The Betrayal of Bindy Mackenzie (44 page)

BOOK: The Betrayal of Bindy Mackenzie
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The Philosophical Musings of Bindy Mackenzie
5.43 pm
No. Better leave him be.

The Philosophical Musings of Bindy Mackenzie
5.45 pm
He did say he wanted to hear what happened with my family now that my brother's secret is out. I should call him and tell him! Not that much has happened—my parents are not speaking to each other, and my brother is still living with Sam's family and going to his Performing Arts school. I haven't heard from Dad, but then, nor have I replied to his e-mail.

Besides, if he is ill, he should be resting. Finnegan needs his sleep. He is so often awake through the night. Hopefully, his eyes are closed now . . .

The Philosophical Musings of Bindy Mackenzie
5.56 pm
His eyes are his best feature. Such a beautiful shape. They seem to swoop. Such swooping eyes . . .

The Philosophical Musings of Bindy Mackenzie
6.05 pm
Then, too, there is his voice. He speaks as if he has his foot on the soft pedal of his voice—all the notes crisply pronounced, but something so gentle in the tone.

The Philosophical Musings of Bindy Mackenzie
6.25 pm
This afternoon, on the way home from school, I bought a ‘teen magazine'. I have never done that before. I don't believe in glossy magazines. It was an experiment, really: would it catch my attention now that I know I am a ‘teenager'? Well, I just took a short break from my study to find out—and of course, it did not. A lot of bad grammar and advice about make-up and hair treatments.

Still, I can't seem to stop turning the pages. MUST STOP READING AND GET SOME WORK DONE.

The Philosophical Musings of Bindy Mackenzie
7.00 pm
My magazine has advice for those who have never kissed a boy. That is sensible—to acknowledge the innocent readers. I'm surprised that it does. It suggests that I learn to kiss by whispering the word
into the palm of my hand.



A Memo from Bindy Mackenzie


Briony, Emily, Elizabeth, Toby and Sergio
Bindy Mackenzie
Your Memos
Tuesday, 9.00 am

Dear All,
First, I would like to thank you for your memos. It gladdens my heart to see you using your stationery.

Next, I must tell you that I have been to the doctor. Auntie Veronica took me straight after school yesterday afternoon. I mentioned your poison theory to him and I am sorry to say we both laughed. It cheered us up.

But really, what is going on with you all? Do you not remember what Try said?! Why would somebody be poisoning an innocent teenager?! It makes no sense. You all seemed so quiet after Try gave her speech. I thought you were convinced by her reasonableness! But no, your ‘detective work' continues! It is intriguing.

At any rate, the doctor arranged for some tests—I'll get the results in a few days. He's testing to see if I have food allergies; also, if I'm anaemic, as I look pale. If so, I'll need more iron. He doesn't think I have glandular fever. He decided to throw in tests for heavy metal poisons, such as lead, mercury and yes, Briony, arsenic, because these things do happen, especially in old houses—and the symptoms might actually match my symptoms. (And because he enjoyed the story of my over-excited friends.)

Nevertheless, in his opinion, the only thing wrong is that I'm overworked and overstressed. I need to relax and get more sleep.

I am very sorry to disappoint you, and I'm sorry you've been wasting time with your ‘detective work'.

Lots of love,
Bindy Mackenzie

PS Briony, I'm not keen on bringing a urine sample to school. Thanks all the same. I suppose you don't want it now that I've been to the doctor.

PPS Emily, I don't really want to show you my life story again. I hope you understand. The fight I witnessed was not between teachers as I'd thought. I've talked to a lawyer, and it turns out it was computer programmers, arguing about copyright in a computer program. So, you see, nothing important.

PPPS Toby and Sergio, I think you should get your phone back out of Mrs Lilydale's office. I think that might be unethical. And imagine your phone bills.

The Philosophical Musings of Bindy Mackenzie
Tuesday, 8.00 pm
I can't seem to concentrate on study tonight! You see, by the process of deduction, I have realised something. Finnegan wrote this on my Name Game: ‘I have never spoken to Bindy, but I am sure that behind her extremely annoying personality she is a beautiful human being.' He thought I had an
extremely annoying personality.
Can't get that out of my head.

The Philosophical Musings of Bindy Mackenzie
9.00 pm
I was just reading my teen magazine again, and it said that a boyfriend should like you exactly as you are. BUT: (1) He thought I was extremely annoying. (2) He told me to take a kickboxing class. (Why? Did he think I needed exercise? I'm not fat, you know. Well, I'm not a skeleton either, but if skeleto-girls are his thing, he's a ‘shallowguy' (as my magazine would say).) (3) He took my hair out of its plaits in the club. (Why? Didn't he like it the way it was? He should have!)

The Philosophical Musings of Bindy Mackenzie
10.00 pm
Not that he's my boyfriend, I guess.

He wasn't at school again today. I'm not going to call him to see how he is.


I might start wearing my hair in coiled plaits again.

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