The Billionaire's Dance (Billionaire Bachelors - Book Two) (14 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Dance (Billionaire Bachelors - Book Two)
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There was a message waiting, asking her to meet Alex in the bar, as he was running a little bit late. She jumped in the shower and then took her time getting ready, making sure she looked perfect.

She’d purchased a dress she normally would’ve never worn but she’d wanted to let loose on vacation. It dipped far lower in front than she’d ever worn before, showing a generous amount of her cleavage. The back of the dress dipped down to the small of her back and the hem reached mid-thigh. It hugged her hips tightly then the skirt flared out in a flirty style.

She’d even purchased new undergarments for the outfit and was wearing sexy panties and a garter belt. She wanted to incite passion in her husband and with the outfit she was wearing, she was hoping he had an uncomfortable evening.

As Jessica looked in the full length mirror at her image, she was a little shocked by her own boldness. She turned to look from all angles and smiled to herself. She almost didn’t recognize the woman staring back at her. Since she’d become a mother, she’d taken too little time with her own self. She wore sweats far too often and hardly ever applied make-up. Alex hadn’t seemed to mind but she liked feeling like a woman and vowed to take more time to pamper herself from then on.

Jessica made her way to the hotel lobby and stepped into the bar. She spotted Alex right away. He was so handsome, he took her breath away. When he turned towards her and his glance slid by and then whipped back to her, she smiled with triumph.

Alex just about slid out of his seat when he spotted his wife. She was always beautiful but he’d never seen her in anything like the dress she was wearing. He could feel the instant reaction his body was having, making his pants far too tight. He got up and walked towards her, almost as if he was in a trance.

“You’re the most ravishing woman I have ever met,” he said to her, before pulling her into his arms and taking her lips with his.

“Thank you, you are looking very dashing yourself,” she said.

“I’m going to have to fight off every man in this place,” he said while glaring slightly at a guy who was practically drooling over her.

He wrapped his arm possessively around her and led her to the outside restaurant. They had a wonderful dinner, filled with laughter and excellent food. Soon he was calling a cab and leading her to a different part of town.

They stepped up to a place she was shocked he would even know about. She could hear the music from the street and the neighborhood didn’t look to be the safest.

“Are you sure this is a safe spot?” she asked.

Alex threw back his head and laughed. “Don’t worry my love, I’ll protect you from any dangers,” he said while leading her through the open doorway.

Jessica caught her breath at his words. Did he know how badly she wanted his love? All thoughts fled as they stepped through the doorway.

The club was very dimly lit, making it hard to see anything. A steamy song was loudly playing and people were mashed together all throughout the club. Most of the couples looked more like they were about to drop to the floor and have sex, than like they were dancing.

Her eyes were drawn to the couple in front of them. Her stomach tightened and she told herself she should look away. The moment seemed so intimate between the two people, she felt like a peeping tom.

The woman’s head was thrown back and her lips were open, in what Jessica was sure was a moan escaping. The man had her plastered against him, with his hands running up and down her back and thighs, while his mouth was moving over her neck and breasts. Jessica finally managed to turn away and felt like running out of the club.

“Let’s dance,” Alex whispered in her ear. His voice sounded deep and husky, which made her stomach tighten even more. She nodded, knowing it was impossible for any words to escape her at that moment.

Alex pulled her into his arms, reminding her of their first dance together. He’d been so flirty and cocky. Dancing in his arms at that moment she couldn’t understand why she would’ve ever felt the need to fight him in any way.

“I want you so badly. You look amazing in this dress. I could take you right here,” he whispered to her. A shiver passed all the way down her spine and she could feel the heat, where she wanted his touch so badly.

Words still couldn’t escape Jessica’s tightened throat. Alex kissed her with passion and heat making her forget the room around them. His lips moved from her lips to her neck and down the plunging neckline of her dress.

His hands stroked up and down her back, getting lower and lower with each pass he made. They were barely moving to the music. He slowly started walking her backwards until she felt the hardness of a wall behind her back.

His hands were now running along the side of her body, touching the sides of her aching breasts and tender stomach. He began moving them down her hips until he finally found the bottom of her dress. They ran up under the hem and cupped her bare bottom. She let out a moan of pleasure as he caressed her skin.

He pulled her roughly into his obvious arousal and his lips once again connected with hers. It was pure seduction and she didn’t care they were in the middle of a club. She was ready for him to take her.

She lifted her hands up, to begin unbuttoning his shirt, when he suddenly stopped and pulled back. “We have to get out of here now,” he said through clenched teeth. Without saying anymore, he grabbed her hand and led her from the club. He pulled her quickly down the walk and hailed them a cab.

Jessica was beginning to think she’d done something wrong, because he was sitting several feet away from her in the cab and not uttering a word. They reached the hotel and he helped her out. He then pulled her around the building and they walked out onto the beach and took a secluded path.

She was just working up the courage to ask him what was wrong when he pulled her back into his arms and kissed her again with all the force he’d shown her at the club. She forgot all about her worries as her arms came up around his neck and she gave him full access.

Alex threw his jacket down on the ground and lowered her gently to the grass covered mound in the middle of a deserted trail. The silver moon cast a soft glow, providing only enough light to barely see him, leaving everything around him in shadows. He stripped her dress off in one movement, leaving her exposed and vulnerable.

He was awed by the sight she made, wearing only a piece of black lace barely hiding her from him, the garter and red heals. She was bathed in the moonlight, giving her a surreal look. He wanted nothing more than to bury himself deep inside of her but he wasn’t a selfish lover and he would make sure of her pleasure before his own.

