The Billionaire and The Pop Star

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Authors: Jordan Silver

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The Billionaire and The Pop Star


Jordan Silver

Copyright © 2014 Alison Jordan

All Rights Reserved


Cover image by
Jordan Silver

Cover photo by
ID 28338637 ©

Chapter 1

That’s it. I’m
spanking her ass as soon as we get back to the house, right before I fuck her
little ass into submission. I watched with the other couple hundred thousand
spectators as she gyrated her ass and flaunted what belonged to me for all to

Yes, I know
it’s her job as the newest and hottest Pop sensation on the scene today, but we
talked about this shit. I have no problem with her performing, but there’s such
a thing as going too far.

She’d come out
on the stage dressed conservatively enough in the floor length dress with the
split up the middle to her crotch. Even that was a bit risqué for my taste, but
I couldn’t expect her to change everything overnight.

What I didn’t
expect, and what was now driving me insane, is the two piece bikini number she
was now wearing after dropping the dress, or more to the point, after one of
the male dancers had undressed her on stage.

No one sitting
near me could tell that I was seething with rage. I kept my face at ease and my
slouch in the chair in the front row of the awards show was that of a man with
nothing on his mind but enjoying the show.

By now
everyone knew we were an item, the thirty-five year old business mogul, and the
twenty -three year old Pop sensation. We’d been able to keep our affair hidden
for all of two months and that only because of my high security. But now the
cat was out of the bag and everyone was in our fucking business.

I wasn’t too
worried about it, I just don’t like my personal life splashed across the
headlines, but I guess it came with the territory.

I’d seen her for the first time three
months ago. It was at a lingerie show of all things. Not my usual milieu, but
my sister had dragged me along since her husband was away on business, and she
didn’t want to go it alone.

I’d sat there
prepared to be bored out of my mind for the next two hours or so. I’ve seen and
had my fair share of models over the years, and they no longer appealed.

So imagine my
surprise when she came on stage. I had no idea who she was, but from the
crowd’s reaction she was someone of note; before she even opened her mouth to
sing the place had gone insane.

It was her
voice that caught my attention first, sultry and hot, with an old world flavor
to it. When I finally looked up at the stage, my breath had got caught in my

She was
fucking magnificent. I wondered how many of the men in the audience were
focused on her instead of the scantily clad models as they made their way down
the runway.

I know I spent
the next three minutes or however long the song was, totally captivated by her.
I pulled my phone and cancelled my dinner date and essentially ended the
six-month relationship I’d been barely having with another woman.

I’m a man of
action, I’ve learned in the cutthroat world of high finance that there’s no
other way to be. When I see something that I want, I go after it. Consequences

They had her
name highlighted behind her on the stage so I used my phone to Google her. I
needed to find out what moves I had to make to acquire her. If she were married,
I’d step back. That’s not my style. Anything else, she was fair game.

; she was twenty-three years old and had been heating
up the charts for the last two with hit after hit since her debut. She’d only been
linked with one guy in the past two years. Some on again, off again deal with a
kid who was not much older than she. They were having an off period; perfect.
If I had anything to say about that, it would be a permanent thing, or until
I’d had my fill at least.


I’m not one
for long relationships. I stay as long as they run their course and leave when
they’ve grown stale. I have yet to find a woman who could hold my interest for
more than a few months at a time. And I always let them know up front what the
deal is. Though it seemed women were always saying they were fine with it until
the end came.

Like Cynthia,
that night when I’d called to tell her it was over. It wasn’t the most
conventional way to do things. Usually, I sent over one of Tiffany’s little
blue boxes to ease the blow, but there was no time, so I’d have to do it the
next day.

She started to
get upset on the phone and I had to remind her of the words I’d spoken on our
first date. She wasn’t too happy, but it will have to suffice.

As much of a
bastard as I am, the thought of pursuing one woman while embroiled with
another, just didn’t suit me. After the phone call, I’d sat there and watched
the anorexic looking clothe-horses as they pranced up and down the stage.


There was still a buzz about the hot
little starlet who’d just left the stage, and I smiled quietly to myself when I
heard some ass behind me tell his friends that he was going to make his move.

The program
said she had one more performance near the end of the show, so I sat patiently
and waited. When she came out the second time, I actually sat up in my seat. My
back wasn’t the only thing that went ramrod straight.

