The Best Medicine (5 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Hayley

BOOK: The Best Medicine
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“Well, now that you’re here, we should discuss the details of next week.”

“Okay. I was wondering when you were going to clue me in on what I’d be doing while I’m holed up in your office. I’m sure it’ll be thrilling,” she joked.

“I guess we should start with defining what appropriate attire is for an office setting.” Scott let his eyes roam Lauren’s body.

“Oh, this?” Lauren said, pulling at her T-shirt with the hospital logo on it. “Pediatrics gave this to me when one of the kids threw up on my outfit, because they ran out of scrubs. Rough morning. That’s why I was late getting down here.” She shrugged. “But don’t worry. I promise to wear my Sunday best next week.”

Scott shook his head and let out a soft laugh. “Good,” he said with a slight nod as he looked at his watch. It was already almost two o’clock. He’d left for lunch early and he didn’t like taking a longer lunch than he allowed his employees to take. It set a bad example. “Let’s go,” he said suddenly. “I want to check in on some patients this
afternoon. We can finish this discussion upstairs in my office since I need to show you what you’ll be doing anyway. I’m not sure I’ll have time Monday morning, and I’m assuming since you took a later lunch you still have some time before you need to go back for your afternoon playdate,” he said with a smirk.

*   *   *

Scott’s urgency took Lauren by surprise. But she followed him toward the elevators without question. She leaned her back against the wall of the elevator, directly across from Dr. Scott.
. His intense stare and the silence between them made her feel vulnerable, exposed even. Though she wasn’t sure why.

They arrived in the office as the women were finishing up with lunch. From the hallway on the way to Scott’s office, Lauren could hear her mother and a few others laughing as they exited the kitchen area.

“Second door on your right,” Scott directed. “I’ll be there in a moment.”

No elaboration, just clear and to the point,
Lauren thought as she walked briskly through the doorway to his office. Most of the room was exactly how she’d imagined it would be. Though before she entered, she hadn’t even realized she’d had an expectation for how Scott’s office might look.

A long mahogany desk stood facing the door, and Dr. Scott’s large black leather chair behind his desk sat noticeably taller than the two in front of it. It didn’t surprise Lauren that Scott felt the need to be above everyone in all aspects of his life. Literally.

Lauren’s eyes scanned the dark beige walls: various degrees and awards hung behind his desk, several pictures
of him with other people Lauren assumed were equally as important, a few photographs of different places around the world. Though she’d never been to any of the locations, Lauren recognized the Grand Canyon, a Venetian gondolier, and a lion that looked to be sprawled out on the dry, sunny landscape in some part of Africa. All of the pictures were artfully taken, with special attention paid to lighting and focus. She wondered if Scott had taken them himself.
God, does he have to be good at

As she made her way around the room, Lauren stumbled upon a photo that surprised her completely. It was of a tattoo on a man’s lower back.
What guy gets a tramp stamp?
The tattoo was of an arrow pointing toward his ass. Above the arrow, scrawled in playful script, was the phrase, “Dr. Scott saved my ass.” Wondering if the tattoo was real, Lauren moved closer to study the photo.
Why the hell would anyone get
tattooed on them?

But when she saw a note framed next to it, she understood.

Dear Dr. Scott,

If it weren’t for your insistence that I see Dr. Sweikert, I would have just attributed my colon cancer to some kind of minor stomach problem. You really pay attention to shit. Literally.

Thanks for saving my ass, Doc.

Bill Burgess

*   *   *

Scott rounded the doorway to his office to the sound of Lauren’s soft laughter. He didn’t know why, but hearing it made his head fuzz with pleasure. He paused, leaning
against the entryway momentarily as he studied the way her tight kid-sized hospital T-shirt rode up to reveal her lower back as she held her arms up to snap a picture of Bill’s tattoo with her phone.

Involuntarily, he gripped the files he’d been holding harder. His hands really wanted to grab Lauren’s waist and pull her hips into him so her ass ground against his crotch. The thought made his already semierect cock stiffen further against his pants as he stepped toward her quietly. “See something you like?” he asked.

Scott could tell that she hadn’t heard him approach, but he could see her body react at the sound of his low voice. She spun around, putting their bodies mere inches apart. Her eyes seemed to search his face as she inhaled deeply, as though she was trying to breathe in more of his scent. “Sorry,” she muttered, a faint blush spreading across her cheeks. “I was just—”

“Taking a picture of someone else’s property?” Scott could tell she was caught off guard to have been discovered inspecting his things so closely. Seeing this side of her—a more demure, vulnerable side—turned him on even more.

Lauren tried to take a step backwards, but she’d evidently forgotten about the small table against the wall behind her. Her back arched as she lost her balance when her thighs hit the table’s edge.

