The Billionaire Bundle

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Authors: Daphne Loveling

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Four Erotic Tales of Curvy Beauties

and the Alpha Males Who Want Them



by Daphne Loveling




Copyright 2013 Daphne Loveling


All rights reserved.



Book design by Daphne Loveling

over Image Copyright Can Stock Photo


The Billionaire’s Demands
(A BBW Billionaire Erotic Romance)



His tongue traced a path down the length of her, stopping to lap at her breasts as she rose up to meet his touch.  Moaning, she whispered her need to him, whimpering as his fingers teased her open thighs and found her hot, moist opening.  He inserted his index and middle fingers inside her, pumping in and out as his thumb circled her red, swollen nub.  She cried out softly, and then more loudly as she rode his hand while he continued to suck and bite her nipples.  Soon, his mouth left her breasts and roamed further down, licking and kissing down her stomach, past her navel, into her bush and arriving at her swollen sex.  He began to suck on her hot clit as she writhed and gasped. She spread her legs even wider and grasped his head between her legs, her hands curling into fists in his hair.  He began to lap her in long strokes that went the length of her, softly and slowly, then faster, faster...

Samantha Clarke woke to the sounds of a construction crew jackhammer outside her building, and the realization that she had slept through her alarm.  Groaning at the noise that had interrupted the best dream she had had in weeks, she rolled over and looked at the time.  Almost eleven o'clock.  Dammit, dammit, dammit -- how in the world had she slept so long?!

Sighing, she sat up in bed and looked around her, mentally taking an inventory of the day.  She had to be at work in five hours.  Before that, she had errands to run.  Better get to it... But her dream was still so real, filling her mind even as she tried to shake it off. She was still swollen with the memory of the mystery man, still aching for him to finish her off.  Leaning over to the nightstand, she opened the drawer and removed her favorite trusty vibrator, easing back into bed with a contented sigh and closing her eyes.  The man reappeared in her imagination, moving back between her legs and licking softly at her with his wet tongue.  Samantha's back arched, her legs straining to spread even wider to welcome the man's mouth on her clit.  "Yes!" she urged him on out loud. She gasped as he found the spot that drove her wild and focused his attention on it, bringing her close to orgasm time and time again before backing off and grazing her just softly enough that he left her in agony.  He toyed with her like this for what seemed like hours until finally, slowly, she felt his tongue return to caress her clit in earnest, bringing her to an earth-shattering orgasm that had her screaming and bucking, her cries lost to the outside world by the jackhammer noise.  She came in wave after wave as he licked and licked her, until finally, her orgasm subsided, leaving her spent and exhausted on the bed.

Sated, Samantha slowly rose from her bead and padded to the kitchen.  She started the coffee maker and then headed to the bathroom.  After a quick shower, she returned to the kitchen, poured herself a cup, and then returned to the bathroom to finish getting ready. 

In the bathroom, Sam thought to herself how long it had been since any man had made her feel like the mystery man in her dream had.  Staring in the mirror as she dried her long, chestnut hair, she took mental stock of herself.  She had always liked her wide, brown eyes, thought her nose was fine, was blessed with a fine, milky complexion, and had what she considered a nice, full bee-stung mouth.  So far so good.  Beyond that, though, was a body that she now contemplated with a critical eye.  She had what could generously be termed "ample" proportions: breasts too full, too rounded for her own taste.  Her torso tapered to a waist and stomach that were soft and feminine, and then flared out again to wide, sensual hips.  Her best friend Emily said that she had a gorgeous figure, but Sam didn't see it that way at all.  She longed to be model-thin and lithe like Emily herself, of like some of the girls at work who never seemed to have any trouble getting stylish clothing to fit them.  Sam always seemed to be struggling with some article of clothing, either her breasts showing too much cleavage or her hips pulling a skirt tightly around them, revealing more than she wanted to reveal. 

