The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life (150 page)

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Authors: Richard J. Herrnstein,Charles A. Murray

Tags: #History, #Science, #General, #Psychology, #Sociology, #Genetics & Genomics, #Life Sciences, #Social Science, #Educational Psychology, #Intelligence Levels - United States, #Nature and Nurture, #United States, #Education, #Political Science, #Intelligence Levels - Social Aspects - United States, #Intellect, #Intelligence Levels

BOOK: The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life
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maternal IQ and, 214-217

Lynn, Richard, 272-274, 289, 359, 565, 566

Madison, James, 531, 532

Maguire, Timothy, 450, 455

Malinowski, Bronislaw, 177

Malparenting, 207-210

parental IQ and, 211-213

socioeconomic status and, 207-210

Mare, Robert, 111

Marriage, 168-172;
See also

age at, 169-171

assortive mating, 110-113

rates of

educational attainment and, 171-172

ethnic differences in, 329, 330

IQ and, 169-172

socioeconomic status and, 170-172

trends in, 168-169

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 43, 454, 473-475

Math skills, 422-423, 425-429, 431-433

Mating, assortative, 110-113

McGurk, Frank, 655

Media, 562

Median overlap, 48-49

Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT), 456, 457, 657-658

Medical schools, affirmative action and, 456-457

Mental retardation, intensive interventions for children at risk of, 406-409

Mercer, Jane, 304-306

Meritocracy, 511-512

Messick, Samuel, 401

Meta-analysis, 71-73

Middle-Class Values (MCV) Index, 263-266, 339-340, 385

Military jobs, 73-77, 80

Mills, C. Wright, 58

Milwaukee Project, 408-409, 574

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), 7

Multicollinearity, 124

Multiculturalism in curriculum, 433

Multiple intelligence, theory of, 17-21

Multiple regression analysis, 569, 590-591

Murchison, Carl, 241

Murray, Charles, 556, 574

Murphy, Kevin, 94

National Academy of Sciences, 74

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 290-291, 292, 294, 420, 422

National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY), description of, 36, 49, 56, 98, 113, 118-120, 124, 347, 567, 593-601, 667-668

Child abuse and neglect

Neighborhoods, 537-540

Neuman, Russell, 261-262

Neumark, David, 97

Nie, Norman, 259, 260

Nisbett, Richard, 572-573

Normal distribution, 44, 580-582

Novak, Michael, 555-556, 572

Nutrition, 391-393, 407, 414, 514

Occupational status

affirmative action and, 485-486, 488-492

ethnic differences in, 320-322

IQ and, 571

voting behavior and, 259-260

Occupational stratification, 51-61

assortative mating and, 112-113

business executives and, 57-60

childhood intelligence and adult outcomes and, 53

educational attainment and, 52, 57-60, 64

educational credentials and, 64-65

family resemblance in status and, 53-54

growth of high-IQ professions and, 54-57

income stratification and, 97, 98, 100-101

Ogbu, John, 307

Osborn, Frederick, 346

Out-of-wedlock births:

Owen, Kenneth, 565, 566

Panel Study of Income Dynamics, 119

Parenting, 203-233

abuse and neglect

parental IQ and, 211-213, 567

socioeconomic status and, 207-210

educational attainment and

cognitive outcomes, 232

developmental problems and, 229

home environment for child development, 225

low-birth-weight infants, 217

poverty throughout childhood, 220

“good,” 204-205

maternal IQ

child development and:
Child development

cognitive outcomes and, 230-232, 337-338

ethnic differences in, 334-338

low-IQ prevalence, 377-384

well-being of infants and, 213-218;
See also
Low-birth-weight infants, 332-333, 334