Without thinking, Scott placed his free hand around Lauren’s lower back, pulling her hard against him to steady her in one fluid movement. He could feel her heart pounding so hard against his chest, it almost felt as if it were his own. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could, Scott’s lips crushed against hers. Had he given
it more thought, he probably could have come up with a hundred reasons for why it was a bad idea. But in that moment, he felt that thinking was grossly overrated. Until his tongue found Lauren’s, Scott had no idea just how badly he’d wanted to taste her—to feel her body pressed to his while his cock stiffened against her firm stomach.

She didn’t protest as he dropped the file that was in his hands so that he could slip one hand up the back of her shirt, his fingers tracing delicate designs on the skin just above the waistline of her pants. And when he brought the other to tangle in her hair, she released a throaty moan that caused him to kiss her with even more fervor.

That was when his brain caught up with how far everything was going. Granted, he wanted Lauren, but was that really a good idea? The indecision that was racking his brain caused his assault on her lips to slow, and then stop completely. As his eyes opened, he watched as Lauren put her hand to her mouth. Whether it was out of shock or the sudden need to wipe away what they had just done, he wasn’t sure. And not knowing just about killed him. His body tensed as he started second-guessing everything with a slight sense of panic.

Fuck, Scott. What the fuck did you just do? You kissed one of your employees. The
of one of your employees, to be exact. You don’t fucking do this.
Scott forced himself to say something, to do something that would undo what he’d just done. “Sorry,” he blurted out, a tense look on his face as he backed away toward the door and ran a hand through his already rumpled hair. “I swear I brought you up here to show you what you’d be doing Monday. I . . . fuck.”

Scott Jacobs took pride in maintaining his composure
in all aspects of his life. He did not unintentionally kiss a woman and then apologize.

Except . . . he just had.

“So that’s what I’ll be doing Monday?” It was a poor attempt to lighten the mood.

“No, Jesus, I just meant—”

“Relax, I’m kidding. Besides, it’s not like I didn’t enjoy it.”

“What?” The question shot out of Scott’s mouth before he could stop it. “It doesn’t matter if you enjoyed it.”

“Well, I beg to differ,” Lauren said casually as she made her way toward the door. “And just for future reference, Doctor, you probably shouldn’t make it a habit of kissing women if you don’t think they’ll enjoy it.”

Chapter 5


Lauren had replayed her kiss with Dr. Scott all weekend. Not in an obsessive way, but in an I-bet-he’s-freaking-the-hell-out-wish-I-could-witness-it kind of way. She had seen the torn look on his face, a cross between horror and wanting more.

Her ability to read people made her a natural when it came to her psychology courses. It was part of the reason she’d switched her major. The main reason, however, was something she didn’t really want to think about. What Cooper had gone through impacted her decision more so than anything else, though she’d never admitted that to anyone. But Lauren knew that the people close to her understood, so she had the support system she needed. And that’s all that mattered.

Classes didn’t start for another week, but Lauren sat with her textbooks sprawled in front of her on her bed anyway. Despite her laid-back personality, Lauren was diligent when it came to her studies. Not to mention that she found her classes fascinating. She had just begun
taking notes on the first chapter of her Advanced Psychology textbook when her phone chirped with an incoming text. She didn’t recognize the phone number, but the content of the text let her know who had sent it.

Since we didn’t get to have our talk Friday, I thought I should make you aware that your shift will be from 9-6. A task sheet will be awaiting you when you arrive.

Lauren couldn’t help the smile that overtook her face. Scott clearly couldn’t resist making first contact, putting things back on terms he was comfortable with by discussing work. She couldn’t help it; she had to fuck with him.
How’d you get this number?

His reply came back quickly:
It was in the paperwork you evidently had your mommy fill out.

A laugh burst from her. The truth was, her mom
filled out her employment paperwork while Lauren was up in Pediatrics. Lauren hadn’t asked her to but was glad she did. Filling that crap out was the last thing Lauren had wanted to do. So, other than signing her name in the spots her mom had marked with Post-its, she hadn’t had to fill out a damn thing.
So did you make a special trip back to the office to peruse my personnel file, or did you do it before you left Friday?

Lauren wasn’t playing fair, but she couldn’t bring herself to care.
Sam was right. I really am a ballbuster.

Scott’s response didn’t come as quickly that time, and Lauren mentally high-fived herself for flustering him. Finally her phone chirped again.

Wouldn’t you like to know?

Lauren grinned again. One thing was for sure: Dr. Scott had a playful side. A side Lauren found incredibly attractive.

Her phone sounded again before she had formulated a reply.
See you tomorrow.

He was dismissing her¸ ending the conversation on his terms. But Lauren just couldn’t allow that.

I do have one question for you before I start my employment, Doctor.


Lauren smiled mischievously as she typed.
You gonna kiss me again?

His response was quick this time.
Have a good day, Lauren.

