The Big O (An OTT Insta-love STANDALONE) (10 page)

Read The Big O (An OTT Insta-love STANDALONE) Online

Authors: Nelle L'Amour

Tags: #Erotic, #Romance

BOOK: The Big O (An OTT Insta-love STANDALONE)
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Soon after we ate dinner, we called it a night. She was sleeping nowhere else but in my bed and in my arms. I just wanted to hold her, inhale her, and feel her soft skin against mine. I wanted our first night together to be special. For her to know I was there for her.

Just before I turned out the light, she crawled out of the bed.

“Where are you going, princess?” My pulse sped up. I hoped she wasn’t having second thoughts about sleeping with me.

Maybe she had to use the bathroom? To my surprise, she got down on her knees and began to pray. My eyes never strayed from her as she mouthed words I couldn’t hear, kneeling before me with her hands folded on my bed, her eyes shut, and her head bowed. The moonlight lit up her alabaster body making her almost ethereal. It was the most moving and beautiful sight I’d ever seen, and I swear once again she almost brought me to tears.

“Princess, do you do that every night?” I asked as she finished and rose to her feet.

“Yes,” she said in a voice so soft it was almost a whisper.

“What do you pray for?”

A wistful smile spread on her sensuous lips and her eyes grew soulful. “So many things. I pray for my dear mama in heaven and I pray for a better a world. A kind world with peace and equality where no one hurts each other in any way.” She paused. “Do you believe in prayers?”

I wasn’t sure since they didn’t save my mother. “Do you?”

“Oh yes, I do.” She held me tenderly in her gaze. “Every day of my life I’ve prayed for someone like you to find me, sweep me off my feet, and take me to their castle. And you did.”

Her words tugged at my heartstrings. I wasn’t what you’d call a spiritual person, but something about my Olive made me a deeper, better person. Most women I met were shallow gold diggers, but Olive was something else. There was depth to her soul and unparalleled goodness. She was like an angel. I was simply in awe of her and wondered if my dear mother had sent her to me from heaven. No matter what I was going through, I always felt she was watching over me. My eyes stayed riveted on Olive and I swear I could see a halo above her head and wings sprouting from her heart.

“So now that I’ve found you, what are you going to pray for?”

“I’m praying that you never leave me and that we live happily ever after.”

I smiled at her. “My princess, I’m going to make your prayers come true.”

Oh yes, I was. I’d never wanted anyone or anything more. Tomorrow, in the morning, I was going to go to my safety deposit box and give her what she deserved. I’d do it right now if I could. My mother’s wedding ring had collected dust waiting for the right girl to come along. I never thought she would until Olive magically appeared in my life. It was destiny.

“Come, back into bed,” I said softly, motioning with my hand. “We have a big day ahead of us.” For the first time all evening, I thought about work. Tomorrow we’d be casting The Big O Girl for our upcoming commercial. My eyes on my Olive, I knew I’d personally found mine.

In no time, we were under the covers, her body spooned in mine. I held her close to me, one arm draped over her supple breasts. I could feel her heart beat beneath my palm. How delicious she felt, the vanilla scent of her hair making me dizzy with lust. Though my cock stiffened, tonight, our first time together, cuddling her trumped fucking her. How much my life had changed in the course of twelve hours.

“Goodnight, my princess.”

“Goodnight, my king. Sweet dreams.”

My mother used to say those two words to me at bedtime. I hadn’t heard them in eons. Ever since her passing, I didn’t fare well in the dream department. They were like abstract paintings I couldn’t decipher and, for the most part, couldn’t remember in the morning.

Tonight would be different. I was sure. I had a lot to dream about. A future I looked forward to. All my worries about my business dissipated as thoughts of Olive filled my head. She had opened up to me emotionally and physically—spread her legs and shared her story. She had given me all of her. And I wanted to give her all of me. I was going to make her my queen.

Just before sleep claimed me, I kissed her soft scalp once more and let her beautiful name roll off my tongue like a lullaby.

“I love you, Olive Cumming.”

“I love you too, Owen King.”

t was like a slo-mo scene out of a movie. We were holding hands…Olive and me…running barefoot through a field of poppies, inhaling them like they were opium, getting high as a kite on our love. Her laughter filled the air as butterflies danced overhead. The sun shone brightly, bringing out the highlights of her golden hair, flying behind her. My heart beating with love, I slowed down my pace and ultimately brought us to a halt. Cupping her shoulders, I spun her around so she was facing me. I loved that she was so petite next to my tall, broad frame and had to crane her neck to look up at me. Her eyes sparkled like dewdrops as she licked her curved upper lip—a small gesture that sent my cock into a tailspin. I had to have her. Right now. Right here. The impassioned expression on her face said the same thing. Hungering for her, I lifted off her sheer dress while she tugged at the drawstring of my linen pants. In no time, we were bared to each other. My cock swelled at the sight of her flawless creamy white flesh in this sea of red. Her luscious rose-tipped tits quivered in the gentle breeze. Her beauty had no rival. I reached out to touch her, and as my hand touched down to caress her, in a flash she was gone! Just like that. She had evaporated into thin air!

“Olive!” I cried out, flinging my hand across my bed. My heart skipped a beat. She was gone. Out of my dreams. And out of my life. I bolted to a sitting position, my heart thudding beneath the cold sweat that clustered on my chest. She was gone. All that remained was the outline of her lush body. Beneath the covers, my morning wood throbbed as panic set in and my dream filled my head. What did it mean? Was it some kind of premonition? I had lost her? Maybe she was never mine and I was just dreaming that she was? I inhaled through my nose to calm down, and an unexpected intoxicating aroma wafted into the room. I knew that smell! Though it had never filled the air of this big house, I remembered it fondly from my childhood. It was unmistakably the smell of bacon and eggs coming from my kitchen. As another delectable scent mingled with it—that of fresh coffee brewing—footsteps sounded in the hall. In a few relieved breaths, she was standing at the doorway.

