The Betrayal - Sex Stories for Women (Adult Short Stories for Women) (3 page)

BOOK: The Betrayal - Sex Stories for Women (Adult Short Stories for Women)
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Inside the bar we said our customary
hellos to the bartenders, which we mostly all knew. It was our favorite spot to
go after all, and even though we planned to do something afterwards, it was a
good place for us to start the night. The conversations from earlier in the
night had me spinning inside my own head. I needed to get
. I needed to forget about all the misery and tumult in my life. I
was an emotional wreck. We sat at two swivel stool chairs at the bar as the
place was starting to fill up. A live band had just wrapped up their show, and
a DJ was about to come on. You could hear the hoots and hollers as the DJ setup,
and started spinning his first track.

It was then that I looked up and caught his gaze. He was
standing right there only a few feet away, staring at me
blatantly staring at me. But when I tried to look away, I couldn’t. Our eyes
locked, and I was drawn to him. Those crystal blue eyes glistened like the
ocean off the coast of some exotic island. What was wrong with me? I never
behaved like this. I looked away for a moment, turning to take a sip of my
drink, and talk to Hallie.

bombs certainly had me
feeling drunk. When I swiveled my chair back, he was still standing there,
staring. I wish he
would have
walked over instead of
just standing there staring. After a while I felt like I should be
uncomfortable, but I wasn’t. There was something so mysterious about him,
something that glittered in his eyes that made me want to keep turning back to
look again, and again.

I swiveled my chair one more time to see the bartender
pouring us more birthday shots. He wasn’t nearly as nice on the eyes as the
that kept staring at me. A sugar-rimmed shot full of
yellowish liqueur landed in front of us, and it disappeared just as fast it had

“What was that one?” I asked.

“Lemon drop,” he shouted. It was loud and the music was
thumping. Multi-colored lights crisscrossed from one end of the space to the
other, cutting the darkness of the room in short momentary bursts.

I shrugged my shoulders and looked at Hallie again. She
couldn’t take her eyes off the bartender. She was feeling good, bobbing and
swaying to the music, and the night had just begun. We were in for the long

I turned back again, and he was gone. Where did he go?

“Looking for someone?” he asked.

He had made his way right next to me at the bar. I looked
into his eyes, batting my eyelashes. God he was good looking.

“No,” I said, and I smiled.

He smiled back. “Good, I thought for a moment you were waiting
for someone else,” he said. Was he being sarcastic?

“No, it’s just us.” I motioned my head towards Hallie, next
to me. She was too infatuated with the bartender to even notice the gorgeous
I was talking to. “It’s my friend’s birthday,” I half shouted.

He smiled and placed his drink down in front of him,
squeezing in further towards the bar, wedging himself between myself and
another girl who was seated next to me. “Sorry,” he said to the other girl. I
don’t think she minded. I stared at his arms as he squeezed in. Those arms.

I waited for him to talk some more, but he didn’t. He just
stood there nursing his drink, looking at me every so often. There was
confident air about him that drew me in, and his smell.
His smell was incredible. I could have just inhaled him into me at that very

More shots landed in front of us. Hallie was really working
the bartender, and the free shots kept rolling in. “I don’t know how many more
shots I can handle. We should pace ourselves,” I said to her. But she was
oblivious to me at that point. I almost snapped my fingers by her ear to get
her attention, but stopped myself when he spoke to me again.

“So,” he said.

I smiled. I could feel him rub up closer to me. I could feel
that warm body next to mine and it felt
really good
The chemistry was electric. I wanted him to just grab my hair and have his way
with me.

“So,” I said back. Why was he being so awkward?

“I couldn’t help but notice you from across the room.”

“Oh?” I was being coy.

“Yeah, and I just felt compelled to come up here and talk to
you. Like something was calling me, drawing me nearer to you.”

So, he was either reading my mind, or some other magnetic
attraction was in full swing. I smiled. “Really?” I asked.

“Yes, really. It’s the strangest thing actually. What’s your

“Sydney,” I said.

“Nice to meet you, Sydney, I’m Blake.”

I went to shake his hand and he kissed it. He actually
brought my hand up to his mouth and touched his sweet supple lips to it. I
could have melted right there.

“It’s nice to meet you too,” I said. I felt like I turned
bright red.

He stood there and smiled some more at me. What was he
thinking about? Why did he keep smiling and looking at me like that? It was
starting to get loud in the bar and people were crowding in. I could feel a
mixture of the bass thumping through the space, and the vibrations from his arm
as it kept grazing me.


