enough of each other, but in private, I’d prefer if you could keep your hands to yourself.”

Philip couldn’t make out what had caused that sudden change in her mood. One moment, she was looking at him with her huge eyes and a glorious smile planted firmly on her ever so inviting lips and the other, she was acting as if she could hardly bear to stand his company any longer than was absolutely necessary.

“If you are insinuating that you are not interested in sharing a bed with me, I’ll respect your decision. But let me forewarn you sweetheart, you are going to have a hell of a time resisting my charms!”

“Always so sure of yourself, aren’t you?” she mocked.

“Is that a bad thing?” Again that lopsided grin of his!

Eva gave out a deep sigh. She didn’t understand why conflicting emotions warred inside her whenever he was around.

“No, I guess not.”


Chapter 6


As much as Philip wanted to haul the woman sitting right beside him onto his lap and make love to her there and then, he knew he had to take things a little easy. He didn’t know what he’d said or done to make her angry, but the way she’d fumed at him moments back made him smile in amusement. So Miss Goody Two-Shoes had a temper too!

And then she’d told him to ‘keep his hands to himself’ whenever they were alone. As if she truly believed he’d do that! His hands were already itching to touch the creamy expanse of skin exposed in the bright red maxi dress that she was wearing. Memories of that earth shattering kiss that they’d shared had kept him awake on so many nights and he had every intention of a repeat performance very soon!

When they finally landed in New York, a car was already waiting to take them to his townhouse.

Eva was feeling both excited and nervous about meeting Philip’s family. Philip kept showing her important landmarks of the city as they drove towards his home. When their car pulled in the driveway of what looked like a seven star hotel, Eva noticed with wonder that the man actually lived in a palace, not a home!

“Welcome back, my dear!” a strikingly beautiful lady, whom Eva assumed to be Philip’s mother, glided towards them gracefully and pulled him into a warm embrace. When she looked in Eva’s direction, her eyes seemed to shine with so much love and happiness that Eva instantly relaxed and smiled back. She already loved the woman!

“You must be Eva Wallace, right?”

“I am, Mrs. Richardson. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Before Eva could put her hand forward to greet the elegant lady, she was also pulled into an affectionate embrace.

“I am so happy to learn that my son has finally decided to settle down. I knew it would take a woman like you to make him want to enter the sacred bond of marriage, my dear. He’s told me so much about you! And the fact that you are so impossibly beautiful along with being kind and compassionate makes me feel extremely proud of his choice,” Mrs. Richardson beamed at her.

Eva secretly wondered what things Philip might have told his mom about her. She looked at him and found him already staring in her direction with an intense emotion reflecting in his deep dark eyes.

“Come on in, you two. Grandma is even more desperate to meet you,” Philip’s mom laughed.

When the little company entered the huge white building that the Richardsons called their home, Eva was truly spellbound. If the exterior of the place was grand, the interior was even more breathtaking. She was taking in the sheer beauty of the place when she noticed a graying old lady, not more than seventy years of age, sitting in a wheelchair right in the middle of the huge hall. She wasn’t as beautiful as Philip’s mom but she had an air of sophistication around her that made her look like a queen of some small country.

“How are you grandma?” Philip kneeled beside her after giving her a warm hug.

“As if you care about your grandma’s health!” the old lady pouted and then looked at Eva. Eva suddenly felt her throat go try as the matriarch studied her carefully. “Come here, what’s her name…yes…..Eva! Isn’t it?”

“Indeed. Pleased to meet you grandma…uhhh…can I call you grandma?”

“Of course!” a huge grin spread on her wrinkly face and Eva thanked Heavens that she’d finally smiled. “I am genuinely surprised how this useless boy of mine found a gem as rare and beautiful as you.”

“Grandma!” protested Philip. “At least don’t call me names in front of my fiancée!”

“Oh shut up, Phil! You didn’t even have the common sense of putting a ring on her finger and you call her your fiancée!”

Philip and Eva both panicked for a small moment but Philip managed to handle the situation quite well.

“Grandma, I have been so busy in London wrapping up projects that I didn’t get a chance to visit the jeweler. Besides, I needed your expert advice in the matter as I don’t think my choice in jewelry is that good.”

“Do you know Eva, Phil gifted me a panda shaped pendant on my last birthday!” his grandma revealed, breaking into fits of laughter.

“Well that was because I knew panda is your favorite animal!”

“If that is the case, I am glad he didn’t select a ring for me all by himself,” said Eva, trying her best not to give in to the insane urge of roaring with laughter. “Who knows, I might have got a ring with a giraffe on it!”

