The Best Man (5 page)

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Authors: Ella Ardent

BOOK: The Best Man
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could hear him joking with the stewardess, flirting with her in fact, and felt
like an idiot.

she couldn’t say that she hadn’t tried.

if it wasn’t fair that she was ending up with nothing at all, not even the self-defense
game. Christine tried to not resent his mom’s interference, and told herself
that she’d have a good time on the trip anyway.

she would meet someone who would drive Jake from her thoughts.

wasn’t likely. She was too far gone.

he would come to see her in a more romantic light.

that didn’t seem likely either. All the bubbles from the champagne abandoned
Christine then, leaving her feeling flat and a bit silly. She closed her eyes
and pretended to be falling asleep before Jake came back, mortified that she
had acted like Fiona and completely blown it. Jake sat down carefully beside
her when he returned, as if trying to not disturb her. Moments later, he gently
tucked a blanket around her.

big brother. It made Christine want to scream.

her own surprise, the alcohol and the early morning caught up with her, and she
did fall asleep.


* * *


seemed intent on driving Jake out of his mind. She had fallen asleep after her surprising
confession, and her head had ended up on his shoulder. He felt both pleased and
tormented by her proximity. She tumbled against him in soft warmth, her lips
parted and her hair sliding loose. All he could smell was her perfume mingled
with own scent. She’d kicked off her sandals and tucked up her bare feet,
looking so delicate and feminine that he burned with desire.

woman was too sexy to resist.

was tempted to pull her into his lap. He watched her sleep as the plane’s
engines droned, the steady sound making him feel as if they were alone in the
world. The lights were dimmed and the movie started, but Jake watched
Christine. It was all too easy to imagine how he could make her fantasy come

it an invitation? After that kiss, he hoped so.

Christine stirred in her sleep and her lips parted, he couldn’t stand it any
longer. He bent down and touched his lips gently to hers. He was going to just
brush her mouth with his, but she made a sleepy sound of pleasure in her
throat, like a purr. That sent a surge of heat through his veins. He slid his
fingers into her hair again and pulled her closer, deepening his kiss. She was
so sweet and soft and responsive.

hand moved under the blanket and he cupped her breast in his hand, letting his
fingers trail over its ripe curve. Christine sighed with contentment and
nestled against him, the touch of her lips against his throat and the feel of
her breath against his skin making him want to take her right then and there.

the stewardess teased on her way through the cabin and Jake jumped at the sound
of her voice. He straightened and tucked Christine beneath the blanket again,
taking a deep breath and fighting to collect his thoughts.

they weren’t running off to an island paradise for a romantic vacation together,
as the stewardess thought. Christine was effectively one of the family and that
meant Jake would be surrounded not only by his immediate family, but a dozen
aunties and uncles. Here he was, intent upon seducing a woman by fulfilling her
fantasy, and he had an audience.

misstep and they would all take Christine’s side, just the way his mom had this
morning. Christine was universally adored in his family. That she even called
his mom ‘Mom’ only added to the sense that he was hitting on a sister, someone
who should have been off-limits.

Christine wanted a secret lover and that could be the perfect solution. He
could spend time with her during the day and seduce her secretly at night. If
Jake was going to fulfill her fantasy, he had to keep his nocturnal identity
secret, even from Christine. The mystery of the lover’s identity was part of
her fantasy.

could work.

was already in love with her, so that part of the fantasy was covered. Naked
moonlight swims. Seduction on a deserted beach. Hidden identities and
discovered passions. Six days and seven nights of pleasure.

could work with all of that.

spent the flight planning—and imagining.

they began their descent, Christine stirred, probably from the changing sound
of the engines. Jake seized the in-flight magazine and frowned at it in
apparent concentration when she stretched and straightened. “Are we there yet?”
she asked, her voice soft and sleepy. She looked so adorable and sexy that he
wanted to kiss her all over again.

he had to keep his cover.

He spoke briskly, giving her a businesslike smile. “The champagne got to you,
didn’t it?”

smiled sweetly. “I guess so. How long was I sleeping?”

enough to have a hot dream.”

eyes flew open at that. “What?”

were moaning and squirming,” he said, dropping his voice to a murmur. “Good
thing everyone was watching the movie.” Christine’s lips parted in horror. Jake
knew he had to tease her or kiss her, and that he didn’t have a choice of which
to do—yet. “So, were you dreaming of your mystery lover meeting you on a
moonlit beach? Naked?”

sat up and looked around, clearly startled. “But I thought...”

That he was here?” Jake smiled and shook his head, pretending to read the
magazine. “It did look like a good dream.”

mouth opened and closed. Then she pushed to her feet and went to the washroom.
Good thing she hadn’t noticed that he had the magazine open to the
configuration of the airline’s fleet.

the time, she returned, she had wound her hair back up and fixed her lipstick,
as well as regained her polite but distant demeanor.

felt anything but distant. He’d been trying not to think about that black
bikini—let alone peeling it off of Christine on a moonlit beach—and

beach would have to be their first interlude.