He leaned over to speak with Hallie, and he shouted from
behind me. “Happy 25
birthday, Hallie,” he said.

She smiled at him. She took her attention away from the
bartender as soon as she noticed the gorgeous
standing next to me, and she bumped my shoulder with hers. “Who is that?” she

“That’s, Blake,”
I said. I turned back to him, “Wait, how did you know it was her…”

He interrupted me before I could finish. “Let me buy you
guys a round of drinks. How does that sound?”

Hallie was staring at him now, as he pushed back his bronze
tussled hair. She was just as mesmerized by him just as much as I was. I could
see Hallie’s green eyes light up every time he smiled in her direction.
Hey, he’s not yours,
I thought. But it
was her birthday, so I didn’t dare say anything like that.

“What can I get you guys to drink?” he asked.

I’ll take a shot of
That was what I wanted to say. Hallie smiled at him again. She nearly
stopped paying attention to the bartender, who was now up to his ears in
patrons anyways.

“Vodka,” I said.

“Just vodka?” he asked.

“Screwdrivers!” Hallie shouted in my ear.

He smiled. “Okay, three screwdrivers it is,” he said.

I was smitten. He looked at me again and smiled, and I nearly
melted. What was it about this

“Where are you from?” he asked.

“Originally from Oklahoma, a small town there north of
Oklahoma City. Are you familiar with Oklahoma?”

He smiled, as if he already knew all about me. “Are you from
Oklahoma too?” he asked Hallie. She leaned over and the three of our faces were
now inches from one another.

“Nope, I’m from right here in New York City,” she said. She
was starting to slur her words and it wasn’t even midnight yet.

Hallie turned to look at me, as if to try to give me some
sort of signal. “Are you here alone, Blake?” she asked.

“Yes, I was supposed to meet up with a friend, but he ended
up bailing at the last minute, so I came out anyways.”

“Oh,” she said. She smiled at him again. “Well, if you want,
we’re going out after this to a club not too far from here. Do you want to join

I was shocked. Here was Hallie clearly hitting on the
that I was interested in. But, it was her birthday. What
could I say?

“Yeah, sure. I mean, of course. I would love to.” He smiled
again, but was looking at me as he said the words.

I looked over at Hallie whose face had contorted into
something between glee and curiosity. She was probably wondering
he liked more.

“And you know, I think both you girls are great,” he said.

Did he just read our minds? Hallie and I both looked at each
other. That was weird, we thought. I smiled, and all Hallie could do was make a
strange face.

“Can I get another round of drinks?” he asked the bartender.
At this rate, we were going to be so drunk that we weren’t even going to be
able to make it to the club.

Blake turned to me. “Don’t worry, we’ll pace ourselves after
this one.”

That was weird, again, I thought. “Hey, are you reading my
mind or something?” I smiled at him, but it was a serious question.

“If only I could do that,” he said. He smiled back, but it
was a sly smile. The kind of smile you give someone when you’re holding on to
some deep, dark secret.

I smiled back. The music was pumping now, and they were
playing some new house music mix
way too

“Cheers guys,” Blake said. He held up his drink to mine and
looked me in the eyes. Those crystal blue eyes made me melt.

“Cheers,” I said, looking straight back at

He turned his gaze to Hallie this time. “Cheers, birthday
girl. Happy 25

“Hey,” I said,” how did you know it was her 25
birthday? I didn’t tell you that.”

“Lucky guess,” he said, and he smiled again. There was that
sly smile. I could have just eaten up right there.

Hallie gave me this look, as if she wanted to get out of
there. “Hey, should we take another shot and head to the club?” she asked.

“Last one,” I said.

Blake smiled. “Three more lemon drops,” he said to the
bartender. Hallie and I looked at each other, but were too drunk by that point
to really care too much.

As the shots wore on and the liquor ran rampant, Hallie and
I would catch each other’s gazes after staring at Blake. We were both
infatuated with him, which was clear. And, his laughter was contagious. Every
time he laughed we would both follow suit. What was it about this
? What was it that kept drawing me in; drawing us in?

“Woo hoo!” Hallie shouted at the top of her lungs as one of
her favorite songs came on. “Come on,” she cooed, “one
before we go. One dance.”

I could see her pulling and trying to get Blake to get to
the dance floor with her. I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled. I was
pretty drunk
, but Blake wasn’t having it. He
pulled me along with them. So there we were, two best friends celebrating a
birthday, with one incredibly gorgeous
. Who was it
going to be? Who was going to get to take him home? It was clear that he was
interested in me, but was I going to take one for the team and let her have
him? I hadn’t decided yet.