Sam was having that problem this morning as well, as she dug through her closet and finally chose a form-fitting dark red V-neck top and a black skirt that ended just above the knee.  This would work fine for running errands and also for work later, she thought, as she found some shoes with a small heel that were cute but practical.  After applying just a hint of makeup and a swipe of lipstick, Sam grabbed her bag and headed out the door into the sunshine, not to return until after her shift that night.

After an afternoon of shopping, a late lunch with Emily, and a trip to the library to return a book, Sam arrived at the Half Moon Bar and Grill a little before four o'clock to begin her shift.  She had been a server at the Half Moon for a little less than a year, first part-time until she had to stop going to school for lack of money, and now full-time.  She told herself that she would work there for two years, tops, as she figured out what to do with her life -- whether she would be able to go back to school and finish her degree, or whether she should try another angle toward beginning a career. She had been taking classes toward a business degree, but she found that her interests were so varied that she didn't quite know what she really wanted to do with her life.  As expensive as school was, she thought that she probably should have a better idea of her career goals before she went back.

Sam said hello to the other girls, as well as Nick, the bartender, and went to the back to put her things away and get her apron for the beginning of her shift.  On the way there, she bumped into Hallie, one of the other waitresses. 

"Oh, hey, Sam!" Hallie smiled as she went by with a tray. 

"Hey, Hal!" Sam called back.  Hallie was, in a word, stunning.  She had exactly the kind of looks Sam would have loved to have herself. Where Sam was voluptuous, Hallie was tight and toned.  She always seemed to have a circle of men vying for her attention, too, which Hallie often said was annoying, but she never really seemed to mind too much.  Still, for all the male attention she received, Hallie and Sam were generally about neck and neck for the amount of tips they received per night, which Sam reminded herself with satisfaction.  At least Hallie's assets didn't give her too much of a leg up over Sam in

The shift passed mostly without incident, in a blur of activity.  The Half Moon was a popular bar in this part of the city, and there usually wasn't a lot of down time during the course of an evening, even on weeknights like tonight.  Around ten o'clock, as the restaurant service was shutting down, a handful of people came in to sit at the bar.  One of them, a man alone, sat down at a table not far from the bar and ordered a Hendricks and tonic.  Hallie came over to Samantha and said in a low whisper, "Wow, look at that guy! He is hot!" Glancing over, Sam had to agree. He appeared to be in his mid- to late-thirties, with dark hair that curled around his collar, dark eyes, and wide, sensuous lips.  He was dressed casually in a dark button-down shirt that fit perfectly on his muscular frame, jeans, and dark, fashionable shoes. He leaned back in his chair and smiled up at Hallie when she brought his drink. Sam noticed that Hallie lingered at his table talking to him for a minute or two, and assumed that she was turning on her high-powered flirting especially for him.  Interestingly, though, the man, though friendly, did not seem to be immediately taking the bait, as most men did when Hallie turned on the charm.  Instead, as she turned away and headed back to the bar, his gaze shifted to rest on Sam. Meeting her eyes, he held her gaze and did not look away for a long moment.  Sam, who at first had returned his look with a polite smile, now found herself blushing as his eyes continued to penetrate hers.  Eventually she tore her eyes away and looked down, flustered. With some confusion, she composed herself and turned away to continue working. 

For the next ten minutes or so she was very careful not to look towards the man at the table, afraid she would reveal her discomfort and make a fool of herself.  Hallie, who had gone back to his table and taken his order for another Hendricks and tonic, passed by Sam at the bar and paused.  "Sam, have you noticed that that guy at the table over there has been watching you basically since he got here?"

"No, I hadn't noticed," Sam replied, feigning nonchalance.  "Has he?"

"Yeah, he can't keep his eyes off you! You should go talk to him!" Hallie said excitedly.

"No!" Sam gasped.  "Why would I do that?!"

would you do that?"  Hallie laughed. "Are you kidding me?"   Why would you
do that?"

"He's probably staring at me for some other reason.  Like maybe I look like his sister or something." Sam had been in relationships and had her share of lovers, but generally speaking, she was fairly picky about whom she went home with.  Not to mention, guys like
, in her experience, were not interested in girls like her.  "Besides, I don't go home with guys I meet in bars."