Though I
didn’t appreciate the comments from the other men around me that night, I had
to admit that she was fucking hot, as one of them had claimed. She was dressed
pretty much like one of the models; only she’d covered the panty and bra set
with a see-through silk robe that didn’t leave much to the imagination.

She outshone
everyone there and it helped that she actually had a body. She was all smooth
curves, and her legs, I could already imagine being held between them as I
fucked her.

Whether by providence, or fate,
whatever you
call it, our eyes met, and in that
split second I saw all I needed to know. I don’t think anyone else caught the
faltering misstep in her routine, or heard the catch in her voice, but so in
tuned was I, that I didn’t miss a thing.

Chapter 2

I waited until her number was over
and the last call for the models came through the PA. Then I made my excuses to
my sister, who thankfully, was involved in a conversation with the woman on her
other side so wasn’t paying too much attention, and therefore wasn’t in my

“I’ll be right back sis,
there’s something I need to take care of.

I made my way backstage the way I
do most things
like I owned the place. Bypassing
scantily clad women and harassed assistants, I avoided their hungry gazes as I
kept my gaze peeled for that waterfall of cascading curls.

She was off to
the side surrounded by a bevy of people who were trying to hustle her through a
door to the back. I made my way towards them and grabbed her elbow.

She looked
back and up and in her eyes I saw acceptance. She turned to the pushy woman
next to her and whispered something before following me. She didn’t really have
a choice as I had no intentions on releasing my hold on her.

As soon as I
found an empty room, which turned out to be some sort of storage space, I did
something I don’t recall having ever done before, but had been dying to for
that last hour or so.

Crowding her
back against the door to keep it closed, I held her eyes as I lowered my head
to hers. Licking across her lips, I found the taste of strawberries suddenly
intoxicating. I pushed one leg between hers and pulled her body in close as I
fed her my tongue.

“Fuck you’re sweet.” I nibbled from
her lips to her ear. “You’re coming home with me.”

“I can’t I…”

I buried my
hands in her hair, pulling her head back. “Whatever it is that you’re about to
say won’t make a difference. Feel this.” I pressed her hand against her own
racing heart.

“Now feel
this.” Lifting her I pushed my cock into the junction of her thighs where I
could feel her hot pussy through the silk of her clothing. “Do you feel that?
That means that no one and nothing is going to stand in the way of me having
you. We don’t have to fuck tonight, but you’re sleeping in my bed.”

She seemed
overwhelmed by my approach and rested her head against my chest. I took the
opportunity to call my sister and make my excuses. “Sis, I’m sending a car for
you, something came up and I have to leave.”

We said our
goodbyes and I called my driver who was having an evening off since I’d driven
my sister here tonight. He had no problem with the last minute call since he
knew he’d be handsomely compensated for the inconvenience.

“Let’s get out
of here.” I don’t know how we escaped the glare of flashing cameras that night,
but somehow we did. I’d covered her scantily clad body with my suit jacket and
held her under my arm as we made our way to the valet parking where they’d
brought my Bugatti around in less then five minutes.


I held her
hand all the way to my home in the car. There were no words spoken between us
in the ten minutes or so it had taken for us to get there. I could feel the
racing of her pulse and see the apprehension in her eyes.

When I helped
her out of the car in the underground garage, I pressed her up against the door
and swallowed her tongue again. She was young and fresh and so fucking sweet
she made me ache.

I loved the
way she rubbed herself against my cock, almost as if she couldn’t help herself.
“I’m going to enjoy having you under me
.” I
took her hand and led her into the building, bypassing the bank of elevators to
my own personal lift in the corner.

She kept her
head down, maybe because she didn’t want to be recognized by the doorman and
security, or maybe because she was shy, I was inclined to believe it was the

Once we got to
my penthouse, she seemed shy and unsure of herself. I’m not one to buy into
preconceived notions. There’s been plenty written about me in the tabloids over
the years that bears no resemblance to the truth, and though I hadn’t come
across anything inflammatory about her in my little impromptu search, I was
sure she dealt with her fair share of bullshit.

I also had to
take into consideration her age. She was young yet, for all that she was world
travelled and famous, sometimes those things could hide a multitude of things.
Like the fact that her shyness and hesitance was not contrived.
My first order of business was to put her at ease.