My Olive! Barefoot, she was wearing my white dress shirt. Falling over her lush curves, it hung to her knees, and the sleeves were rolled up at least a dozen times. The top buttons were left open giving me a bird’s-eye view of her sublime cleavage. Fuck. She looked sexy as hell. I could eat her whole. My cock raged beneath the covers.

“Hi,” she said sweetly.

“Hi,” I said back. “Did you sleep well?”

That dazzling dimpled smile lit up her face. “Oh, yes! It was the best night’s sleep I’ve ever had!”

“Good.” I smiled, pushing my disturbing dream out of my mind. “I slept well too.” Ha! That was an understatement. Except for the brutal awakening, it was the best sleep I’d ever had too. I loved having her soft body next to mine and hearing her breathe. In the middle of the night, I’d woken up to find that she had rolled over onto her back. The beam of moonlight that slipped through the bedroom curtains illuminated her porcelain-skinned face. Her lips were gently parted, forming a little smile, and her long-lashed eyes fluttered ever so slightly as if she were having some kind of dream. Her ample breasts rose up and down as she breathed. Her lustrous hair was fanned out across the pillow. I swear she totally looked like some kind of angel sent down from heaven. A peacefulness enveloped her. Tenderly, I’d traced her soft lips with my finger, careful not to wake her. Watching a woman sleep was a novelty for me. I could have stared at her for hours.

“I made bacon and eggs,” she said brightly, reeling me back to the moment. “I hope you like your eggs over easy.”

Yeah, I did. But that’s not what I was hungering for. My stomach growled while my boner begged. I craved a taste of her delicious pussy. A

“You have a wonderful kitchen, but all your pots and pans look like they’ve never been used. And there was hardly anything in your refrigerator.”

“That’s because I don’t cook. I mostly eat out or order in.”

“Oh! I can teach you how to cook. I’m super good at it.”

She was super good at a lot of things I thought at the realization that she was probably wearing nothing under my shirt. Just a fine layer of premium high thread-count cotton separated me from her sweet flesh. My stomach rumbled again. Fuck. What was I waiting for? I could die from hunger. It had been almost twenty-four hours since I’d had a taste of her.

“Are you hungry?” she asked, tugging at the tails of my shirt as if she were reading my dirty mind.

“Yes, sweetheart, I’m ravenous.” The question in my head was not for what but where. Where did I want to eat her? On my bed? On the floor? Or right in the doorway?

Could she see the hunger blazing in my eyes as she stood there waiting for my next words? I made a decision. I was almost too weak to get out of bed, and I didn’t want to frighten her with my morning wood.

“Come here, princess.”

Wearing a sheepish smile, she ambled my way. Her gait was definitely more confident than when I first met her. And definitely sexier. She ran her fingers through her mane of hair as she approached the bed.

“Yes?” she asked demurely as I shoved off the covers.

“Please come back into bed and sit on my face.”

stopped dead in my tracks. Did I hear that right? He wanted me to sit on his face? Reclining on the bed, his head propped up on a pillow, he shot me a fiendish grin.

“Come on, princess. I’m not the big bad wolf. I’m not going to bite.”

“B-but, Owen, do you know how much I weigh?” All my insecurities about my weight crept back into me.

To my surprise, he let out a belly laugh. “My princess, I love every ounce of you and you’re not going to crush me.”

“B-but, I may smother you.”

“Don’t worry, I have excellent breath control.” He winked. “The only thing you’re going to smother me with is your love. Now, get your sweet ass over here.”

Hesitantly, I did as he asked, taking baby steps in his direction. Once I got onto the bed, he told me to take his shirt off and then he instructed me how to position myself. To my relief, I wasn’t exactly sitting on his face. It was more like I was straddling it, my butt resting on his chest, my legs folded behind me, gripping his torso. I could still see most of his face, but he had easy access to my pussy. He told me to hold on to the headboard or plant my hands on the mattress. My heart hammering with anticipation, I chose the latter.

“Owen, I’m not sure about this.”

“I am. You smell delicious. I can’t wait to eat your honeyed folds. Relax and just pretend you’re a queen sitting on her throne.”

He slipped his arms under by bent legs, curling them around me so his hands were splayed on my butt.

“Damn, I love your ass.” I heard him inhale.

I twitched as his nose teased at my backdoor entrance. “What do I do?”

“Nothing. Just lean back and enjoy yourself, my royal highness.”

On my next heartbeat, he started to trail kisses up my inner thighs, one after the other, making his way to my pussy. All my insecurities melted away. I was as turned on as a neon light, every nerve in my body buzzing with desire. I was sure there was already a sticky puddle of my wetness in the middle of his chiseled chest.

“Oh my God, that feels amazing,” I panted out.

“Play with those gorgeous tits of yours. It’ll be even more amazing.”

He obviously knew what he was doing so I did as he asked, cupping my bountiful boobs in my hands. As I kneaded them like dough, I felt my nipples harden beneath my palms. His eyes on me, he was right. A rush of erotic sensation zapped my center as he licked my most private part.

“I fucking love the taste of your pussy on my tongue. It’s so sugary good.”

He blew a hot breath on my pussy, and as I gasped with pleasure, he began to stroke my slick folds with his tongue as if he were icing them with his saliva. Then, he focused on my clit, flicking, licking, and nibbling the ultra-sensitive nub.

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