The Best Laid Plans (Brothers of the Bayou) (2 page)

BOOK: The Best Laid Plans (Brothers of the Bayou)
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The men stood aside letting the
girls do their thing.  In time they separated and Lacy asked the question still on her mind.

, are you ok?  What happened at the hospital?”

’s smile reached from ear to ear and she held onto Justin’s hand.

“We’re having a baby!” she exclaimed.

Another round of squeals and hugs ensued.

am so happy! I can’t believe it.  But is everything ok?  Why did you have to go the hospital?”

Justin ush
ered them into the house and led Sara to an oversized recliner while Lacy took a seat on the sofa and Beaux stood off to the side with an unreadable expression.

“I took a home test last week, but my first appointment with an ob isn’t until next week.  This morning I had some cramping and bleeding, so I went to the ER.  Everything looks fine, but they did tell me I had to rest as much
as possible.  The good news is my boss has no choice but to start my vacation early.  The bad news is I am house bound.”

“My trip is perfect timing then.   I can help you around the house and take care of you while I am here.  We’ll play house like when we were kids but for real,” Lacy declared.

“Now Lacy, I haven’t seen you in a decade and you surely will not spend the next week taking care of me. I’m just pregnant, not an invalid. There is so much to see in Louisiana and I want you to enjoy your trip.  Besides, Beaux already agreed to show you around tomorrow while Justin and I were supposed to be at work.  He can just take you out a few other days as well.”

This was news to Lacy since she had never heard Beaux’s name mentioned even once until the text from Sara alerting her he would be
her chauffer home.  Beaux had a forced smile on his face that was far from reaching his eyes.  I’ll be damned if I spend a second with that man longer than necessary she proclaimed silently. Those stormy eyes held more trouble than she cared to know.

“Don’t be silly Sara.  You are the reason I am here, not to see a bunch of tourist sites. I am sure Beaux has better things to do than escort some girl around that he doesn’t even know.”

A cough from Beaux sounded suspiciously like a disguised snort.  So much for him being a gentleman. And the warning glare Justin just sent him was enough to convince her Beaux did not like the plan anymore than she did.  She would be an inconvenience to no man.

“Please Lacy.  I would feel horrible if you were stuck here in the house all week because of me.  We will have plenty of time together.  Go enjoy yourself some.”

Damn it, she had played the trump card.  Lacy could never do anything to make Sara feel worse, especially not in her current condition, which left her no other choice but to go along with this plan. 

Beaux sucked in his breath.  He had barely agreed to a day with Lacy, let alone several days.  Only Justin’
s pleading gaze and concern for Sara kept his mouth quiet.  Sara had become like a sister to him over the years and there was very little he wouldn’t do for her, but this was taking it too far.  She knew damn well the last thing he would want to do is spend extra time with her cousin but she effectively had his hands tied and knew it.

“I’d be happy to show you around,” he choked out in a voice that sounded foreign even to him. 

“I guess that’s settled then.” Lacy replied just as her stomach growled loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Oh dear, I’m such a bad hostess,” Sara said. “We had planned on having a few people over for dinner, but that idea obviously went awry. Ho
w about we call in something? Beaux and you can go pick it up.  That will give the two of you some time to talk and make plans for the week.”

Beaux couldn’t reply through his clenched teeth.  Had it been anyone else, he would be shooting daggers through his eyes. This was much more than he had agreed to.  To her credit, Lacy spoke up to say that would be fine, though her eyes also held the idea in similar disregard.    Truth be told, Beaux’s ego took a bit of a bruising.  He hadn’t expected Lacy to dislike him as much he did her.  Well, it wasn’t her per say, as much as the idea of her and being alone with her. Since Daniella had left he could count on one hand the number of times he had been alone with an unrelated female. 

Justin called in dinner to a local restaurant that was regionally famous and had even appeared once on a national food channel.   He handed Beaux some cash, which Beaux declined. 

“Ready to go?” he asked with that painted
on but oh so sexy smile.

Lacy grabbed her purse and walked to his truck. 
He cut in front of her, opening the door for her, back to his gentleman ways.  Maybe she should just lay all her cards on the table. Obviously, neither of them was too happy about it, but she had no intentions of spending a week being miserable with this impossible man.  As he drove off, she steeled her nerves and began speaking.

“Look, I’m not blind.  I know spending time with me is last on your list of priorities, right next to having a root canal.  I’m not happy about it either, but for Sara’s sake, let’s just make the best of it. For all I care, we can leave her house together and you can drop me off
somewhere.  But I will not see her stressed because of our lack of enthusiasm at being thrown together for the week.”

At least Beaux had the good grace to look mildly embarrassed at his lack of southern hospitality. 

“You’re right. Let’s just make the best of the situation.  There really is a lot to see and do around here and I can show you things off the beaten tourist path.  And for the record, it’s nothing personal against you.”

Lacy wasn’t exactly sure how she was supposed to respond to his last remark so decided to just keep quiet. At least they had formed some type of truce between them now. He drove his truck up in front of a run-down other building.  Lacy found it hard to believe this was the restaurant with the famous food, but she knew of several places back home where the building’s façade was deceptive of the food quality, both for better and for worse.

Beaux opened the doors to the Cajun Corner Café and let Lacy through.  That old feeling something bad was about to happen sent a shudder through him, but he pushed it aside.  He walked up to the counter and asked for Andre, who came out and chatted a bit before telling them their food would be just another few minutes.  Watching Lacy take in her surroundings almost brought a smile to his face.  He could only imagine how the eclectic décor looked to an outsider seeing it for the first time.  Stuffed wildlife of all kinds filled the walls; alligator, pelican, deer, squirrel and even nutria. The surprise on her face was evident, as she received her first dose of culture shock.