Lauren dropped the phone on her bed before throwing her hands in the air as a celebration of her victory. She hadn’t felt this giddy in quite a while. Though she convinced herself it had to do more with her baiting of the man, rather than the actual man himself.

*   *   *

Lauren had never been more excited for a Monday to get under way. Her mom opened the office and prepped for patients, so her shift began earlier than Lauren’s, which meant their carpooling days were over. Though Lauren did hope that her mom had still made her lunch.

She walked into Dr. Scott’s office just before nine.
There were a few patients in the waiting room, and Carla was behind the check-in desk. “Good morning, everyone,” Lauren called.

The patients barely looked up at her, but Carla grinned fully. “Morning, sweetie. I see you’ve decided to stick it out with us.”

“Yeah, well, what can I say? I’m a glutton for punishment.”

Carla laughed as Lauren walked around her and made her way to the back room. Her mom wasn’t there, but Stella, the accounts manager; Phyllis, the office manager; Tammy, who worked alongside Carla; and Betty, a nurse, were all working—or at least looking busy. “Okay, I’m here. Put me to work,” Lauren declared as she entered the room of women.

Phyllis, who bore a striking resemblance to Bea Arthur, perked up at Lauren’s voice. “Hi, Lauren. Nice to see you again. Your desk is right over there. I believe Dr. Scott left you a list of things to get you started. You’ll sort of be his personal assistant.”

Oh I will, will I?
Lauren thought with a smirk.

“His normal days here are Monday through Thursday,” Phyllis continued.

“Sounds great.” She plopped down into her chair and opened her bottom drawer to drop her purse inside before looking over the list. Lauren was immediately surprised by Scott’s handwriting. She knew that doctors were notorious for their illegible script, so as she read Scott’s neat block letters, she couldn’t help but shake her head.
Even the man’s handwriting is perfect.
The list was full of menial tasks: making calls to medical suppliers, pulling patient files, following up with specialists. There was also a “pick up dry-cleaning”
on the list, but Lauren crossed it out. First, because she figured it was a joke. And second, well—if it wasn’t—she had no intention of doing it. Lauren was just about to get started making phone calls when she heard him.

“Morning, ladies. Lauren.”

She tried to bite back a smile at his subtle dig. She was glad they didn’t have to waste time with pleasantries since he’d already thrown the gauntlet by implying that she was not a lady. She threw up a hand at him, refusing to turn toward him.

“You all good to get started?”

Lauren jumped when she heard him directly behind her. She hadn’t heard him approach.

“With this detailed list you provided, how could I be anything less?”

He let out a mocking gust of air and she felt him lean over her shoulder. “You already managed to get my dry-cleaning?”

She could hear the glee in his voice. She turned her head around to look up at his beautiful, chiseled, glorious face. His perfectly tousled sandy blond hair gave his masculine features a slightly boyish quality that made him inexplicably sexier. Lauren was conscious of the fact that her expression might have betrayed her. So she took a second to compose herself and hoped that her comment might conceal just how affected she was by Dr. Scott. “Nope,” she replied, popping the “P” for effect. Then she turned back toward her desk and began looking at the spreadsheet she’d opened on her computer that would show the phone numbers she needed.

He didn’t move from behind her, and she could practically hear the cogs in his brain turning.

Thankfully, Tammy saved him from having to think of a witty comeback. “Dr. Scott, your first appointment is here. He’s in Four,” she said, referring to the exam room’s number.

“Thanks, Tammy.” Despite Tammy’s words, Scott didn’t move. Instead, he leaned over Lauren to retrieve a pencil from the other side of her desk. His arm brushed her shoulder as he reached for it.

Suddenly, in a way Lauren wasn’t able to explain, the air seemed to change. It became thicker, and goose bumps popped out across her skin. She let out a shaky breath and silently cursed herself for doing so. She didn’t want Scott to realize how much he affected her, though she was sure he already knew. Lauren knew she was more than capable of holding her own against him when it came to exchanging words, but she worried that his ability to use his charm to get whatever he wanted far surpassed hers. She felt on edge as he grabbed the pad of paper from in front of her and added to the bottom of the list.

Lauren sat ramrod straight in her chair, casting her eyes down at the paper only when Scott backed away from her slightly. “What’s that?”

“What I’d like for lunch. I’d like it waiting for me in my office after I see my last patient of the morning.”

“So I guess this means you won’t be barging in on me in the cafeteria today?” Lauren’s voice was husky. She cleared her throat and shifted in her chair, angry at how quickly her body had responded to him.

“No, not today. I have a phone conference at one-thirty. Which you’d know if you’d bothered to look at my schedule. Enjoy your day, Lauren.”

And with that, he quickly turned and walked away from her.

*   *   *

Scott’s morning, like most, was hectic. He’d bounced from room to room, performing two physicals then diagnosing several sinus infections, a sprained ankle, a case of bronchitis, and a case of it-may-feel-like-appendicitis-but-it’s-really-just-gas. He hadn’t even had time to stop in the office and bother Lauren. Or even sneak a quick peek at her, for that matter.

