Read The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life Online

Authors: Richard J. Herrnstein,Charles A. Murray

Tags: #History, #Science, #General, #Psychology, #Sociology, #Genetics & Genomics, #Life Sciences, #Social Science, #Educational Psychology, #Intelligence Levels - United States, #Nature and Nurture, #United States, #Education, #Political Science, #Intelligence Levels - Social Aspects - United States, #Intellect, #Intelligence Levels

The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life (2 page)

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In the first half of the century, the high school diploma becomes the norm

In predicting which white youths will never complete a high school education, IQ is more important than SES

For temporary dropouts, the importance of SES increases sharply

For white youths, being smart is more important than being privileged in getting a college degree

Since mid-century, teenage boys not in school are increasingly not employed either

IQ and socioeconomic background have opposite effects on leaving the labor force among white men

High IQ lowers the probability of a month-long spell of unemployment among white men, while socioeconomic background has no effect

In the early 1970s, the marriage rate began a prolonged decline for no immediately apparent reason

High IQ raises the probability of marriage for the white high school sample, while high socioeconomic background lowers it

The divorce revolution

IQ and socioeconomic background have opposite effects on the likelihood of an early divorce among young whites

The illegitimacy revolution

IQ has a large effect on white illegitimate births independent of the mother’s socioeconomic background

IQ is a more powerful predictor of illegitimacy among poor white women than among white women as a whole

The welfare revolution

Even after poverty and marital status are taken into account, IQ played a substantial role in determining whether white women go on welfare

Socioeconomic background and IQ are both important in determining whether white women become chronic welfare recipients

A white mother’s IQ has a significant role in determining whether her baby is underweight while her socioeconomic background does not

A white mother’s IQ and socioeconomic background each has a large independent effect on her child’s chances of spending the first three years of life in poverty

A white mother’s IQ is more important than her socioeconomic background in predicting the worst home environments

Both a white mother’s IQ and socioeconomic background have moderate relationships with developmental problems in the child

A white mother’s IQ dominates the importance of socioeconomic background in determining the child’s IQ

The boom in violent crime after the 1950s

On two diverse measures of crime, the importance of IQ dominates socioeconomic background for white men

Cognitive ability and the Middle Class Values index

Overview of studies of reporting black-white differences in cognitive test scores, 1918-1990

The black and white IQ distributions in the NLSY, Version I

The black and white IQ distributions in the NLSY, Version II

Black IQ scores go up with socioeconomic status, but the black-white difference does not shrink

After controlling for IQ, the probability of graduating from college is about the same for whites and Latinos, higher for blacks

After controlling for IQ, blacks and Latinos have substantially higher probabilities than whites of being in a high-IQ occupation

After controlling for IQ, ethnic wage differentials shrink from thousands to a few hundred dollars

Controlling for IQ cuts the poverty differential by 77 percent for blacks and 74 percent for Latinos

After controlling for IQ, the ethnic discrepancy in male unemployment shrinks by more than half for blacks and disappears for Latinos

Controlling for IQ explains little of the large black-white difference in marriage rates

Controlling for IQ narrows the Latino-white difference in illegitimacy but leaves a large gap between blacks and whites

Controlling for IQ cuts the gap in black-white welfare rates by half and the Latino-white gap by 84 percent

Even among poor mothers, controlling for IQ does not diminish the black-white disparity in welfare recipiency

Controlling for IQ cuts the black-white disparity in low-birth-weight babies by half

Controlling for IQ reduces the discrepancy between minority and white children living in poverty by more than 80 percent

Controlling for IQ cuts the ethnic disparity in home environments by half for blacks and more than 60 percent for Latinos

Controlling for IQ more than eliminates overall ethnic differences in the developmental indexes

Based on national norms, high percentages of minority children remain in the bottom decile of IQ after controlling for the mother’s IQ

Controlling for IQ cuts the black-white difference in incarceration by almost three-quarters

The MCV Index, before and after controlling for IQ

The higher the education, the fewer the babies

Fertility falls as educational level rises in similar fashion for black, white, and Latino women

The swing in social problems that can result from small shifts in the mean IQ of a population

Forty-eight percent of the poor in 1989 came from the bottom 20 percent in intelligence

Two-thirds of high school dropouts came from the bottom 20 percent in intelligence

Seventeen percent of the men who worked year-round in 1989 were in the bottom 20 percent of intelligence

Sixty-four percent of able-bodied men who did not work in 1989 were in the bottom 20 percent of intelligence