poverty and, 137-141

single mothers:
Single mothers

socioeconomic status and

abuse and neglect, 207-210

cognitive outcomes, 230-232

developmental problems, 228

home environment for child development, 222-223

parenting style, 205-207

poverty throughout childhood, 218-220

Partitioning, cognitive:
Cognitive classes and social behavior; Cognitive elite

Payner, Brook, 485

Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT), 230-231, 337-338, 355

Pearson, Karl, 2-3, 15

Peckham, Robert, 11

Pelton, Leroy, 210

Percentiles, 582-583

Perkins, Frances, 192

Perry Preschool Program, 404-405

Physical disability, 161-163, 365, 367

Piaget, Jean, 16

Pioneer Fund, 564

Polansky, Norman, 212

Policy agenda, 527-552

for affirmative action

in higher education, 475-477

in the workplace, 498-508

demography issues, 548-549

for education, 435-445

realism about how federal reforms will work, 439-442

realism about limits of general improvements, 436-439

restoring concept of “educated person,” 442-445

equality as an ideal, 528-535

income distribution, 547-548

race and, 554

raising IQ, 413-416, 572

rule simplification, 541-552

“valued places” in society, 535-540

Political participation, 255-263

development in children, 256-258

voting behavior, 258-263

educational attainment and, 259-261

IQ and, 261-262

socioeconomic status and, 258-259

Postindustrial economy, 575

Poverty, 127-142, 567

child abuse and, 209

educational attainment and, 135-137, 220

ethnic differences in, 326-327, 333, 334

history of, 128-129

low-birth-weight infants and, 216-217

low-IQ prevalence and, 370-371, 567

parenting and

cognitive outcomes, 232

developmental problems, 229

throughout early childhood, 218-220, 333-334, 365, 367

home environment for child development, 223-224

illegitimacy, 187-190, 567

low-IQ prevalence, 382-383, 567

maternal IQ, 138-139, 218-220

maternal socioeconomic status, 139-141

Welfare dependency

socioeconomic status and

vs. IQ, 130-137, 141-142

of single mothers, 139-140

Predictive validity:
Validity, test

Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT), 422

Prenatal care, 214

Pre-school programs, 403-410, 414-415

Project Intelligence, 410

Psychometrics, 1-24, 558, 559, 560, 561

controversies in, 8-14, 560

history of, 1-14

schools of, 14-24

Quay, L. C., 660

Race, 554, 562-566

Race norming, 453, 503-504

Racism, 6, 9-10, 328, 358, 453, 525-526

Ramey, Craig, 407

Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM), 273, 290, 306, 565, 566

Rawlsian state, 554

Reaction time, 283-284, 303

Ree, Malcolm, 76

Regression analysis, 568, 569, 589-591, 617-647

logistic, 591

cognitive classes and social behavior, 122-126, 617-647

ethnic inequalities in relation to IQ, 669-677

multiple, 590-591

regression coefficients, 569, 589-590

Regression to the mean, 357

Reich, Robert, 517, 555

Retherford, Robert, 169

Reynolds, Cyril, 302

Roberts, Gwilym, 392

Roper Organization, 515

Rose, Steven, 313

Rosenstone, Steven, 259

Rothman, Stanley, 295, 558

Rushton, J. Philippe, 563-564, 666-667

Scarr, Sandra, 309-310

Scatter, diagrams, 584-585

Schiff, Michel, 411

Schmidt, Frank, 71

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), 11, 12

bias against blacks and, 280-282

black and white differences in scores

affirmative action and, 451-458

narrowing gap in, 292, 294-295, 662-664

coaching and, 400-402, 657-659

conversion into IQ scores, 38-39

decline in scores

average high school students and, 422-423

of college-bound students, 425-427

verbal, of gifted students, 428-429

distribution for all high school seniors: 1961, 40

East Asians and, 301

elite colleges and, 39-40, 43, 49

Harvard University: 1952 and 1960, 29

as predictor of life success, 66, 80

School dropouts, 143-151, 153-154

by cognitive class, 146-147

crime and, 250

IQ of, 145-146, 567

low-IQ prevalence and, 371-372

socioeconomic status vs. IQ and, 147-151

welfare dependency and, 199

Schorr, Lisbeth, 574

Separated mothers:
Single mothers

Shockley, William, 10

Silverberg, Eugene, 496, 497

Single mothers


divorce probabilities of children and, 176


poverty and

among children, 137-141

illegitimacy, 187-190

welfare dependency:
Welfare dependency

Skinner, B. F., 8

Snyderman, Mark, 295

Social problems:
Cognitive classes and social problems; Ethnic differences: on indicators of social problems; Low cognitive ability: social problems and prevalence of

Socioeconomic status (SES)

black and white differences and

in income, 324-325

in IQ, 286-288

college graduates and, 151-153

crime and, 248-250

divorce probability and, 174-175

educational attainment:
Educational attainment

employment problems and, 158-166

ethnic differences in, 274-275

illegitimacy and, 182-183, 186, 188-189

IQ and, 567, 570-572, 668

low-birth-weight infants and, 215, 216

marriage and, 112, 172-174

parenting and, 205-210, 222-223, 229-232, 230-232

political socialization of children and, 257

poverty and, 130-137, 139-142, 218-220

school dropouts and, 147-151

voting behavior and, 258-259

welfare dependency and, 195-201

Socioeconomic stratification

educational stratification and, 30

heritability of IQ and, 105-110, 568, 572

Herrnstein’s syllogism and, 10, 105, 108-110

residential segregation and, 104-105

Sowell, Thomas, 363, 430, 555, 556

Spearman, Charles, 2-4, 14, 15, 559

Spearman’s hypothesis, 301-304, 655, 660

Spuhler, J. N., 310

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