The Betting Season (A Regency Season Book) (39 page)

Read The Betting Season (A Regency Season Book) Online

Authors: Jerrica Knight-Catania,Catherine Gayle,Ava Stone,Jane Charles

Tags: #historical romance, #regency anthology, #anthology, #regency romance, #catherine gayle, #jerrica knightcatania, #jane charles, #ava stone

BOOK: The Betting Season (A Regency Season Book)
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Moira dressed for the day, though she had no intention of leaving the house. Her rash had somewhat cleared, but the terrible color had barely faded in her hair. Besides, her eyes were now red and puffy with dark circles from a sleepless night spent crying. Why did she have to fall in love with Ainsely? Why couldn’t he love her? At least enough to convince her that Yorkshire was far enough away. But all he did was kiss her senseless, make her feel pretty for the first time in her life, and tell her what type of Scot to marry.

Tears welled in her eyes again. Why did he have to go and kiss her? In didn’t matter that she wanted him to, because she’d never anticipated falling in love. She’d been quite happy thinking he was becoming a grand friend, someone she could depend upon. Someone who could be very dear to her this Season. He had gone and ruined it all by pointing out her four best features. It was entirely his fault that moving to Scotland to get away from her mother was no longer important, and he was the reason no other gentlemen would make her happy.

She took the steps slowly to the breakfast room. Where had Alvina gone? She was to have returned, but that was an hour ago.

Moira’s stomach grumbled, though she didn’t have much of an appetite. The breakfast room was too bright, and pain stabbed behind her eyes. “Could you please pull the drapes?” she asked the footman as she entered. He did as she bade and the room dimmed, bringing a bit of relief. Nothing Cook prepared this afternoon tempted her, despite the objections of her stomach, so Moira chose a piece of bread as the footman poured her a cup of tea. “Is Mother at home?”

She has gone out,” the servant answered.

Thank goodness. Moira was not in the mood to deal with that woman right now.

The footman hovered by the door. She hated eating while others watched and really, what could she possibly need that she couldn’t take care of herself? “You may go. If I need anything, I will ring.”

Very good.” He bowed his head and left the room. Moira let out a sigh and bit into the bread.

What am I to do?”

Find the perfect Scot, of course.”

Moira looked up to find Alvina standing in the doorway, a large book in her hands, beaming. “What is that?”


I don’t know how that can be of any help. I am not looking for an English Lord.”

A quizzical look passed over Alvina’s features. “Have you never read it?”

No.” Moira dismissed and took a sip of her tea. “Mother pores over it daily, however, suggesting which heirs and peers I should meet.”

You should have been looking through it as well.” Alvina plunked the book down on the table in front of Moira. “This one lists Irish and

Scottish?” Why hadn’t anyone mentioned this? Just the other day Georgie and Pippa were discussing Debrett’s, and neither one bothered to mention this piece of information to her.

Alvina poured a cup of tea and settled into an empty seat at the table. “I am sure you will find at least one candidate for your hand in marriage.”

Moira opened the book to Scotland and began flipping through the pages.

Why not start at the top, with the dukes?”

Moira grimaced. “I don’t think I would make a very good duchess.” While Scotland seemed like the next best thing to heaven, being married to the head of a powerful family was a bit too daunting. “I will be happy with any lesser peer, or even second son, if he owns his own estate.” Though most young women wouldn’t assume they could marry so high, Moira knew her worth. A bloody fortune to anyone who married her. It really didn’t matter what she looked like. Plus, her father had been an earl, which raised her position and choices somewhat.

Very well.” Alvina settled back in her chair, cradling the cup in her hand, watching.

Moira tried not to let Alvina bother her, but it was as if she were waiting for something. There were no eligible dukes anyway, and a few marquesses held promise, as did a few earls.

Do you think I should write them down, so I remember?” Moira glanced up at Alvina.

Her sister-in-law grinned into her cup. “I am sure you will remember what you need to.”

Alvina was acting very strangely. Moira focused back on the book and flipped the page. “Viscounts.”

Alvina sat forward and placed her cup on the table.

Moira began reading names and stopped. She grasped the page tight, almost tearing it from the binding. “He lied to me.”

I am sure he had good reason,” Alvina assured her.

Why didn’t you tell me?”

I wanted you to see for yourself, and gauge your reaction.”


To determine how much you love him.”

Moira slammed the book shut. “It doesn’t matter what my feelings may be. If he cared or wanted to marry me, he would have told me and not made up some estate in Yorkshire.”

He does own an estate in Yorkshire, and a townhome in Mayfair.”

If only he needed my dowry.”

Be glad he doesn’t. Then you would never know if it was you or the pounds he wanted.”

That is just it,” Moira cried as she stood, knocking the chair backwards in her haste. “He doesn’t want me at all.”

The footman stepped through the door. “Excuse me, Lady Moira.”

