The Betrayal of the American Dream (30 page)

Read The Betrayal of the American Dream Online

Authors: Donald L. Barlett,James B. Steele

Tags: #History, #Political Science, #United States, #Social Science, #Economic History, #Economic Policy, #Economic Conditions, #Public Policy, #Business & Economics, #Economics, #21st Century, #Comparative, #Social Classes

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Other sources of information at the national level included the U.S. International Trade Commission, the Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor, the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the United States Trade Representative, the Foreign Agents Registration Unit Public Office of the U.S. Department of Justice, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the U.S. Department of Treasury, the Senate Records Office, the House Clerk’s Office, the Government Accountability Office, the Employee Benefit Research Institute, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, the Interstate Commerce Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Inspector General’s Office,
Public Papers of the Presidents,
Congressional Record,
and congressional hearings related to trade, taxes, and other economic issues spanning more than half a century.

We also collected information from many associations, nonprofit organizations, court jurisdictions, and local government agencies, including the Association for Manufacturing Technology, Footwear Industries of America, the Aerospace Industries Association, the Institute for Policy Studies, Good Jobs First, the Coalition for American Solar Manufacturing, the Offshoring Research Network, the American Manufacturing Trade Action Coalition, the National Consumer Law Center, the Center for Responsible Lending, the Community Reinvestment Association of North Carolina, the California Reinvestment Coalition, the Lee County (Florida) Circuit Court, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Texas, the Circuit Court of Van Buren County, Arkansas, and the Concord (California) Police Department.

As always, the libraries in many communities were vital in allowing us to access older records that haven’t been digitized, including the Free Library of Philadelphia, the American University Library, the Wayne County Public Library of Wooster, Ohio, and the Bob and Wauneta Burkley Library and Resource Center of DeWitt, Nebraska.

We benefited from the work of others who have also studied the impact of economic measures affecting the middle class. We want to single out the 2010 report, “Shifting Responsibility—How 50 Years of Tax Cuts Benefited the Wealthiest Americans,” by Chuck Collins, Allison Goldberg, and Sam Pizzigati. Published by Wealth for Common Good, a network of business leaders, high-income individuals, and others working to make the tax system fairer, “Shifting Responsibility” is a straightforward view of how tax policy has been hijacked by the rich.

While we used primary materials for the most part, some books and publications were invaluable. One of the most important books was
Manufacturing a Better Future for America
by Richard McCormack, Clyde Prestowitz, David Bourne, John Russo, Sherry Lee Linkon, Ron Hira, Irene Petrick, Peter Navarro, James Jacobs, and Michael Webber, published in 2009 by the Alliance for American Manufacturing. This is a compelling account of the systematic gutting of American manufacturing by American policymakers.



Abramoff, Jack




Aguiar, Jacob

Aguiar, John

Aguiar, Meghan

Aguiar, Syrena

Airline Deregulation Act

airline industry. S

Albaugh, Jim

Alcatel Data Networks

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

Allen, Marc

America: What Went Wrong?

America’s Community Bankers

American Airlines

American Bankers Association

American Bridge Company

American Chung Nam

American dream

American Graduate School of Business, Switzerland

American Journalism Review

American Manufacturing Trade Action Coalition (AMTAC)

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Americans for Prosperity

Ames Research Group

Anchor Hocking Glass Corp.

Andrews, Wright Jr.


Apple Inc.


Arison, Micky

Arison, Shari

Arison, Ted


Association of Flight Attendants


Art Basel Miami

Atlanta, Georgia


Ave Maria, Florida

Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC)


Badman, Randy

Bain Capital

Ballmer, Steve

Bank of America

Bank One Corporation

Banking industry

deregulation of

escapes prosecution

low taxes of

promotes U.S. as tax haven

See also
Wall Street

Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and

Consumer Protection Act

bankruptcy court

and employee benefits

and Polaroid case

bankruptcy law

Barclays Bank

Bartlett, Douglas

Bartlett Manufacturing

Bell Laboratories

Bentsen, Lloyd

Bethlehem Steel

Birds Eye Foods

Birkenfeld, Bradley

Blackstone Group

Blinder, Alan S.

Bloomberg News

Boeing Company

Boeing Tianjin Composites Company Ltd.

Bosch Rexroth

Bowman, Judy

Boxer, Barbara

BP Solar

Brandeis, Justice Louis


Brawny paper towels


Breaux, John

Britain’s Royal Society of Portrait Painters

British Virgin Islands

Brooklyn Bridge

Broward County Meals on Wheels

budget deficit, U.S.

as excuse to cut middle class benefits

fueled by tax cuts to the rich

Buffet, Warren

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

Bush, George H. W.

Bush, George W.

Byers, Andrew


California Transportation Department (CALTRANS)

California State University


Cantor, Eric

Cape Coral, Florida

Carnival Cruise Lines

Carrollton Specialty Products

Carter, Jimmy

Cary, Illinois

Caterpillar Inc.