* * *


was lunch time when they arrived at the resort, and the air was humid already.
The sun was bright and the mood turned festive as the party spilled from the
bus into the hotel lobby.

were lush gardens on every side, the walls open to the tropical air. Covered
walkways extended from the lobby to the restaurants and bars, probably even to
some of the rooms. Other rooms were approached by paths that wound through the
gardens. There were large arrangements of flowers everywhere and it seemed they
had arrived in an exotic paradise. Jake watched Christine as she assessed the
decor, liking how she took note of all the details.

muster?” he asked and she smiled at him.

very well done. Restrained.” She waved at the interior, her delight clear. “It’s
the palette, you know. All the white and ivory. It contrasts so well with the
gardens and the flowers. The hotel looks cool and welcoming in contrast, like a
refuge.” She flicked him a glance and he realize—not for the first
time—how their respective professions complemented each other. “What’s
your assessment, Mr. Architect?”

like how the architect wove the gardens through the public spaces. It softens
the lines of the building.”

it look inviting.”

also gives a noise buffer and provides places to stash mechanicals. It’s
artfully done.”

smiled at his practicality, then took a deep breath. “I love the smell of the
gardens and that you can hear the fountains. It makes you feel as if you’ve
arrived in paradise.

the plan.”

smiled at him, serene and gorgeous. “Probably.”

again, Jake had the choice of teasing Christine or tossing her over his
shoulder. The sound of his mom’s voice close at hand made the decision for him.
“Just the kind of place you might meet a fantasy lover,” he said so quietly
that only she could hear.

flushed and threw him a hot glance. “I am so going to regret telling you that.”

flicked a glance at Ryan and his friends. “Maybe not.” He leaned closer. “Maybe
this is a place where dreams come true.”

I hope so,” Christine breathed, her eyes so bright that Jake knew for certain
she’d been giving him a hint.

was all he needed to lock in his plan.

look at these pearls!” Jake’s mom exclaimed, shooting him a look that could
have cut glass. Christine joined his mom at the display window of one of the
shops in the hotel. Jake held his ground, knowing he’d been warned.

his mom couldn’t manage everything all the time.

would be perfect for you,” Arlene said. “You’ve always said you wanted a good
string of pearls, and the price is very good.”

not sure I’m due to buy myself a present, Mom,” Christine demurred, her tone

do you like them?”

They’re beautifully matched and the perfect length.”

no time like the present, dear.”

laughed and led his mom to the next window. “I’ll think about it. There’s lots
of time.”

took note of the display window and the pearls they’d been considering. He and
Christine might have something to celebrate, after all.

was really glad that he’d upgraded his hotel reservation. He hadn’t wanted to
share with Ryan’s friends when they’d booked the trip, and had even thought he
might do some work if they had an internet connection. He’d upgraded to one of
the private cottages for himself and was really glad of it now that he knew
Christine’s fantasy.

and Jess had booked another of the cottages, a more secluded one further along the
beach from Jake’s. The rest of the wedding party and guests had rooms in the
two-storey main building. Christine and Fiona were sharing a room, which Jake
guessed would mean that Christine would have the room to herself most of the

resort was sprawling and the beach was private. It was lined with palm trees,
lounge chairs and cabanas. In addition, there were four pools scattered
throughout the gardens, half a dozen restaurants and numerous bars. The gardens
were so extensive that he imagined it would be easy to forget how many guests
were in residence, even possible to not see some fellow guests for the duration
of a stay. Jake would have to do some quick exploration this afternoon, decide
on locations and make a plan for tonight.

was coming together perfectly.

the happy couple. Ryan headed to the bar with his pals, abandoning a stricken
Jess in the lobby.

God, I should do something,” Christine murmured. “But what?”

touched her elbow. “Don’t worry. They booked a cottage. They’ll work it out.”

sighed and smiled for him. “I hope so. I really want them to live happily ever

flicked a fingertip across the tip of her nose. “Romantic.”

as charged,” she agreed cheerfully.

worked for Jake.

here’s hoping your fantasy man delivers.” He gave her a thumbs-up. “I’ll be
cheering for you.”

he marched off, a whistle on his lips, pretending her crestfallen expression
hadn’t stabbed him in the heart.

make it up to her before the day was through.



* * *


quick departure was disappointing, as far as Christine was concerned. She’d
hoped for a kiss, but no such luck. He apparently was going to take his mom’s
warning seriously. He’d headed off to his room in a hurry, as if he couldn’t
wait to get away from them all.

from her.

been so sure that it had been Jake kissing her on the plane, not a dream, so
his denial confused her. Had she murmured something incriminating in her sleep?
Had she put him off?

do you mean, my other bag isn’t here?” Jess demanded from the concierge’s desk.
“Where the hell is it? My wedding dress is in that bag!”

we go,” Fiona muttered. “And here I go.” She grabbed her bag and headed
determinedly toward the room Christine would be sharing with her.

winced, everyone else scattered, and it was left to Christine to try to console
the bride.

squared her shoulders, smiled and went to Jess’s side. When she slid her arm
around her friend’s shoulders, Christine could feel her shaking. “What can I do
to help?”

her dismay, Jess broke down into tears. “Is it so evil to have a dream?” she
wailed and Christine pulled her into a hug. “My beautiful dress! My dream
wedding! The man of my dreams! Why does everything have to get fucked up?”

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