As the thoughts of a heated embrace ran through my mind, my
legs quivered. It was a good thing I was shaking my ass on the dance floor
because had I been standing still, I probably wouldn’t have known what to do
with myself. When we danced, it seemed like time was standing still and running
in slow motion. I could see the beads of sweat on Blake’s face and neck as he
danced. I watched him gyrate those hips and imagined them on top of me, impaling
me. What was happening to me?

“I love this song,” Hallie shouted. She danced around in
circles, and kept trying to cozy up to Blake, but he wasn’t having it. He kept
looking at me in an attempt to apologize.
don’t have to apologize
. But as the thought ran through my mind, I realized
how sweet it was that he wasn’t trying to let my best friend steal him away from
me. He wanted to let me know that I was his favorite, and as drunk as we all
were, that message was loud and clear to me; it was very loud and clear.

I looked at Blake dancing and we locked eyes on the dance
floor. I could feel the thumping bass running through my bones as the three of
us twirled around.
God he’s hot.
looked at Hallie and I could see that she was clearly eyeing up like a piece of
meat. And why wouldn’t she? He was gorgeous. But just as she was trying to rope
him into doing a close bump-and-grind dance, he locked eyes with me again. I
saw him beckoning me to draw nearer to him, and I could see the look of disdain
on Hallie’s face. It was after all her birthday.

Should I not let him lure me in? Should I let Hallie have
him? No, he was mine. I spotted him first, and it was at point that I realized
we were going to be in for a crazy night.

“Having fun?” he yelled as he twirled closer to me. Hallie
was clinging nearby like a lost puppy.

“Yes,” I yelled back. I smiled at him. But it wasn’t a
normal smile this time. This time, it was my dirty smile. It was the sly type
of smile I gave when I’m was up to no good, and he could see it in my eyes. He
could just tell right then what I was thinking because it was obvious. It was
written all over my face. I wanted him, and I wanted him badly.

We left the bar at the behest of Hallie who was starting to
get irritated that Blake was paying more attention to me than he was to her. I
could see her getting visibly upset, and so could he. But he was smart about
it, he could tell that she wanted him, but he didn’t make her feel left out
ever. During the entire time that we were all dancing on the dance floor, he
never once made her or I feel like we were singled out. He was a master of the
social situation, and it was clear to me that this
was a keeper. I wasn’t sure how I was going to have him, but I had decided
right then and there
that I was going to have him, no matter


You could just hear the music
as we got closer to the nightclub. It was just
after midnight when we left the bar, and the three of us piled in the back of a
taxi. Blake sat in the middle, and Hallie and I were on either side. It felt
good being pressed up against him, but then I wondered how Hallie felt. I
wondered if she had felt the same way sitting there, only inches from his face.
I wondered what thoughts were running through
her own
mind. Blake. My
he was gorgeous. I looked over at
him and half smiled as I stared at his slightly tanned, chiseled features. His
boyish good looks probably had all the

“Ever been to this place before?” I asked him.

“What’s it called again?”

“Limelight,” I said. I looked over at Hallie and she was
staring at him too. She was probably thinking the same exact thing I was. But
would he want in the end? Hallie was definitely a
stunner. I couldn’t really say otherwise. She was always attracting the
, but then again, so was I. I considered myself to be
pretty attractive
as well. In fact, I usually could have my
way with
, and never really cared much one way or
another about them. But, this was different. Something about him felt

I looked at Blake as he sat there looking so
, his puffy lips looked so delectable. It took every
ounce of my will power not to lean over, grab him, and start making out with
him right there in that taxi.

It’s your best
friend’s birthday.
I tried to keep telling myself that.
If she wants him, let her have him.
I was at odds with my mind. It kept telling me to do one thing, but my libido
was telling me to do another. They seemed to be at war with one another, and I
wasn’t sure which one was going to win out. And as I sat there close to Blake,
our arms touching, I could feel that electric impulse vibrating through my
body. I could feel the sensation running up and down my legs, and I started to
quiver. I could almost feel my lips quivering as we pulled up to the club and
got out of the taxi.

“We’re here!” Hallie was teeming with excitement as her
black high-heeled boots hit the sidewalk. We all got out of the taxi and
started walking up to the old converted church, which had now become one of the
hottest nightclubs in the city.

