The Beltane Witch (Cloudburst Colorado) (23 page)

BOOK: The Beltane Witch (Cloudburst Colorado)
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The Goddess’s gaze fell on Sabrina and she wondered if any of this could be real.

“Yes, dear little witch. More real than you might later realize. You’ve been offered a great many gifts by those who love you. Have faith and take them to heart.”

She turned her gaze to Darius. Sabrina heard nothing but the breeze through the ropes of the bridge and her own throbbing heartbeat, which s
eemed to be growing louder. The Goddess rested Her hand on theirs where they joined and power flared, turning the world white once more. But before everything faded away, Sabrina caught the pale smudge of a great spreading tree emerging from the mists.

Tír na nÓg.

White hot bliss seared all conscious thought away and the throbbing music and drums returned full force. Sabrina panted with the aftereffects of her release, the bliss slowly draining away. She came back to herself seated on Darius’s lap and her pussy tightly gripping his cock. He seemed just as winded and surprised to return to the bonfire in the sacred circle. He met her gaze and she read wonder and awe in his eyes.

“Did you see Her?”

“Yes. She blessed our offering.” His cock flexed within her and she moaned, her pussy squeezing in appreciation.

“What else did S
he say to you?”

Darius took a breath to answer
, but a fanfare broke out, and they turned their heads to watch the Summer Queen depart. Courtiers gathered to follow after, taking their mage fyre globes with them. The music had dwindled to the whistle of the wind through the trees and the thunder of their own heartbeats. The Queen disappeared into the trees, taking the light and excitement with her. Sabrina and Darius sat alone on the altar to the Goddess with a few pairs of dancers reclining together at the edges of the sacred circle.

The bonfire had settled down to crackle happily in its bed, its heat retreating as its fuel dwindled to charcoal
. A breeze snaked across the open space and caressed Sabrina’s bare buttocks. She shivered and cuddled closer to Darius’s chest. He smelled of wood smoke, hot sex, and…

“Are you cold, Sabrina?” He wrapped
her in his arms, surrounding her with his heat.

“Yes, a little. My ass is hanging in the wind.” He chuckled at her words and slid his hands down to grip her butt. “Oh, glory,
that feels good.” The heat of his hands seeped into her.

“Perhaps we should get dressed.” He moved his hands to her waist under her skirt, caressing as he went. “It looks as though the party’s over.”

Sabrina nodded, but didn’t move to get up. She held his gaze in the fading light of the fire, trying to decide if she should say anything. She didn’t have much time and it could all be for naught, but she screwed up her courage and took a deep breath.

“I love you, Darius.”




Darius couldn’t have been more surprised if someone had cracked him over the head with a
Did she just say she loved me?
He sat with a sexy, wanton woman on his cock and lost all coherent thought to his overwhelming joy and excitement.


“Yes, sorry. Can you repeat that?”

She gave him a shy smile. “I love you.”

The joy bubbled up and spread across his face in a wide grin. “That is most excellent news.”

He reached up and tilted her head to his lips. She sighed and opened for him. Her acceptance warmed his heart as he slipped his tongue into her mouth and kissed her with all the joy pouring out of him. The slide of her tongue against his stirred his cock, and she moaned, breaking the kiss.

“I think I should get down. My knees are starting to hurt.”

Nothing like reality to kill an erotic moment.
He murmured an apology and helped lift her off his half-hard shaft. She hissed as she straightened her legs and stood to the side of the altar, rubbing the backs of her knees. His own hiss lit the air as the cool wind touched his wet cock, wrapping fingers of cold around him. He rose and searched for his discarded pants, belatedly recalling she wore less than he.

Darius searched the grounds beside the altar, spotting her clothes first.

, let’s get you dressed and wrapped up. The wind has turned chill.” He offered her the trousers and watched as she slipped them over her legs. Shivering as the breeze nipped his balls, he found his pants in a pool of shadow. He jerked them on and tied the drawstring, sighing with relief as the cold cut off.

“Feel better?” Sabrina’s voice held amusement. Her lavender eyes glittered through the mask in the dying light of the fire
and the aragonite necklace flashed as she turned. “Come on. Let’s head home. I think the Fae want to clean up and we’re just in their way.”

She held out her hand to him and chagrin slid through him. Where had his manners gone? He grasped her hand and tucked it into the crook of his elbow, gathering
her against his side. She sighed and snuggled closer, a sweet smile curling her lips. The smile fueled his joy and pride. His mind ran around in happy little circles like a puppy when its mistress returns.
She loves me. She loves me.

The magic energy floated around them in swirls of sparkles like pixie dust, but the tingling flur
ries cut off as soon as they stepped out of the trees. Darius took a deep breath with the sense of a new life unfolding before him

Sabrina retrieved her shawl just outside the sacred circle and he helped wrap it around her, stealing a kiss when she stood encircled in his arms. The noses of their masks clacked together and
she giggled.

“Maybe we should take these off.” She trailed her fingers over her auburn mask, lifting
it off her face. She’d looked exotic in the mask, but the beauty of her face stirred his cock, even after all the sex.

Darius pulled his own mask off and tucked her close to his side again. “Come. Let’s get out of the wind. Shall I drive us home?”

“Do you want to? I can do it.”

“I’d be happy to drive us back.”

“Okay.” She handed him the keys and he escorted her to her door. She pulled it open and he handed her up into the seat. She gave him a tired and grateful smile as he closed her in.

