The Big Blind (Nadia Wolf) (4 page)

Read The Big Blind (Nadia Wolf) Online

Authors: Nicolette Pierce

Tags: #mystery, #poker, #the big blind, #Romantic Suspense, #nadia wolf, #Romance, #las vegas, #Suspense, #comedy, #thriller, #nicolette pierce

BOOK: The Big Blind (Nadia Wolf)
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I shoved my stack in. “All in.”

Everyone folded except for a man across from me. He had his hood drawn close around his face and a pair of hologram sunglasses with snake eyes. He called my bet, and we laid our cards face up on the table. He had an ace and ten of clubs which could lead to a straight, flush, a straight flush, or just a pair of aces. I’ve been beat with these cards in the past, but I was still hopeful my kings would win. They had to win!

I held my breath as the dealer laid the first three cards on the table known as the flop. The first two cards didn’t help either of us, but the third card was the jack of clubs and helped the hooded man. The dealer turned the next card. My breath hitched. It was a queen of clubs. The hooded man was on his way to making a straight. I could hear pounding and realized it was my heart beating in my ears.

“Breathe,” Caleb whispered.

If a club, king, or ace appeared, then I was finished. My tournament would be lost and ten thousand dollars of my money would be gone. I knew gambling was about winning some and losing some . . . hopefully winning more than you lose. The ten thousand was my whole savings. Roy told me it was risky to gamble my savings, but I didn’t want another year to roll by without taking a chance at the million dollar prize.

The dealer flipped over the last card. I held my breath as I quivered with nervous anticipation. I peered down at the card . . . it was a two of hearts.
Oh, thank God!
I won the round and doubled my stack.

“Good one,” Caleb said.

The rest of the day turned out rather well. I regained my composure and a healthy chip stack. There were a couple times I had to force my head back into the game. The first time was when a camera crew videoed a spotlight segment on Caleb. I ended up caught in a hand with him. He, of course, won the hand. Thankfully, he didn’t win too many chips from me.

The second time was when he tried to stretch his legs and accidentally bumped me. His hand reached out to touch my leg to apologize but was slow to remove it. The heat from his touch on my skin zinged to my stomach. I shook it off, winning my first hand from him. Unfortunately, that hand wasn’t televised.


I gathered up my belongings for the day. The second day of the tournament was at an end, and I still had chips.

“You’re not a bad player considering you’re a girl,” Caleb said.

My eye twitched, and my fingers curled into my purse.

He laughed. “Nadia, you need to relax. I was just joking around. You should go out and have fun. You’re too high strung.”

“I’m high strung because I have to sit at the table with a bunch of men who have egos the size of Jupiter.”

His eyes crinkled mischievously. He was about to say something when a woman strode over to our table and stood next to him. She was wearing a fitted black skirt suit with a white blouse that was skin tight and unbuttoned to show off the top edge of her black lacey bra. She gazed down at Caleb and brushed her long dark hair to the side.

“Caleb, we need to go over your schedule.”

Caleb sighed. “I’m busy. Let’s do it later.”

Her eyes drifted from Caleb and focused on me. “She’s not your type.”

“It’s not about her. I just don’t want to worry about schedules right now. You’re my manager; you deal with it.”

She ignored him and surveyed the room. “Where’s Brianna?”

“Who?” Caleb asked.

“The redhead from yesterday. I told her to be here for the tournament and the photo shoot tonight.”

“I don’t know, and I don’t care.”

“I thought she was your girlfriend,” I said it more to myself than Caleb.

“No, she’s an actress or model my manager hired. Jessica seems to think I’ll receive more publicity by keeping a different girl at my side every other day. I get them confused, and I never remember their names. Half of the time I can’t remember if the girl is a model or a real date.”

Jessica slanted her eyes at Caleb. “It’s a man’s game. Men like to keep informed about their favorite player. You’re the favorite, so you need to cater to a man’s fantasy. The average man who watches televised poker is a married man who doesn’t have the dream bachelor lifestyle and a gorgeous woman at his side. He gets his kicks out of watching you and places himself in your shoes.”

