The Billionaire's Baby Bargain (A is for Alpha) (6 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Baby Bargain (A is for Alpha)
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Andrés blinked, a bit taken aback at her bleak revelation. One that was obviously quite difficult for Chloe to make. His gut twisted for the sadness in her and he pressed a kiss against her forehead, tightening his arms around her. “
Lo siento, cariño
. I am sorry.”

Yet at the same moment—and he knew it made him a bastard—some of the tension eased from his body at her admission. A child from his seed was never to be. Which was why he was usually meticulously careful.

Except for tonight.

Even with Chloe’s condition, he would use protection regardless when they made love in the future. He simply could not afford to take that risk.

“I’m a fool,” he murmured, keeping his tone light. “Forgive my overreaction. I simply have never lost my head quite so quickly. You enchant me.”

He lifted her chin, relieved to see the pained expression leave her eyes once more. He pressed a soft kiss across her swollen mouth, and her lashes fluttered down to shield her gaze, her body shivered against him once more.

Andrés moved his mouth down her jaw line and onto the delicate curve between her neck and shoulder. Anointing the silky soft skin with soft kisses. Loving the soft mew of pleasure she made. He reveled in the way she squirmed beneath him, her breathing shifting in a clear sign that her excitement was mounting once more.

His groin tightened and he closed his eyes, inhaling her scent. How was it possible he wanted her again so soon? Usually he made love to a woman and could last at least a day without touching her again.

He moved from the bed, his mouth curving slightly at her cry of disappointment. A moment later he swept her naked body up into his arms.

Chloe’s eyes widened. She looped her arms around his neck. “Where are we going?”

“To bathe.”

“But…but you just showered, I thought.”

. I did,” he admitted and then gave her a look that he hoped conveyed his intent.

Chloe’s head fell back against his shoulder. She laughed and stared up at him with sparkling eyes. “Oh. Well, then. Lead the way.”

Andrés smiled, carrying her into the bathroom and kicking the door closed behind them.


Chloe sat on the balcony, watching the glorious sunset from a lounge chair while she reflected on how surreal her evening had been. But the ache in her thighs was the only reminder she needed to know that this was, indeed, real. Every sensual, intense moment of it.

Andrés had made love to her again in the massive sunken bathtub, only after bringing her pleasure by using his mouth on her most intimate place. Taking her to the brink of madness until she’d begged him to fill her again. Just the thought of how she’d come apart in his arms sent a warm shiver through her.

Once again she could not help comparing what was happening between her and Andrés to the lovers in the diary. Of course she’d always hoped to someday find the same thing, but would fate really deliver such a strong coincidence?

As if her thoughts had summoned him, Andrés strode out of the bedroom and headed for the balcony. She sat up quickly, having not heard him return to the suite. Just the sight of him sent her pulse racing and her knees weakening.

“We’re going out,” he announced.

“Really? Where?”

“Dinner. Dancing.” He came to sit on the edge of her lounge chair and drew his thumb down her cheek, his stare turning intimate. “Wherever the night takes us. Does it matter?”

Chloe’s pulse thudded. How could he make her quivery with just a look? She gave a slight shrug and fidgeted with the lapel of the resort’s silk bathrobe she wore. “No, of course it doesn’t. I’m enjoying being with you, Andrés. But I should probably go by my apartment to grab a change of clothes. I only have my uniform. Oh, but never mind. You ripped my shirt.”

His lips curled faintly and he extended a hand to her. “Come.”

She placed her hand in his and allowed him to pull her to her feet, following him back inside and to the bedroom. Frowning, she hurried after him, trying to consider what he was up to. Once in the bedroom she came to a halt behind him and followed his attention to the bed.

A black cocktail dress lay across the comforter with a pair of black heels beside them.

Casting him a quizzical look, she asked, “What’s this?”

“They are for you. To wear out tonight.”

The air locked in Chloe’s lungs and she blinked in disbelief. “You…bought these?” she croaked out. “For me?”

. Of course.” His brows drew together. His tone feigning seriousness. “I’m afraid they will not fit me.”

A disbelieving laugh gurgled from her chest. She shook her head. “But why? We could’ve just driven to my apartment and picked up—”

“Because I wanted to. It is hardly a bother.” He slid his arms around her waist, pulling her against him. Then he brushed his mouth against hers in a short, but tantalizing kiss. “Because I saw the dress and imagined you in it.”

Chloe’s eyes fluttered open from having closed during the kiss. Already her body heated in response to his touch. A man buying her clothes? It was mind-boggling.

She lifted a hand to his cheek with a shy smile. “Andrés, I don’t know what to say. But…thank you.” She bit her lip, then blurted, “And I hope you didn’t pay too much for them.”

He gave a soft laugh. Covering her hand with his own, he turned his head and pressed a kiss into her palm. “Of course I paid too much. I bought it in the shop downstairs.”

Her eyes widened. She pulled away so fast she nearly tripped over her feet to get to the bed.

“No,” she muttered, shaking her head. “Tell me you’re lying.”


Amusement pricked at him to see her search the dress for price tags that had never existed. “Why would I lie? The dress will look lovely on you, Chloe.”

She lifted her head, alarm remaining in her eyes. “But…but that shop is ludicrously expensive. And most of the clothing in it isn’t even that attractive.”

“Indeed?” He cocked his head. He hadn’t really glanced through the items that intensely, but perhaps he should have. He made a mental note to meet with his buyer later on in the week to discuss the fashions in the shop. “Do you not like the dress,
?” He couldn’t resist teasing.

