The Billionaire's Affair: Billionaire Brothers (Tycoon Billionaires Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Affair: Billionaire Brothers (Tycoon Billionaires Book 2)
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Chapter Seven


Sarah’s knees surged with nerves as she led Dylan to her favourite room in the hotel. She was fairly sure he didn’t really just want to talk – or at least she hoped not. She didn’t know what it was about him, but she found it impossible to resist his charms, and he knew it.

They halted outside the hotel room and she rummaged in her pocket for her keycard. She glanced at him. He winked, making her laugh.

“Come on,” she said. “We can talk in here.”

Her lust pounded hard between her thighs as she strode inside with Dylan close behind, like a predator stalking its prey.

She drew back the heavy drapes to let the sunlight in, then she glanced around the room. It was her favourite suite for good reason. She’d written the marketing description herself recently: ‘If it’s glamour and comfort you require – combined with elegant extravagance – the Grosvenor Suite offers the ultimate in opulence. The suite is beautifully adorned with antique mahogany furniture, a luxury marble bathroom, and…’

…A huge king-size bed to roll around on when having a quickie with a lost love.

She turned to face him. He was staring at her with a cool expression – hand slung in his trouser pocket – but his warm eyes were full of passion. He looked amazing in that suit – powerful and dominating. Suddenly Sarah yearned for him to make her forget that she was running this multi-million-pound establishment. She wanted him to be in charge – she wanted to submit to his every desire. And if she did, she knew he’d cater to

He threw her a cocky grin. “So what did you wanna talk about?”

She opened her mouth to reply, but her lust caught in her throat. “You were the one who wanted to talk…”

He swaggered over and caressed her face with a strong hand. “How about we talk about the fact that I’m dying to peel down your panties, bend you over that bed, and make you forget you’re the boss for a while.”

Sarah’s heart thumped with desire. She nodded. He wrapped her up in his strong arms and kissed her – tenderly at first, but then with a passion that she’d never before experienced. As the kiss grew with lustful intensity, he teased his tongue into her mouth, thrusting volts of pleasure through her quivering body.

He pulled away and ran his fingers through her hair. “You’re beautiful, babe.” He glanced at the wall-length mirror that ran alongside the bed. “Bend over and let me take care of you. Do as you’re told, alright? Complete surrender.”

A lightning storm crackled between them. “Yes, Dylan.”

On shaking legs, she strode over to the bed and bent at the waist, resting her palms on the soft comforter. He strutted up behind her like a hungry wolf circling a lamb.

“Good girl.” He reached out and grabbed her ass cheeks in his hands, rubbing his hard cock against her as he squeezed her butt tight. Sarah glanced in the mirror and saw that he was already undoing his zipper, tugging out his huge erection, and sorting out the condom. She knew from her younger days that a quickie with Dylan always resulted in unbelievably intense pleasure. He was like the driver of a sports car, confident he could take her from zero to hyper-speed in sixty seconds. Not that she was starting at zero. The feel of him sliding his hand between her legs was making her pussy dripping wet, and his dominating act made her ready to receive him right now.

Dylan reached around and unzipped Sarah’s trousers then pulled them – and her panties – down to her thighs. She felt like a naughty girl, waiting to be punished, which increased her desire in ways she never would’ve expected. He positioned himself close up behind her, pressing his thighs against hers and rubbing his straining hard-on under her wet pussy, using his fingers to slide over her throbbing clit.

“Like that?”

“Yes, Dylan… uh…”

He pushed her forward so she fell off-balance, forcing her clit to dig into the bed as he continued to rub it at the perfect speed and pressure.

“I think you’re ready for me, sweetheart,” he said. “I’m gonna take you rough and hard – for my satisfaction as well as yours. I can’t get enough of your tight little pussy.”

He used his non-clit-rubbing hand to slap her sharply on her bare ass, making her yelp with pleasure and pain. Her knees buckled and she grinned with delightful satisfaction.

, Dylan!”