“Geesh,” I said. “I didn’t know Caleb was so crucial to the average male.”

Caleb chuckled. “Don’t take Jessica seriously.”

Jessica tapped her foot impatiently. “I’ll call the modeling agency and see if I can find a backup girl.”

“I’ll take Nadia.”

“Who?” Jessica asked.

Caleb pointed to me. “Nadia.”

Jessica performed a full body scan with her cutting eyes. “No, she won’t work.”

“She’s fine.”

“Excuse me!” I butted in. “First of all, I’m better than fine. Secondly, I already have plans.”

“You see? She already has plans,” Jessica said.

“It pays one thousand dollars,” Caleb said.

My mouth dropped open. “Uh, I can’t. I have to work.”

“How much do you get paid?”

“None of your business.”


I opened the door to the chapel and spotted James Dean waving frantically at me.

“Frankie, are you okay?”

“No, we have some serious work to do.”

“What’s wrong? I don’t start for a few hours. Is there an early wedding booked?”

“No, we have to get you ready.”

“You’re losing me, Frankie.”

I sighed as this was a normal occurrence. He was always losing me; like a child who had too much sugar and was running around with a lampshade on his head, Frankie was the same with schemes. I could never catch up with him or settle him down.
Maybe a time out?

Frankie took a deep breath, but it didn’t help his mouth from racing. “Caleb called and asked if you could have off tonight for a photo shoot. It’s supposed to be huge! He’s sending over the dress the original model was going to wear, so I’m sure we’ll have to do alterations.” He was forming a list and pacing frantically. “We have to do something with your hair and makeup. I think we’ll have to exfoliate too. You’re looking dreadful from holing up in the casino all day. We’re going to be super busy transforming you. He’ll pick you up at eight so we have to hustle. Go take a shower and come back here. And listen, missy, you’d better wear some sexy undies. I don’t want to transform you into a queen when you’re wearing pauper panties.”

My mouth hung open.

“Why aren’t you moving?” He asked.

“Because I’m in shock, and I’m not going. I’m not a dog; he can’t just summon or tell me what to do.”

“Oh, nuh-uh! Don’t get all feministic on me. Let me remind you, you are a professional poker player. Therefore, you need publicity just like Caleb. He can help you. By standing next to him you’ll become a name and not just a player. Plus, now that I’m your manager, you’ll need to get with the program . . . my program.”

“I never had a manager, and I don’t need one.”

Frankie sucked a lung full of air and huffed it back out with a dramatic sigh.

“I’m happy the way things are,” I said. “I don’t need to be in the public eye to play poker.”

“You’re happy?” He narrowed his eyes at me, flinging his arms up in the air with frustration. “You’re not happy! You have a mediocre stream of cash coming in from working the tables all day and night. Then you come home to a cat that has serious anger management issues. The highlight of your day is when you help me in the chapel. When was the last time you dressed up and felt like a sexy woman?”

“Gus is just lazy.”

“Really? That’s what you took from the conversation?” Frankie twitched like a diva that reached her credit card limit and still needed shoes. “You better run your tush upstairs and take a shower before I go Godzilla on your ass.”

I turned and sulked to my apartment. I knew I was beat. Frankie is a great guy, but when an idea imbeds into his brain, it’s better for all involved to buckle up for the rollercoaster ride.

I showered and thought of all the ways I could kill Caleb. I imagined trying to strangle him, but my mind drifted to when he touched my leg. My skin erupted with full body tingles. I guess killing Caleb would be out of the question . . . too much physical contact. I quickly turned the shower knob to cold and hopped out when it turned freezing.

I rummaged through my underwear drawer until I found my secret purchase. I bought a panty and bra set months ago but never had the courage to remove the tags, let alone wear it. Not to mention, I work the tables all day and night in jeans and a t-shirt. It’s not the most glamorous lifestyle.

I held out a black lacy pushup bra and matching panties. I took a deep breath and wiggled into them. I threw on a robe and ran downstairs.

“It’s about time,” Frankie said when I peeked into the chapel. “There aren’t any couples right now, so we need to move fast. I brought Dani for help.”