Cato Institute

Catz, Safra

Cayman Islands

Center for American Progress

Center for Responsive Politics

Chengdu, China

Chambers, John

Channel Islands

Cheung, Yan


barriers to U.S. imports

Bay Bridge steel from

as Boeing subcontractor

civilian aircraft industry of

high-tech development in

middle class of

software development in

trade policies of

U.S. research hubs in

U.S. technology transfer to

U.S. trade deficit with

working conditions in factories of

Chinese Academy of Sciences

Chronicle of Higher Education


circuit board industry



Citizens for a Sound Economy

Citizens for Tax Justice

Citizens United

civilian aircraft industry

Clarksburg, West Virginia

Clinton, Bill

Clinton, Hillary Rodham

Coalition for American Solar Manufacturing

Coalition for Fair and Affordable Lending

Coleman, Kathy

Colgrove, Linda


Colorado Springs, Colorado

Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd. (COMAC)

Commodity Futures Trading Commission

computer programmers

Concord, California


deficit hawks in

erodes retirement benefits

rewrites tax code for the wealthy

grants tax breaks to corporations

trade policy and

Conner, Ray

Connex International Services

Consolidated Freightways

Continental Airlines

Cook, Tim

Cooney, Stephen

Coyne, William J.

Crandall, Robert

Crane, Ed

Credit Suisse

Critical Condition: How Health Care in America Became Big Business—and Bad Medicine

CSX Corporation


Danforth, John

debt (national).
budget deficit

debt (student)

Defending the American Dream Summit

Delta Airlines

Denver, Colorado


of airlines

anti-government mindset and

of financial services

of trucking

DeWitt, Nebraska

Dixie Cups

Dizik, Betty

Doherty, Harry

Domino’s Pizza

Douthat, Ross

Drysdale, Opal

Duke Energy

Dunn, Anita



Eastern Air Lines

Economic Policy Institute (EPI)

Egerman, Paul

Eli Lilly

Elk Grove, California

El Salvador

Emerson Electric Company

Empire State Building

Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI)

Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA)

wages and earnings

education and training



executive compensation


as policy failure

promotion of

of scrap paper

See also
free trade; imports; trade policy, U.S.

Exxon Mobil Corp.

Ezell, Stephen


Falcone, Philip

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

Federal Register

Federal Reserve

Federal Savings and Loan Corporation (FSLIC)

Ferneau, Mark

Financial Services Modernization Act

Fink, Richard

First Sale Coalition

Fischbach Corporation

Flanagan, Kevin

Flanagan, Tom

Florida Gulf Coast University




Ford, Gerald R.

Ford Motor Company

Fort Huachuca (Arizona)

Fort Lauderdale, Florida


Fountain, Colorado

Foxconn Suicide Express

Foxconn Technology Group

free trade

flaws in U.S. policy of

labor costs and

multinationals benefit from

as practiced by U.S.

theory of

violations of

See also
trade policy, U.S.

Freeland, Chrystia

Fremont, California


Friedman, Thomas

Fulton, New York

furniture industry


Gates, Bill

General Electric Company

General Motors

Gentner, Lisa

George Mason University


GI Bill

Gilinger, Robin

Gilleran, James

Gingrich, Newt

Glass-Steagall Act

global economy

Golden Gate Bridge

Goldman Sachs

Gomory, Ralph


Gotbaum, Joshua

Graf, Donald

Gramm, Phil

Gramm, Wendy

Great Depression


Griffiths, Brian

Guenther, Ken

Guernsey (Channel Islands)


Hallmark Cards

Hamlisch, Marvin

Harbinger Capital Partners

Harvard Business Review

Hatch, Orrin

health care

Heritage Foundation


Hickman, Tom

high-technology industry

U.S. losing edge in

Hitler, Adolph

Hoffman, Deb (Cuddles)

Holmes, Shona

Home Depot

Horton, Frank

Hudson River

Hussein, Saddam

H & R Block

Hufbauer, Gary Clyde



Congress’ response to

jobs and industries eliminated by

See also
trade policy, U.S.


Independent Community Bankers of America


government finances software industry in

outsourcing industry of


wealth gap

Information Week

Institute for Policy Studies

Invest in America’s Veterans Foundation of Cape Coral

Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University



Isle of Man




Jacobs, Paul


Jersey (Channel Islands)

Jiangsu, China


corporations export of

domestic industries and

foreign governments and

information technology and

infrastructure and

lack of, for young workers

in manufacturing

minimum wage and

offshore promotion of, by U.S. government

private equity companies and

in service industry

See also
Congress; education and training; free trade; and trade policy, U.S.

Jobs, Steve

Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003

John Birch Society

Johnson, David

Johnson, Nancy

Johnson Controls

Johnston, Bennett

Journal of Commerce

JPMorgan Chase


Kapur, Ajay


Kennedy, Edward

Key Tronic Corp.


Kirkegaard, Jacob


Koch, Charles

Koch, David

Koch, Fred

Koch Industries

Kolbe, Jim

Korean War


Kra, Ethan

Kraft Foods

Kuwait, Iraq


LaBelle, Patti

Land Line

Lazio, Rick


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