"Oh, I get it.  You wouldn't want to be a member of a club that would have you.  You
in a bar, Sam. You would be meeting him at
Now get over there and flirt with him!" Hallie urged.

But Samantha did not have the chance to refuse again, because at that moment the man stood up from his table and came to sit on the bar stool nearest to Sam.  "Hi," he said, looking at her again with his piercing dark eyes.

"Hi," she said simply, returning his gaze and willing herself not to blush again.

Hallie, standing behind the man, caught Samantha's gaze and widened her eyes questioningly.  Samantha looked away from her and back at the man, who was looking at her with an amused expression on his face.  "So," he said, "do you get off work soon enough for me to buy you a drink?"

"Actually, I get off work in about twenty minutes," she said, looking at the clock, and then she realized that she had just accepted his offer without even meaning to. "I mean, um..." she began again in confusion, and then trailed off. 
Wow, am I smooth
, she said to herself. 

"Really? It must be my lucky day.  I'll be waiting right over there," he said, pointing back at the table where he had been sitting.

For a moment, Sam considered changing her mind.  After all, she knew absolutely nothing about this guy except that he was gorgeous and knew how to dress.  But she realized that if she turned him down, Hallie would kill her.  Besides, she had to admit that it was a pretty big ego boost that this guy had basically looked right through Hallie and asked her out instead.  That alone was worth a little more investigation. 

Twenty-two minutes later, Samantha was out of her apron and had stopped briefly in the bathroom to brush her hair and apply some lipstick.  She screwed up her courage, put on her "I exude confidence" face, and walked back into the bar.  She sat down at the table across from the man, who looked up with a pleased expression on his face.  "Shall we have one drink here? Then I'd like to take you someplace, if you don't mind."  Sam said that she'd have what he was having, and the man called to Hallie for two more Hendricks and tonic.  "So, tell me about yourself, Samantha.  Your friend Hallie told me your name."

"Tell me about yourself first.  What is
name?" Sam quizzed.

"Patrick Taylor."

"What brings you to this part of town, Patrick?"

He hesitated for a moment, then replied, "I work at Tonic, down the street." Tonic was a new bar-restaurant that had opened up not long after Sam had started working at the Half Moon.  It was one of
hot places in the city.  The food was said to be excellent, and the restaurant specialized in their cocktails and mixed drinks, including a half-dozen different house-crafted tonics for their gin-based drinks.  Sam wondered briefly what Patrick thought about the gin and tonics he had been drinking at the Half Moon.  "Are you a bartender there?" she asked.  "I... have created a couple of the tonics we use, yes," Patrick said, "but no, I'm the... manager.  But I'm not working there tonight.  I thought I could take you there after this."

"I'm not really dressed for it," Sam said, looking down and hoping her clothes didn't look too much the worse for wear after her shift.

"You look... fantastic.  I don't think you have anything to worry about," Patrick grinned at her. They chatted for a few minutes as they finished their drinks, and Sam tried not to stare too obviously at him.  Good lord, he was gorgeous.  She found herself breathing a little faster as she stared at his sensuous lips, wondering what they would feel like on her mouth... or tracing a line down her neck to her breasts... Sam came back to the present, realizing that she had not been listening to him at all.  By now they had finished their drinks, and he stood up to pull out her chair for her.  They turned to go, and Sam looked back and called goodbye to Hallie and Nick (and caught Hallie's frantic "thumbs up" gesture just before Patrick turned back to wave as well). 

Tonic, a Restaurant, was
beautiful.  The interior of the bar area was all blue glass and gleaming metal -- shiny, modern, and exuding the impression of luxury and wealth.  Patrick, his hand on the small of Samantha's back, guided her through the bar toward the back.  Sam was aware of the many beautiful, stylishly-dressed women glancing jealously in their direction as she glided through the area.  Once in the back, Patrick opened a door marked "Private" and gestured Sam inside.  He shut the door behind her, turned to her, and gently but forcefully pushed her back against the wall next to the door frame. "I have a confession to make," he breathed into her ear.

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