She glanced up at him. “Yes?”

Viscount Ainsely to see you.”

Moira clenched her teeth and inhaled deeply. Anger like she had never experienced before coursed through her veins.
How dare he come to call on me?

Gideon was left cooling his heels in the blue parlor. He couldn’t sit, he couldn’t stand. All he did was pace through the room, the bouquet of fresh flowers clutched in his hand. If Moira did not make an appearance soon, they would be wilted.

His stomach was in knots. What if she rejected him? Maybe the kiss had meant nothing to her. He had taken her unawares, while she was stuck in the phaeton beside him.

No. She’d enjoyed the kiss as much as he had. She had to have. He couldn’t accept otherwise.

Damn. He turned on his heel and paced back across the room. He had never courted a lady before. Did they usually keep gentlemen waiting? He glanced at the clock. He had been here for thirty minutes. What could she be doing that was taking so long?

Hopefully she wasn’t trying a new hair dye or worse, binding her breasts.

What if she rejected him? No, he couldn’t think of that.

Perhaps he should approach Hearne first, ask permission, and then Moira wouldn’t have a choice. Besides, wasn’t a gentleman supposed to speak to the guardian first? Gideon thrust his fingers through his hair. He was going to bungle this, he just knew it. At the end of the Season he would return to Scotland, alone, his heart back here with Moira.


Gideon turned to find Moira framed by the doorway. Her calico hair curled and fell haphazardly around her, and those glorious breasts were free. She stood erect, chin high, and hands clenched into tight fists. Anger?

Why what?” he asked cautiously.

Why did you lie to me?”

His gut tightened. “I haven’t lied to you. Can you be more specific about what you perceive as a lie?” He needed to tread carefully.

Of course.” Her laugh was bitter. “You didn’t lie when you told me you owned an estate in Yorkshire.”

His gut twisted further and his heart lay in his boot.

You simply omitted the fact that you live outside Selkirk,

I can explain.” He thrust the flowers at her.

Moira grabbed them from his hands. “Thank you.” Her shoulders dropped as if some energy had left, but he knew better than to think the flowers had completely disarmed her.

Why?” she asked quietly, burying her nose in the bouquet.

He was at a loss for words. Whatever he said would hold the power to turn her away from him for the rest of his life, or bring her into his arms where she belonged. One wrong word, and she would be gone to him forever.

She looked up, and unshed tears shimmered in her eyes. “Was it a game to you?”

No, of course not.” He took a step forward, wanting to draw Moira into his arms.

The pain in her eyes was a knife to his heart. “Why would you think such a thing?”

Because you let me go on and on, agreed to help me find a husband.” Tears fell freely down her cheeks, and Gideon resisted the urge to wipe them away. “You kissed me, made me feel beautiful and long for Yorkshire more than Scotland.”

She did want him, for himself. Hope surged. But were their chances destroyed because of his omission?

She sniffed, wiped her nose with the back of her sleeve, and continued. “You told me to only accept a Scot who felt that way. You never offered yourself.”

Gideon fished a handkerchief out of his pocket and handed it to her. Moira accepted and blew her nose in the most unladylike fashion he had ever witnessed. God he loved her.

Come here.” He held his hand out to her.

Moira eyed it suspiciously. “Why?

Just come here.”

Reluctantly, she took his hand and Gideon led her to the settee. She sank down onto the cushions, and he sat beside her.

He kept her small, trembling hand in his and took a deep breath.

It isn’t what you think.” He prayed she understood.

Then explain,” she demanded then sniffed.

I was afraid that if you knew, all you would see was Scotland.”


I feared you would try to compromise me.” The thought of a bonny woman throwing herself at him had never caused fear before. It would be rather humorous if the situation weren’t so important. “You only cared about being free of your mother, living far away. I would never have been confident of your feelings for me.”

Her brow furrowed. “I don’t understand.”

Many marriages are arranged because of status, wealth, connections, and some have thrived on much less. I did not want to be in a marriage where only one set of feelings were involved—mine.”


Gideon closed his eyes and took a deep breath before moving from the settee and down on one knee before her. “Lady Moira Kirkwood, I am in love with you. I don’t know when I fell, but I did. I would be honored if you would become my wife, and live with me at my home in Selkirk, Scotland.”

She stared at him, studying his face. His heart ceased beating, waiting for a response. Slowly her lips turned into a smile. “You love me.” Tears formed once again.

Aye, I do.” He picked up the hand he held and kissed the back. “I can only hope that you return the feelings one day.”

Her face lit as if sunlight burst from inside. “Oh, but I do, I do. I was willing to settle in Yorkshire as long as I could have you.” Her arms came up and around him as her lips connected with his. The momentum of her embrace sent them sprawling onto the floor. Gideon wrapped his arms around his impetuous future wife and deepened the kiss, holding her close.

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