Sarah’s pussy pulsed with desire as Dylan eased the tip of his cock inside. He thrust rapidly – harder and harder; deeper and deeper – and the room spun with a wave of ecstasy that suddenly sparked out of nowhere. Sensing she was about to come, he grabbed her hips and pushed himself deeper still. As Sarah’s mind swirled with bliss, Dylan reached out and grabbed her hair, pulling her head back and making her feel completely dominated.

“Look at your beautiful self in the mirror, Sarah,” he grunted as he thrust. “You’re fucking spectacular!”

Through blurry eyes, she glanced to the side and caught the reflection of him fucking her hard. The orgasm caught fully and exploded between her legs, sweeping over her submitting body, wave upon wave – delivering tsunamis of delight and consuming her completely. Sarah’s mind and body dissolved as she flew high on the plane of pleasure, and she heard herself cry out, calling his name unashamedly – suddenly not caring if all the staff heard. She felt him come hard, deep inside, possessing her totally, which gave her another wave of joy. Then they both slowly drifted back to earth, out of breath and glowing with passionate contentment.

Sarah burst into laughter and collapsed down onto her forearms. Dylan gazed at her in the mirror. “You’re beautiful, Sarah. So beautiful.”

He eased himself out of her and crawled onto the bed, then he drew her into his arms and kissed her tenderly on the forehead. She sensed that he wanted to say something poignant – but instead they simply lay in each other’s arms, enjoying the blissful euphoria that the orgasm had brought them both, until Sarah announced she needed to get back to work – hoping that no one had
heard her enjoying the ultimate pleasure with this amazing man. 

Chapter Eight


Dylan swaggered proudly next to Sarah as she led him back to the bustling lobby. His body tingled with pleasurable contentment, and he realised that fucking her out of his system hadn’t worked for the second time either. He smiled inside – better keep trying then? A busload of tourists had just arrived and were crowding around the welcome desk, meaning that the staff were now too busy to gawk at their boss. But she’d already slipped back into the act of general manager and she was striding primly by his side – it was as if the act came with the hotel. She halted in the middle of the busy marble floor and turned to face him. He was tempted to grab her and sweep her off her feet, kissing her passionately in front of everyone, but he knew it would embarrass her, so instead he said, “I sure do love your tight pussy, Ms Newell.”

Sarah’s mouth tried to laugh, but she caught it in time. She raised her voice above the hubbub. “Well, I guess this is goodbye for real.”

Dylan’s mind flashed with concern. Was she serious? Or did she just want to make him chase her? Well, he didn’t mind doing that – he loved a challenge. He raised a cool eyebrow. “No, you’re coming to the party tonight, remember?”

“I don’t recall accepting the invitation.”

Dylan reached out and took ahold of her hand, knowing she found it hard to resist his touch. “Sarah, I would be honoured if you could –”

Dylan didn’t finish his sentence because Sarah suddenly glanced over his shoulder with an expression of confusion. He turned and saw that a man and a woman were approaching them, both dressed in cheap nylon suits, filled with an air of self-importance. They were pushing their way through the tourists as if
reason for being here trumped everyone else’s. Dylan bristled. He guessed they must be plain-clothed police officers – they were the only people who’d perfected that particular style of arrogant asshole.

The man and woman halted in front of Sarah and Dylan. The woman spoke first – she was granite-faced and didn’t smile. “Ms Newell? You’re the manager?”


“Good. My name is Detective Edwards. I’d like to ask you a few questions about the disappearance of one Natalia Orlov.”

Shock chopped into Dylan’s happy Sarah-induced mood. “Disappearance?”

The detective transferred her attention to Dylan. She sighed – as if speaking to the likes of him was too much of an effort for someone as important as her. “Yes, Mr Quinlan. Actually, I’m glad you’re here. It’ll save us coming to your office to find you.”

Dylan’s steely shutter rattled into place. “What are you suggesting?”

“You were seen entering this hotel with Mrs Orlov last night. She wasn’t seen leaving. We need answers.”

“Then I suggest you investigate her husband.”

Her face didn’t flicker. “Oh, what a good idea.” She turned to her colleague. “Johnson, make a note of that, would you?”