I hope we don’t have
to wait in line.
That was all I could think of as we both latched onto
Blake’s arms for balance. It was weird, but I it felt right. We had just met
him, but we were so comfortable with him. I looked over at Hallie and she
couldn’t be happier. Even though she had her arm hooked into my man, I decided
I was going to let it go for the night. For the night, I wouldn’t care. But
after that night, then it was no holds barred.

Blake looked at me as we strutted towards the long line that
weaved its way out and around the old church. We could feel the vibration of
the music, as we got closer. The thumping of the bass felt like it traveled
through the sidewalk, shaking the entire ground around the old gothic looking
structure. As he looked at me, our eyes locked for a moment, and I was in a
trance. He had this weird hold over me. I didn’t know how to explain it, but I
felt like he was inside my mind.

When he looked at me, he must have seen a look of concern.
He mouthed “Don’t worry, I got this,” as we got closer to the line. I didn’t
really know what he was talking about. Maybe he was just drunk? Was he
referring to Hallie or me? I felt confused.

When we grew closer to the line, I understood what he meant.
I tried to pull him towards the back, but he just kept dragging us forward. We
walked up past a very long and winding line of stylishly dressed young adults
that seemed to all be impatiently dancing in place.

“I know the girl at the door,” he said to us. And as we were
walking, we were stopped by security. The big burly man in a black muscle tee
peered down at us, took one look at Blake, and smiled.

“Blake! Where’ve you been man?” he asked.

Blake smiled, shook his hand, and had a quick conversation.
“Been crazy; running around. You know the drill.”

“Hey,” said the security guard, ”Emily’s at the door. Be
sure and call me. Let’s get the guys together for some poker.”

“Sounds good,” Blake said.

Who are you?

We rounded the corner and made our way down the side along
the red velvet ropes, to the front of the door. The scene looked like something
out of a Hollywood movie with a red carpet, backdrop, and cameras everywhere.
“What is this?” I asked.

“Some movie premier thing they probably have going on
tonight. That’s why the long line,” said Blake.

“And you can get us in?”

He just smiled.

We walked up to the front where the scene was madness.
People were pressed up against one another trying to get to the front door. The
tall lanky woman at the door with a very tight sequin mini-dress noticed us and
saw Blake. She walked over.

“Blake, darling. Where have you been?” she asked in a
Russian accent.

Blake smiled again. “Sorry, doll, I’ve been around. So good
to see you,” he said as she lifted the velvet rope and let us slide through.
“What’s going on here tonight?”

“Oh, you know, another big movie premier after party. You
just missed all the celebrities that walked through.”

Blake smiled again. He looked like he probably had known all
of them too.
Who are you?
The thought
ran through my mind again, and he looked over at me. His eyes sparkled in the
outdoor lights by the entrance. I could see mischief in his eyes, but then
again, there was probably mischief in my eyes as well. I couldn’t help but feel
drawn to him. But, when I looked at Hallie, I could see her gazing at him as
well. And it wasn’t your average gaze; it was an elongated stare. The kind that
says I want to rip your clothes off right now.

“So, how does it feel to have two beautiful ladies on your
arm?” I asked, as we clasped his arms again from either side and walked through
the entrance, and down a long dark tunnel before emerging inside the enormous
club. The music was so loud it made it difficult to speak.

“Good,” he yelled.

“What?” I asked.

“It feels good!” he said, almost screaming. He was happy to
be there. We were all happy to be there. There was something about that place
– the deep house music sound, the flashing lights, and thousands of
sweaty, hard bodies pressed up against each other; there was something about it
that just turned me on. He looked at me, and I could tell he knew exactly what
I was thinking. I could tell he knew precisely what was on my mind. He flashed
me a sly smile just as the thoughts crossed my mind and our eyes locked again for
a moment.

I smiled at him again as he led the two of us through the
sea of people on the massive dance floor. I could start to really feel the
music now, and we were pushed up against one another now as we wormed our way
through the swarms of partygoers that were pulsating and gyrating on the dance

We pushed through until we got to another rope at the other
end of the dance floor, where another tall, muscular security guard stood. His
face flashed into a giant smile as soon as he saw Blake. I could see them
exchange words and a clasp of the hand, and another rope was lifted and we were
whisked through.

Who are you?

Inside, the VIP room, the scene was different. It was a
gathering of high society – the elite of New York. I noticed three
separate celebrities as we continued to walk through the space and up a set of
stairs until we were on a private balcony in the VIP area overlooking the dance
floor. More celebrities.

“Wow, how do you know all these people?” I asked. I looked
over at Hallie and she looked just as enamored as I did.

“I guess I just do,” he said.