Twenty-nine percent of able-bodied men who were temporarily out of work in 1989 were in the bottom 20 percent of intelligence

Sixty-two percent of men ever interviewed in jail or prison came from the bottom 20 percent of intelligence

Forty-five percent of women who ever received welfare were in the bottom 20 percent of intelligence

Fifty-seven percent of chronic welfare recipients were in the bottom 20 percent of intelligence

Fifty-two percent of illegitimate children were born to mothers in the bottom 20 percent of intelligence

Thirty-one percent of children living with divorced or separated mothers had mothers with IQs in the bottom 20 percent of intelligence

Forty-five percent of low-birth-weight babies had mothers in the bottom 20 percent of intelligence

Fifty-six percent of all children from the bottom decile in home environment were born to mothers in the bottom 20 percent of intelligence

Sixty-three percent of children who lived in poverty throughout the first three years had mothers in the bottom 20 percent of intelligence

Seventy-two percent of children in the bottom decile of IQ had mothers in the bottom 20 percent of intelligence

Ten percent of people scoring “yes” on the Middle Class Values index were in the bottom 20 percent of intelligence

The diminishing returns to coaching for the SAT

IQ gains attributable to the Consortium preschool projects

A half-century of Iowa tests: Improvement as the norm, the slump as a twelve-year aberration

Forty-one years of SAT scores

Among the most gifted students, there is good news about math, bad news about verbal

At selective schools, the median black edge was 180 SAT points, while Asians faced a median penalty of 30 points

When aggressive affirmative action began, black college enrollment surged for a decade

The student’s-eye-view of cognitive ability

The uncertain effects of affirmative action in the workplace

A revised view of equal employment opportunity after correcting for ethnic differences in the IQ distributions

In the 1970s, economic growth began to enlarge the affluent class

List of Tables

Overlap Across the Educational Partitions

The Validity of the GATB for Different Types of Jobs

The Validity of the AFQT for Military Training

The Role of
in Explaining Training Success for Various Military Specialties

The Validity of Some Different Predictors of Job Performance

Education, Experience, and Wages, 1979-1987

White Poverty by Parents’ Socioeconomic Class

White Poverty by Cognitive Class

Failure To Get a High School Education Among Whites

Which White Young Men Spent a Month or More Out of the Labor Force in 1989?

Job Disability Among Young White Males

Which White Young Men Spent a Month or More Unemployed in 1989?

Which Whites Get Married When?

Which Whites Get Divorced When?

The Incidence of Illegitimacy Among Young White Women

The Proportion of First Births That Are Illegitimate

Circumstances of the First Birth Among Whites

Which White Women Go on Welfare After the Birth of the First Child?

Educational Attainment of White Chronic Welfare Recipients

Low Birth Weight Among White Babies

Which White Children Grow Up in the Worst Homes?

Which White Toddlers Have the Worst Temperaments?

Which White Children Are Behind in Motor and Social Development?

Which White Children Have the Worst Behavioral Problems?

IQ in the Mother and the Child for Whites in the NLSY

Criminality and IQ Among White Males

The Odds of Getting Involved with the Police and Courts for Young White Males

The Odds of Doing Time for Young White Males

Whites and the Middle-Class Values Index

Reductions in the Black-White Difference on the National Assessment of Educational Progress

Black Wages As a Percentage of White Wages, 1989

Age at Childbearing

The Next Generation So Far, for Three Ethnic Groups in the NLSY

Ethnic Differences in Test Scores in Two Generations

Regression to the Mean and Ethnic Differences in Test Scores in Two Generations

IQ Equivalents for the Deciles

Prevalence of Low IQ Among Mothers of Children with Developmental Problems

What SAT Score Decline? The Results of the National Norm Studies, 1955-1983

Affirmative Action Weights: The Law School Aptitude Test

Affirmative Action Weights: The Medical College Admissions Test

Applicants to Graduate Schools

The Black-White IQ Difference by Job Category, 1990

Typical Results of State Teacher Competency Examinations

Job Performance of Black Affirmative Action Plumbers and Pipe Fitters Compared to White Regular Hires

A Note to the Reader

We have designed
The Bell Curve
to be read at several levels.

At the simplest level, it is only about thirty pages long. Each chapter except the Introduction and the final two chapters opens with a precis of the main findings and conclusions minus any evidence for them, written in an informal style free of technical terms. You can get a good idea of what we have to say by reading just those introductory essays.

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