He quickly stripped away his clothes and then brought their bodies back into intimate contact. He took her lips in his again, making her cry out her pleasure, as his hands explored every inch of her skin. His lips caressed her neck and the tops of her breasts.

She could barely breathe, the pressure was so great. She wanted to cry out her love for him but held back, barely. When his lips finally took her hardened peak into his mouth and he sucked her aching nipple, her whole back arched off the ground. When he gently nipped the sensitized skin she almost came undone.

“Please,” she begged. She didn’t know whether she was begging him to continue on or to join them.

He kissed his way down her smooth stomach, making it tighten even more. His tongue dipped into her belly button and she moaned at the intense sensations he was bringing her. He finally moved to kiss and caress her thighs, making them open to his administering. When his mouth finally touched her burning heat, she thought she would explode.

Her body wouldn’t stay still. He deepened the intimate kiss and she could feel her body begging for release. When he dipped his fingers inside her, she couldn’t hold back any longer. She cried out and finally let go, waves of pleasure washing over her.

He slowly kissed his way back up her body, starting to stir her heat once again. She didn’t understand how he could make her want him so much. He’d just pleasured her beyond what any one person should ever receive and she greedily wanted more.

He brought his lips back to hers and the taste of their passion on his tongue fully brought the fire back to her body. “Please,” she begged again. She wanted him deep inside of her.

“Please what?” he asked, knowing the answer.

“Please love me,” she gasped. She silently added to love her both emotionally and physically.

He said nothing more, just slipped inside her heat in one sure thrust. He threw back his head and moaned out loud. He didn’t move, as if he was trying to calm himself. She jerked her hips up, needing him to move inside of her.

That little movement was all it took. He grabbed her backside and thrust hard in and out of her. His lips latched back onto hers and he loved her with a passion that should have set the grass around them on fire.

She felt the heat building up inside her again, even stronger than before and suddenly her body jerked with a pleasure so intense, it bordered on pain. Her tightening heat around him sent him over the edge and with a final thrust deep inside her, he let go and cried out in his own pleasure.

His body was covered in a fine sheen of sweat, glistening in the moonlight. He collapsed on top of her but quickly shifted them both, bringing her on top. They were still connected together, which felt right.

He was rubbing her naked back and she was so content, her guard was down and she finally whispered the words she’d wanted to say for so long, “I love you, Alex.”

She felt him stiffen, which told her more than words ever could have. He didn’t want her love. He wanted the passion and he even wanted companionship but he didn’t want love.

She was close to tears as he pulled their bodies apart and started to get dressed. “We better get out of here before some unsuspecting tourist happens to walk by,” he said in an almost cold tone.

Jessica’s heart was breaking into a million pieces. What had started as the perfect day was ending with devastation. The hurt was unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. She loved him so much. Why couldn’t he feel the same way about her? She thought she felt love when he held her in his arms. It seemed like he loved her but maybe to him sex and love were two completely different things.

She quickly dressed herself and then walked slowly back to the hotel with Alex. It was like walking with a stranger, he was so distant. “I know I told you I wouldn’t be working much but something came up and I will be busy all day tomorrow,” he said as they entered the suite.

“I understand,” Jessica replied.

“I need to finish some work tonight,” he said as he headed to the office. She didn’t even reply. She just headed off to take a shower and then to bed, where she could cry herself to sleep.


The next two days and nights of her honeymoon were miserable. Alex was gone all day, returning too late for them to go out. She spent her time on the beach and shopping all alone. They did make love in the evenings but it was different. She could feel he was holding something back and when they were done, he turned away from her, seeming to fall asleep quickly.

Jessica was relieved on the third day when he said everything was finished up and they could head back home. She didn’t know what to expect when they got back. She was sure things would go back to her barely seeing him and her love for him aching to be set free. She had to make a decision of what to do, sooner rather than later.


“I was a compete ass,” Alex said to his older brother Lucas. “I knew she was falling in love with me but selfishly I wanted her to keep it to herself and not bring it out in the open. I don’t have the time or energy for that kind of relationship but I’ve really shut her out and don’t know how to make things go back to the way they were,” he finished.

“What’s so wrong with your wife loving you and you her?” Lucas asked, sounding stunned.

“There’s nothing wrong with it when you have a relationship like you and Amy. Jessica and I have an understanding. We have Jacob to think about and if we get all these emotions mixed up then we’re jeopardizing the whole thing.”

He knew even as he said it, how wrong it sounded. They had a child together, so how could love mess that up? Well, besides his parents and now Lucas and Amy, Alex hadn’t seen a lot of good marriages. They all ended in divorce with bitter custody battles. Alex figured if he kept love out of the equation, he’d never have to worry about divorce. The thought of Jessica and Jacob not being there with him every day tore his heart to pieces.

“I think you’re in a whole hell of a lot of denial, little brother. You have an amazing wife, who obviously loves you and you know what? I think it’s pretty obvious you love her too. Why not quit fighting it and just enjoy being with your family,” Lucas stated.

“Yeah, whatever. I have to get going. I’ll be gone all week and I’m sure everything will be normal when I return home,” he said, praying it was true.

“Good luck,” Lucas said before Alex departed.


“How are you doing? You look like you don’t feel too well,” Amy said. She and Jessica met for a girl’s day out. They were sitting at the salon having their nails done when Amy questioned her.

“I have a nasty flu that’s been going around but I’ll be fine,” she replied, hoping to feel better sooner rather than later.

BOOK: The Billionaire's Dance (Billionaire Bachelors - Book Two)
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