Just then he heard a familiar voice that sent chills down his spine. Shit. This was the epitome of everything she hated about Southern Louisiana so why of all places, was she here now.  Their eyes locked for a brief second and before common sense could take over, he whispered an apology to Lacy for what he was about to do, then
wrapped his arms tightly around her waist bringing her close to him.  Before she had time to react and push him away, he brought his lips to hers, engaging her in a passionate kiss, a bit too intimate for anyone watching.

Chapter 2:

A voice inside Lacy screamed at her to break off the kiss, but that voice had never been kissed like this. That voice had never had her insides quiver and tremble nor had Beaux’s tongue tease her with a delectable taste of mint and man.  All awareness of her surroundings fled away as a raw physical desire overcame her body.  The urgency in his kiss gave way to exploration of an uncovered attraction when a cough brought them back to reality.  Shame and fury replaced desire until she ran out of the restaurant without a backwards glance, leaving Beaux standing in a state of similar shock and awe.

“You succeeded in making her jealous,” Andre laughed and handed Beaux a bag filled with their dinner. He nodded toward Daniella standing at the entrance with her mouth gaped open at the intimate display of affection she
had just witnessed between her ex-fiancé and some girl she had never seen.  Envy seethed out of her and Mr. Moneybags tugged her arm, anxious to remove his wife from this embarrassing and awkward scene.

Beaux nodded too stunned to even speak.  Never in his life had he done something so rash and stupid.  Never before in his life had something felt so right and perfect, but he didn’t want to deal with that right now.  The pure attraction and need he felt kissing Lacy had to be a fluke and was a complication into his life that he did not welcome. He paid Andre and walked out afraid to face Lacy. The look on her face as she stormed off told him he wouldn’t get out of this without an as
s-chewing which he admittedly well deserved.  

She stood by his truck with smoke in her golden flecked eyes. He approached cautiously as if afraid she would slug him. 

“Uh, Lacy…”  Before he could say another word, she put her hands up, bringing his head down to meet her lips. Just as he had done moments earlier, she drew him into another kiss full of anger and sweet torture.  Except this time she was in control. When Beaux let a moan escape she broke off the kiss and pushed herself away from him.

“Now that we’re even, would you mind telling me what the hell that was all about?”  She spoke in even tones that belied her racing heart and torrent of hormones threatening to overcome.

“My ex-fiancé walked in with her new husband,” he said as if that alone should explain everything. There was no justifiable excuse and he knew that.

“So you used me as a pawn in some twisted game to make her jealous?” Beaux expected her to be pissed but instead she just looked hurt.

“It’s not like that,” he mumbled.  He couldn’t even look her in the face because he knew damn well that’s exactly what it was like.

“Let’s just forget it happened.  This week doesn’t need to become any more complicated than it already
is.” She turned and got into the truck, slamming the door shut behind her.

Gone was the arrogant Beaux she had met earlier in the day.  Now he just looked sad and contrite as he climbed into the driver’s seat.  Knowing he had remorse, made her feel a little better and truthfully she wasn’t all that mad at him.  
She really was just hurt that she had once again been used by a member of the male species and mad at herself for enjoying the kiss and not being able to cool the heat ignited inside of her.

Complete silence reigned on the drive back to Justin and Sara’s home, both Beaux and Lacy lost in thought. 

“Would you mind taking the food in please? I have to make a phone call,” Beaux asked in the first words spoken since leaving the café parking lot.  The phone call was a cover up but he needed time before facing Justin and Sara.  If he didn’t gather his wits and soon, they would know something was amiss.

“Sure.” Lacy grabbed the bag and went inside eager to put some distance between them.

Beaux stood outside his truck, running a hand through his hair out of nervous habit. The whole ordeal left him shaken and he had no idea what to do now.  Oddly, he felt no joy at seeing the jealousy marked on Daniella’s face.  In fact, he found a small amount of pity for the man she married, knowing that she didn’t love him.  Amidst his jolted emotions he had a moment of clarity about the type of woman Daniella really was and found himself wondering what type of woman Lacy was.

His phone rang and he didn’t recognize the number, but answered anyway since he claimed to have a phone call to make.  A telemarketer droned on
about the latest offering in satellite TV and Beaux listened to his spiel before hanging up.   Taking one last deep breath he walked up to the house.  Somehow he would pretend he hadn’t just experienced the most electrifying kiss of his life that had left him with a rediscovered need for the touch of a woman.

Throughout their dinner of jambalaya and corn bread, Sara chattered on about the baby and ideas for a nursery, blissfully ignorant of the tension surrounding her.  Only Justin had sensed a change in Beaux, but knew he had a propensity for brooding so just tossed it aside.

“Enough of my talking” Sara proclaimed. “Did you two decide what you want to do tomorrow?”

Lacy and Beaux froze like deer in headlights, not able to come up with a response. Fortunately, Sara was too happy about her latest news to notice and continued on.

“You should take her out to Avery Island and see the Jungle Gardens and the Tabasco Factory. I know you both like a little bit of spice and heat,” she suggested innocently.

This time they both spit out their drinks coughing and sputtering. 

Sara looked back and forth between them unsure of what she was missing.

“That’s exactly what we had decided to do,” Beaux announced with a forced laugh trying his best to cover the situation.

Lacy quickly caught on.  “Great minds think alike. We even joked that you would probably suggest we go there first.”

Sara didn’t look totally convinced but let it go.

“You’ll have fun.  I haven’t been in years, but it used to be one of my favorite spots.”

The conversation died while they finished their meal.   Sara started to clean up, but Lacy stopped her and sent her back to the living room to rest.   She was just drying the last dish when Beaux walked in. 

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