Dylan opened his mouth to tell her there was no need for sarcasm, but Sarah intervened. “Wait, are you saying Dylan’s under arrest? Because I can testify that
hasn’t harmed Natalia.” Sarah blushed. “I was with him all last night.”

Detective Edwards pinned Sarah with a glare. “Is that so? Can we go to a room and talk, please? Somewhere away from all these bloody tourists.”

“Yes, of course,” Sarah said. “Come this way.”

Sarah led them to a cavernous function room, which contained enough tables and chairs for hundreds of people. The old-fashioned décor mixed with the modern furniture was as incongruous as this entire situation, and Dylan’s mind raced, trying to keep up. What the hell had happened to Natalia between her leaving Adam’s house last night and now? He flopped down at the nearest table with Sarah and the two cops. The four of them hardly made an impact on the huge space, but Dylan refused to feel small.

He sat up tall. “Now what’s this all about? Don’t you usually wait twenty-four hours before classifying someone as missing?”

“Mrs Orlov is a special case,” the male detective said. “We’ve been keeping an eye on her husband’s activities for some time.”

“Oh yeah, why’s that?”

“Classified information,” Detective Edwards said.

“Yeah, sure.
ask the questions, not me, huh?” He pulled out his phone. “Listen, if this is a formal interrogation, I really need to call my lawyer.”

Detective Edwards shot him a steely stare. “It’s just an informal chat, Mr Quinlan. The UK police don’t carry out ‘interrogations’. And there’s no need for a lawyer, because we’re not arresting you. You’re merely helping us with our enquiries. Now, we all know that you and Mrs Orlov entered this hotel together last night. We saw you leave with Ms Newell and a maid. What happened in the meantime?”

Dylan scoffed. “I suppose you think I bludgeoned her to death in my hotel room, huh?”

“Mr Quinlan, I suggest you start taking this matter seriously. Natalia’s friend in London informed us that she didn’t return home last night. They speak to each other every day.” Anger flashed over the detective’s face. “Mr Orlov has been known to have a temper.”

Dylan absent-mindedly checked his Rolex and realised it was eleven-thirty. Natalia had asked him to meet her at noon, so he decided he should keep that appointment and see what involvement he
have in all this. Perhaps Natalia had walked out on Orlov and wanted to give him some important information about the soccer club. Or maybe it was something even more shady. But whatever Natalia wanted, Dylan had no information for the detective right now. And one thing was for sure, he wasn’t prepared to speak to the police without his lawyer.

He stood up. “I’ve gotta go. You wanna arrest me, then do it. Otherwise, I’ve got a lunch date with my little brother. But you probably already know that, huh?”

Detective Edwards opened her mouth to protest, but Dylan threw his attention over Sarah who was staring at him aghast and in awe. “Sweetheart, you wanna come grab some lunch with me? I’m sure Joey would love to see you again.”

Sarah faltered. She’d never been one for disobeying authority and Dylan knew she would be squirming inside at the prospect. “I can’t really leave the hotel, Dylan.”

He offered her his hand. “Come on, live dangerous for once. It’s kinda fun.”

Sarah grasped his fingers and clambered to her feet. “I told you you were trouble.”

“Trouble? Sarah, you were with me all night – you know I haven’t done anything wrong.” He glanced at the fuming detective. “But I’m not telling the police anything without my lawyer. Come on, let’s grab a bite.”

A rebellious smirk swept across Sarah’s face and she nodded, so he draped his arm around her shoulders and led her out the room like a couple of teenagers skipping class. They strode back to the lobby, where Sarah grabbed her purse and told the receptionist she was going to lunch. The receptionist seemed as shocked as the detective, but Dylan was proud of her for being a little reckless – she probably never took a lunch break, let alone walked out on two cops. They jogged down the marble steps from the lobby into the sunshine and took the subway to Leicester Square, glowing with optimism. All Dylan wanted now – other than Sarah back in his bed – was to prove his innocence and to find out what had happened to Natalia, Hopefully all was about to become clear.

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