A warm and companionable silence enveloped them as they drove back toward her house. Darius glanced over at the woman he loved seated beside him and his heart swelled
. She was perfect. Strong, intelligent, and beautiful, he thanked his lucky stars she’d returned his love. His admiration for her had grown over the time he’d spent with her, and he drove on with the determination to stay in her world.

The headlights of her van swung across the front of her house as they turned up the gravel drive and unease slid across his gut. A subtle golden glow illuminated the front porch and he swallowed hard when he caught sight of what waited for them.

The Summer Queen and a few privileged members of her Court stood in the trees beside the house. The Queen looked lovely in her pale green and gold finery, elegant and regal, but cold. When she offered a sweetly malicious smile, Darius’s heart sank.
What is she up to?




Darius pulled the van to a stop and sat for a few moments with the motor running. Sabrina followed his gaze to the Summer Queen and wondered why her smile gave Sabrina the willies. Something had gone wrong, but she couldn’t think what. They’d performed the rituals. The Goddess had blessed them and accepted the offering. What else needed to be done?


He gave her a wan smile and handed her the keys. “Come. Let’s find out what Her Majesty needs.”

Sabrina slid out of her seat and tossed the door closed as she wrapped her shawl around her shoulders. While the Fae Court looked beautiful, her instincts wailed in warning. She didn’t think the Fae Queen usually made house
calls to the witches who performed the rituals, and Darius’s reaction supported her belief.

“Welcome, Chamberlain Winterbourne and Lady Foxglove.” The Queen’s musical voice floated over them along with her magic, but it didn’t ease Sabrina’s worry. “
We wish to offer our thanks for your efforts in the rituals, Lady Foxglove.”

The Queen inclined her head and Sabrina resisted the urge to curtsey.

“You’ve chosen an excellent guardian for the sacred site, Chamberlain Winterbourne. We are pleased someone of such strength shall preside over it.”

gratitude suffused Her Majesty’s words, but despite the magic cajoling them to believe, Sabrina waited for the other shoe to drop. She glanced at Darius as he bowed graciously, but tension mantled his shoulders.
He knows something’s up, too.

“We are honored by your approval, Your Majesty.” Darius gave his own false smile.

“In honor of your faithful and excellent service, Chamberlain, We shall grant you two boons. Because you’ve upheld your end of our agreement, you’ve been reinstated as Chamberlain at Court, you shall retain your longevity, your family sword, and your honor, and the Winterbourne name shall be held forever sacred, with respect and honor. Your position is assured.”

dipped his head in acknowledgement, but Sabrina’s gut clenched. “
What agreement?”

The agreement to keep his position in exchange for your performance of the High rituals.” The Queen offered her sweetly malicious smile again. “And you performed admirably, Lady Foxglove.”

na heard the compliment, but anger seethed in her gut.
Darius did this to keep his job?
It didn’t matter she’d decided to attend the ceremony on her own. He’d betrayed her for a position at Court. For family honor and name. For a

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” She
curtsied to hide her expression.

“And now for your second boon, Chamberlain.”

“Perhaps Your Majesty would grant me the opportunity to ask for this boon at a later date.” Darius shot a wary look in Sabrina’s direction, but she ignored him. “Your generosity is beyond my expectations.”

The Queen smiled at the flattery. “Very well, Chamberlain. We shall grant your request as We are feeling quite generous tonight. But We expect your
report on tonight’s events as soon as you return to Court.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Darius bowed again.

“You’re returning to Court?” Sabrina couldn’t stop the incredulous question bursting out.

“Please excuse us a moment, Your Majesty.”

The Queen inclined her head as Darius took Sabrina’s hand and dragged her away from the Fae, their curious eyes gleaming with renewed interest. Nothing like a good intrigue to send the gossip flying.

s going on, Darius? Did you really make a deal with the Summer Queen?”

“Yes. At the time it
was the only way to protect my family and my honor.”

And your job and your sword, according to her. What happened to ‘I love you and want to stay with you forever?’ Was it all part of your plan to save
your job

Not just my position, Sabrina. At the time she threatened me, you hadn’t made your decision yet. I never hid my intentions from you. I needed you to do the rituals.”

“And aren’t you lucky I m
ade the decision for myself. Made it so easy for you.” Her stomach curdled. “Fucking for employment. You’re the perfect man-whore, Darius. You even got paid with position, honor, name, and sword. Nicely done.”


“No.” She pulled away from his reaching hands. If he cradled her against him, she’d capitulate. “Get away from me. Don’t touch me. You’ve made your choice and secured your job. Go back to your Fae Court and live with your ‘honor’ for your long life with your sword. As far as I’m concerned, you have no

“Sabrina, please.” He reached for her again, but she stepped back. “She threatened to ban my family from Court and strike our name from the records. I couldn’t
destroy their hopes.”

“No, of course not. I see where I stand in
terms of what’s important to you. Family name, honor, sword, then lover. Or am I even in that category? The way it looks, I’m just another pussy in a long line of them.”

, you’re so much more to me.”

“Don’t call me
that.” She snarled straight into his face. “Nice job stringing me along. I applaud you on your skills of manipulation. I fell for all of it.”

“Dammit, woman, listen to me!” He grabbed her arms and glared, nose to nose with her. “I want you and I’d sacrifice everything to stay.” He softened his grasp and gave her a pleading look. “You promised you’d give me the time to take my leave. You said you’d wait for me to return to you.”

“I said it when I thought you meant your lies. But now you’re free. You don’t have to return. Ever. Your position and family honor are evidently more important to you.” She gritted her teeth and met his gaze, barely holding back her urge to spit at him. “Go back to your life and leave me alone.”

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