As he assured his last patient, sixty-seven-year-old Thomas Chonsky, that he wasn’t having a stroke but rather his arm had simply fallen asleep while he lay in bed the previous night, Scott was grateful that it was almost lunchtime. All the running around that morning had left him famished.

“You’re sure that’s all it is?” Mr. Chonsky asked. Scott could hear the nervousness in the man’s voice. Thomas had lost his wife two years earlier to a massive heart attack, which she’d had in her sleep. Thomas had gone to bed a happily married man, and woken up a widower. Ever since, he’d become a slight hypochondriac.

But Scott got it. He knew what it was like to lose someone you thought you had all the time in the world with. He put his hand on Thomas’ shoulder as they walked toward the waiting area. “Tell you what. Why don’t you go grab some lunch in the cafeteria, relax for a little while, and then come back when we reopen at two and I’ll check you again? You may have to wait a few minutes for a break in my schedule, but I’ll get to you as soon as I can.”

Thomas stepped slightly away from Scott so he could extend his hand. “I’d appreciate that, Doc.”

Scott accepted the outstretched hand and offered Thomas a slight smile. “My pleasure. See you in an hour or so. Carla,” Scott said, shifting his attention, “Mr. Chonsky is going to come back in a little while. Can you have someone let me know when he’s here?”

“Absolutely,” Carla replied cheerily. “You can take care of your paperwork when you come back, Mr. Chonsky.”

The older man nodded and shuffled out of the office. Scott turned around to walk toward his office, but stopped abruptly as his eyes landed on Lauren. She was watching him, a warm expression on her face. Their eyes met for only a few seconds before she walked back into the office, leaving him alone in the hall. He was again overwhelmed by how deeply she seemed to see him. When she looked at him, she seemed to be dissecting him—as if she were trying to fit pieces of a puzzle together. It surprised him how badly he wanted her to figure him out.

Scott shook his head slightly to clear it. Feelings like that weren’t what he wanted. He had crafted his world carefully, with precision and clarity. He didn’t need some woman trying to get under his skin. No, what he needed was someone he could have a few weeks of purely sexual pleasure with and nothing more. No emotions. No ties. No relationships. It just wasn’t how Scott was wired.

But as he walked into his office and saw the chicken salad wrap he’d asked her to get, complete with a bottle of water and a note that said
Guess this one’s on me,
he couldn’t help thinking how useless it was to try to keep her from getting to him. She already had.

*   *   *

Lauren felt . . . Well, she wasn’t really sure how she felt. Just when she thought she had Scott all figured out, he’d reveal another layer to her. Not that she was surprised. She had known from the first day in the cafeteria that there was more to the man than he let on. But the way he interacted with his patients, how sympathetic and kind he was—that threw her. She expected him to be good at his job, but she thought his diligence would stem from some innate need to be better than everyone around him. But now she wasn’t so sure.

“How is everything going?”

Lauren startled. She spun around to see Phyllis towering over her. “Oh, uh, fine. I finished with Dr. Scott’s to-do list and started looking over his schedule for the next couple of days.”

“Wonderful. I’ll check in with the doctor in a bit and see if he’d like to create a master list of duties for you or if he’d prefer to prepare one for you each day you’re here.” Phyllis turned to walk away as soon as she’d finished speaking.

Lauren bit on her lower lip. When she had looked over Scott’s schedule that morning, something had popped out at her that seemed strange. She debated for half a second over whether or not to ask before deciding that she couldn’t resist. “Phyllis?”

The woman turned around and raised her eyebrows, prompting Lauren to continue.

Lauren looked briefly back at her computer screen, then back to Phyllis. “I noticed that Dr. Scott is in his other office on Fridays, and that’s the only day the other two doctors are here. Is that . . . normal?” It certainly
didn’t seem normal to Lauren. If Scott was in the hospital, the other two doctors were at the satellite office. And if the other two were at the hospital, Scott was at the other office.

Phyllis looked at Lauren for a moment, her face remaining expressionless. “No,” she replied simply. Then she proceeded to walk out of the office without any further explanation.

“Okay then,” Lauren muttered as she turned back to her computer and tried to figure out how she was going to keep herself entertained for the next four hours until she could go home.

Lauren lasted about five more minutes before she was up and roaming the office halls. She found her mom at the nurses’ station.

“Come here often?” Lauren said with a smile.

Pam looked up from the chart she was studying and grinned at her daughter. “That line ever work for you?”

“All the time. Whatcha doin’?” Lauren leaned against the counter so she could see the chart her mom was looking at.

“Trying to figure out how the lab lost three vials of blood. Mrs. Waters isn’t going to be happy if she has to have more drawn. What about you?”

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