Walking over
to where she stood in front of the door as if ready to escape at a moment’s
notice, I took my jacket from around her shoulders. I kept my eyes on her bent
head until I threw the jacket in the general direction of the chair in the
corner. Then lifting her chin with the tip of my finger, I looked into her

“You have
nothing to fear here; it’s like I said, we don’t have to fuck each other
tonight. I can maybe hold off until tomorrow, but I want you in my bed, in my
arms. What I saw tonight, I would be a fool to waste any time.”

“Um, what’s
your name?” I threw my head back and laughed uproariously. I’m such a beast. I
hadn’t even introduced myself. It’s a wonder she hadn’t run away screaming
bloody murder.

“I’m Trace McKenzie.”

Her eyes widened a bit at my name and led me to my next
question. “You know my name?”

“Everybody knows who you are,
don’t they?”

“I don’t know
about everyone, but maybe a good few do. Can I get you something to drink? What
do you usually do after a performance, which was magnificent by the way.

“I usually
have warmed lemon and honey with a glass of water. It helps keep my throat
soothed, but I don’t expect you to have that stuff here, so it’s okay.” She bit
her lip and looked down at her feet even more shy now. Very endearing.


I walked over
to the in house phone and called down to have them go pick me up what she
needed from the all-night market a few blocks over. “That’s taken care of. It
should be here in a few. Why don’t we go out onto the patio and relax until
they get here?”

I took her
elbow and led her outside where the stars were putting on a show in the night
sky. I was amazed at my control, everything in me wanted in her now. But
somehow, I knew
whatever it was between us
wouldn’t be rushed.

I quirked my brow at my thoughts.
I’m not one for patience
and I’d be the first to admit it. She moved to sit in the chair next to mine,
but I had other ideas. Pulling her down into my lap, I didn’t give her time to
protest before my lips were covering hers again.

I couldn’t
seem to get enough of her taste. She was wearing the same silk robe and
underwear she’d worn on stage and her body’s heat seared me. By the time the
bell chimed announcing the arrival of her delivery, my hands were buried in her
beautiful hair and my cock was digging into her hip.

I sat her in
the seat a little dazed and went to answer the door.
the kitchen I prepared the concoction for her and had a weird sense that I was
going to be doing that a lot in the future. That’s something else I never pay
too much attention to, the future. I usually let the chips fall where they may.

“Here love, I
hope it’s the way you like
” she took the tumbler
from me and sipped.

“Umm, perfect
thanks Trace.” I hunkered down in front of her and she stopped with the glass
halfway to her lips. I held her eyes as I tried to form the words in my head.

“Do you have
any upcoming engagements planned?”

“I have three weeks until my
next show, I don’t go on tour for another couple of months and I just wrapped
up in the studio a few days ago.”

“Then the next
three weeks are mine. Let’s go to bed tomorrow is going to be a long day.” I
took the empty glass from her and led her inside. She was back to being nervous
which was totally understandable.

through there with an en suite bath if you’d like.
I’ll find you something to sleep in.” she walked on in the direction I’d
pointed out while I turned for the kitchen.

When I made it
back to the bedroom she was in the shower. It took everything I had in me not
to go after her. The night sure was turning into one for the books. I’ve never
brought a woman home for the sole purpose of just having here there.

She came out
fifteen minutes later and I fought the kick in my heart.
looked like a teenager with her hair brushed out around her shoulders and her
face bare of makeup. I walked over and unwrapped the towel she had clutched in
her fist.

“Fuck me, it’s
gonna be a long fucking night.” She was perfection. Her tits, which for some
reason had been hidden in the
were magnificent, I
would say a DD or close, with pale pink nipples that almost blended into the
rest of her flesh. Her waist was tiny, I could easily span it with my hands and
her hips had a nice flare to them. All
and now
all mine.

It was topped
off with a homegrown beauty that you never see these days. Pink flesh with a
hint of a tan on her cheeks, and the cutest sprinkling of freckles across her
perfectly upturned nose.

“I see you’re
a real blonde.” Her whole body lit up with her blush at my mention of the strip
of hair over her pussy mound. I kissed the top of her head as I passed her the
tee shirt I’d chosen for her to sleep in. Another first, I usually avoided too
much familiarity with the women I dealt with. Having her sleep in my favorite
old college shirt was very telling in deed, but we’ll see how this plays out.

“I’ll be right
out sweetie, you can watch TV until I’m done or if you’re tired go to sleep.” I
left her standing there and went to my own shower before I went back on my word
and threw her to the ground and fucked her the way I imagined.

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