That made Philip’s grandmother laugh all the more and Eva knew that she’d made a new best friend.

The next few days passed in a blur. Eva formed a beautiful bond with both the ladies and they too treated her as a part of the family. At times, she’d be plagued with guilt for lying to them but then she’d think about the smiles on their faces and her guilt would subside a little.

As for Philip, her attraction towards him seemed to grow by the day. Although he’d kept his promise of not trying to seduce her into his bed, she found herself wanting him to break his promise on more than one occasion! They’d shared a few mind numbing kisses now and then that left a deep sense of yearning inside her body. On one particular night, they were walking hand in hand in the lawn when Philip suspected that his mother was watching them. He lightly brushed his lips against hers in what was supposed to be a chaste kiss but as soon as their lips met, things got so out of control that both of them were glad that they didn’t make out right there in the lawn of his house!

The next day, Eva’s face had burned with shame when Mrs. Richardson had suggested with an amused look on her face that she and Philip could share the same bedroom if they pleased.

“As it is, both of you are already engaged and it is not unusual for engaged couples to share the same room,” she’d said.

And though Philip had seemed roguishly delighted, Eva had politely refused the offer with a furious blush on her face.

One evening, Philip’s grandmother summoned Eva to her room.

“May I come in grandma?”

“Of course sweetheart….as if you even need to ask!” she smiled at her.

Eva noticed that she was holding a big red velvet box in her hands that looked quite antique.

“Eva, my dear, you have no idea how happy you’ve made me by coming here and agreeing to be a part of our family. I think you already know that there were a lot of women in Philip’s life before you….. but trust me my child, not one of them truly deserved him. They were all too superficial…too shallow! I always feared that my Phil would fall for a woman who would only love him for what he could buy for her…but thankfully, he chose
. Do you know, I see a reflection of myself in you. Your pure smile, your generous heart, the way you’ve already formed such a special bond with my daughter in law….everything speaks volumes about your character. And the love that I see in your eyes for Phil…that is something so rare!”

Eva couldn’t trust herself to speak. She was too overwhelmed and too full of guilt at the same time.

“Eva, this necklace was gifted to me by Phil’s grandfather, it has been in the family for centuries,” she continued, totally unaware of the turmoil going inside Eva. “This necklace is one of my most prized possessions. And today, I want to give it to you.”

Philip’s grandmother opened the velvet box to reveal a stunning diamond and ruby necklace that sparkled like a million stars underneath the light of the chandelier. It was too beautiful…too expensive.

“I…I can’t take this grandma,” Eva choked out.

“Why not? You are the future daughter in law of the Richardson clan. You have to accept it.”

“No…no! I can’t do this. I can’t….I’m sorry!” Eva couldn’t stop the tears overflowing from her eyes and she rushed back to her bedroom to cry her heart out.

What had she done! She’d fallen in love with Philip Richardson AND his family despite her brain telling her all the while that it was a foolish thing to do. She should’ve known that it would end like this. She should’ve known that she didn’t deserve the love and affection of these people.

As Eva was trying regain her composure, she heard a faint knock on her door. It was Philip.

“What happened Eva? Grandma told me that…”

“I can’t do this anymore Philip!” she wailed. “I want to go back to London. Now!”

“May I ask why?” Though his face was calm, Eva could see a storm of emotions in Philip’s eyes.

“Your grandma wants to gift me your ancestral necklace! Can’t you see it Philip? We have taken this charade too far! Didn’t I warn you that this little plan of yours will result in nothing but heartbreak? Now your mom and grandma will be devastated to learn that our engagement was nothing but a sham!”

“Then don’t break their hearts. Don’t give them a reason to get heartbroken,” Philip said, looking at her intently.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Eva had a confused look on her tear streaked face that made her look all the more adorable.

“Make this engagement real by agreeing to marry me!”

Eva looked at Philip in disbelief. What was he saying? Was she dreaming again? Was he really asking her to
marry him

“You heard that right Eva. I want us to get married. I love you….I love you with all my heart. I kept on denying this to myself but the truth is that I fell in love with you the moment you walked into my office that day in London. I knew that somehow I had to convince you that we were meant to be together and so I convinced you to be a part of this plan.”

Eva couldn’t believe her ears! All her dreams were finally coming true.
Philip loved her
! Oh God! She could have never thought it possible to be so happy before this moment….

“I love you too Philip! So much that my heart hurts,” she cried and threw herself in his waiting arms.

Both of them sealed their declaration of love with a tender yet passionate kiss.



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