Dani worked at the chapel five nights, and I worked her nights off. She’s in her early twenties and loves to chew and snap her bubblegum like she’s in grade school. She wears her electric-blue hair short, and all of her piercings are silver.

“Sorry Dani,” I called to the front foyer. I heard her greeting gum snap.

“A pushy woman named Jessica dropped off the dress,” Frankie said. “It’s gorgeous. I hope you’ve been working out. This dress won’t look great on just anyone.”

“You’re freaking me out,” I said, eyeing the garment bag.

“Don’t worry. I’ll have you looking fabulous. Dani,” he called to the front, “let the magic begin.”


By the time they were finished, I had aches and pains all over my body. They pulled, poked, waxed, buffed, slathered, yanked, taped, painted, and invaded all personal space I like to keep guarded.

“You need to keep this style maintained,” Frankie said. “You’re going to be in the public eye more because I’m your manager.”

I rolled my eyes and caught my reflection in the mirror.

“The dress really works for you,” Dani said, snapping her gum.

The gown was black with silver streaks which grew wider at the bottom of the long flowing skirt. A slit ran up the dress stopping precariously high on the front of my thigh. The body of the dress was tightly fitted and had wide straps. The v-neck plunged deeper than I felt comfortable with. My pushup bra was rendered useless by the low neckline. I slipped my feet into strappy silvery heels.

Caleb opened the door to the chapel. He was wearing a black suit cut to the latest style seen on Hollywood’s red carpet. It fit his angles perfectly. The top button of his white dress shirt was undone. Between the quality fabric and the breathtaking cut of the suit, I was sure it was a designer label made especially for him. His hair, still tousled and windblown, created an image of pure lust.

“Omigod! He’s here!” Frankie squealed.

Dani’s eyes flashed at Frankie; the two of them raced towards Caleb. Frankie won by giving Dani a hip bump onto the foyer couch.

Frankie came to a full halt in front of Caleb. “I’m you’re biggest fan,” Frankie gushed, giving Caleb a vigorous handshake.

“Thank you. Is Nadia ready?”

“Yes, but watch out,” Frankie warned. “She may look drop dead gorgeous, thanks to me, but she’s as angry as a rattlesnake taunted by a wild dog.”

“Am I the wild dog in this scenario?” Caleb asked.

“You’re a bad, bad dog.” Frankie winked. “Don’t worry. I’ll contact Jessica to schedule more events. I’m Nadia’s manager now.”

I shook my head as I listened to Frankie.

“Nadia, let’s go. You don’t want to be late,” Frankie called to me.

I took a deep breath and walked out as gracefully as possible which was a monumental accomplishment considering I’ve never worn four-inch heels.

Caleb slowly took me in. “Shit.”


Chapter 3

I glared at Caleb even though it took serious effort. He was delicious enough to lay out in a display case. “You have a lot of nerve coming in here after the torture I endured, and then you say ‘shit’? Frankie already gave me hell for not wanting to go.”

“You better retreat slowly,” Frankie said to Caleb under his breath. “Don’t look into her eyes.”

Caleb ignored Frankie’s caution and closed the distance between us with his soft eyes. Each step was one step closer to unraveling my anger. He stopped when he was so close his energy engulfed me.

“You’re stunning,” he said as his fingers reached to take mine. “I was trying to teach Jessica a lesson. I wanted to show her I could bring a real woman into public without the world falling apart. I didn’t realize you could go from being pretty to a knockout. You could pass for one of those ditsy hired models. It throws a wrench into my plan.” He scanned to my cleavage and a smile curled on his lips, “I guess I still win either way.”

I narrowed my eyes to cover that he was disarming me with every word and movement. “Let’s get this over!”

He led me to his Porsche 911 waiting by the front door. It irked me to know he could afford such an expensive vehicle. What made him so great that he owned a Porsche while I drove a clunker? I held onto the irritated feeling hoping it would carry me through the night. Hopefully, I wouldn’t throw myself at Caleb the way every other woman does.

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