The Billionaire Ritual (5 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire Ritual
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When they got to him, his father silently
clapped a hand on his shoulder.

“I’m proud of you, son. I am satisfied, though this has not solved our political troubles once and for all.”

That was all his father said before throwing a glance at Sheila, leaving. The implied end of the speech was: “Your way has solved the problem, but mine would have solved it better.” Cameron just smirked. He knew there was still much that needed resolving. But his immediate troubles were gone, and now he just wanted to leave the forest and spend some alone time with Lynn.

Sheila approached him, a silent tear rolling down her cheek.

“She’s a lucky woman. I will make sure the union is honored.”

Sheila then planted a small kiss on Cameron’s cheek and walked in the same direction as Cameron’s father. Cameron smiled wistfully. Yes, he would have to find someone for Sheila.


Lynn sat in her cabin, glowing.
Deep down inside, she knew that what had passed between her and Cameron was more than a simple love making session on a hill. It had connected them irrevocably, and her heart was set to face whatever she had to in order to be with him. She sat in her cabin, not far from the hill, waiting for him to arrive.

In minutes, he did. When he opened the door, he looked in her eyes, smiling. She gasped, looking into them closely. They were
wolf’s eyes. She wasn’t scared, but excited. It meant she was right: he had let her all the way in.

“I know I still have a lot to explain, but all that matters is that I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want to you to carry my cubs, I want to have memories with you,
and I want to grow old with you. I love you.”

He stood there looking into her eyes as her tears began to well up. They came together in a kiss, their embrace full of the promise of one whole united forever.

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