He acted so nonchalantly about it, and I could tell he was
eating it up because we were clamoring over him. We continued to walk through
until we were led closer to the edge of the balcony where a giant private table
filled with booze awaited us. There were several more people. More hellos by
Blake to the numerous high-society folks we encountered until we finally sat

table is this?” Hallie

“Yours now. Happy birthday,” he said.

Hallie was beaming ear to ear. I knew it wasn’t our private
table, but it was nice that he said that to her. I could tell how happy that
made her.

“Really?” she asked.

Wow, she was being green.

“Yes, really,” Blake said. “This is our table tonight. I’m
not joking.”

“Are you serious? But, what about all this alcohol?” I
asked. “Who’s going to drink all of this?” I thought he was for sure joking
with us. That couldn’t. I pointed to the four massive bottles of vodka on the
table, and three bottles of tequila that were chilling on ice.

“We’re going to try,” he said. He smiled again. There was
that sly look.

“I’m really confused,” Hallie said, turning to me. “Who is
he?” she asked, leaning in so that only I could hear. But after he said it, I
saw him smile. Either he heard us, or he was reading our minds.

“I don’t know, but it seems like we’re going to be in for a
pretty good night,” I said. I smiled at her, and she smiled back. What was she
thinking? Was she thinking she was going to have him tonight? Did she think I
was going to just sit back and let her have her way with him? Well, it was her
birthday after all, but I guess I still wasn’t sure.

Before I could continue down that negative train of thought,
appeared, and Blake gave her a hug. He
seemed to know everyone in the place, and certainly had us guessing as to who
he really was. She came over to ask us what mixers we wanted, and Blake whipped
out his wallet and handed her a black American Express card.

Who is this

Hallie and I kept looking at each other every time someone
recognized him. He certainly wasn’t a celebrity, but he was definitely treated
like one.

“You guys having fun?” he asked, as the
poured a tray full of shots for the group.

“Yes,” we both said, trying to be heard over the loud
thumping music. We were right next to the DJ booth, which was suspended over
the dance floor on the balcony. He was some famous DJ that people kept trying
to get photos of, and he was very much into the music. You could see him
thumping and moving around with the beats he was playing. It was almost like a
show in and of itself.

“What shall we cheers to,” Blake asked, holding his shot
glass up to ours.

I looked at Hallie again, and we both smiled.
“Cheers to the good life,” I said.

“To the good life,” he said, and Hallie repeated it. We took
the shots down, and immediately had another one in front of us.

“Okay, one more to get us going, then we can pace ourselves
with some regular drinks.”

I was already feeling drunk. I don’t imagine
there was going to be pacing on anyone’s part that night. But I smiled and
laughed anyways, taking the next shot, which was the smoothest tequila I had
ever tasted.

“Wow, what was that tequila?” I asked.

“Pretty good right?” he asked, smiling again. He was
probably underplaying it. I didn’t want to come off corny and ask him
he was, but I really wanted to. I could tell that Hallie
didn’t really care because at that point, she was dancing and grooving in
place. We had a small section of the balcony to ourselves, so we could move
around within the velvet-roped off VIP area we were in.

“I’m glad we met you tonight,” said Hallie.

I shot her a quick glance. We? Not we, me.

“I’m glad I met you guys as well,” he said, but he was
looking right at me when he said it. I could feel that energy exuding from him.
I knew that look. I knew it all too well, and I could see Hallie get uneasy.

“I have an idea,” he said.

“Oh?” Hallie asked. She seemed just as interested as I was.

“How about we have some real fun tonight,” he said.

“Real fun?” I asked. I was game for just about anything.

“Yes, real fun,” he said. I could see Hallie’s eyes light

“Sure, I think,” I said.

“Yes!” Hallie acting far too overzealous, but it was her
birthday after all.

Then, Blake put his hand in his pocket and brought us near
him. We huddled together, and he opened his hand up to reveal greenish-blue colored
pills with little skulls on them.

“What’s that?” I asked.

Hallie just smiled. We knew what it was. We knew all too

“These are happy pills,” he said, with the widest smile I
had seen on his face that night. “I think that the occasion calls for it, don’t
you?” Blake said.

“Happy pills?” Hallie asked. I could see her smiling from
ear to ear. I don’t think she needed to be any happier than she was at that
very moment. I can’t recall ever seeing her more happy than that in fact. She
was ready for anything the night could bring. She nodded her head at me, vehemently.

I looked him in the eyes as he looked back and forth between
Hallie and I. I think I knew where this night was going. I think I knew all too
where this night was going.


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