Her cheeks turned scarlet. “No. Yes. Oh, I’m getting this all wrong. I love the dress, Andrés. Forgive me for making such a complete fool of myself. You must think me horribly rude.”

“Actually, quite refreshing,” Andrés replied honestly with a brief smile. “However, I am getting hungry. If you would indulge me and—”

“Of course.” She nodded quickly and reached with unsteady hands for her robe. “It’s just, I’ve never had anyone buy me something so utterly extravagant.”

She’d better get used to it. The thought flickered through his mind unwanted. Surprising. Interesting, because that would imply longer than a few nights. The same hunger that always seemed to linger for her rose again when she fumbled with the ties on her robe.

“Let me.”

Her pupils dilated and he heard her breath catch. He deftly unfastened the knot that held the silk together. Once he eased the robe from her shoulders it slid in a whisper to the floor.

She moved to cover herself, but he caught her hands, pulling them back so he could take a moment to drink in her sweet curves.

“Let me look upon you for a moment, Chloe.” His gaze slid over her lush naked body and he gave a murmur of appreciation. “So beautiful. You are so very beautiful.”

Andrés knew he was dangerously close to losing control and taking her again.
. It was insane how easily she went to his head.

“Get dressed,” he said more gruffly than intended. He strode to the door. “I will wait in the other room.”


Alone once more, Chloe closed her eyes and muttered a soft curse. She’d probably annoyed him with her stupid comments. What had she been thinking? Would she ever learn to watch her mouth and think before she spoke?

Lifting the dress up, she slid the slinky material between her fingers and bit back a sigh. She wouldn’t be able to wear a bra with this. It was a halter and the fabric was too thin. Something caught her eye on the bed, something tiny and black. She reached for it, hooking a finger under the black scrap and lifting it to eye level.

Her brows rose at the tiny silk thong. No bra, but apparently some very scandalous panties. She bit back a giggle and slipped into them, trying to remember the last time she’d worn anything of the sort. Next she put on the dress and tied the silky straps behind her neck, following it up by stepping into the heels.

A quick glance in the mirror had her wishing for her makeup bag since she’d washed her face clean while in the bath with Andrés. Refusing to let her mind drift back to that sensual moment, she pinched her cheeks to add some color and gave her hair one last fluff.

She drew in a nervous breath then walked out of the bedroom. Andrés stood by the balcony doors, a snifter of brandy in his hand as he stared out at the fading sunset.

He must’ve heard her approach, because he turned and stared at her. Hot desire flared in his eyes. “Ah, Chloe, you tempt me to stay in after all.”

She smoothed a hand over her stomach and gave a shy smile. “I wouldn’t mind.”

He gave a small shake of his head and approached her. “I want to show you my city,
. I have a quaint restaurant in mind. Intimate. Wonderful food.”

She gave a wistful smile. “That sounds amazing. Should I call down to the front desk and have them order us a taxi?”

Andrés set the snifter down. “No, that won’t be necessary. I have my own car and driver.”

His own car and driver? Chloe’s knees went weak at the reminder that she basically had no idea who Andrés was. She’d slept with a man she barely knew, who was a guest at the resort.

She bit her lip, trying not to think of how many self-imposed rules she’d broken tonight. Good lord…had she even clocked off from work?

“Is anything wrong?” Andrés asked quietly, stepping toward her. “You look distressed.”

“No.” She shook her head and said quickly, “No, it’s nothing. I-I’m fine.”

His gaze swept her face and she knew he didn’t miss a thing. Andrés was far too perceptive. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” She gave a swift nod and looked away, but the seeds of unease had already been planted. “Shall we go?”

Andrés finally nodded. “

. Let us leave now.”

The possessive hand he placed on the small of her back sent shivers through her while he guided her from the suite. When they stepped out of the elevator downstairs, Chloe was all too uncomfortable. Men and women alike stared at Andrés, and employees of the resort would nod in acknowledgment.

The hairs on the back of her neck lifted. Just how important of a guest was he? And had the employees recognized her? Would they be gossiping already that Chloe had left with the man in the penthouse?

As they stepped outside, a sleek black Rolls-Royce pulled up front of the resort and her mouth fell open. A uniformed driver exited and came around to open the door for them.

“After you,” Andrés murmured, and held out his hand to help her into the vehicle.

Chloe blinked away her awe and accepted his hand. The electricity that seemed to pass between them had her biting her lip. One would think she’d be used to it by now.

As she sat down on the soft leather seats, she looked out the window.
It was almost like a wonderful dream, but if that were true, hopefully she’d never wake up.

Chapter 4


Morning came too early. Andrés woke to the sun filtering in through blinds they had not closed. He lay still, unwilling to move and possibly disturb Chloe, who laid half on top of him. And he resisted the temptation to stroke a hand through the silky strands of hair.

He closed his eyes again, thinking back on the previous evening.

He’d enjoyed their time together more than he could ever remember. Chloe was a charming woman, absorbing the culture of his country and trying all foods with uninhibited delight. Then they’d danced the night away in some small cantina until their feet throbbed.

Choosing the discreet, quiet section of town had ensured they weren’t bothered by any media. Which was likely a good thing with how unreserved he’d been last night. He was still a bit dismayed to realize just how carefree he was in Chloe’s presence, how easily she could make him laugh. Dismayed, and a bit troubled.

It was obvious Chloe had enjoyed their evening out as much as he had. She had seemed overwhelmed and easily delighted by the simplest of things. The drive in the Rolls-Royce, the food he’d chosen for them, the kisses he’d brushed across her knuckles during dinner.

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